Temperature Anomaly Maps (TA Maps) and Temperature Maps (T Maps)
I am working on editing my site on an ongoing basis. I wanted to get the history that I have of these Maps from my discovery of these maps on November 7, 2017, until current, as I have sent my web site to my leading intellectual mentors for their review. The comments are on my home page at this time, and will be moved here in the near future. You should rapidly get the idea of how to follow the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" flow around Planet Titanic.
Also, you may want to look at my tracking of "The Beginning of The ERA of The SUPER STORMS," on my home page as well. I will be moving this information to a page on SUPER STORMS in the future.
The Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Maps for Africa (SSTA Africa); the Caribbean and the East Coast (SSTA Map US), and Asia's East Coast (SSTA Asia); along with the Sea Surface Temperature Maps (SST Africa, SST US, and SST Asia) will be the focus from January through June, along with the SSTA Antarctica, as I trust that the methane releases on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, are now close to being halted, due to freezing.
I will try to make this information and what it portents for "The Beginning of The ERA of The SUPER STORMS," and "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," on this page.
Another page will be added where I analyze the nuclear reactors, like Turkey Point at the tip of Florida, and Fukushima Daiichi in Japan, and their likelihood of imploding and exploding soon, due to "The Beginning of The ERA of The SUPER STORMS!"
Here are some of my notes on the TA/T and SSTA/SST Maps from the Conclusions page. I will move the to under the appropriate dates soon.
Temperature and Temperature Anomaly Maps
The big red area top right map is the ESAS, Nov 7, 17, the original temp map I found, which made me go - OMG "It Is THE END!" The big red patch, signifying roughly 36F/20C above 1979-2000 temperature average, correlates to the "big blue area" on the Permafrost Map above, signifying continuous permafrost (>90%). Notice how today and Christmas Eve's TA Map, 12/27 & 12/24/17, are even more massive, like 11/7/17. I thought it would decrease, with the freezing of the water, NOT YET. OMG! The methane is still being released in massive amounts at the End of December! OMG!. . . . . . "It Is THE END!"
11/7/17 & 12/24/17 - OMG! "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Loop" (SMRDHL), which is creating "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" (SMRDHP) over the Siberia Arctic tundra - IS ON FIRE! This is the bright red spot on top of the TA Map from 11/7/17 and 12/24/17, signifying roughly 36F/20C above normal temperatures at the top of the TA Globe Map. The extreme cold, typically over the North Pole, freezing and increasing the multi-year ice, critical to keeping the methane hydrates frozen, has been sent down to the East - South East Half of the US. This is what is driving the Arctic Blast in the US, the dark blue area, signifying roughly "18F/10C below normal temperatures."
1/3/18 - The Siberian Arctic is "ON FIRE!" The methane releases on the Siberian Arctic Tundra, that are so vivid on the top of Russia, have blown down to the West Coast, and all the way over the Western Europe. They appear to have subsided based on today's TA Map (1/8/18).
The amount of methane release will continue to drop during the winter months, although the amount of off gassing is so strong, that these massive amounts of methane are being released into the end of December on the ESAS, and into January on the Siberian Arctic Tundra.
1/9/18 - You can see how the Now US "heat wave," is also driven by the methane being released in Siberia. Also note, that although global temperatures have only increased 0.6C for the World above 1979-2000 baseline, this is NOT against pre-industrial average temperatures (1800-1850, the start of large coal usage), which is well over 1C and has hit over 2C above pre-industrial baseline. Only 2-3C above pre-industrial average, which I expect will be hit by 2025-2030, given these massive methane releases on the Siberian Arctic Tundra, into January 3, 2018, and on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) until December 24, 2017 (top TA Globe Map), is what Hansen et. al, documented caused SUPER STORMS that moved thousand ton boulders; and, 3-4C is what ANDRLL (2016, findings are at 40:52) discovered melted most of Antarctica, both Western Antarctica, which is over water, and most of Eastern Antarctica, which is over land. I expect 3-4C will be hit by 2050-2070.
With the Larsen C Ice Shelf now gone, I trust that the Ice Sheets behind the Larsen C will start melting rapidly by 2025-2030! Just the melting of the Ice Sheets behind the Larsen C Ice Shelf, which broke off summer 2017, Antarctica's winter, are estimated to be able to increase sea levels by 110 feet! OMG! It Is THE END!
I have added the Temperature Anomaly Map (TA Globe Map) for Antarctica to the list to watch. Obviously, Antarctica is having a heat wave. Not sure how much of this is due to methane release. The video on ANDRLL, clearly states that it expects that the cold on the surface of Antarctica should keep the top of the ice "looking like" it is NOT melting.
Sea Surface Temperature and Temperature Anomaly Maps
1/8/18 (1 day lag) It is the warming waters, that attack the ice from below, that threaten melting Antarctica. The significantly warming waters around Antarctica can be seen in the Sea Surface Temperature Anomally Map (SST Anomaly, SSTA) for Antarctica. The ANDRLL video notes that just a 1C rise in water temperatures around Antarctica can cause massive melting of the Western Ice Shelf, which would then lead to the rapid melting of the Eastern Antarctica Ice Sheets. Obviously, by today's SSTA, much of the waters are 2-4C above the 1979-2000 average. One critical question - did they mean 1C above 1979-2000 temperatures used as the baseline for these maps, or preindustrial average temps, which are likely 1C colder, or more! OMG! The waters around Antarctica are ON FIRE! As I expect the off gassing of methane around the Arctic is looking to subside, this SSTA map of Antarctica, as it is their summer, will be the primary focus during our winter, their summer.
The other critical SSTA Map is of the warming waters around the Equator, specifically from Northern Africa (SSTA Map), to the Caribbean, to the US, and up the East Coast. This is the track of Hurricanes in the Atlantic. Plus, from the tip of South America, over to Southern Asia. The track of Pacific Typhoons. See the Hurricane and Typhoon map below, as these are the locations for SUPER STORMS, which I argue, morphed this year into "The ERA of The Super Storms." Over 80F - 27C generates hurricanes, and the 83F - 28.3C waters around the Caribbean, rising to 87 around Florida, with a peak of 91F, created the first two Category 5 SUPER STORMS ever in recorded history in the Atlantic: IRMA and MARIA - within two weeks of each other!
Obviously the waters around the Equator, both in the Atlantic and the Pacific, are warming by 2-4C above the 1979-2000 average. Plus, the waters are already at 80F / 27C or higher. Hold on to your "hats," for another year of SUPER STORMS. The Turkey Point Nuclear Reactor at the tip of Florida, which is in significant disrepair, and Fukushima Daiichi four reactors, the spent fuel pools, and massive stores of radiation contaminated water containers, on the East Coast of Japan, are the top targets to unleash "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," and "hell on earth!" I trust that these are likely to be destroyed by 2030, at the latest. Another IRMA sitting over Turkey Point Nuclear Reactor at a Cat 5, 157mph wind speeds or higher, which does not get scaled down thrashing Cuba, should do the job. I trust this could be occur any year now. A Super Typhoon Haiyan, slamming into Fukushima Daiichi is also likely any year.
18/3/24 OMG! Look what's BAAAACK! (TA Maps to left)
"The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Plume" is BACK already! OMG! Oh F***! It was only frozen for three weeks in March! The GAS is Turned Back ON! It is "The GLOBAL HOLOCAUST Feedback Loop!" I had thought that expecting these methane hydrates to start releasing by the end of April or May was earlier than it may be. But guess what "ITS BAAAACK!" THE GLOBAL HOLOCAUST FEEDBACK LOOP!" "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" is obvious from 3/22 to 3/24! How big will it get! How soon will it ENGULF the Northern Hemisphere?! How soon will it melt "The BIG SNOW CONE, ANTARCTICA!?"
Compare my following notes from 3/19 - OMG! I my guess was that "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" to return by the end of April, or sooner! ONLY three weeks! OMG! "This WORLD is ON FIRE!"
18/4/5 OMG - It's BAAAAAAAAAAK BIG! "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume!" It does appear that the methane hydrates being released have increased again today (TA Map to left, April 05, 2018), we know by the 3/22-25 TA Maps, that the methane is already being released in significant quantities, although the methane release did drop for the first three weeks of March (see historical TA Maps, and 3/19 TA Map). Some of the methane released over the past two weeks, has been blown SE of Greenland. The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Plumes have pushed the Arctic Cold down to Canada and primarily the Eastern Half of the US (the blue area).
We shall see when it gets into full blown release, like the February 24th TA Map shows above. Certainly, the methane hydrates are releasing almost all year, except for a slight decrease in methane release during March. It is releasing in impressive quantities all year long! OMG!
18/3/24 OMG! Look what's BAAAACK! (TA Maps to left)
"The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Plume" is BACK already! OMG! Oh F***! It was only frozen for three weeks in March! The GAS is Turned Back ON! It is "The GLOBAL HOLOCAUST Feedback Loop!" I had thought that expecting these methane hydrates to start releasing by the end of April or May was earlier than it may be. But guess what "ITS BAAAACK!" THE GLOBAL HOLOCAUST FEEDBACK LOOP!" "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" is obvious from 3/22 to 3/24! How big will it get! How soon will it ENGULF the Northern Hemisphere?! How soon will it melt "The BIG SNOW CONE, ANTARCTICA!?"
** THE SSTA AND SST MAPS - ARE - UPDATING AGAIN - SATIN'S MAFIA! 18/3/19 The MOST RECENT SSTA and SST Maps are Now from 1 day ago - 1 Day Delay.
These SSTA and SST Maps are skipping many dates, and over a week in January (see TA Maps page) - Satin's Mafia!? Today's Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly and Temperature Maps - Note Date Delay on these Maps - Has Satin's Mafia "adjusted the formulas" on these SSTA and SST Maps? I will explore this issue on the TA Maps page soon. Now they are at least updating, but has Satin's Mafia ordered the change of the formulas to make it look less horrific? We shall see. If anyone knows of another NON US source of these maps, email me at [email protected]
3/13/19 - "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" appear to be "on hold," as of the first week in March, the cold over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), the Siberian Arctic Tundra, and the North Pole in general, has continued to be maintained. If this is the case, the North Pole may return to below normal temperatures. How soon will the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" resume? We shall see. My guess is by the end of April, or sooner.
The last "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" that were generated the first week of March, are being driven to the North of the American Continent, primarily up in Canada; while Southern Europe, the Asian and African Continents around the Equator are feeling the warming effects of "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" that were generated the first week of March, spreading around Planet Titanic! How HOT is THAT! Now you know why "climate change," affects both "extreme hot," and "extreme cold!"
18/3/19 - THESE SSTA AND SST MAPS - ARE - UPDATING AGAIN, after NOT updating a number of times before, randomly, and over a week during January. There is a one day delay. The Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Maps (SSTA Maps) clearly show how abnormally hot the SUPER STORM / THE US MONSTER, Tracks are, going from East to West, from Northern Africa, above the Equator, over to the Caribbean, then Up The Gulf, and the Eastern US. There is a bit of cold water, that moved from off The South West Coast of Africa, that is now just off the tip of the Northern Part of Africa. I trust that this will move north, and be dwarfed by the very hot waters just to the south of the center of the Round West Coast of Africa. Similarly, the waters are mostly Red Hot following The Asian SUPER STORM / THE ASIAN MONSTER track (see Hurricane and Typhoon Tracks Maps below).
I am working on editing my site on an ongoing basis. I wanted to get the history that I have of these Maps from my discovery of these maps on November 7, 2017, until current, as I have sent my web site to my leading intellectual mentors for their review. The comments are on my home page at this time, and will be moved here in the near future. You should rapidly get the idea of how to follow the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" flow around Planet Titanic.
Also, you may want to look at my tracking of "The Beginning of The ERA of The SUPER STORMS," on my home page as well. I will be moving this information to a page on SUPER STORMS in the future.
The Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Maps for Africa (SSTA Africa); the Caribbean and the East Coast (SSTA Map US), and Asia's East Coast (SSTA Asia); along with the Sea Surface Temperature Maps (SST Africa, SST US, and SST Asia) will be the focus from January through June, along with the SSTA Antarctica, as I trust that the methane releases on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, are now close to being halted, due to freezing.
I will try to make this information and what it portents for "The Beginning of The ERA of The SUPER STORMS," and "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," on this page.
Another page will be added where I analyze the nuclear reactors, like Turkey Point at the tip of Florida, and Fukushima Daiichi in Japan, and their likelihood of imploding and exploding soon, due to "The Beginning of The ERA of The SUPER STORMS!"
Here are some of my notes on the TA/T and SSTA/SST Maps from the Conclusions page. I will move the to under the appropriate dates soon.
Temperature and Temperature Anomaly Maps
The big red area top right map is the ESAS, Nov 7, 17, the original temp map I found, which made me go - OMG "It Is THE END!" The big red patch, signifying roughly 36F/20C above 1979-2000 temperature average, correlates to the "big blue area" on the Permafrost Map above, signifying continuous permafrost (>90%). Notice how today and Christmas Eve's TA Map, 12/27 & 12/24/17, are even more massive, like 11/7/17. I thought it would decrease, with the freezing of the water, NOT YET. OMG! The methane is still being released in massive amounts at the End of December! OMG!. . . . . . "It Is THE END!"
11/7/17 & 12/24/17 - OMG! "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Loop" (SMRDHL), which is creating "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" (SMRDHP) over the Siberia Arctic tundra - IS ON FIRE! This is the bright red spot on top of the TA Map from 11/7/17 and 12/24/17, signifying roughly 36F/20C above normal temperatures at the top of the TA Globe Map. The extreme cold, typically over the North Pole, freezing and increasing the multi-year ice, critical to keeping the methane hydrates frozen, has been sent down to the East - South East Half of the US. This is what is driving the Arctic Blast in the US, the dark blue area, signifying roughly "18F/10C below normal temperatures."
1/3/18 - The Siberian Arctic is "ON FIRE!" The methane releases on the Siberian Arctic Tundra, that are so vivid on the top of Russia, have blown down to the West Coast, and all the way over the Western Europe. They appear to have subsided based on today's TA Map (1/8/18).
The amount of methane release will continue to drop during the winter months, although the amount of off gassing is so strong, that these massive amounts of methane are being released into the end of December on the ESAS, and into January on the Siberian Arctic Tundra.
1/9/18 - You can see how the Now US "heat wave," is also driven by the methane being released in Siberia. Also note, that although global temperatures have only increased 0.6C for the World above 1979-2000 baseline, this is NOT against pre-industrial average temperatures (1800-1850, the start of large coal usage), which is well over 1C and has hit over 2C above pre-industrial baseline. Only 2-3C above pre-industrial average, which I expect will be hit by 2025-2030, given these massive methane releases on the Siberian Arctic Tundra, into January 3, 2018, and on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) until December 24, 2017 (top TA Globe Map), is what Hansen et. al, documented caused SUPER STORMS that moved thousand ton boulders; and, 3-4C is what ANDRLL (2016, findings are at 40:52) discovered melted most of Antarctica, both Western Antarctica, which is over water, and most of Eastern Antarctica, which is over land. I expect 3-4C will be hit by 2050-2070.
With the Larsen C Ice Shelf now gone, I trust that the Ice Sheets behind the Larsen C will start melting rapidly by 2025-2030! Just the melting of the Ice Sheets behind the Larsen C Ice Shelf, which broke off summer 2017, Antarctica's winter, are estimated to be able to increase sea levels by 110 feet! OMG! It Is THE END!
I have added the Temperature Anomaly Map (TA Globe Map) for Antarctica to the list to watch. Obviously, Antarctica is having a heat wave. Not sure how much of this is due to methane release. The video on ANDRLL, clearly states that it expects that the cold on the surface of Antarctica should keep the top of the ice "looking like" it is NOT melting.
Sea Surface Temperature and Temperature Anomaly Maps
1/8/18 (1 day lag) It is the warming waters, that attack the ice from below, that threaten melting Antarctica. The significantly warming waters around Antarctica can be seen in the Sea Surface Temperature Anomally Map (SST Anomaly, SSTA) for Antarctica. The ANDRLL video notes that just a 1C rise in water temperatures around Antarctica can cause massive melting of the Western Ice Shelf, which would then lead to the rapid melting of the Eastern Antarctica Ice Sheets. Obviously, by today's SSTA, much of the waters are 2-4C above the 1979-2000 average. One critical question - did they mean 1C above 1979-2000 temperatures used as the baseline for these maps, or preindustrial average temps, which are likely 1C colder, or more! OMG! The waters around Antarctica are ON FIRE! As I expect the off gassing of methane around the Arctic is looking to subside, this SSTA map of Antarctica, as it is their summer, will be the primary focus during our winter, their summer.
The other critical SSTA Map is of the warming waters around the Equator, specifically from Northern Africa (SSTA Map), to the Caribbean, to the US, and up the East Coast. This is the track of Hurricanes in the Atlantic. Plus, from the tip of South America, over to Southern Asia. The track of Pacific Typhoons. See the Hurricane and Typhoon map below, as these are the locations for SUPER STORMS, which I argue, morphed this year into "The ERA of The Super Storms." Over 80F - 27C generates hurricanes, and the 83F - 28.3C waters around the Caribbean, rising to 87 around Florida, with a peak of 91F, created the first two Category 5 SUPER STORMS ever in recorded history in the Atlantic: IRMA and MARIA - within two weeks of each other!
Obviously the waters around the Equator, both in the Atlantic and the Pacific, are warming by 2-4C above the 1979-2000 average. Plus, the waters are already at 80F / 27C or higher. Hold on to your "hats," for another year of SUPER STORMS. The Turkey Point Nuclear Reactor at the tip of Florida, which is in significant disrepair, and Fukushima Daiichi four reactors, the spent fuel pools, and massive stores of radiation contaminated water containers, on the East Coast of Japan, are the top targets to unleash "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," and "hell on earth!" I trust that these are likely to be destroyed by 2030, at the latest. Another IRMA sitting over Turkey Point Nuclear Reactor at a Cat 5, 157mph wind speeds or higher, which does not get scaled down thrashing Cuba, should do the job. I trust this could be occur any year now. A Super Typhoon Haiyan, slamming into Fukushima Daiichi is also likely any year.
18/3/24 OMG! Look what's BAAAACK! (TA Maps to left)
"The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Plume" is BACK already! OMG! Oh F***! It was only frozen for three weeks in March! The GAS is Turned Back ON! It is "The GLOBAL HOLOCAUST Feedback Loop!" I had thought that expecting these methane hydrates to start releasing by the end of April or May was earlier than it may be. But guess what "ITS BAAAACK!" THE GLOBAL HOLOCAUST FEEDBACK LOOP!" "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" is obvious from 3/22 to 3/24! How big will it get! How soon will it ENGULF the Northern Hemisphere?! How soon will it melt "The BIG SNOW CONE, ANTARCTICA!?"
Compare my following notes from 3/19 - OMG! I my guess was that "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" to return by the end of April, or sooner! ONLY three weeks! OMG! "This WORLD is ON FIRE!"
18/4/5 OMG - It's BAAAAAAAAAAK BIG! "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume!" It does appear that the methane hydrates being released have increased again today (TA Map to left, April 05, 2018), we know by the 3/22-25 TA Maps, that the methane is already being released in significant quantities, although the methane release did drop for the first three weeks of March (see historical TA Maps, and 3/19 TA Map). Some of the methane released over the past two weeks, has been blown SE of Greenland. The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Plumes have pushed the Arctic Cold down to Canada and primarily the Eastern Half of the US (the blue area).
We shall see when it gets into full blown release, like the February 24th TA Map shows above. Certainly, the methane hydrates are releasing almost all year, except for a slight decrease in methane release during March. It is releasing in impressive quantities all year long! OMG!
18/3/24 OMG! Look what's BAAAACK! (TA Maps to left)
"The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Plume" is BACK already! OMG! Oh F***! It was only frozen for three weeks in March! The GAS is Turned Back ON! It is "The GLOBAL HOLOCAUST Feedback Loop!" I had thought that expecting these methane hydrates to start releasing by the end of April or May was earlier than it may be. But guess what "ITS BAAAACK!" THE GLOBAL HOLOCAUST FEEDBACK LOOP!" "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" is obvious from 3/22 to 3/24! How big will it get! How soon will it ENGULF the Northern Hemisphere?! How soon will it melt "The BIG SNOW CONE, ANTARCTICA!?"
** THE SSTA AND SST MAPS - ARE - UPDATING AGAIN - SATIN'S MAFIA! 18/3/19 The MOST RECENT SSTA and SST Maps are Now from 1 day ago - 1 Day Delay.
These SSTA and SST Maps are skipping many dates, and over a week in January (see TA Maps page) - Satin's Mafia!? Today's Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly and Temperature Maps - Note Date Delay on these Maps - Has Satin's Mafia "adjusted the formulas" on these SSTA and SST Maps? I will explore this issue on the TA Maps page soon. Now they are at least updating, but has Satin's Mafia ordered the change of the formulas to make it look less horrific? We shall see. If anyone knows of another NON US source of these maps, email me at [email protected]
3/13/19 - "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" appear to be "on hold," as of the first week in March, the cold over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), the Siberian Arctic Tundra, and the North Pole in general, has continued to be maintained. If this is the case, the North Pole may return to below normal temperatures. How soon will the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" resume? We shall see. My guess is by the end of April, or sooner.
The last "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" that were generated the first week of March, are being driven to the North of the American Continent, primarily up in Canada; while Southern Europe, the Asian and African Continents around the Equator are feeling the warming effects of "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" that were generated the first week of March, spreading around Planet Titanic! How HOT is THAT! Now you know why "climate change," affects both "extreme hot," and "extreme cold!"
18/3/19 - THESE SSTA AND SST MAPS - ARE - UPDATING AGAIN, after NOT updating a number of times before, randomly, and over a week during January. There is a one day delay. The Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Maps (SSTA Maps) clearly show how abnormally hot the SUPER STORM / THE US MONSTER, Tracks are, going from East to West, from Northern Africa, above the Equator, over to the Caribbean, then Up The Gulf, and the Eastern US. There is a bit of cold water, that moved from off The South West Coast of Africa, that is now just off the tip of the Northern Part of Africa. I trust that this will move north, and be dwarfed by the very hot waters just to the south of the center of the Round West Coast of Africa. Similarly, the waters are mostly Red Hot following The Asian SUPER STORM / THE ASIAN MONSTER track (see Hurricane and Typhoon Tracks Maps below).
1/14/18 I downloaded these at the end of the day, which was already showing 1/15/16. Not sure why!
1/14/18 Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Maps (SSTA Maps) and Sea Surface Temperature Maps (SST Map) from 1/10/18 to today did NOT update, hence all are from 1/10/18
I WILL NOT put the remaining SSTA and SST Maps for 1/11/18 to 1/13/18, as they are ALL from 1/10/18 - NO NEED! |
The recent "temperature anomaly map" above (Nov 7, 2017) which shows the amount the current temperatures are above or below historical averages, not pre-industrial average, which would be, and look, much worse, could NOT Look more Threatening to Humanity - in my opinion, of course! Why?
The Map Above shows a big part of the answer. See the Bright Red part of the map on the left of the North Pole and Alaska, the "dark red" indicates that this areas temperatures are roughly 36F - 20C or more above historical averages - NOT even pre-industrial average, historical average, for those that know the difference! It is the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), and the Siberian Arctic Tundra. It is estimated that that it may contain up to 9,000 gigatons of methane hydrates, frozen natural gas, while the Siberian arctic tundra, may hold up to an additional 1,400 gigatons of methane hydrates, and up to 1,580 gigatons of carbon - click blue text for links to articles and Youtube videos. This is up to a total of 10,400 gigatons (that's up to 10.4 trillion tons!) of methane hydrates on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra alone! Not including the massive reserves above Canada and the US!
11/9/17 I was originally thinking that this "heat wave," relative to historical normally heat (this is what a "temperature anomaly map" shows in Red), over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian arctic tundra, may be just a "random event." However, as I was laying awake last night, thinking of this enormously important issue to the survival of homogreedious, it hit me, "we live in the - banana belt - in Tahoe," maybe this is the "banana belt" in the Arctic? So the second "Temperature Anomaly Map" above is from 11/9/17, today. Notice that the "extremely hot - dark red area" has not moved much. Is Siberia the "banana belt" in the Arctic? Surely, the water is free of ice the quickest, and it stays "ice free" the longest, suggesting it is. But that's NOT the big story, as "being the banana belt, does not generate - historically above normal temperatures," as the higher temperatures existing in "banana belts" are normal.
11/10/17 OMG! - "The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop," at this date, certainly does not appear to be a "climate effect." If it were a climate effect, I would expect to see this "heat wave" move around daily. Instead, daily, the massive heat wave - the dark red round area over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, does appear to be continuing, without any significant changes - like I would anticipate would occur if it were "climate" driven. This, I argue, is suggesting that my "hypothesis" that this is due to the massive release of methane hydrates in the area, may be correct. I will continue to put the recent days map on this site, below the original map, to compare to this initial map that I finally found on 11/7/17. I had been looking for this map, as I had a "hunch" this was happening, given all of the documented methane release by Semiltov and Shakhova, and the massive pingos being found "exploded" (see below), but I could not find this temperature anomaly map, until this date, and I have still not been able to find any study documenting this possible "feedback loop."
11/11/17 OMG! It Is THE END! Fourth Day - NO CHANGE - It is the Methane Hydrates being released on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), and the Siberian Arctic Tundra causing the "extremely high temperature anomalies!" If it were a "climate driven" heat wave, it surely would have changed over four days, as it has over the rest of the globe, and it has not!
11/12/17 Well, I think it is very clear to me NOW, after five days of temperature anomaly maps showing - "The Siberian Methane Release Feedback Loop," or the political version, "The Siberian - Gas the Planet - Feedback Loop," is not only real, and NOT "climate driven," it may well be the most "major documented new feedback loop" insuring Near-Term Human Extinction (NTHE). Not that Guy McPherson, "The Father of Abrupt Climate Change," my hero and intellectual mentor on "Abrupt Climate Change," and that the world's leading experts on Siberian methane, Dr. Natalia Shakhova and Dr. Igor Simeltov, didn't initially warn the world of this massive risk decades ago - Natalia for her bravery for stating that the world may be in the process of a 50 gigaton release now, and Igor and her doing the primary research in Siberia! They deserve the Nobel Prize for their work!
11/13/17 Certainly, "The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop," is real, and not a short-term climate effect. We can see on today's map a short-term climate effect. The massive red area, indicating roughly 30F - 20C above historical norm temperatures, seems to have shifted "slightly," with some of the methane driven heat, pushed across the North Pole eastward. The primary heatwave above the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra is there, but some of the heat was blown eastward. A short-term effect. I expect that the extreme heat will subside as ice covers these methane hydrates in January and February.
11/14/17 OM - ** - G! We are Toast! Maybe much sooner than I expected. Note on today's map, 11/14/17, the massive heat over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), but also NOTE the massive heat over the Barent's Sea, upper left of the very red area signifying roughly 30F - 20C above historically, not even pre-industrial, average! Note the large heat is also over the Canadian permafrost/methane areas, and over by The Nordic Countries, although most of this appears to have been "blown" over to this area the past two days. OMG! This is "much worse," than "negative old me" even imagined.
11/15/17 OMG! OMG! OMG! "The Siberian Methane Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" is looking much, much worse today! Dr. Guy McPherson may be closer to being correct than I had thought. He believes most life will be extinct by 2030! I still believe that most life on Planet Titanic will not be extinct until 2050 to 2070, the remaining "pockets of life," I argue will be around The Great Lakes, specifically, and north of Lake Superior in Canada, due to the massive fresh water stores, that can't be flooded, as a result of massive "abrupt climate change driven" flooding; or be poisoned by radiation filled ocean water, expected due to imploding ocean based nuclear reactors, due to Niagara Falls. By the "Temperature Anomaly Maps" above, it appears that Canada may become the new "North Pole," due to "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop!" Note how below normal the temperatures are throughout Canada, this trend is likely to continue, as there are up to 15,000 gigatons of methane hydrates in the permafrost on the ESAS, the Siberian Arctic Tundra, and in the Arctic Permafrost above Canada and Alaska, and around the rest of the Arctic Circle.
11/17/17 Ok - How many times can I say - OMG! "It Is THE END!" Today's map looks as horrific as the others, with one "climate driven" change, the extreme "Siberian Methane Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," appears to have been partially blown over the North Pole. Good news, it is not as extreme over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), over to the Barents Sea. The bad news is that the "abnormally high temperatures," which is what a temperature anomaly map shows, is now over the largest area of multi-year ice in the Arctic Ocean! This is likely to cause less ice growth over this remaining multi-year ice, and as a result, a more rapid melting of all ice in the Arctic Ocean, termed a Blue Ocean event. This will increase the warming of the ESAS, and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, as it takes the same amount of energy to melt ice, as to increase water temperature to 80F! OMG!
11/18/17 So no OMG today! A nice change! It is interesting to see the effects of changing "climate conditions" on the "methane plums of heat," driven by "The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop," (The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop) get blown around a bit. Although this graph does NOT look as "daunting" as the original five days, from Nov 7-12 above, it has a "bad news" component. The other "large plume" of The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop, is sitting just over the North Pole from the ESAS, just above Greenland. This is where the most dense - multi-year ice - is located. Note this on the Blue Permafrost Map. The White Area right above Greenland is the last remaining thick multi-year ice, precisely where methane plume from The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop is sitting today! Ok OMG! So after thinking about it, it became obvious that although the methane plums over the ESAS are not as big as those from 11/7-12 above, this one is equally bad, as the methane plume is sitting right over the most dense remaining multi-year ice. One can logically conclude that these "above historical average temperatures," signified by the red area over this region, will result in less development of ice during the winter, hence, resulting in a "Blue Ocean," a completely ice free Arctic, sooner, than without the effects of "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop!"
11/19/17 OK Today is not quite the OMG! effect as the last 12 days, watching "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop!" However, now you can start to see more of the effect of "climate conditions," on moving the methane around the globe. Although the red heat above the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra is there, it is down significantly from 11/7-12. This, as I expected, is likely due to the beginning of the ice cover slowing the methane release, and reducing further degradation of methane hydrates. It will be interesting to see if the Red area, signifying 10-20C, or 18-36F above "historically normal temperatures," completely disappears during January and February, or not. Plus, when will it get very hot again, like 11/7-12 versus historical norms over the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra? My guess is by June, at the latest, but likely by May. Notice the methane plums north west above Hudson Bay, Canada. It looks like Canada and the US, will likely be getting the cold that should be over the North Pole, due to "The Siberian Methane Release Driven - Polar Vortex Shift - Feedback Loop." You can see the methane plums being blown around the globe! OK - OMG! The reality of this is terrifying! Seriously - Terrifying! And all the Evil Beasts are worried about are preparing many many walled castles for they and theirs, while fleecing the Globe of Idiots!
11/20/17 "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop's" methane plums are larger today, west of the primary methane plume over the "East Siberian Arctic Shelf," (ESAS). Plus, the methane heat wave plume over the north part of Hudson Bay, has increased. The size of the "Siberian Methane Heatwave Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop's" methane plums look larger today, than yesterday. It would be helpful to have an ongoing real-time graph, which can be retrieved for analysis.
11/21/17 One Constant - "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," over the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra - is still a constant - and no matter what the "climate conditions" so far, the primary methane driven heatwave plumes over this area are constant. The question is - are any of the other "massive methane heatwave plumes" from methane releases in other areas, or are they just due to the massive releases in Siberia? The movement of a "massive methane plume" over to the East side of the Arctic Circle, north of Greenland, from Nov 13-17, seems to be only a "climate effect," of winds blowing the methane over to this area. Plus, we know by the Blue Graph above, that this area is the final portion of thick multi-year ice remaining. This ice is not dense in methane, like the permafrost. However, the area North of Hudson Bay, Canada, appears to be generating its own "methane driven heatwave." As the plume does not appear to have been blown over to this area, as there is an ongoing cold area between this area, and Siberia. These details need to be closely analyzed and understood. That is - if we lived on a "sane planet" that was concerned about NTHE - But WE DON'T! We live on The Planet of The Evil Beasts! "All for the RICH! - - RAPE THE REST!" and on a personal basis - "All for ME! - - FUCK YOU!" To the Death of All Species, AMEN!
11/23/17 OMG! The massive "Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop," has been blown over the top of the only remaining thick "multi-year ice" above Greenland. This is NOT a good, as the "above normal temperatures," signified by the big red area now above Greenland, is not "rebuilding ice" during winter months as it would if the temperatures were much colder. Plus, this pushes the cold air, "the Polar Vortex," south, into Canada, as it is now. Note the extreme heat in the south west US, coupled with the massive Siberian methane plumes driven heatwave above Greenland. We know that the heat would NOT be driven by this ice over this area, as it does NOT contain any meaningful amounts of methane. Note how this "very hot plume" is roughly directly over the "white multi-year ice" on the Blue Map at the bottom. So this area would NOT generate these "above normal temperature differentials." This is from the "Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop." The heat was blown East across the North Pole, to a bad place to sit, right over the only main store of thick "multi-year ice."
11/24/17 - OK!!!! OMG! OMG! OMG! If today's map above for Nov 24, 2017, doesn't put the "fear of a fiery hell on earth into your soul!" In my opinion, it should! What a "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" - Look at The Massive Methane Heatwave Plume over the north of Greenland, and the permafrost dense islands west of Greenland. How much of this massive methane plume, is from this area, and how much is blown over, is a question. My guess, roughly 2/3 methane heatwave blown over from the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, and roughly 1/3 from the methane dense permafrost rich islands west of Greenland. Which this methane heatwave plume is over the only remaining "dense multi-year ice," remaining in the Arctic Circle, which is shown by the white area, on the Blue Map of permafrost densities above. Note how the "methane heatwave plume" could logically be expected in the permafrost rich islands to the west of Greenland, which is at the bottom of the massive methane release driven heatwave plume north of Greenland. We know that the large area above Greenland, where the very hot red area signifies the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Feedback Loop," Methane Plumes, blown over to the remaining dense multi-year ice remaining, as signified by its white state on the Blue Permafrost Map above. So this area north of Greenland, where this "Massive Methane Heatwave Plume," is not creating the "heat anomaly." This methane was blown over the North Pole, back in prior maps, and appears to be a "typical weather pattern." Blowing the ESAS and Siberian Arctic Tundra's methane release driven heatwave over to the East Side of the North Pole, above Canada. This is a "horrific apparent weather pattern," as this should result in this ice melting more rapidly, than if this were not the case. OMG! And what are the Evil Money Monsters doing - Fleecing Our Countries for Trillions! All I can say is . . . .
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
11/25/17 OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! 220 MILLION PEOPLE in the US are experiencing a massive "heatwave" today. With many areas experiencing 20 to 30 F plus above historically normal temperatures. NOW look at the map above - note "how much hotter" "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" is in the Arctic Circle, driving temperatures of 20 C and 36F plus, above historical norms! Way to Go Evil King Donnie the Don, Slut to Evil King Vlad, Slut to Evil Kings Charlie and David Koch, Slut to the Evil Dark Money Kochtapus, all Sluts to the Evil Kings Rothschilds, Evil Dons of The Evil Satin's Global Mafia, way to Go Burn US UP IN A HELL OF GAS AND RADIATION POISONING! All the while - Fleecing the US and Russia for billions to trillions! We may fry and die from it, you Evil Satin's Mafia Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, will experience the insane, unnecessary, intense, horrific pain and suffering of the implosion and explosion of 449 plus operating nuclear reactors, with 60 plus being added; and 15,000 plus nuclear weapons; combined with 15,000 plus gigatons of methane hydrates, ravishing MY Billions of Children, MY Trillions of Species, and MY Beautiful Planet for Eternity! Hope it was worth it!
11/26/17 OMG! OK Times Sextrillions! I had thought that the massive "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" may become less "extreme," during the winter months, as measured by the size and red color of the massive methane driven heatwave plumes. However, a look at today's map, and you can see, it looks much worse than even the Nov 7th map. The "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" - methane plume - over the ESAS has increased from yesterday. While the methane plume just east of the North Pole, has been blown north west, over the East side of The Nordic Countries. The methane plumes over the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, are building again, while the methane plumes East to North above Greenland, are still very large and growing, likely due to methane being blown over from the ESAS, as can be seen from earlier shifts in these methane plumes. Plus, we know that the area north of Greenland, and North of the Islands East of Greenland, are the primary stores of multi-year ice, which simply can't generate these massive methane plumes. We can't see any methane plumes over this area East and North of Greenland, until Nov 23, so this area is NOT generating much methane. Although I have been curious about how much the permafrost around the islands East of Greenland, would be released, I have to assume that most of these methane plumes, are due to releases over the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra. This is due both to the lack of these heatwave plumes in this area East and North of Greenland from 11/7 to 11/23, due to the observation that these methane plumes appear to have drifted over from the ESAS, plus the fact that the area north of these islands is the remaining stores of multi-year ice, incapable of generating large methane releases. So it appears that everything is coming in MUCH, MUCH Worse than expected: "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," "The ERA of the SUPER STORMS," the ravages of "Abrupt Climate Change," and "The Beginning of THE END TIMES!" All I can say is. . . .
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - "It Is THE END!"
11/27/17 Well, I think this is the first day, things have looked a "little less horrific!" OK, maybe NOT! OMG! All that has happened today, is that the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," has been blown over the whole Arctic. So you will notice that the other maps above, have a good deal more "white area," signifying roughly equal to historically normal temperatures. The map today, is mostly light red, with the typical "dark red" over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS). What is interesting to me is the ongoing darker red around the islands East of Greenland. As this area did not have any red - abnormally warm - areas from Nov 7 to Nov 21, until the Nov 23 map, I would hypothesize that this area is not as much a "source" of methane release, as it may be a "wind capture" point, where Siberian Methane Plums float over to this area, and then these heat plumes simply stay around this area. Further analysis would be critical to differentiate "if" the Islands East of Greenland, are currently emitting methane, due to the obvious permafrost density of this area, or "if" the "abnormally hot temperatures" in this area are due to "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop!"
11/28/17 OMG! OK It's True "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," is rapidly increasing the heat around the North Pole, with the primary heat wave having been blown over the Greenland and the Islands west of Greenland. The ongoing constant of the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" over the ESAS is the only constant. The methane is being blown around the globe, but in particular, is being blown over to these remaining dense ice areas, of Greenland and north, and the Islands east of Greenland. OMG, this will certainly accelerate the rapid demise of this last remaining area of multi-year ice!
11/29/17 OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! Look at today's "Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop" Looks Simply HORRIFIC! The dense methane release heatwave plume over the ESAS is obvious, north west of Alaska, with a dark "flow plume" heading right over to the Islands East of Greenland and Greenland. Greenland is "ON FIRE" from the "Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop!" OMG! This is HORRIFIC! By looking back at the temperature anomaly maps from Nov 7-20th we can see that these heat anomaly plumes, all came from "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop!" The methane heatwave plumes from Siberia have now been blown over the other "massive multi-year ice - GREENLAND!" OMG! Guy McPherson, "It Is THE END" may happen much quicker than I thought, but I still see my guesstimates as "more likely," than your optimistic view that we will all be dead by the end of the twenties! I still think it may be 100 years of "Hell on EARTH!"
11/30/17 All I can say is "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!" Look how Horrific "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" looks today. OMG! We're TOAST! The lower US has been experiencing days where 225 million plus people in the US are experiencing extreme heat, up to 20-30F above average. Compare the "red color" over the US - to the deep red color methane plumes, from "The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop" going from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), all the way over to Greenland! "THE NORTH POLE IS ON FIRE!" And unlike Alicia Keys, when she belts out "This Girl is ON FIRE," this is not a good thing! I designate "This WORLD is on FIRE" as the official theme song of "The Siberian Holocaust Feedback Loop!" Sad, if I am correct, this beautiful young girl, Angelica Hale, will NOT live a Full Life singing her amazing version of "The GIRL is on FIRE" - BECAUSE OF TRUMP, KOCHS, THE EVIL WRONG - SATIN'S MAFIA'S EVIL GREED! OMG! Have fun before the coming - "HELL ON EARTH!"
12/1/17 "This WORLD is ON FIRE!" OMG! "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" is Burning Up The North Pole, and then the Globe! "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop," until "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop,"
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
12/2/17 Well it should be "All TOO Obvious" that "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," is not only real, it is "Burning UP the North Pole and the Planet!" The only constant is the massive methane plumes over the ESAS!
12/3/17 "The World is ON FIRE!" OMG! Look how the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" just keeps replenishing itself - it is the big red area on the North West of the Globe. You will note that this area is always red - signifying this is the source of the massive methane releases. Today, the "methane release plume" is building particularly over the Siberian Arctic Tundra, but as it continues to do daily, on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS)! Note the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" was pushed over the north of Greenland, versus over Greenland and the Islands West of Greenland. The obvious source of the "heatwave plumes" from these "Temperature Anomalies Maps," is primarily the ESAS, and secondarily, the Siberian Arctic Tundra!
12/4/17 "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!" While the Evil States of Satin, King Donnie the Don, Slut to King Don of the Don's Vlad, and King Slut of The Ruthless Kochtapus Kingdom's, Evil King Charlie Koch Totalitarian Dictator, totally "Fleece The Hell" out of the US, by massive tax cuts for the billionaires, massive increases in War Spending for the War and Oil Lords, and destroying every bit of valuable government spending "for the people" - these EVIL Money Monsters are Blowing Up the Stock Markets to stuff the pockets of Wall Street's Billionaires, to then collapse the markets horrifically, my guesstimate is by 50-80% to where the dividend yields provide a reasonable risk-adjusted return in the "negative growth future," destroying the retirement savings of billions, all the while - "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" is causing "The WORLD is on FIRE!" Look how the methane heatwave plumes are not only heavy on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), which it is on all of the maps from NOV 7 when I found these temperature anomaly maps of Sibera, but it is also heavy on the Siberian Arctic Tundra! Better yet, these methane release heatwave plumes are heating up the whole Arctic! Notice how the wind conditions in the Arctic have now blown the methane heatwave plumes off Greenland, and the Islands West of Greenland, and now the primary methane release heatwave plume is right over the source, the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic Tundra. Then these "Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Plumes" are not only engulfing the Arctic, they are flowing around the Whole World! All I can say is . . . .
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
12/5/17 "Trillions in Tax Cuts for the Billionaires," insures that "This World is ON FIRE," will be burning up The Evil Souls of Satin's Mafia, and that they will burn in Hell for Eternity for their Insatiable, Insane, EVIL GREED! Sad news is that we have to die too. Notice how the Arctic is all "on fire," but the deepest red heatwave continues to be the source of the methane, the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra. Notice how the only "blue area," signifying abnormally low temperatures, is the West Coast of the US, helping out the wild fire in Ventura, CA, and the middle of Canada. Most of the North Pole is Red Hot, 20C / 36F, roughly, above historically normal temperatures.
12/6/17 "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," has proven itself - in my opinion, of course! The massive heatwave plume, north west of Alaska, is constant, while the "heatwave plumes," obviously, move around based on climate conditions. Now the heatwave plumes have moved to lower Alaska, which are coming over from the ESAS. The heatwave plumes over Greenland and the islands west of there, have gone. While the Siberian Arctic Tundra, has a major methane plume over it, at the top of the globe, just south east of the top of the globe as it is positioned. All I can say after another round of trillions of dollars of tax cuts for the EVIL MONEY MONSTERS and EVIL MONEY SLUTS, while the Satin's Planet Titanic ravishes the world with the two largest SUPER STORMS, and record breaking wild fires and floods, is. . . . .
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
12/7/17 It looks like the ice may be freezing on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, hence the reduction in the amount of "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes." I trust that this will occur until roughly April or May, when the arctic waters melt. It is logical to assume that July to November are the top months for methane release. At least NOW, due to my research and discovery, we can watch these "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes," via this temperature anomaly map.
12/8/27 Can you imagine what the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" will look like by the time that the Arctic is totally "ice free" for months, during the summer, a Blue Ocean Event! I trust that the whole north pole area will be covered by massive "Siberian M
The recent "temperature anomaly map" above (Nov 7, 2017) which shows the amount the current temperatures are above or below historical averages, not pre-industrial average, which would be, and look, much worse, could NOT Look more Threatening to Humanity - in my opinion, of course! Why?
The Map Above shows a big part of the answer. See the Bright Red part of the map on the left of the North Pole and Alaska, the "dark red" indicates that this areas temperatures are roughly 36F - 20C or more above historical averages - NOT even pre-industrial average, historical average, for those that know the difference! It is the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), and the Siberian Arctic Tundra. It is estimated that that it may contain up to 9,000 gigatons of methane hydrates, frozen natural gas, while the Siberian arctic tundra, may hold up to an additional 1,400 gigatons of methane hydrates, and up to 1,580 gigatons of carbon - click blue text for links to articles and Youtube videos. This is up to a total of 10,400 gigatons (that's up to 10.4 trillion tons!) of methane hydrates on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra alone! Not including the massive reserves above Canada and the US!
11/9/17 I was originally thinking that this "heat wave," relative to historical normally heat (this is what a "temperature anomaly map" shows in Red), over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian arctic tundra, may be just a "random event." However, as I was laying awake last night, thinking of this enormously important issue to the survival of homogreedious, it hit me, "we live in the - banana belt - in Tahoe," maybe this is the "banana belt" in the Arctic? So the second "Temperature Anomaly Map" above is from 11/9/17, today. Notice that the "extremely hot - dark red area" has not moved much. Is Siberia the "banana belt" in the Arctic? Surely, the water is free of ice the quickest, and it stays "ice free" the longest, suggesting it is. But that's NOT the big story, as "being the banana belt, does not generate - historically above normal temperatures," as the higher temperatures existing in "banana belts" are normal.
11/10/17 OMG! - "The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop," at this date, certainly does not appear to be a "climate effect." If it were a climate effect, I would expect to see this "heat wave" move around daily. Instead, daily, the massive heat wave - the dark red round area over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, does appear to be continuing, without any significant changes - like I would anticipate would occur if it were "climate" driven. This, I argue, is suggesting that my "hypothesis" that this is due to the massive release of methane hydrates in the area, may be correct. I will continue to put the recent days map on this site, below the original map, to compare to this initial map that I finally found on 11/7/17. I had been looking for this map, as I had a "hunch" this was happening, given all of the documented methane release by Semiltov and Shakhova, and the massive pingos being found "exploded" (see below), but I could not find this temperature anomaly map, until this date, and I have still not been able to find any study documenting this possible "feedback loop."
11/11/17 OMG! It Is THE END! Fourth Day - NO CHANGE - It is the Methane Hydrates being released on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), and the Siberian Arctic Tundra causing the "extremely high temperature anomalies!" If it were a "climate driven" heat wave, it surely would have changed over four days, as it has over the rest of the globe, and it has not!
11/12/17 Well, I think it is very clear to me NOW, after five days of temperature anomaly maps showing - "The Siberian Methane Release Feedback Loop," or the political version, "The Siberian - Gas the Planet - Feedback Loop," is not only real, and NOT "climate driven," it may well be the most "major documented new feedback loop" insuring Near-Term Human Extinction (NTHE). Not that Guy McPherson, "The Father of Abrupt Climate Change," my hero and intellectual mentor on "Abrupt Climate Change," and that the world's leading experts on Siberian methane, Dr. Natalia Shakhova and Dr. Igor Simeltov, didn't initially warn the world of this massive risk decades ago - Natalia for her bravery for stating that the world may be in the process of a 50 gigaton release now, and Igor and her doing the primary research in Siberia! They deserve the Nobel Prize for their work!
11/13/17 Certainly, "The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop," is real, and not a short-term climate effect. We can see on today's map a short-term climate effect. The massive red area, indicating roughly 30F - 20C above historical norm temperatures, seems to have shifted "slightly," with some of the methane driven heat, pushed across the North Pole eastward. The primary heatwave above the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra is there, but some of the heat was blown eastward. A short-term effect. I expect that the extreme heat will subside as ice covers these methane hydrates in January and February.
11/14/17 OM - ** - G! We are Toast! Maybe much sooner than I expected. Note on today's map, 11/14/17, the massive heat over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), but also NOTE the massive heat over the Barent's Sea, upper left of the very red area signifying roughly 30F - 20C above historically, not even pre-industrial, average! Note the large heat is also over the Canadian permafrost/methane areas, and over by The Nordic Countries, although most of this appears to have been "blown" over to this area the past two days. OMG! This is "much worse," than "negative old me" even imagined.
11/15/17 OMG! OMG! OMG! "The Siberian Methane Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" is looking much, much worse today! Dr. Guy McPherson may be closer to being correct than I had thought. He believes most life will be extinct by 2030! I still believe that most life on Planet Titanic will not be extinct until 2050 to 2070, the remaining "pockets of life," I argue will be around The Great Lakes, specifically, and north of Lake Superior in Canada, due to the massive fresh water stores, that can't be flooded, as a result of massive "abrupt climate change driven" flooding; or be poisoned by radiation filled ocean water, expected due to imploding ocean based nuclear reactors, due to Niagara Falls. By the "Temperature Anomaly Maps" above, it appears that Canada may become the new "North Pole," due to "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop!" Note how below normal the temperatures are throughout Canada, this trend is likely to continue, as there are up to 15,000 gigatons of methane hydrates in the permafrost on the ESAS, the Siberian Arctic Tundra, and in the Arctic Permafrost above Canada and Alaska, and around the rest of the Arctic Circle.
11/17/17 Ok - How many times can I say - OMG! "It Is THE END!" Today's map looks as horrific as the others, with one "climate driven" change, the extreme "Siberian Methane Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," appears to have been partially blown over the North Pole. Good news, it is not as extreme over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), over to the Barents Sea. The bad news is that the "abnormally high temperatures," which is what a temperature anomaly map shows, is now over the largest area of multi-year ice in the Arctic Ocean! This is likely to cause less ice growth over this remaining multi-year ice, and as a result, a more rapid melting of all ice in the Arctic Ocean, termed a Blue Ocean event. This will increase the warming of the ESAS, and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, as it takes the same amount of energy to melt ice, as to increase water temperature to 80F! OMG!
11/18/17 So no OMG today! A nice change! It is interesting to see the effects of changing "climate conditions" on the "methane plums of heat," driven by "The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop," (The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop) get blown around a bit. Although this graph does NOT look as "daunting" as the original five days, from Nov 7-12 above, it has a "bad news" component. The other "large plume" of The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop, is sitting just over the North Pole from the ESAS, just above Greenland. This is where the most dense - multi-year ice - is located. Note this on the Blue Permafrost Map. The White Area right above Greenland is the last remaining thick multi-year ice, precisely where methane plume from The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop is sitting today! Ok OMG! So after thinking about it, it became obvious that although the methane plums over the ESAS are not as big as those from 11/7-12 above, this one is equally bad, as the methane plume is sitting right over the most dense remaining multi-year ice. One can logically conclude that these "above historical average temperatures," signified by the red area over this region, will result in less development of ice during the winter, hence, resulting in a "Blue Ocean," a completely ice free Arctic, sooner, than without the effects of "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop!"
11/19/17 OK Today is not quite the OMG! effect as the last 12 days, watching "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop!" However, now you can start to see more of the effect of "climate conditions," on moving the methane around the globe. Although the red heat above the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra is there, it is down significantly from 11/7-12. This, as I expected, is likely due to the beginning of the ice cover slowing the methane release, and reducing further degradation of methane hydrates. It will be interesting to see if the Red area, signifying 10-20C, or 18-36F above "historically normal temperatures," completely disappears during January and February, or not. Plus, when will it get very hot again, like 11/7-12 versus historical norms over the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra? My guess is by June, at the latest, but likely by May. Notice the methane plums north west above Hudson Bay, Canada. It looks like Canada and the US, will likely be getting the cold that should be over the North Pole, due to "The Siberian Methane Release Driven - Polar Vortex Shift - Feedback Loop." You can see the methane plums being blown around the globe! OK - OMG! The reality of this is terrifying! Seriously - Terrifying! And all the Evil Beasts are worried about are preparing many many walled castles for they and theirs, while fleecing the Globe of Idiots!
11/20/17 "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop's" methane plums are larger today, west of the primary methane plume over the "East Siberian Arctic Shelf," (ESAS). Plus, the methane heat wave plume over the north part of Hudson Bay, has increased. The size of the "Siberian Methane Heatwave Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop's" methane plums look larger today, than yesterday. It would be helpful to have an ongoing real-time graph, which can be retrieved for analysis.
11/21/17 One Constant - "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," over the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra - is still a constant - and no matter what the "climate conditions" so far, the primary methane driven heatwave plumes over this area are constant. The question is - are any of the other "massive methane heatwave plumes" from methane releases in other areas, or are they just due to the massive releases in Siberia? The movement of a "massive methane plume" over to the East side of the Arctic Circle, north of Greenland, from Nov 13-17, seems to be only a "climate effect," of winds blowing the methane over to this area. Plus, we know by the Blue Graph above, that this area is the final portion of thick multi-year ice remaining. This ice is not dense in methane, like the permafrost. However, the area North of Hudson Bay, Canada, appears to be generating its own "methane driven heatwave." As the plume does not appear to have been blown over to this area, as there is an ongoing cold area between this area, and Siberia. These details need to be closely analyzed and understood. That is - if we lived on a "sane planet" that was concerned about NTHE - But WE DON'T! We live on The Planet of The Evil Beasts! "All for the RICH! - - RAPE THE REST!" and on a personal basis - "All for ME! - - FUCK YOU!" To the Death of All Species, AMEN!
11/23/17 OMG! The massive "Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop," has been blown over the top of the only remaining thick "multi-year ice" above Greenland. This is NOT a good, as the "above normal temperatures," signified by the big red area now above Greenland, is not "rebuilding ice" during winter months as it would if the temperatures were much colder. Plus, this pushes the cold air, "the Polar Vortex," south, into Canada, as it is now. Note the extreme heat in the south west US, coupled with the massive Siberian methane plumes driven heatwave above Greenland. We know that the heat would NOT be driven by this ice over this area, as it does NOT contain any meaningful amounts of methane. Note how this "very hot plume" is roughly directly over the "white multi-year ice" on the Blue Map at the bottom. So this area would NOT generate these "above normal temperature differentials." This is from the "Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop." The heat was blown East across the North Pole, to a bad place to sit, right over the only main store of thick "multi-year ice."
11/24/17 - OK!!!! OMG! OMG! OMG! If today's map above for Nov 24, 2017, doesn't put the "fear of a fiery hell on earth into your soul!" In my opinion, it should! What a "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" - Look at The Massive Methane Heatwave Plume over the north of Greenland, and the permafrost dense islands west of Greenland. How much of this massive methane plume, is from this area, and how much is blown over, is a question. My guess, roughly 2/3 methane heatwave blown over from the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, and roughly 1/3 from the methane dense permafrost rich islands west of Greenland. Which this methane heatwave plume is over the only remaining "dense multi-year ice," remaining in the Arctic Circle, which is shown by the white area, on the Blue Map of permafrost densities above. Note how the "methane heatwave plume" could logically be expected in the permafrost rich islands to the west of Greenland, which is at the bottom of the massive methane release driven heatwave plume north of Greenland. We know that the large area above Greenland, where the very hot red area signifies the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Feedback Loop," Methane Plumes, blown over to the remaining dense multi-year ice remaining, as signified by its white state on the Blue Permafrost Map above. So this area north of Greenland, where this "Massive Methane Heatwave Plume," is not creating the "heat anomaly." This methane was blown over the North Pole, back in prior maps, and appears to be a "typical weather pattern." Blowing the ESAS and Siberian Arctic Tundra's methane release driven heatwave over to the East Side of the North Pole, above Canada. This is a "horrific apparent weather pattern," as this should result in this ice melting more rapidly, than if this were not the case. OMG! And what are the Evil Money Monsters doing - Fleecing Our Countries for Trillions! All I can say is . . . .
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
11/25/17 OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! 220 MILLION PEOPLE in the US are experiencing a massive "heatwave" today. With many areas experiencing 20 to 30 F plus above historically normal temperatures. NOW look at the map above - note "how much hotter" "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" is in the Arctic Circle, driving temperatures of 20 C and 36F plus, above historical norms! Way to Go Evil King Donnie the Don, Slut to Evil King Vlad, Slut to Evil Kings Charlie and David Koch, Slut to the Evil Dark Money Kochtapus, all Sluts to the Evil Kings Rothschilds, Evil Dons of The Evil Satin's Global Mafia, way to Go Burn US UP IN A HELL OF GAS AND RADIATION POISONING! All the while - Fleecing the US and Russia for billions to trillions! We may fry and die from it, you Evil Satin's Mafia Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, will experience the insane, unnecessary, intense, horrific pain and suffering of the implosion and explosion of 449 plus operating nuclear reactors, with 60 plus being added; and 15,000 plus nuclear weapons; combined with 15,000 plus gigatons of methane hydrates, ravishing MY Billions of Children, MY Trillions of Species, and MY Beautiful Planet for Eternity! Hope it was worth it!
11/26/17 OMG! OK Times Sextrillions! I had thought that the massive "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" may become less "extreme," during the winter months, as measured by the size and red color of the massive methane driven heatwave plumes. However, a look at today's map, and you can see, it looks much worse than even the Nov 7th map. The "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" - methane plume - over the ESAS has increased from yesterday. While the methane plume just east of the North Pole, has been blown north west, over the East side of The Nordic Countries. The methane plumes over the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, are building again, while the methane plumes East to North above Greenland, are still very large and growing, likely due to methane being blown over from the ESAS, as can be seen from earlier shifts in these methane plumes. Plus, we know that the area north of Greenland, and North of the Islands East of Greenland, are the primary stores of multi-year ice, which simply can't generate these massive methane plumes. We can't see any methane plumes over this area East and North of Greenland, until Nov 23, so this area is NOT generating much methane. Although I have been curious about how much the permafrost around the islands East of Greenland, would be released, I have to assume that most of these methane plumes, are due to releases over the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra. This is due both to the lack of these heatwave plumes in this area East and North of Greenland from 11/7 to 11/23, due to the observation that these methane plumes appear to have drifted over from the ESAS, plus the fact that the area north of these islands is the remaining stores of multi-year ice, incapable of generating large methane releases. So it appears that everything is coming in MUCH, MUCH Worse than expected: "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," "The ERA of the SUPER STORMS," the ravages of "Abrupt Climate Change," and "The Beginning of THE END TIMES!" All I can say is. . . .
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - "It Is THE END!"
11/27/17 Well, I think this is the first day, things have looked a "little less horrific!" OK, maybe NOT! OMG! All that has happened today, is that the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," has been blown over the whole Arctic. So you will notice that the other maps above, have a good deal more "white area," signifying roughly equal to historically normal temperatures. The map today, is mostly light red, with the typical "dark red" over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS). What is interesting to me is the ongoing darker red around the islands East of Greenland. As this area did not have any red - abnormally warm - areas from Nov 7 to Nov 21, until the Nov 23 map, I would hypothesize that this area is not as much a "source" of methane release, as it may be a "wind capture" point, where Siberian Methane Plums float over to this area, and then these heat plumes simply stay around this area. Further analysis would be critical to differentiate "if" the Islands East of Greenland, are currently emitting methane, due to the obvious permafrost density of this area, or "if" the "abnormally hot temperatures" in this area are due to "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop!"
11/28/17 OMG! OK It's True "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," is rapidly increasing the heat around the North Pole, with the primary heat wave having been blown over the Greenland and the Islands west of Greenland. The ongoing constant of the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" over the ESAS is the only constant. The methane is being blown around the globe, but in particular, is being blown over to these remaining dense ice areas, of Greenland and north, and the Islands east of Greenland. OMG, this will certainly accelerate the rapid demise of this last remaining area of multi-year ice!
11/29/17 OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! Look at today's "Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop" Looks Simply HORRIFIC! The dense methane release heatwave plume over the ESAS is obvious, north west of Alaska, with a dark "flow plume" heading right over to the Islands East of Greenland and Greenland. Greenland is "ON FIRE" from the "Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop!" OMG! This is HORRIFIC! By looking back at the temperature anomaly maps from Nov 7-20th we can see that these heat anomaly plumes, all came from "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop!" The methane heatwave plumes from Siberia have now been blown over the other "massive multi-year ice - GREENLAND!" OMG! Guy McPherson, "It Is THE END" may happen much quicker than I thought, but I still see my guesstimates as "more likely," than your optimistic view that we will all be dead by the end of the twenties! I still think it may be 100 years of "Hell on EARTH!"
11/30/17 All I can say is "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!" Look how Horrific "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" looks today. OMG! We're TOAST! The lower US has been experiencing days where 225 million plus people in the US are experiencing extreme heat, up to 20-30F above average. Compare the "red color" over the US - to the deep red color methane plumes, from "The Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Feedback Loop" going from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), all the way over to Greenland! "THE NORTH POLE IS ON FIRE!" And unlike Alicia Keys, when she belts out "This Girl is ON FIRE," this is not a good thing! I designate "This WORLD is on FIRE" as the official theme song of "The Siberian Holocaust Feedback Loop!" Sad, if I am correct, this beautiful young girl, Angelica Hale, will NOT live a Full Life singing her amazing version of "The GIRL is on FIRE" - BECAUSE OF TRUMP, KOCHS, THE EVIL WRONG - SATIN'S MAFIA'S EVIL GREED! OMG! Have fun before the coming - "HELL ON EARTH!"
12/1/17 "This WORLD is ON FIRE!" OMG! "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" is Burning Up The North Pole, and then the Globe! "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop," until "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop,"
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
12/2/17 Well it should be "All TOO Obvious" that "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," is not only real, it is "Burning UP the North Pole and the Planet!" The only constant is the massive methane plumes over the ESAS!
12/3/17 "The World is ON FIRE!" OMG! Look how the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" just keeps replenishing itself - it is the big red area on the North West of the Globe. You will note that this area is always red - signifying this is the source of the massive methane releases. Today, the "methane release plume" is building particularly over the Siberian Arctic Tundra, but as it continues to do daily, on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS)! Note the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume" was pushed over the north of Greenland, versus over Greenland and the Islands West of Greenland. The obvious source of the "heatwave plumes" from these "Temperature Anomalies Maps," is primarily the ESAS, and secondarily, the Siberian Arctic Tundra!
12/4/17 "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!" While the Evil States of Satin, King Donnie the Don, Slut to King Don of the Don's Vlad, and King Slut of The Ruthless Kochtapus Kingdom's, Evil King Charlie Koch Totalitarian Dictator, totally "Fleece The Hell" out of the US, by massive tax cuts for the billionaires, massive increases in War Spending for the War and Oil Lords, and destroying every bit of valuable government spending "for the people" - these EVIL Money Monsters are Blowing Up the Stock Markets to stuff the pockets of Wall Street's Billionaires, to then collapse the markets horrifically, my guesstimate is by 50-80% to where the dividend yields provide a reasonable risk-adjusted return in the "negative growth future," destroying the retirement savings of billions, all the while - "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop" is causing "The WORLD is on FIRE!" Look how the methane heatwave plumes are not only heavy on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), which it is on all of the maps from NOV 7 when I found these temperature anomaly maps of Sibera, but it is also heavy on the Siberian Arctic Tundra! Better yet, these methane release heatwave plumes are heating up the whole Arctic! Notice how the wind conditions in the Arctic have now blown the methane heatwave plumes off Greenland, and the Islands West of Greenland, and now the primary methane release heatwave plume is right over the source, the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic Tundra. Then these "Siberian Methane Release Heatwave Plumes" are not only engulfing the Arctic, they are flowing around the Whole World! All I can say is . . . .
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
12/5/17 "Trillions in Tax Cuts for the Billionaires," insures that "This World is ON FIRE," will be burning up The Evil Souls of Satin's Mafia, and that they will burn in Hell for Eternity for their Insatiable, Insane, EVIL GREED! Sad news is that we have to die too. Notice how the Arctic is all "on fire," but the deepest red heatwave continues to be the source of the methane, the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra. Notice how the only "blue area," signifying abnormally low temperatures, is the West Coast of the US, helping out the wild fire in Ventura, CA, and the middle of Canada. Most of the North Pole is Red Hot, 20C / 36F, roughly, above historically normal temperatures.
12/6/17 "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," has proven itself - in my opinion, of course! The massive heatwave plume, north west of Alaska, is constant, while the "heatwave plumes," obviously, move around based on climate conditions. Now the heatwave plumes have moved to lower Alaska, which are coming over from the ESAS. The heatwave plumes over Greenland and the islands west of there, have gone. While the Siberian Arctic Tundra, has a major methane plume over it, at the top of the globe, just south east of the top of the globe as it is positioned. All I can say after another round of trillions of dollars of tax cuts for the EVIL MONEY MONSTERS and EVIL MONEY SLUTS, while the Satin's Planet Titanic ravishes the world with the two largest SUPER STORMS, and record breaking wild fires and floods, is. . . . .
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
12/7/17 It looks like the ice may be freezing on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, hence the reduction in the amount of "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes." I trust that this will occur until roughly April or May, when the arctic waters melt. It is logical to assume that July to November are the top months for methane release. At least NOW, due to my research and discovery, we can watch these "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes," via this temperature anomaly map.
12/8/27 Can you imagine what the "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plumes" will look like by the time that the Arctic is totally "ice free" for months, during the summer, a Blue Ocean Event! I trust that the whole north pole area will be covered by massive "Siberian M