TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind, it is hoped, will become a global movement to transition the world to solar and wind before falling off Hubbert's Cliff, and in the likely event that neither this movement gets going, nor that the world does transition, to prepare people for the economic and environmental hell that, I believe, is likely to plague the world, until the death of all species. Although I have big dreams, I have yet to see any of them come true. So on a more pragmatic level, I hope that this work touches many people, and builds their strength in God's Love, as well as, helps them enjoy the next decade, before the beginning of the economic mayhem that I anticipate from 2025-2035, due primarily to the political economic consequences of a world ravaged by the EMM&MS, and global aging. That it helps you prepare for the world falling off Hubbert's Cliff, and the global economic chaos, due to peak energy. That it helps you plan for the environmental significant challenges that, I believe, will be becoming much more frequent by this time. Lastly, to the extent possible, it helps you to prepare for the "hell on earth," that I believe the world is facing from mid century (2050) on, due to all of the above, plus the potential for The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop, being unleashed on the world!
The ONLY Solution, what I call "The UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan" is for the UN to issue 5% of countries GDP annually NOW in "save the species," country specific, non-debt based currency and invest these funds in transitioning the world to solar and wind until completed, and for the "EMM&MS Buyout of their fossil fuel interests," to preserve these fossil fuels for generations to come, and prohibit, if successful, ever having the EMM&MS and the fossil fuel industries, the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, threatening our species again!
"How the Rothschilds and Bankers Control America" documentary discusses how to transition to country specific (can't split monetary and fiscal policies) non-debt based currency, which I agree with their plan. The title is the link to the video, and it is at the bottom of The 16 Forces and Factors page. Their non-debt base currency plan, I argue, is the only solution to the US $200 trillion plus, fiscal gap, which the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, the EMM&MS, have dumped on us, due to their insatiable greed for money and power.
The four uses of this non-debt based currency would be to: 1) transition to solar and wind globally, 2) the purchase of the EMM&MS fossil fuel interests, 3) purchase out all Central Banks and have them state owned, and 4) to purchase out the global war industries, to have them state owned. In that order of priority, I argue, the first two are critical to the survival of the species, the latter two, to the freedom from the plutocrats and their corporatetocracy mercenaries. To really insure this freedom, a 100% inheritance tax on family wealth over $100 million should be implemented, but as I know that the EMM&MS evil powers are so strong, and the rest of you are so weak, I trust that this is beyond the powers of the people.
Add to this a 5% additional amount of currency, above GDP growth, or more likely and desirable, GDP controlled decline (-3% GDP plus 5% = 2% money supply growth), to transition to solar and wind, from fossil fuels, having each country acquire all fossil fuels and all Central Banks, until the world is transitioned to primarily solar and wind.
The UN and US military could be used to help implement this plan. The focus should be small to medium sized owner and employee, run and owned companies. Large transnational and multinational firms should rarely be used, only when the latter small to medium sized companies can not be used, due to serious economies of scale. Inflation risk is meaningless, given the level of extinction risk, and I would argue, nominal, given the noted driving forces that I just summarized that may collapse the world into a Global Deflationary, then Inflationary, Great Depression until The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop insures the death of our species!
The Only Justice is to take the advice of the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascist, masquerading as Libertarians, beloved Austrian School scholars, and become enlightened consumers and:
Bury Them in Product Liability Suits Globally, do not agree to any universally binding awards, take their fossil fuel holdings as partial settlements, go after these EMM&MS and fossil fuel companies in every country, state, etc. Trust me, sadly the damages will become more horrific and the science will become more conclusive, until the death of all species. Bury them until they are bankrupt.
Boycott their Products and Services Globally, and hopefully,
Bankrupt Them in Product Liability Awards, the EMM&MS, the Ruthless Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, the Evil Wrong, the Dark Money Monsters, that surpass all other awards for all products combined, and by Collapsing Demand for their products and services, by the end of our species, which they have caused! What amount of awards could possibly pay for the extinction of all species?
TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind (, is a hoped for non-profit that I would like to champion globally, to facilitate this justice globally; to promote the "UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan;" to promote aggressive and substantial "carbon taxes;" and, to promote subsidies and net metering for solar and wind.
Our most important objectives are to be one in our "True Spirit of God's Love." To live out our remaining years on Planet Titanic, getting closer to The Love of God, and embracing this love, in how we love others, even those that persecute us, to forgive those that hurt us, and to help those in need. Until we stand before The God of Love, and embrace our True Spirits in God's Love for Eternity!
TransitionNOW to Allowing the Global Markets to Collapse, then TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind to Stabilize the Global Economies Not Re-inflate the Global Asset Bubbles. A global economic collapse is the only thing that will stop global growth, and hence, the risk of rising carbon levels, and massive methane hydrates releasing. If the world economies collapsed, then asset values stayed where the income provided a reasonable risk adjusted return. While the world used the UN Save the Species Non-debt Based Currency Plan to transition to Solar and Wind. This, I argue, has the best odds of saving the species.
TrasitioNOW! to Adoption or NOT having children. The only primary solution that the bottom 99% can control is to not have children, for their sake and that of the species, and adopt, if you want children. The goal is to voluntarily average around 1 child in three families, until a global population of around 2 billion is achieved. Then a replacement level of children, around 2.2 per family would be optimal. In my view, it is this or all children will be dead, along with the rest of us, soon!
TransitioNOW to Managed Global Economic Decline and Depopulation. If the conclusions of this work are correct, the world will either transition to managed global economic decline and depopulation, or Mother Nature will facilitate this in a horrific and permanent manner. I just watched the G20 conference, and the primary focus, how to accelerate economic growth! It is either TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, or It Is THE END!
TransitioNOW to Capturing and/or Neutralizing the Methane and Carbon being released from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and Siberian Permafrost which currently threatens the death of all species, if the arguments on this site are correct. Not sure exactly how this might be done, some type of chemical foam material sprayed over this area, where the material absorbs the methane and carbon, or the chemical neutralizes it. I will have to rely on the chemists and the scientific community to run with this idea. Hopefully this germ of an idea may stimulate a species saving solution! Just after I wrote this idea down, I watched the video "Rethinking Methane in the Arctic." It seems to have some hope for the role of iron in potentially neutralizing methane in the tundra. Not sure if this has any application to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf or the Siberian tundra, but we can certainly hope something like this emerges. I note on the next page, that even removing the methane and carbon risks in Siberia will not eliminate the "hell on earth," due to falling off Hubbert's Cliff, over population, and climate impacts such as expanding deserts, flooding, rising oceans, ocean acidification, pollution, etc., etc. But it may eliminate the risk of total extinction of the species.
TransitioNOW to Super Structure Encasings of All Ocean and Land Based Nuclear Reactors to insure that as sea levels increase by as much as 60 plus feet, with super storms, and with the world becoming a world wide failed state, that these nuclear reactors will not implode and explode. Include a fail safe super foam or product that will contain the radioactive materials in these super structures, in the event of the structure being overwhelmed or failing.
TransitioNOW! to GTLBX Sustainable Communities, I hope, will establish communities, like Provencetown, MA, that are GTLBX based, around the world, but also in New Zeland primarily, and secondarily, Australia, to facilitate safe and sustainable communities for the GTLBX community and supporters to live out the coming economic and environmental hell, and facilitate moving to these southern, potentially safer, locations.
TransitionNOW! to Sustainable Organic Local Farming and less Animal Agriculture will seek to get schools, colleges and universities to purchase only products locally and organically grown, and with less animal agricultural products annually. The objective is to reduce the animal agricultural products in the diets of our students to 30% of current levels by 2040.
TransitioNOW to Planning Your Life for these changes. The only thing that you can do, if you believe that the world is facing the last good decade on planet earth, is to enjoy it, do your bucket list, as much as you can. Get defensive, and prepare for the world economic and environmental conditions to worsen rapidly. I will present my ideas on the TransitioNOW page, and in my hoped for book.
TransitioNOW the ONLY Rational Defense, as transitioning the world to solar and wind NOW, is the only way to avert the global economic mayhem that running off Hubbert's Cliff, super storms, significant sea level rises, and unleashing The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop, will portend for the world. Using the US Military globally, combined with "The UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan," to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, I argue, is "The ONLY Rational Defense."
TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind, it is my dream at this time, will primarily be based on college and university campuses, but wherever there are sufficient enlightened consumers to carry on the fight!
Using this web site as a "TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind Case Study," I believe, is a great way to educate students from each of the title disciplines, along with related disciplines (solar and wind engineering and design, product liability law, sustainable engineering, farming of the future, sustainable housing design, etc.) about these massive driving forces and factors, no matter what your's or their views are about my conclusions. Putting a multi-disciplinary group of students and professors together, to tackle these issues, and to come up with their own views and solutions, which would then be presented in a panel type format to further educate the community, at the end of the quarter or semester, to welcomed faculty and guests, is what I would see as ideal. I was in what was billed as the first graduate seminar in how to launch and expand high technology companies, held at nine universities. It used this type of multidisciplinary approach, without the ending presentation.
If you see the vision of using this web site, this is sufficient for any undergraduate or graduate level course as a "case study" on these massive driving forces, in my perspective. Plus, the documentary format, with links to books and articles, all of academic quality, is designed for this "case study approach" to educate students about the critical need to TransitioNOW! to solar and wind. I have developed many of these case studies, and developed many Harvard University Case Studies Series on Market Analysis and Corporate Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Technology Company Formation, and Internet Research for Technology Company Strategic Management, at the University of Utah, University of Nevada, Reno, Sierra Nevada College, and Lake Tahoe Community College. I have also taught Comparative Economic Systems, Macro and Micro Economics, Portfolio Management and Investments, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurial Finance, Monetary Policy and Theory, to name the primary courses.
I have a broad range of experience teaching case studies; have developed hundreds of strategic and venture financing plans for all types of companies, and was the key person preparing companies for the annual Utah Venture Capital Conference, and companies submitting plans for the Utah Technology Finance Corporation Grants. Due to the cost and difficulty of obtaining venture capital, I developed many international strategic relationships with European, and Asian companies. I developed what was billed as the first ever symposium on "Online Research to develop High Technology Companies," where I featured my work at the UofU launching and expanding Utah's high technology companies, at the University of Colorado, in 1990, using Dialog Information System's data bases, the precursors to the internet.
I was a Partner in a Strategic Planning firm, which was headed by Craig Hickman, author of the national best-seller, "Creating Excellence." My current work is using my skills and knowledge in strategy, market forecasting and financial economics. Due to industry regulations, I am prohibited from telling you about my current work, as this web site would then be subject to regulatory review, sorry. My knowledge of these matters is broad and extensive, regardless of if we agree about all or any of my conclusions about what the world is facing. Given this background, I am very interested in helping students plan for redesigning the future to be a world driven by renewable energies, sustainable, and more humane, even in the face of a likely global collapse, which I don't think many people can even imagine, and sadly, the end of all species.
I would value greatly having critiques that further develop my work, and include any critiques in my forthcoming book, from students, professors and other scientists, that would like their critiques published in my forthcoming book and/or on this web site. I will be glad to respond to all serious critiques, and to publish summaries of these critiques. This includes serious critiques from the radical right, to the extent that they are structured in an academic nature, like this. Feel free to use "Presidential" terminology, like I try to do, to spice up your writing, and to release a bit of the tension associated with this debate.
I am willing to go to any college or university with students seriously interested in understanding these ideas, and helping the world be a more humane, renewable energy based, and sustainable society. Plus, I am interested in any debates on these topics, and in doing presentations to University and College groups, in particular, but community groups, in general. All I request is covering my travel and related expenses, and I am very willing to stay at professor's homes.
It certainly is a bit like David, trying to kill Goliath, in fact, many Goliaths, with trillions and trillions of dollars! But, better to go out at least trying, and who knows, I more than anyone, hope that I am wrong about the species level extinction risk, and the belief that it is already to late, as it is impossible to transition the world to solar and wind, before falling off Hubbert's Cliff.
I was in an one act play competition group in high school. The lead, portraying Nobel Laurette, Elie Wiesel, and his story of being in the Nazi Concentration Camps, at Auschwitz. We took second in the state of Michigan, and telling my, "Elie's," story of watching my family, and ultimately, my Dad, go off to the gas chambers, crying so deeply, along with all of the audience, so many times over the school year, really touched my soul in a very unique way.
In my own way, I am trying to stop the world from "going quietly into the night!" Watching, in my opinion, the rich and powerful drive the world obsessively off these many cliffs, that they have created, due to their insatiable greed for money and power! The Book "Night" is what we used to tell "Elie's" story. My story, is that all my life, see my bio, I have tried in various ways, to help the world transition to a renewable energy, humane, and sustainable future.
I believe that the most humane, Christ like, societies, that would meet the Matthew: 25 test of "what ever you do to the least of my brothers," and so too the humanist test of developing a humane society, are the "best of the best," of the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweeden), small to medium sized market socialist countries (market incentives, pricing and asset allocation, without monopolies, the corporate state, plutocrats, or excessive government, free health care, education and retirement funding, and less risk of creating massive military industrial complexes), with most products and services provided by small to medium sized, owner and employee, owned and run companies, without the MM (royalty, centimillionaires and billionaires). I believe in a 100% inheritance tax above $100 million per family, which would affect roughly 5,000 families globally on a planet of over 7.3 billion people, of which all may die horrific deaths within roughly the next 100 years, if these arguments are correct, as a result of their insane greed and enormous plutocratic powers. I am not sure this is the type of freedom you want to give mostly psychopath and sociopath EMM&MS, especially at the very real risk of the total extinction of the species.
Being blunt, this economic structure, I believe, is the best way to control men's, and now even women's, insatiable, and in most cases evil and insatiable, testosterone driven greed for money, power, and sex, while motivating most people, and honoring Christ's command for getting into Heaven (Matthew: 25). I will continue this effort to try to get the world to TransitioNOW to a renewable energy, sustainable, humane society, until I face my Loving God and am fulfilled in God's love for eternity!
TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind, it is hoped, will become a global movement to transition the world to solar and wind before falling off Hubbert's Cliff, and in the likely event that neither this movement gets going, nor that the world does transition, to prepare people for the economic and environmental hell that, I believe, is likely to plague the world, until the death of all species. Although I have big dreams, I have yet to see any of them come true. So on a more pragmatic level, I hope that this work touches many people, and builds their strength in God's Love, as well as, helps them enjoy the next decade, before the beginning of the economic mayhem that I anticipate from 2025-2035, due primarily to the political economic consequences of a world ravaged by the EMM&MS, and global aging. That it helps you prepare for the world falling off Hubbert's Cliff, and the global economic chaos, due to peak energy. That it helps you plan for the environmental significant challenges that, I believe, will be becoming much more frequent by this time. Lastly, to the extent possible, it helps you to prepare for the "hell on earth," that I believe the world is facing from mid century (2050) on, due to all of the above, plus the potential for The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop, being unleashed on the world!
The ONLY Solution, what I call "The UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan" is for the UN to issue 5% of countries GDP annually NOW in "save the species," country specific, non-debt based currency and invest these funds in transitioning the world to solar and wind until completed, and for the "EMM&MS Buyout of their fossil fuel interests," to preserve these fossil fuels for generations to come, and prohibit, if successful, ever having the EMM&MS and the fossil fuel industries, the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, threatening our species again!
"How the Rothschilds and Bankers Control America" documentary discusses how to transition to country specific (can't split monetary and fiscal policies) non-debt based currency, which I agree with their plan. The title is the link to the video, and it is at the bottom of The 16 Forces and Factors page. Their non-debt base currency plan, I argue, is the only solution to the US $200 trillion plus, fiscal gap, which the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, the EMM&MS, have dumped on us, due to their insatiable greed for money and power.
The four uses of this non-debt based currency would be to: 1) transition to solar and wind globally, 2) the purchase of the EMM&MS fossil fuel interests, 3) purchase out all Central Banks and have them state owned, and 4) to purchase out the global war industries, to have them state owned. In that order of priority, I argue, the first two are critical to the survival of the species, the latter two, to the freedom from the plutocrats and their corporatetocracy mercenaries. To really insure this freedom, a 100% inheritance tax on family wealth over $100 million should be implemented, but as I know that the EMM&MS evil powers are so strong, and the rest of you are so weak, I trust that this is beyond the powers of the people.
Add to this a 5% additional amount of currency, above GDP growth, or more likely and desirable, GDP controlled decline (-3% GDP plus 5% = 2% money supply growth), to transition to solar and wind, from fossil fuels, having each country acquire all fossil fuels and all Central Banks, until the world is transitioned to primarily solar and wind.
The UN and US military could be used to help implement this plan. The focus should be small to medium sized owner and employee, run and owned companies. Large transnational and multinational firms should rarely be used, only when the latter small to medium sized companies can not be used, due to serious economies of scale. Inflation risk is meaningless, given the level of extinction risk, and I would argue, nominal, given the noted driving forces that I just summarized that may collapse the world into a Global Deflationary, then Inflationary, Great Depression until The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop insures the death of our species!
The Only Justice is to take the advice of the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascist, masquerading as Libertarians, beloved Austrian School scholars, and become enlightened consumers and:
Bury Them in Product Liability Suits Globally, do not agree to any universally binding awards, take their fossil fuel holdings as partial settlements, go after these EMM&MS and fossil fuel companies in every country, state, etc. Trust me, sadly the damages will become more horrific and the science will become more conclusive, until the death of all species. Bury them until they are bankrupt.
Boycott their Products and Services Globally, and hopefully,
Bankrupt Them in Product Liability Awards, the EMM&MS, the Ruthless Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, the Evil Wrong, the Dark Money Monsters, that surpass all other awards for all products combined, and by Collapsing Demand for their products and services, by the end of our species, which they have caused! What amount of awards could possibly pay for the extinction of all species?
TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind (, is a hoped for non-profit that I would like to champion globally, to facilitate this justice globally; to promote the "UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan;" to promote aggressive and substantial "carbon taxes;" and, to promote subsidies and net metering for solar and wind.
Our most important objectives are to be one in our "True Spirit of God's Love." To live out our remaining years on Planet Titanic, getting closer to The Love of God, and embracing this love, in how we love others, even those that persecute us, to forgive those that hurt us, and to help those in need. Until we stand before The God of Love, and embrace our True Spirits in God's Love for Eternity!
TransitionNOW to Allowing the Global Markets to Collapse, then TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind to Stabilize the Global Economies Not Re-inflate the Global Asset Bubbles. A global economic collapse is the only thing that will stop global growth, and hence, the risk of rising carbon levels, and massive methane hydrates releasing. If the world economies collapsed, then asset values stayed where the income provided a reasonable risk adjusted return. While the world used the UN Save the Species Non-debt Based Currency Plan to transition to Solar and Wind. This, I argue, has the best odds of saving the species.
TrasitioNOW! to Adoption or NOT having children. The only primary solution that the bottom 99% can control is to not have children, for their sake and that of the species, and adopt, if you want children. The goal is to voluntarily average around 1 child in three families, until a global population of around 2 billion is achieved. Then a replacement level of children, around 2.2 per family would be optimal. In my view, it is this or all children will be dead, along with the rest of us, soon!
TransitioNOW to Managed Global Economic Decline and Depopulation. If the conclusions of this work are correct, the world will either transition to managed global economic decline and depopulation, or Mother Nature will facilitate this in a horrific and permanent manner. I just watched the G20 conference, and the primary focus, how to accelerate economic growth! It is either TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, or It Is THE END!
TransitioNOW to Capturing and/or Neutralizing the Methane and Carbon being released from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and Siberian Permafrost which currently threatens the death of all species, if the arguments on this site are correct. Not sure exactly how this might be done, some type of chemical foam material sprayed over this area, where the material absorbs the methane and carbon, or the chemical neutralizes it. I will have to rely on the chemists and the scientific community to run with this idea. Hopefully this germ of an idea may stimulate a species saving solution! Just after I wrote this idea down, I watched the video "Rethinking Methane in the Arctic." It seems to have some hope for the role of iron in potentially neutralizing methane in the tundra. Not sure if this has any application to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf or the Siberian tundra, but we can certainly hope something like this emerges. I note on the next page, that even removing the methane and carbon risks in Siberia will not eliminate the "hell on earth," due to falling off Hubbert's Cliff, over population, and climate impacts such as expanding deserts, flooding, rising oceans, ocean acidification, pollution, etc., etc. But it may eliminate the risk of total extinction of the species.
TransitioNOW to Super Structure Encasings of All Ocean and Land Based Nuclear Reactors to insure that as sea levels increase by as much as 60 plus feet, with super storms, and with the world becoming a world wide failed state, that these nuclear reactors will not implode and explode. Include a fail safe super foam or product that will contain the radioactive materials in these super structures, in the event of the structure being overwhelmed or failing.
TransitioNOW! to GTLBX Sustainable Communities, I hope, will establish communities, like Provencetown, MA, that are GTLBX based, around the world, but also in New Zeland primarily, and secondarily, Australia, to facilitate safe and sustainable communities for the GTLBX community and supporters to live out the coming economic and environmental hell, and facilitate moving to these southern, potentially safer, locations.
TransitionNOW! to Sustainable Organic Local Farming and less Animal Agriculture will seek to get schools, colleges and universities to purchase only products locally and organically grown, and with less animal agricultural products annually. The objective is to reduce the animal agricultural products in the diets of our students to 30% of current levels by 2040.
TransitioNOW to Planning Your Life for these changes. The only thing that you can do, if you believe that the world is facing the last good decade on planet earth, is to enjoy it, do your bucket list, as much as you can. Get defensive, and prepare for the world economic and environmental conditions to worsen rapidly. I will present my ideas on the TransitioNOW page, and in my hoped for book.
TransitioNOW the ONLY Rational Defense, as transitioning the world to solar and wind NOW, is the only way to avert the global economic mayhem that running off Hubbert's Cliff, super storms, significant sea level rises, and unleashing The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop, will portend for the world. Using the US Military globally, combined with "The UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan," to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, I argue, is "The ONLY Rational Defense."
TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind, it is my dream at this time, will primarily be based on college and university campuses, but wherever there are sufficient enlightened consumers to carry on the fight!
Using this web site as a "TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind Case Study," I believe, is a great way to educate students from each of the title disciplines, along with related disciplines (solar and wind engineering and design, product liability law, sustainable engineering, farming of the future, sustainable housing design, etc.) about these massive driving forces and factors, no matter what your's or their views are about my conclusions. Putting a multi-disciplinary group of students and professors together, to tackle these issues, and to come up with their own views and solutions, which would then be presented in a panel type format to further educate the community, at the end of the quarter or semester, to welcomed faculty and guests, is what I would see as ideal. I was in what was billed as the first graduate seminar in how to launch and expand high technology companies, held at nine universities. It used this type of multidisciplinary approach, without the ending presentation.
If you see the vision of using this web site, this is sufficient for any undergraduate or graduate level course as a "case study" on these massive driving forces, in my perspective. Plus, the documentary format, with links to books and articles, all of academic quality, is designed for this "case study approach" to educate students about the critical need to TransitioNOW! to solar and wind. I have developed many of these case studies, and developed many Harvard University Case Studies Series on Market Analysis and Corporate Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Technology Company Formation, and Internet Research for Technology Company Strategic Management, at the University of Utah, University of Nevada, Reno, Sierra Nevada College, and Lake Tahoe Community College. I have also taught Comparative Economic Systems, Macro and Micro Economics, Portfolio Management and Investments, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurial Finance, Monetary Policy and Theory, to name the primary courses.
I have a broad range of experience teaching case studies; have developed hundreds of strategic and venture financing plans for all types of companies, and was the key person preparing companies for the annual Utah Venture Capital Conference, and companies submitting plans for the Utah Technology Finance Corporation Grants. Due to the cost and difficulty of obtaining venture capital, I developed many international strategic relationships with European, and Asian companies. I developed what was billed as the first ever symposium on "Online Research to develop High Technology Companies," where I featured my work at the UofU launching and expanding Utah's high technology companies, at the University of Colorado, in 1990, using Dialog Information System's data bases, the precursors to the internet.
I was a Partner in a Strategic Planning firm, which was headed by Craig Hickman, author of the national best-seller, "Creating Excellence." My current work is using my skills and knowledge in strategy, market forecasting and financial economics. Due to industry regulations, I am prohibited from telling you about my current work, as this web site would then be subject to regulatory review, sorry. My knowledge of these matters is broad and extensive, regardless of if we agree about all or any of my conclusions about what the world is facing. Given this background, I am very interested in helping students plan for redesigning the future to be a world driven by renewable energies, sustainable, and more humane, even in the face of a likely global collapse, which I don't think many people can even imagine, and sadly, the end of all species.
I would value greatly having critiques that further develop my work, and include any critiques in my forthcoming book, from students, professors and other scientists, that would like their critiques published in my forthcoming book and/or on this web site. I will be glad to respond to all serious critiques, and to publish summaries of these critiques. This includes serious critiques from the radical right, to the extent that they are structured in an academic nature, like this. Feel free to use "Presidential" terminology, like I try to do, to spice up your writing, and to release a bit of the tension associated with this debate.
I am willing to go to any college or university with students seriously interested in understanding these ideas, and helping the world be a more humane, renewable energy based, and sustainable society. Plus, I am interested in any debates on these topics, and in doing presentations to University and College groups, in particular, but community groups, in general. All I request is covering my travel and related expenses, and I am very willing to stay at professor's homes.
It certainly is a bit like David, trying to kill Goliath, in fact, many Goliaths, with trillions and trillions of dollars! But, better to go out at least trying, and who knows, I more than anyone, hope that I am wrong about the species level extinction risk, and the belief that it is already to late, as it is impossible to transition the world to solar and wind, before falling off Hubbert's Cliff.
I was in an one act play competition group in high school. The lead, portraying Nobel Laurette, Elie Wiesel, and his story of being in the Nazi Concentration Camps, at Auschwitz. We took second in the state of Michigan, and telling my, "Elie's," story of watching my family, and ultimately, my Dad, go off to the gas chambers, crying so deeply, along with all of the audience, so many times over the school year, really touched my soul in a very unique way.
In my own way, I am trying to stop the world from "going quietly into the night!" Watching, in my opinion, the rich and powerful drive the world obsessively off these many cliffs, that they have created, due to their insatiable greed for money and power! The Book "Night" is what we used to tell "Elie's" story. My story, is that all my life, see my bio, I have tried in various ways, to help the world transition to a renewable energy, humane, and sustainable future.
I believe that the most humane, Christ like, societies, that would meet the Matthew: 25 test of "what ever you do to the least of my brothers," and so too the humanist test of developing a humane society, are the "best of the best," of the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweeden), small to medium sized market socialist countries (market incentives, pricing and asset allocation, without monopolies, the corporate state, plutocrats, or excessive government, free health care, education and retirement funding, and less risk of creating massive military industrial complexes), with most products and services provided by small to medium sized, owner and employee, owned and run companies, without the MM (royalty, centimillionaires and billionaires). I believe in a 100% inheritance tax above $100 million per family, which would affect roughly 5,000 families globally on a planet of over 7.3 billion people, of which all may die horrific deaths within roughly the next 100 years, if these arguments are correct, as a result of their insane greed and enormous plutocratic powers. I am not sure this is the type of freedom you want to give mostly psychopath and sociopath EMM&MS, especially at the very real risk of the total extinction of the species.
Being blunt, this economic structure, I believe, is the best way to control men's, and now even women's, insatiable, and in most cases evil and insatiable, testosterone driven greed for money, power, and sex, while motivating most people, and honoring Christ's command for getting into Heaven (Matthew: 25). I will continue this effort to try to get the world to TransitioNOW to a renewable energy, sustainable, humane society, until I face my Loving God and am fulfilled in God's love for eternity!