Become Your True Spirit that you have the potential to be in the Logical God of Love NOW - See the Spiritual Dimension Page.
Learn about "Mary's Cross," above, and The Final Judgement Heart! The "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume," the "bright red" oval area, signifying roughly 36F / 20 C above historically normal temperatures, top left of the temperature anomaly map above, is over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, and is the first one that I "discovered" on Nov 7, 2017.
I argue that it is NOW a self-reinforcing feedback loop, that I term, "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," or "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop," and that this feedback loop, will facilitate "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," causing ultimately the implosion and explosion of Asian ocean based nuclear reactors, the fallout from which will go up to this area, the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, facilitating further methane releases, until the extinction of all complex life on Planet Titanic by the turn of the century, plus or minus fifty years.
The Good News, we now can watch this massive "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume," balloon over all of North Pole from roughly June through November, then watch "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop" engulf the planet, until . . . It Is THE END! We can watch ourselves burn up! Oh Boy! Whee! "What a Gas!" Satin's States of America have unleashed "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop" on Evil Planet Titanic, insuring the demise of all God's children, God's species and God's Beautiful Planet for the Evil Greed of a few thousand billionaires, the Money Monsters, and a few hundred thousand corporate mercenaries and political sluts, the Evil Money Sluts! The real Good News. . . .
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - "It Is THE END!"
Author's Notes and Conclusions: My writing style is to vary from my own "human" style, which I hope is blessed by my amazing spiritual soul mate, John The Baptist; to writing with the "pure spirit" of my favorite and my most amazing spiritual soul mate, who found her lost soul in Christ's eyes, Mary Magdalene; to allowing "My Father's" words flow directly through me, to you. You will begin to recognize these Loving Spirits in my writings, and hopefully, will appreciate their contribution to what I am trying to deliver and fulfill For MY FATHER - YOUR FATHER:
My guesstimates are from around 2018-2025 A Global Deflationary Great Recession; from around 2025-2035 A Global Deflationary Great Depression; and, from around 2035 ON - "Hell on Earth!" Hell on Earth, I argue, will be driven by the world running out of cheap fossil fuels (2030-2050), "Falling off Hubbert's Cliff," and rapid sea level rises, combined with super storms (2030-2040), unleashing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," insuring "Hell on Earth," until "It Is THE END!" The start of "Hell on Earth," will result, I argue, in a Global Inflationary Great Depression, until the extinction of all species!
My guesstimate is the US will be in a DEFLATIONARY Recession, followed by a DEFLATIONARY Great Depression. Only when the world starts running out of cheap oil, and/or, when global sea levels rise sufficiently, combined with super storms, causing massive out migration from cities, will the world shift to a GLOBAL INFLATIONARY GREAT DEPRESSION, until the demise of all species. May God have mercy on our souls!
Since I started this work in 1980, I have realized and accepted the likely very negative impact my work in this area would have on my personal life, career, income and wealth prospects. After being at the University of Utah for three years, I had already completed, in my second year at the UofU, a graduate symposium in "economic demography," under a visiting professor from Stanford, where I started my work on "The Limits to Growth," and for which I completed a two year study that became a paper titled, "The Utah MX Baby Bomb." If my biased hopes are correct, this paper may have been the "straw that broke the camels back" on the worlds largest, most expensive and most insane project ever proposed - "The MX Nuclear Missile System." If this biased hoped for belief is correct, that work would represent my life's major accomplishment. I will detail this on the My Story page. I started this work in my second year at the UofU, while siting that same year, in a year long doctoral symposium in political economics, given by the then Chairman of the Economics Department, E. Kay Hunt (Kay). After three years, I had extensive graduate work in economics, finance and strategy, as I would skip out of many under graduate classes, and take the graduate classes, so I needed Kay to sign my course schedule for me to skip out of the under grad classes. After sitting in his doctoral symposium in political economics as a sophomore, he let me do it any time I asked. Not the best strategy, in hindsight! However, when I asked him about a doctorate in economics, he stated two problems Jim: First, you have taken most of the graduate economic courses already, what will you take. I said, how about the under grad classes! To which he replied - NO!
Learn about "Mary's Cross," above, and The Final Judgement Heart! The "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume," the "bright red" oval area, signifying roughly 36F / 20 C above historically normal temperatures, top left of the temperature anomaly map above, is over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, and is the first one that I "discovered" on Nov 7, 2017.
I argue that it is NOW a self-reinforcing feedback loop, that I term, "The Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Feedback Loop," or "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop," and that this feedback loop, will facilitate "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," causing ultimately the implosion and explosion of Asian ocean based nuclear reactors, the fallout from which will go up to this area, the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, facilitating further methane releases, until the extinction of all complex life on Planet Titanic by the turn of the century, plus or minus fifty years.
The Good News, we now can watch this massive "Siberian Methane Release Driven Heatwave Plume," balloon over all of North Pole from roughly June through November, then watch "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop" engulf the planet, until . . . It Is THE END! We can watch ourselves burn up! Oh Boy! Whee! "What a Gas!" Satin's States of America have unleashed "The Global Holocaust Feedback Loop" on Evil Planet Titanic, insuring the demise of all God's children, God's species and God's Beautiful Planet for the Evil Greed of a few thousand billionaires, the Money Monsters, and a few hundred thousand corporate mercenaries and political sluts, the Evil Money Sluts! The real Good News. . . .
. . . . "THANK GOD! - - "It Is THE END!"
Author's Notes and Conclusions: My writing style is to vary from my own "human" style, which I hope is blessed by my amazing spiritual soul mate, John The Baptist; to writing with the "pure spirit" of my favorite and my most amazing spiritual soul mate, who found her lost soul in Christ's eyes, Mary Magdalene; to allowing "My Father's" words flow directly through me, to you. You will begin to recognize these Loving Spirits in my writings, and hopefully, will appreciate their contribution to what I am trying to deliver and fulfill For MY FATHER - YOUR FATHER:
My guesstimates are from around 2018-2025 A Global Deflationary Great Recession; from around 2025-2035 A Global Deflationary Great Depression; and, from around 2035 ON - "Hell on Earth!" Hell on Earth, I argue, will be driven by the world running out of cheap fossil fuels (2030-2050), "Falling off Hubbert's Cliff," and rapid sea level rises, combined with super storms (2030-2040), unleashing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," insuring "Hell on Earth," until "It Is THE END!" The start of "Hell on Earth," will result, I argue, in a Global Inflationary Great Depression, until the extinction of all species!
My guesstimate is the US will be in a DEFLATIONARY Recession, followed by a DEFLATIONARY Great Depression. Only when the world starts running out of cheap oil, and/or, when global sea levels rise sufficiently, combined with super storms, causing massive out migration from cities, will the world shift to a GLOBAL INFLATIONARY GREAT DEPRESSION, until the demise of all species. May God have mercy on our souls!
Since I started this work in 1980, I have realized and accepted the likely very negative impact my work in this area would have on my personal life, career, income and wealth prospects. After being at the University of Utah for three years, I had already completed, in my second year at the UofU, a graduate symposium in "economic demography," under a visiting professor from Stanford, where I started my work on "The Limits to Growth," and for which I completed a two year study that became a paper titled, "The Utah MX Baby Bomb." If my biased hopes are correct, this paper may have been the "straw that broke the camels back" on the worlds largest, most expensive and most insane project ever proposed - "The MX Nuclear Missile System." If this biased hoped for belief is correct, that work would represent my life's major accomplishment. I will detail this on the My Story page. I started this work in my second year at the UofU, while siting that same year, in a year long doctoral symposium in political economics, given by the then Chairman of the Economics Department, E. Kay Hunt (Kay). After three years, I had extensive graduate work in economics, finance and strategy, as I would skip out of many under graduate classes, and take the graduate classes, so I needed Kay to sign my course schedule for me to skip out of the under grad classes. After sitting in his doctoral symposium in political economics as a sophomore, he let me do it any time I asked. Not the best strategy, in hindsight! However, when I asked him about a doctorate in economics, he stated two problems Jim: First, you have taken most of the graduate economic courses already, what will you take. I said, how about the under grad classes! To which he replied - NO!
The Limits to Growth: A Final Warning (click here for full screen)
The Story of Climate Change: April 2017
The Solutions to Climate Change
Noam Chomsky on Climate Chante (April 2017)
The Koch Brothers Exposed (2014)
Full Interview: Jane Mayer on the Mercers & the Dark Money Behind the Rise of Trump & Bannon
The second problem, he noted, is that "Jim you should know better than anyone, "It Is All Political Economics!"" My translation, it is all about the increasing and accelerating the insatiable, Insane, Evil distribution of wealth and power to the rich and powerful. Kay was warning me that I was out to save the world: between my work on the MX Missile System; "The Limits to Growth;" a doctoral paper on a proposed low profile nuclear arms strategy for a doctoral symposium in International Law, held during the Falkland Island crisis, that I titled "Check Mate," which focuses on eliminating all land based nuclear missiles, placing all nuclear weapons in submarines, "upwind" of adversaries (see my Political Dimension page), which is still in my opinion the optimal global nuclear arm strategy today; to my Master's Thesis (3/1984), which was a critique of the Reagan policies, arguing that they were the primary cause of the rapid rise in "offshoring of US manufacturing" in the early eighties. This was due to the massive tax cuts for the rich and enormous increase in war spending to further stuff the pockets of the Evil Oil and War Dark Money Monsters (easy fiscal policies), coupled with tight monetary policies, to stop the inflation of the seventies and further stuff Wall Street and Billionaires pockets.
This mix of easy fiscal / tight monetary policies resulted in a very large increase in government deficits, and an enormous rise in real interest rates. The high real interest rates, attracted hundreds of billions of dollars in investments in US government bonds, NOT US businesses, increcreasing the value of the major dollar index from 82.47 (10/78,, to 124.42 (12/84). This caused imports (think Toyotas) to be very inexpensive in the US (roughly 1/3 less), and exports (think Fords) to be very expensive abroad, roughly 50% more expensive than before the dollar rise. This mismatch of fiscal and monetary policies, I argued, caused manufacturing to be offshored more than any other driving force in US history. I concluded that Reagan's policies were very bad for US businesses wanting to manufacture in the US, and were the primary stimulus driving the offshoring of US manufacturing.
Kay was stating that the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts that run global businesses will not pay you for trying to save the world from their Evil Greed, in fact, they will make your life hell for trying to stop the flow of "BS (billions) to the Billionaires," at the expense of all of God's children, species and beautiful planet. Kay knew all too well, living through the McCarthy Era, as an outward supporter of "market socialism," specifically, The Nordic Model. They had labeled him a "commie" and made his life horrific, for believing in the economic model, now scientifically proven, to be the only sustainable and humane economic model on Planet Titanic! Kay, you were correct! The Nordic Model is the only sustainable, achieving the much more challenging objective of being "humane," economic model. In my opinion, given the testosterone driven insatiable, insane, evil greed of male homogreedious, primarily, although female homogreedious is trying hard to catch up, and the fact that "Evil TRUMPS Good!"
The key success criteria of a successful market socialist economy, like Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden, in my opinion, are to have limited wealth and power concentration in business, personally and in government, to limit these two "extinction level fatal flaws" of homogreedious - testosterone driven insatiable greed, and Evil Trumping Good!
I knew then the likely hard road I was walking to do "My God's Will, Not Mine," and first, to try to save his billions of children, trillions of species and amazing world, and now to help make "It Is THE END" as less horrific as possible, but more importantly, help as many find their way to eternal life in Heaven, "One" with the Logical God of Love, as I can be blessed to help. By my third year at the "U", I had already been run off the road many times; had my grades lowered refularly, due to my "liberal views;" had the "boys" visit me at bars to ask me what I was doing at the U, etc., etc. But the hardest reality of all of this abuse, since 1980, outside of the ongoing trashing of my career and income potential, has been having family and friends let you down "because" they disagree with your views of the world. Not only is this personally the hardest reality of "having your life trashed for the sake of righteousness," it is the most damaging to your spirit, your drive, your hope, your belief in humanity.
All of us that have made this walk, and tried to save the world from over population, climate change, peak energy, environmental destruction, global aging, wholesale fleecing of our countries by Fascist Kleptocrats, thrashing of the GTLBX communities and MILLIONS of God's beautiful GTLBX souls globally by the billions of followers of the equally evil "Institutes of Evil!" The Churches of the Almighty Dollar, Pastors Bribe Me, residing; specialists in brainwashing, subjection, control and false forgiveness, all to accelerate and increase the flow of BS (billions and bullshit) to the Billionaires. I will pick on the church that I was raised in first, no offence intended to true believers, only to the modern day versions of the Pharisees and Sadducees - The Catholic Church (the church of the gay pedophiles), the Mormon Church (the church of the sexual predictors and con artists), the Muslims (the Middle East version of Japan's Kamikaze pilots), etc., etc., all pawns and puppets of the testosterone driven insatiable, Insane, EVIL Greed of the Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts. Collectively, I call these Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts: "Satin's Mafia," or "The International Mafia of Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts," or "The International Mafia of Thieves, Thugs, Terrorists, and Torturers until the Termination of all Species (The IMTTTTT).
He said in the Temple, that those that lead His Children away from God, toward the Evil Greed of King Satin, in His Name, will suffer the greatest damnation in Hell! I would take these words seriously! As it appears to me that most of the Evil Monsters and Evil Money Sluts are heading to the "depths of hell," especially the Religious Right = Evil Wrong that are leading God's Children toward the Evil Greed of Satin, but most of the Right Wing = Evil Wrong for stealing the election from Al Gore; doing 9/11 to our country (see; doing the Iraq war, to steal the oil from Iraq and trillions from the US, while controlling the Middle East; stealing the election from Queen Billary; unleashing "Evil King Trumpet" on Planet Titanic; being the ONLY country to NOT sign the Pairs accord and for denying the scientific merits of climate change and over population.
I just watched "The Top Ten Doomsday Disasters" on the Weather Channel (8/13/17), although they did mention "methane," they barely even mentioned the methane on the Siberian Arctic Tundra, which is estimated to have up to 1,400 gigatons of methane, as one of the last methane risks. The top methane risk they present is a methane burst of thousands of gigatons in The Gulf of Mexico, which is very deep. "The Sigsbee Deep's actual maximum depth is disputed and estimates range between 3,750 and 4,384 metres (12,303 and 14,383 ft). The average depth of the Gulf is roughly1,615 metres (5,299 ft). The Sigsbee Abyssal Plain is the deepest and flattest sector of the deep basin. Due to the significant depth of The Gulf of Mexico and The Sigsbee Abyssal Plain, I would argue, they are not really a major methane risks. The methane is absorbed in the water if it is deep enough. Not a word was mentioned about the MASSIVE METHANE risks of the ESAS, which is very shallow, 150 feet deep on average, and which contains the most massive stores of methane hydrates, estimated up to 9,000 gigatons of methane! The current global atmospheric burden of methane is around 5 gigatons! OMG!
What Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatics!), along with halting all efforts of our government, and hence, much of the world, to mitigate or stop these extinction level risks; the result of the above, and so much more, creating "hell on earth - to the death of all of God's children, species and amazing world," for their insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex! Most of you Evil Monsters and Sluts will have an eternity that makes the most horrific horror movie, seem like child's play! So I would really pray, pray more, contemplate, the meaning of life - - NOW!
Mark 12:38-40 (NET) In his teaching Jesus also said, “Watch out for the experts in the law. They like walking around in long robes and elaborate greetings in the marketplaces, 39 and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. 40 They devour widows’ property, and as a show make long prayers. These men will receive a more severe punishment.”
Those of us that have stood against Satin's Mafia, which I argue is run just like the old school Chicago and New York Mafia, with an ongoing pledge of Omereta, which places even family below Satin's Mafia, know all to well how these Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts and Legions of Lunatic Supporters have systematically, continuously, and with amazing effectiveness, thrash, rape, pillage and destroy the lives - daily - of those of us that have stood against their Evil Greed! Evil King Trumpet uses the "RADICALLY INTIMIDATING HANDSHAKE," versus getting everyone to "kiss his Satin's Mafia Ring," with "666" on it (which I am sure people would prefer! - I don't doubt he actually has one!) so that he let's everyone know that He is DONNIE DON, THE EVIL KING DON, SLUT TO EVIL KING VLADIMIR, SLUT TO EVIL KING CHARLIE KOCH, AND SLUT TO THE EVIL KINGS ROTHCHILDS.
Even the children of the "Made Evil Money Sluts" of Satin's Mafia are thrashed and their careers are destroyed, if Satin's Mafia can't "get something on you," insuring that you have sold your soul to Satin's EVIL WRONG Mafia. This is especially true, of their liberal children! Just watch the video above "Koch Brothers Exposed," and pay attention to the discussion about the plight of Fred Koch. He was, and as far as I know, he still is politically liberal. His three brothers held a "kangaroo court," threatening to tell their dad that he was "gay." They knew that their father, Fred senior, would disown Fred junior, if they told him that Fred junior was gay, leaving Fred junior's share of their father's massive fortune for them! This was even though they had no reason to believe that he was gay, which I have no idea if he is, still. Charlie, in particular - Charlie is Satin in this world, and David just loathed Fred's liberal views, and feared him getting their father's wealth, to help promote Fred Koch's liberal views. In a humane household, it should NOT make a difference if he was gay, straight, bi, or any version thereof.
However, the Koch family, is one of the most evil families in Satin's history! Ilse Koch, was the "Butcher of Buchenwald," she prided herself on skinning the Jewish people in the Buchenwald Concentration Camp, one of the most horrific ever - - ALIVE!
Read this Report: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right
As the report states: "Notorious Nazis Ilse Koch, her husband Karl Otto Koch and Erich Koch are the ghosts of Koch Industries, who seized the U.S. conservative political agenda years ago and seem capable of seizing the government in total through the Tea Party. Ilse Koch was the Nazi’s specialist in making objects from human skin; was the only woman charged with war crimes; and along with her husband was in charge of one of the most horrific horror camps in Nazi Germany.
Koch Industries is the child of the violence of Buchenwald, widely regarded as one of wartime Germany’s most notorious “death camps”.
Information connecting Ilse and Koch Industries is hard to find but is a string of fragments, pieces of information that connects the American and German Kochs and this connection gives us a clear image of the sentiment behind the Tea Party and conservative American politics since the 1950s. Where is the connection between the German Koch’s and Fred Koch? Besides evidence the American Koch was related to Ilse’s family, Erich Koch (a high level Nazi official in charge of Prussia) invites Fred Koch to sell his oil in Nazi Germany when he is banned from doing business in the US. After the fall of Nazi Germany, Erich Koch and Fred expand the oil empire to the Soviet Union. Erich Koch had been in charge of Prussia for Hitler so his ties to the Soviet Union ran deep. A few years later the Soviets took Fred Koch’s oil and prosecuted Erich for war crimes – Fred Koch returned to the US, became anti-communist, and was allowed to do business in the States again.
American Fred Koch, and through association the Kochs from Germany, establish the John Birch Society in the 1950s in NY, which becomes the policy center for American conservatives. The society was built on Fred Koch’s oil money in the 1950s and can be thought of as the center of neo-conservative politics as well as the Tea Party movement. The ideologies of each are not the same – but the Tea Party fits into the neo-conservative put for (achieving a) colonial corporate police state as a sort of consumer citizen of the neo-conservative strategy mad as hell at the government and the legacy of liberalism, postmodernism, multiculturalism, taxes….etc.
Ilse and her husband Karl were tried by the SS before the war ended, accused of corruption. Her husband Karl Otto Koch was tried and sentenced to death in Nazi Germany. After the war, Ilse was arrested in the German American Zone, tried in front of a tribunal and sentenced, but was quickly pardoned by the American general appointed leader of the zone."
The following quote from an inmate at Buchenwald is from this web site.
Sergeant Blowers told us some things about the Commandant of Buchenwald and his wife. We could see their house down the hill through the leafless trees from our seats on the front steps (of the barracks). Blowers painted a picture of truly despicable human beings. The wife, Ilse Koch, favored jodhpurs, boots, and a riding crop. He told us this story about her: Once, she ordered all of the Jewish prisoners in the camp stripped and lined up; she then marched down the rows of them, and, as she saw a tattoo she liked, she would touch that tattoo with her riding crop; the guards would take the man away immediately to the camp hospital where the doctors would remove the patch of skin with the tattoo, have it tanned, and patch it together with others to make lamp shades. There were three of those lamp shades--the history books say there were two, but there were three. One of them disappeared shortly after we arrived. This may give you a glimmer of an idea of what Ilse Koch was like--and her husband--and the camp "doctors."
As with the Koch Family, it is well known that a significant portion of the Rothschild's net worth was acquired due to very evil activities. The Report: "The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right," "Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet," "Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science," "Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire," “Koch Industries Pollution,” "Violation Tracker: Koch Industries" and the book "Dark Money," provide a good overview of why many of us see these billionaires as the most evil and influential Evil Money Monsters in our country.
Full Interview: Jane Mayer on the Mercers & the Dark Money Behind the Rise of Trump & Bannon
Report: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right
Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet
Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science
Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire
Koch Industries Pollution
Violation Tracker: Koch Industries
I will speak to how my career is proof of the fact that if you do not sell your soul to Satin's Mafia, the Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, will thrash you personally, along with your career, income and wealth prospects. This I know personally, all too well! Witness King Trumpet's reign over the Kochtapus Kingdom. It is a revolving door of people who are Evil Wrong, but not quite willing to Sell Their Souls to Evil King Trumpet! This reality has been the same in all "Totalitarian, Fascist, Racist, Kleptocratic, Narcissist, Misogynistic, Bigoted, Terrorist Based, Fear Based, Corporatocracy Managed and Controlled, Plutocracies" - most all countries - except the Nordic Countries, since the beginning of the Evil Beast! Only the terminology is different between Evil Money Monster Kingdoms (capitalism, socialism or communism), the primary focus of all economic systems, with the exception of the Nordic Countries, has been more "BS (billions) for The Billionaires!"
Or as I like to say, the true economic optimization objective, for all most all economies, in all time periods; which is also the favorite "one liner" of The Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, is:
All most all business, politics, economics, religion, medicine, science, has been degraded to BS for the Billionaires, just before the Most Evil Beasts commit Global Genocide, in the face of 97% of the scientific community telling them to change course, while the other 3% are the ones Satin's Kocktapus Kingdom, The Evil Dark Money Monsters, have bought and paid off to decry the real scientists! Even the scientists warning about climate change, I argue, are Near Dark Money Monsters, as they are financed in large part, by the tech billionaires and Euro players, who represent collectively the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC's) projections and views. The IPCC and other leading Organizations primary goal, I argue, is to insure BS (billions) to the Billionaires that are funding the IPCC and the other climate organizations, while feeling "holier than the Dark Money Monsters," for their very inaccurate and misleading positions and findings on climate change, peak energy, and over population. They are less complicit, I argue, in the "Ongoing Global Genocide," but the net effect, I would argue, of their analysis and their suggested solutions, are nothing but to insure ongoing BS (billions) to the Billionaires that they are funded by, and to slightly extend the time period for Near Term Human Extinction - "It Is THE END!" I argue that their suggested solutions will not even come close to stopping the following massive primary risk from resulting in Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE) - It Is THE END!
ABRUPT CLIMATE CHANGE - - Driven By Massive Releases of Methane Hydrates in Siberia, and The Slowing of The AMOC
The Number One Risk of Abrupt Climate Change: Methane Hydrates and Carbon on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra
The IPCC and most other "Scientific Organizations" do not even model the #1 Massive Risk of Climate Change: That the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic tundra (click paragraph for link to article), have up to 10,400 billion tons of methane hydrates, that is up to 10.4 trillion tons of methane hydrates, with up to 86 times the global warming potential as carbon in the twenty year time period! Plus, up to 1,580 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon. Do the math (10,400 times 86) plus up to 1,580 = up to 895,980 times the global warming potential of the up to 1 billion tons of carbon in the Indonesia Peat Forests in the twenty-year time frame!!! The Indonesian peat forests are thought to be one of the largest stores of carbon on the planet (see video below) that have the potential to be released to the atmosphere.
The Story of Climate Change: April 2017
The Solutions to Climate Change
Noam Chomsky on Climate Chante (April 2017)
The Koch Brothers Exposed (2014)
Full Interview: Jane Mayer on the Mercers & the Dark Money Behind the Rise of Trump & Bannon
The second problem, he noted, is that "Jim you should know better than anyone, "It Is All Political Economics!"" My translation, it is all about the increasing and accelerating the insatiable, Insane, Evil distribution of wealth and power to the rich and powerful. Kay was warning me that I was out to save the world: between my work on the MX Missile System; "The Limits to Growth;" a doctoral paper on a proposed low profile nuclear arms strategy for a doctoral symposium in International Law, held during the Falkland Island crisis, that I titled "Check Mate," which focuses on eliminating all land based nuclear missiles, placing all nuclear weapons in submarines, "upwind" of adversaries (see my Political Dimension page), which is still in my opinion the optimal global nuclear arm strategy today; to my Master's Thesis (3/1984), which was a critique of the Reagan policies, arguing that they were the primary cause of the rapid rise in "offshoring of US manufacturing" in the early eighties. This was due to the massive tax cuts for the rich and enormous increase in war spending to further stuff the pockets of the Evil Oil and War Dark Money Monsters (easy fiscal policies), coupled with tight monetary policies, to stop the inflation of the seventies and further stuff Wall Street and Billionaires pockets.
This mix of easy fiscal / tight monetary policies resulted in a very large increase in government deficits, and an enormous rise in real interest rates. The high real interest rates, attracted hundreds of billions of dollars in investments in US government bonds, NOT US businesses, increcreasing the value of the major dollar index from 82.47 (10/78,, to 124.42 (12/84). This caused imports (think Toyotas) to be very inexpensive in the US (roughly 1/3 less), and exports (think Fords) to be very expensive abroad, roughly 50% more expensive than before the dollar rise. This mismatch of fiscal and monetary policies, I argued, caused manufacturing to be offshored more than any other driving force in US history. I concluded that Reagan's policies were very bad for US businesses wanting to manufacture in the US, and were the primary stimulus driving the offshoring of US manufacturing.
Kay was stating that the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts that run global businesses will not pay you for trying to save the world from their Evil Greed, in fact, they will make your life hell for trying to stop the flow of "BS (billions) to the Billionaires," at the expense of all of God's children, species and beautiful planet. Kay knew all too well, living through the McCarthy Era, as an outward supporter of "market socialism," specifically, The Nordic Model. They had labeled him a "commie" and made his life horrific, for believing in the economic model, now scientifically proven, to be the only sustainable and humane economic model on Planet Titanic! Kay, you were correct! The Nordic Model is the only sustainable, achieving the much more challenging objective of being "humane," economic model. In my opinion, given the testosterone driven insatiable, insane, evil greed of male homogreedious, primarily, although female homogreedious is trying hard to catch up, and the fact that "Evil TRUMPS Good!"
The key success criteria of a successful market socialist economy, like Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden, in my opinion, are to have limited wealth and power concentration in business, personally and in government, to limit these two "extinction level fatal flaws" of homogreedious - testosterone driven insatiable greed, and Evil Trumping Good!
I knew then the likely hard road I was walking to do "My God's Will, Not Mine," and first, to try to save his billions of children, trillions of species and amazing world, and now to help make "It Is THE END" as less horrific as possible, but more importantly, help as many find their way to eternal life in Heaven, "One" with the Logical God of Love, as I can be blessed to help. By my third year at the "U", I had already been run off the road many times; had my grades lowered refularly, due to my "liberal views;" had the "boys" visit me at bars to ask me what I was doing at the U, etc., etc. But the hardest reality of all of this abuse, since 1980, outside of the ongoing trashing of my career and income potential, has been having family and friends let you down "because" they disagree with your views of the world. Not only is this personally the hardest reality of "having your life trashed for the sake of righteousness," it is the most damaging to your spirit, your drive, your hope, your belief in humanity.
All of us that have made this walk, and tried to save the world from over population, climate change, peak energy, environmental destruction, global aging, wholesale fleecing of our countries by Fascist Kleptocrats, thrashing of the GTLBX communities and MILLIONS of God's beautiful GTLBX souls globally by the billions of followers of the equally evil "Institutes of Evil!" The Churches of the Almighty Dollar, Pastors Bribe Me, residing; specialists in brainwashing, subjection, control and false forgiveness, all to accelerate and increase the flow of BS (billions and bullshit) to the Billionaires. I will pick on the church that I was raised in first, no offence intended to true believers, only to the modern day versions of the Pharisees and Sadducees - The Catholic Church (the church of the gay pedophiles), the Mormon Church (the church of the sexual predictors and con artists), the Muslims (the Middle East version of Japan's Kamikaze pilots), etc., etc., all pawns and puppets of the testosterone driven insatiable, Insane, EVIL Greed of the Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts. Collectively, I call these Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts: "Satin's Mafia," or "The International Mafia of Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts," or "The International Mafia of Thieves, Thugs, Terrorists, and Torturers until the Termination of all Species (The IMTTTTT).
He said in the Temple, that those that lead His Children away from God, toward the Evil Greed of King Satin, in His Name, will suffer the greatest damnation in Hell! I would take these words seriously! As it appears to me that most of the Evil Monsters and Evil Money Sluts are heading to the "depths of hell," especially the Religious Right = Evil Wrong that are leading God's Children toward the Evil Greed of Satin, but most of the Right Wing = Evil Wrong for stealing the election from Al Gore; doing 9/11 to our country (see; doing the Iraq war, to steal the oil from Iraq and trillions from the US, while controlling the Middle East; stealing the election from Queen Billary; unleashing "Evil King Trumpet" on Planet Titanic; being the ONLY country to NOT sign the Pairs accord and for denying the scientific merits of climate change and over population.
I just watched "The Top Ten Doomsday Disasters" on the Weather Channel (8/13/17), although they did mention "methane," they barely even mentioned the methane on the Siberian Arctic Tundra, which is estimated to have up to 1,400 gigatons of methane, as one of the last methane risks. The top methane risk they present is a methane burst of thousands of gigatons in The Gulf of Mexico, which is very deep. "The Sigsbee Deep's actual maximum depth is disputed and estimates range between 3,750 and 4,384 metres (12,303 and 14,383 ft). The average depth of the Gulf is roughly1,615 metres (5,299 ft). The Sigsbee Abyssal Plain is the deepest and flattest sector of the deep basin. Due to the significant depth of The Gulf of Mexico and The Sigsbee Abyssal Plain, I would argue, they are not really a major methane risks. The methane is absorbed in the water if it is deep enough. Not a word was mentioned about the MASSIVE METHANE risks of the ESAS, which is very shallow, 150 feet deep on average, and which contains the most massive stores of methane hydrates, estimated up to 9,000 gigatons of methane! The current global atmospheric burden of methane is around 5 gigatons! OMG!
What Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatics!), along with halting all efforts of our government, and hence, much of the world, to mitigate or stop these extinction level risks; the result of the above, and so much more, creating "hell on earth - to the death of all of God's children, species and amazing world," for their insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex! Most of you Evil Monsters and Sluts will have an eternity that makes the most horrific horror movie, seem like child's play! So I would really pray, pray more, contemplate, the meaning of life - - NOW!
Mark 12:38-40 (NET) In his teaching Jesus also said, “Watch out for the experts in the law. They like walking around in long robes and elaborate greetings in the marketplaces, 39 and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. 40 They devour widows’ property, and as a show make long prayers. These men will receive a more severe punishment.”
Those of us that have stood against Satin's Mafia, which I argue is run just like the old school Chicago and New York Mafia, with an ongoing pledge of Omereta, which places even family below Satin's Mafia, know all to well how these Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts and Legions of Lunatic Supporters have systematically, continuously, and with amazing effectiveness, thrash, rape, pillage and destroy the lives - daily - of those of us that have stood against their Evil Greed! Evil King Trumpet uses the "RADICALLY INTIMIDATING HANDSHAKE," versus getting everyone to "kiss his Satin's Mafia Ring," with "666" on it (which I am sure people would prefer! - I don't doubt he actually has one!) so that he let's everyone know that He is DONNIE DON, THE EVIL KING DON, SLUT TO EVIL KING VLADIMIR, SLUT TO EVIL KING CHARLIE KOCH, AND SLUT TO THE EVIL KINGS ROTHCHILDS.
Even the children of the "Made Evil Money Sluts" of Satin's Mafia are thrashed and their careers are destroyed, if Satin's Mafia can't "get something on you," insuring that you have sold your soul to Satin's EVIL WRONG Mafia. This is especially true, of their liberal children! Just watch the video above "Koch Brothers Exposed," and pay attention to the discussion about the plight of Fred Koch. He was, and as far as I know, he still is politically liberal. His three brothers held a "kangaroo court," threatening to tell their dad that he was "gay." They knew that their father, Fred senior, would disown Fred junior, if they told him that Fred junior was gay, leaving Fred junior's share of their father's massive fortune for them! This was even though they had no reason to believe that he was gay, which I have no idea if he is, still. Charlie, in particular - Charlie is Satin in this world, and David just loathed Fred's liberal views, and feared him getting their father's wealth, to help promote Fred Koch's liberal views. In a humane household, it should NOT make a difference if he was gay, straight, bi, or any version thereof.
However, the Koch family, is one of the most evil families in Satin's history! Ilse Koch, was the "Butcher of Buchenwald," she prided herself on skinning the Jewish people in the Buchenwald Concentration Camp, one of the most horrific ever - - ALIVE!
Read this Report: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right
As the report states: "Notorious Nazis Ilse Koch, her husband Karl Otto Koch and Erich Koch are the ghosts of Koch Industries, who seized the U.S. conservative political agenda years ago and seem capable of seizing the government in total through the Tea Party. Ilse Koch was the Nazi’s specialist in making objects from human skin; was the only woman charged with war crimes; and along with her husband was in charge of one of the most horrific horror camps in Nazi Germany.
Koch Industries is the child of the violence of Buchenwald, widely regarded as one of wartime Germany’s most notorious “death camps”.
Information connecting Ilse and Koch Industries is hard to find but is a string of fragments, pieces of information that connects the American and German Kochs and this connection gives us a clear image of the sentiment behind the Tea Party and conservative American politics since the 1950s. Where is the connection between the German Koch’s and Fred Koch? Besides evidence the American Koch was related to Ilse’s family, Erich Koch (a high level Nazi official in charge of Prussia) invites Fred Koch to sell his oil in Nazi Germany when he is banned from doing business in the US. After the fall of Nazi Germany, Erich Koch and Fred expand the oil empire to the Soviet Union. Erich Koch had been in charge of Prussia for Hitler so his ties to the Soviet Union ran deep. A few years later the Soviets took Fred Koch’s oil and prosecuted Erich for war crimes – Fred Koch returned to the US, became anti-communist, and was allowed to do business in the States again.
American Fred Koch, and through association the Kochs from Germany, establish the John Birch Society in the 1950s in NY, which becomes the policy center for American conservatives. The society was built on Fred Koch’s oil money in the 1950s and can be thought of as the center of neo-conservative politics as well as the Tea Party movement. The ideologies of each are not the same – but the Tea Party fits into the neo-conservative put for (achieving a) colonial corporate police state as a sort of consumer citizen of the neo-conservative strategy mad as hell at the government and the legacy of liberalism, postmodernism, multiculturalism, taxes….etc.
Ilse and her husband Karl were tried by the SS before the war ended, accused of corruption. Her husband Karl Otto Koch was tried and sentenced to death in Nazi Germany. After the war, Ilse was arrested in the German American Zone, tried in front of a tribunal and sentenced, but was quickly pardoned by the American general appointed leader of the zone."
The following quote from an inmate at Buchenwald is from this web site.
Sergeant Blowers told us some things about the Commandant of Buchenwald and his wife. We could see their house down the hill through the leafless trees from our seats on the front steps (of the barracks). Blowers painted a picture of truly despicable human beings. The wife, Ilse Koch, favored jodhpurs, boots, and a riding crop. He told us this story about her: Once, she ordered all of the Jewish prisoners in the camp stripped and lined up; she then marched down the rows of them, and, as she saw a tattoo she liked, she would touch that tattoo with her riding crop; the guards would take the man away immediately to the camp hospital where the doctors would remove the patch of skin with the tattoo, have it tanned, and patch it together with others to make lamp shades. There were three of those lamp shades--the history books say there were two, but there were three. One of them disappeared shortly after we arrived. This may give you a glimmer of an idea of what Ilse Koch was like--and her husband--and the camp "doctors."
As with the Koch Family, it is well known that a significant portion of the Rothschild's net worth was acquired due to very evil activities. The Report: "The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right," "Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet," "Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science," "Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire," “Koch Industries Pollution,” "Violation Tracker: Koch Industries" and the book "Dark Money," provide a good overview of why many of us see these billionaires as the most evil and influential Evil Money Monsters in our country.
Full Interview: Jane Mayer on the Mercers & the Dark Money Behind the Rise of Trump & Bannon
Report: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right
Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet
Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science
Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire
Koch Industries Pollution
Violation Tracker: Koch Industries
I will speak to how my career is proof of the fact that if you do not sell your soul to Satin's Mafia, the Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, will thrash you personally, along with your career, income and wealth prospects. This I know personally, all too well! Witness King Trumpet's reign over the Kochtapus Kingdom. It is a revolving door of people who are Evil Wrong, but not quite willing to Sell Their Souls to Evil King Trumpet! This reality has been the same in all "Totalitarian, Fascist, Racist, Kleptocratic, Narcissist, Misogynistic, Bigoted, Terrorist Based, Fear Based, Corporatocracy Managed and Controlled, Plutocracies" - most all countries - except the Nordic Countries, since the beginning of the Evil Beast! Only the terminology is different between Evil Money Monster Kingdoms (capitalism, socialism or communism), the primary focus of all economic systems, with the exception of the Nordic Countries, has been more "BS (billions) for The Billionaires!"
Or as I like to say, the true economic optimization objective, for all most all economies, in all time periods; which is also the favorite "one liner" of The Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, is:
All most all business, politics, economics, religion, medicine, science, has been degraded to BS for the Billionaires, just before the Most Evil Beasts commit Global Genocide, in the face of 97% of the scientific community telling them to change course, while the other 3% are the ones Satin's Kocktapus Kingdom, The Evil Dark Money Monsters, have bought and paid off to decry the real scientists! Even the scientists warning about climate change, I argue, are Near Dark Money Monsters, as they are financed in large part, by the tech billionaires and Euro players, who represent collectively the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC's) projections and views. The IPCC and other leading Organizations primary goal, I argue, is to insure BS (billions) to the Billionaires that are funding the IPCC and the other climate organizations, while feeling "holier than the Dark Money Monsters," for their very inaccurate and misleading positions and findings on climate change, peak energy, and over population. They are less complicit, I argue, in the "Ongoing Global Genocide," but the net effect, I would argue, of their analysis and their suggested solutions, are nothing but to insure ongoing BS (billions) to the Billionaires that they are funded by, and to slightly extend the time period for Near Term Human Extinction - "It Is THE END!" I argue that their suggested solutions will not even come close to stopping the following massive primary risk from resulting in Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE) - It Is THE END!
ABRUPT CLIMATE CHANGE - - Driven By Massive Releases of Methane Hydrates in Siberia, and The Slowing of The AMOC
The Number One Risk of Abrupt Climate Change: Methane Hydrates and Carbon on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra
The IPCC and most other "Scientific Organizations" do not even model the #1 Massive Risk of Climate Change: That the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic tundra (click paragraph for link to article), have up to 10,400 billion tons of methane hydrates, that is up to 10.4 trillion tons of methane hydrates, with up to 86 times the global warming potential as carbon in the twenty year time period! Plus, up to 1,580 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon. Do the math (10,400 times 86) plus up to 1,580 = up to 895,980 times the global warming potential of the up to 1 billion tons of carbon in the Indonesia Peat Forests in the twenty-year time frame!!! The Indonesian peat forests are thought to be one of the largest stores of carbon on the planet (see video below) that have the potential to be released to the atmosphere.
Methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (click here for full screen)
Worse yet, the world's expert on methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), Dr. Natalia Shakhova, believes that a massive 50 plus gigaton general release is in the process of happening NOW! This would increase the 5 gigaton global atmospheric burden of methane by roughly 10 times. This one event, a 50 gigaton general release of methane hydrates, may increase the atmospheric burden of carbon from around 400 ppm, to 800-1,000 ppm according to the video below! This one event could increase sea levels by up to 60 feet, combined with super storms, it may unleash "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" Which I define in this work. OMG!!!!!!! It Is THE END!!!!!!
Think of it, the world is heading to 100 plus gigaton releases of methane hydrates from the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra during this century. The only question is not - "if" - but - "when!" My guesstimates are by the 2030-2050 time period. Even with the current estimated 50 plus gigaton release anticipated by Dr. Shakhova, this is estimated to increase the global atmospheric burden of carbon to 800-1,000 ppm!
Worse yet, the world's expert on methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), Dr. Natalia Shakhova, believes that a massive 50 plus gigaton general release is in the process of happening NOW! This would increase the 5 gigaton global atmospheric burden of methane by roughly 10 times. This one event, a 50 gigaton general release of methane hydrates, may increase the atmospheric burden of carbon from around 400 ppm, to 800-1,000 ppm according to the video below! This one event could increase sea levels by up to 60 feet, combined with super storms, it may unleash "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" Which I define in this work. OMG!!!!!!! It Is THE END!!!!!!
Think of it, the world is heading to 100 plus gigaton releases of methane hydrates from the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra during this century. The only question is not - "if" - but - "when!" My guesstimates are by the 2030-2050 time period. Even with the current estimated 50 plus gigaton release anticipated by Dr. Shakhova, this is estimated to increase the global atmospheric burden of carbon to 800-1,000 ppm!
Antarctica: Secrets Beneath The Ice (click for full screen)
During the Pliocene Period, per the documentary "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath The Ice," most of both West, and East Antarctica melted. The big surprise of this first ever Antarctica drilling by ANDRILL, was not only that East Antarctica, built on land, melted, along with West Antarctica, which was expected to melt, but that East Antarctica melted frequently, very rapidly, at roughly the global climatic conditions of today, actually at less current and "baked in the cake" carbon and methane levels. Wikipedia states of the Climate during the Pliocene Period:
"The global average temperature in the mid-Pliocene (3.3–3 mya) was 2–3 °C higher than today,[10] and carbon dioxide levels were the same as today,[11] global sea level 25 m higher[12] and the Northern hemisphere ice sheet was ephemeral before the onset of extensive glaciation over Greenland that occurred in the late Pliocene around 3 Ma."[13]
Now think of this - Dr. Shakhova's contention that the world is in a 50 gigaton methane release NOW, implies 800-1000 ppm of carbon, double the current carbon level. At the current carbon level, during the Pliocene Period, global average temperatures were only 2-3C higher than preindustrial levels. The time of this Wikipedia quote is pre-2008, per the footnote, "Robinson, M.; Dowsett, H.J.; Chandler, M.A. (2008). "Pliocene role in assessing future climate impacts"(PDF). Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. U. 89: 501–502. Bibcode:2008EOSTr..89..501R. doi:10.1029/2008eo490001."
I trust that we have already come over half the temperature rise to over the 2015-2017 time period! During the Pliocene period global sea levels were 25 meters, 75 feet, higher than today!
The Number One Likely Cause of "It Is THE END!" - - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop"
Combine this massive rise in sea levels globally, of up to 75 feet, with super storms that can move thousand ton boulders around (Hansen 2016), with only a 2C rise above pre-industrial average, and you have the prescription for what I term "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop;" the ongoing loop of massive methane general releases on the ESAS and Siberian Arctic tundra, facilitating rapid global warming (It is like taking a blow torch to the poles!), facilitating rapid glacial ice sheet melting, facilitating large sea level rises, while at the same time super storms escalate rapidly, sea levels rising combined with super storms cause the implosion and explosion of many of the Asian Pacific Ocean based nuclear reactors, the fall out from which ultimately goes up to the ESAS, which may then accelerate 100 plus gigaton releases of methane, further accelerating this process! "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I argue, will be the final feedback loop to eliminate all complex life on Planet Titanic! This is the primary "scientific" contribution of my work on "It Is THE END!," however, the real work is to tell God's children and species everywhere, to "Prepare Your Souls! - - Prepare Yourselves! - - Prepare Your Families and Communities! - - NOW!" Start planning, preparing yourselves, preparing your spirit, because "hell on earth" is not far away!
During the Pliocene Period, per the documentary "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath The Ice," most of both West, and East Antarctica melted. The big surprise of this first ever Antarctica drilling by ANDRILL, was not only that East Antarctica, built on land, melted, along with West Antarctica, which was expected to melt, but that East Antarctica melted frequently, very rapidly, at roughly the global climatic conditions of today, actually at less current and "baked in the cake" carbon and methane levels. Wikipedia states of the Climate during the Pliocene Period:
"The global average temperature in the mid-Pliocene (3.3–3 mya) was 2–3 °C higher than today,[10] and carbon dioxide levels were the same as today,[11] global sea level 25 m higher[12] and the Northern hemisphere ice sheet was ephemeral before the onset of extensive glaciation over Greenland that occurred in the late Pliocene around 3 Ma."[13]
Now think of this - Dr. Shakhova's contention that the world is in a 50 gigaton methane release NOW, implies 800-1000 ppm of carbon, double the current carbon level. At the current carbon level, during the Pliocene Period, global average temperatures were only 2-3C higher than preindustrial levels. The time of this Wikipedia quote is pre-2008, per the footnote, "Robinson, M.; Dowsett, H.J.; Chandler, M.A. (2008). "Pliocene role in assessing future climate impacts"(PDF). Eos Trans. Amer. Geophys. U. 89: 501–502. Bibcode:2008EOSTr..89..501R. doi:10.1029/2008eo490001."
I trust that we have already come over half the temperature rise to over the 2015-2017 time period! During the Pliocene period global sea levels were 25 meters, 75 feet, higher than today!
The Number One Likely Cause of "It Is THE END!" - - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop"
Combine this massive rise in sea levels globally, of up to 75 feet, with super storms that can move thousand ton boulders around (Hansen 2016), with only a 2C rise above pre-industrial average, and you have the prescription for what I term "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop;" the ongoing loop of massive methane general releases on the ESAS and Siberian Arctic tundra, facilitating rapid global warming (It is like taking a blow torch to the poles!), facilitating rapid glacial ice sheet melting, facilitating large sea level rises, while at the same time super storms escalate rapidly, sea levels rising combined with super storms cause the implosion and explosion of many of the Asian Pacific Ocean based nuclear reactors, the fall out from which ultimately goes up to the ESAS, which may then accelerate 100 plus gigaton releases of methane, further accelerating this process! "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I argue, will be the final feedback loop to eliminate all complex life on Planet Titanic! This is the primary "scientific" contribution of my work on "It Is THE END!," however, the real work is to tell God's children and species everywhere, to "Prepare Your Souls! - - Prepare Yourselves! - - Prepare Your Families and Communities! - - NOW!" Start planning, preparing yourselves, preparing your spirit, because "hell on earth" is not far away!
"Humans could be extinct in 9 years - scientists" (click title for full screen) discusses the very real risk of a sudden release of methane from the ESAS, due to the possibility of an ice free Arctic, what is termed a Blue Ocean Event, causing significant warming of the Arctic, and resulting in massive general releases of methane on the ESAS, which result in a rapid extinction of the species. As brutal as this may sound, the alternative, of having it happen over a hundred years, sounds even worse! Bring It ON! It Is THE END!
Combine the arguments of "Earth Under Water in the Next 20 Years," with the prior videos on Fukushima, and you have the reasoning behind the unleashing of "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Look," which I argue will cause Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), or "It Is THE END!" This documentary states that at 4 feet of sea level rise, ocean based nuclear reactors will be flooded. I trust that this will happen during the thirties, combined with super storm, I argue these events will unleash "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." Note the video above, "Japan Declares a Crisis: As Fukushima's Core Begins to Fall Into the Ocean and Radiation Levels Soar," on Fukushima's core falling into the ocean this year 2017!
However, I am not as optimistic as those that believe the species may be extinct by 2030. I trust it will be "Hell on Earth," by the thirties, when the world falls off "Hubbert's Cliff," rapidly running out of cheap oil and gas; and global sea levels rise by 3-7 feet, combined with super storms, super storm surges, massive wild fires, extensive flooding, rapidly expanding deserts, etc, causes the death of billions by 2050. However, if my guesstimates are correct, the last of homogreedious may well not expire until 2116, or until the first half of the next century. Hope they are good at living on "Planet Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," when all of the 450 or so nuclear reactors, coupled with the world's nuclear bombs, implode and explode globally by the second half of this century!
Jim Hansen, the Modern Day Father of "Climate Change," notes on the video "Earth Under Water in the Next 20 Years," that "In the worst case, if we were so foolish as to burn all of the fossil fuels, and the carbon dioxide levels were to increase to 1,000 ppm, then there is no question, we will melt all the ice on the planet, which will mean a 75 meter, almost a 250 foot sea level rise. It is not millennia, its not going to take thousands of years, the forcing of humans is so large, that it will do the whole job within the time period of centuries, I believe."
What Jim Hansen, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other "main stream climate scientists" are not factoring into their analysis and modeling of the possible impacts of "climate change," is that, if Dr. Natalia Sarkhova, the world's renown expert on methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic tundra, is correct, and we are in the process of a 50 gigaton release of methane NOW. This is likely to increase the global atmospheric burden of carbon to 800 -1,000 ppm soon! According to the world's leading expert on climate change, Jim Hansen, this carbon level will lead to the melting of all ice on Planet Titanic, all of Antarctica and Greenland, and a sea level rise of up to 250 feet!!!
"Human Extinction by 2030: The Last Hours of Humanity," expands on this theme of the methane hydrates risk on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the methane and carbon risk on the Siberian Arctic tundra. It features one of my favorite commentators, Tom Hartman. Way to go Tom, exceptional!
Abrupt Climate Change - The Two Massive Driving Forces Unleashing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop"
Massive General Releases on The ESAS and Siberian Arctic Tundra, facilitated by an Ongoing and Lengthening Blue Ocean Arctic
The primary forces that I am analyzing now are the time when there will be "An Ice Free Arctic," defined as less than 1 million square kilometers of sea ice, which could be this summer (2017), and when the Arctic will see all ice gone in the summer, which is termed a "Blue Ocean Event." In my opinion, should the "Polar Vortex" continue shifting south during the beginning of winter, versus later in the winter/spring, as it did during last winter (2016-2017), due to the narrowing of temperature differentials between the poles and the equator, then the time period for a Blue Ocean Event will be much sooner. The temperatures skyrocketed to 60F in November 2016 in the Polar region, and temperatures were 44F in the northern most parts of Norway during February 2017, last I checked. "Blue Ocean Events," I argue, will not only start soon, my guesstimate is by 2020, but the period of a completely "ice free Arctic," or "Blue Ocean Event," I expect will extend to many months by 2030-2050. Should this be the case, given that it takes the same energy to "melt ice," that it takes to heat water up to 80C, from 0C, I trust that by 2030-2050, hundreds of gigatons of methane will be released from the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra. Coupled with 60 plus feet of sea level rise, and super storms, causing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I trust that most people should be dead on Planet Titanic by 2050. This would be "the best possible solution," a rapid demise of homogreedious.
The Rapid Slowing of AMOC facilitating Super Storms and Significant Increases in Water Vapor in the Tropsphere
So the primary variables that I will be watching are the rate of global mean temperature, carbon and methane increases. The other "big event" that is currently unfolding is the ongoing Slowing of the Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which was featured in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow." The article "Could Climate Change Shut Down the Gulf Stream?" addresses this second massive driving force, potentially capable of accelerating "Abrupt Climate Change," and our rapid demise. So the state of this second force, which results from: melting of Greenland, which has already caused a large pool of cold water south of Greenland, has the potential to slow or stop the AMOC. As this slows, as it is doing now, the temperature of the water around the Equator will rise, increasing the power, size and strength of "super storms." These super storms, caused by warming waters around the Equator, will not only increase super storms, they will increase the amount of "water vapor" in the Troposphere. This has the potential to accelerate global warming rapidly. So much so, that Guy McPherson, believes that this risk is greater than the methane hydrates risk on the ESAS. I have no idea how he calculates this math, given my math above on the "methane and carbon risk on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra," it sure seems that the methane risk in Siberia TRUMPS the AMOC slowing risk causing rising water vapor in the Troposphere and super storms. But in either case, I trust Guy's analysis, and do see how it may be the second massive risk of rapid abrupt climate change, but I still see it a distant second to the methane risk in Siberia!
"Earth 2100" should be re-titled to be "Earth 2050!" By 2100 I trust that any Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts still alive will deserve to be here, before they go to Hell for Eternity to feel the pain a suffering that their Evil Greed Caused God's Billions of Children, trillions of species, and God's Beautiful Earth to Suffer!
"The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop's" horrific potential to unleash "hell on earth" and cause the extinction of all complex life on earth, can begin to be understood watching the BBC Documentary: Fukushima Uncensored," Dr. Stephen Hosea's excellent presentation on "The Perils of Fukushima: What You Don't Know Just Might Kill You," and "Japan Declares Crisis as Fukushima Reactor Begins Falling Into the Ocean and Radiation Levels Soar!" Can you imagine how many of these Asian Based nuclear reactors will have imploded and exploded by 2050, when sea levels may well be 30-60 feet higher than today, with super storms that move thousand ton boulders around. Ain't nothing on the movies that beats this one!! OMG!!!
Map of the World's Nuclear Power Plants, and "Asia's Nuclear Drive On Despite Japan Crisis," provides substantial proof of the rising risk of "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." All nuclear reactors should be encased into "Super Structures" that can withstand 300 foot sea level rises and insane super storms. Good luck on achieving this objective!
If it isn't blatantly obvious yet, in my opinion, the "Radioactive Methane Monster Feebback Look," I argue, will stop the Satinistic Evil Money Monsters, and Evil Money Sluts from trying to depopulate the planet, and keep if for their Sagri-La. May God give to you Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, the same mercy they gave to their least valuable employees, and to those they raped, fleeced, pillaged, churned and burned for your millions, billions and trillions! OMG I wouldn't want to be in your souls when you take that last breath on Planet Titanic! Wouldn't want to be ya!
Planet Titanic, I argue, will be a nuclear wasteland by sometime next century, at the latest! "Methane TRUMPS BS for the Billionaires," - "It Is THE END!" The only questions left are how quickly, and how horrifically! The only things left to do are the frying and the dying! Thanks so much, you Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! Save Your Souls - Finance "One Love," Methane and Carbon Capture and Sequestration Caps on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, Encase all nuclear power plants globally in Super Structures, TransitioNOW to SOLAR and WIND, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, or Something Like It NOW! Or, spend Eternity in Hell feeling the most intense pain and suffering your insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed Damned MY Billions of Children, and Trillions of Species to Suffer Needlessly for Your EVIL GREED!
Think of my work on over population, due to "The Limits to Growth: A Final Warning," since 1980, and my work on political economics, or as I call it "ALL FOR THE RICH! - - RAPE THE REST!! - - TO THE DEATH OF ALL SPECIES!! I have always anticipated that the world would end up much like the world presented in the movie Elysium, a cesspool of pollution and nuclear waste, with the Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts and their Chosen Lunatic Supporters living in a space station in the lap of luxury, or at least in the modern day version of the walled cities, much like Western Europe during the Feudalistic period. The good news of these massive stores of methane hydrates, and the consequential likely somewhat quick end of the species, 100 years of Hell on Earth, is very sincerely, that the worlds bottom 99% will not live in "hell on earth," like the bottom 50% do today, for centuries into the future! It Is THE END! A brutal one, for sure, but limited in time period! This is why I say - THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!
Think of how horrific state of evil that the Evil Beast has degraded to, planning on depopulating Planet Titanic - brutally killing billions and billions of people, while planning for they and theirs surviving - while not spending our money on creating at least a "sustainable," not to mention, a "humane" society. THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!
The Fact that the World, lead by the United States, Western Europe, Russia and China, are NOT completing ongoing and extensive testing on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra, to determine the extent of methane and carbon releases, they are NOT building Methane and Carbon Capture and Sequestration Caps (see my proposed solutions to climate change below), they are NOT encasing all nuclear reactors globally in Super Structures, and that the world is NOT TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the Other TransitioNOW Objectives, are in my opinion, proof of how Evil and Insane Homogreedious is, and why - THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!
At least the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts are taking us out "In A Blaze of Evil!" If the world was like the Nordic Countries, trying hard to be sustainable, not to mention, humane, and the world was still facing this dire future, I would feel much worse about our horrific plight. However, the Evil States of America, Satin's Kochtapus Kingdom, deserves the coming "hell on earth" - more than any other country. The Evil States of America are the "It Is THE END ROMAN EMPIRE!" It is just logically the case, given the arguments on this web site. It is primarily the Nordic Countries, in my opinion, that do not!
Even if there were 75% of legitimate scientists that were warning of these horrific extinction level risks, with 25% of legitimate scientists uncertain about the extinction level risks of climate change, and even if there were only a few hundred gigatons of methane on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and a few hundred gigatons of methane and carbon on the Siberian Arctic Tundra. Do the math (400 times 86) plus up to 200 gigatons of carbon = this would equal up to 34,600 times the global warming potential of the up to 1 billion tons of carbon in the Indonesia peat forests in the twenty-year time frame!!! It would seem that only a Planet of Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts, and Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters would NOT make SOLVING THESE RISKS THE TOP PRIORITY OF THE PLANET!
But NO - we have 97% of bought and paid for scientists by the tech billionaires and Euro business community warning of the extinction level risk of climate change, while not even modeling in their forecasts and recommendations the primary massive extinction level risks of abrupt climate change I detail on this site: methane and carbon on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra, and the rapid slowing in the AMOC; while the other 3% of complete BS (billions - bullshit) for the Billionaires scientists are bought and paid for by Satin King Charlie's Koctapus Kingdom! Plus, there are up to 9,000 gigatons of methane hydrates on the ESAS alone, and up to 1,400 gigatons of methane in the Siberian Arctic tundra, and up to 1,580 gigatons of carbon. This is up to 895,980 times the global warming potential of one of the largest carbon risks on the planet with the potential to be released into the atmosphere, the Indonesian Peat Forests! These "scientists" do not even factor in the other massive risk of abrupt climate change, the rapid slowing of the AMOC increasing the likelihood, severity, and size of super storms, and the likelly rapid heating of the globe, due to the potential rapid rise of water vapor in the Troposphere. This does not include massive amounts of methane and carbon around the rest of the Arctic, along with the other rapidly rising carbon and methane sources: US, China, Russia, Western Europe; Indonesian Peat Forests, Amazon, Antarctica, etc, etc.
It would seem to be obvious to me as a student of "risk analysis" in many situations, that the "sane person, sane society, sane country, or sane world" would Rapidly and Thoroughly Assess the Siberian Methane and Carbon Risk, and build Methane and Carbon Capture and Sequestration Caps on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra; Encase all nuclear power plants globally in Super Structures NOW; TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind; while implementing the other "TransitioNOW Objectives," making these ideas the real vehicles for "Making America Great Again." But what do I know? I trust that the world will find out, all too soon!
What does the Evil States of America, Satin Charlie Koch's Kochtapus Kingdom, do? Drive the world off "Hubbert's Cliff," seriously stuffing King Charlie's Coffers; balloon Fiscal Gaps (present value of future deficits), by stuffing the billionaires pockets with massive tax cuts, slashing spending on the bottom 99%; slash all spending on the greatest extinction level risk of the species, Climate Change, the term is not even allowed in the White House; slash EPA spending to allow the Evil Kochtapus Money Monsters to pollute the shit out of our country; slash spending on education, so the stupid shits in private schools, don't feel too stupid next to students from public schools (example, The Most Evil Family); slash funding of healthcare, primarily for children and the aged; slash funding for science, NASA, the arts, etc., etc.; not to mention insure the rapid demise of the species, due to pursuing very aggressive carbon and methane intensive growth objectives, policies, funding, etc.; building a Wall between the US and Mexico, instead of building Methane and Carbon Capture and Sequestration Caps on the ESAS, and the Siberian and Arctic; encasing all nuclear reactors in Super Structures; TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and doing the other TransitioNOW Objectives, etc!
The Spiritual Dimension: The Logical God Of Love - Christ's Unprecedented Logical / Theological Statements for Entering Heaven
If this is not the description of an Insane Evil Society, I don't know what would be. The Evil States of America, The Evil King Charlie Kochtapus Kingdom, and the False Religious Right, are the Evil Wrong that Christ spoke of that would come in His name, and unleash "hell on earth," until the demise of all of God's children, species and beautiful world, for the insatiable, Insane, EVIL GREED of the Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts, and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters. It is simply "logically" the case from the arguments on this site, "It Is THE END!" The Evil Kochtapus Kingdom is the modern day "Sodom and Gomorrah / Roman Empire" unleashing - "It Is THE END!"
He said in the Temple, that those that lead His Children away from God, toward the Evil Greed of King Satin, in His Name, will suffer the greatest damnation in Hell! I would take these words seriously! As it appears to me that most of the Evil Monsters and Evil Money Sluts are heading to the "depths of hell," especially the Evil Wrong that are leading God's Children toward the Evil Greed of Satin, but most of the Evil Wrong for creating "hell on earth - to the death of all of God's children, species and amazing world," for their insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex! Most of you Evil Monsters and Sluts will have an eternity that makes the most horrific horror movie, seem like child's play! So I would really pray, pray more, contemplate, the meaning of life - - NOW!
Mark 12:38-40 (NET) In his teaching Jesus also said, “Watch out for the experts in the law. They like walking around in long robes and elaborate greetings in the marketplaces, 39 and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. 40 They devour widows’ property, and as a show make long prayers. These men will receive a more severe punishment.”
Christ said in the "Final Judgement Heart" above, the key to entering Heaven is remembering that "what ever you do to the least fortunate, you do to me." To which the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, primarily of the Church of the Almighty Dollar religious variety, said "but we have done nothing to the least fortunate." He then said, "what ever you DO NOT DO for the least fortunate, you DO TO ME!" This, in my opinion of course, is one of the "logical statements" of Christ, that was radically different than any philosopher or theologian up to that time, the other two (good luck entering Heaven if you are rich, and be a radical pacifist - not a war mongral) that provided a clear understanding of "His Divine Logic."
Matthew 25:40-45 New International Version (NIV)40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me,you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
The other major statement that he made just before this statement was that "if you are rich, good luck getting into Heaven!" After reading this website, you should completely understand this "Divine Logic of God!" These three statements were the most RADICAL LIBERAL POPULOUS THEOLOGICAL LOGICAL VIEWS ever proposed by any philosopher or theologian that I am aware of at that time, with few exceptions to this date, except for those quoting Christ, that were the foundation of Christs theology, what I term "The Logic of The GOD of Love!"
Matthew 19:23-24 New International Version (NIV)23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
Luke 6:27-36 New International Version (NIV)Love for Enemies27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full.35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
My inspiration, "if you fleece rape pillage churn and burn my least fortunate for your insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed, I will send you to the depths of hell for eternity to feel the most horrific pain and suffering you damned my billions of children, trillions of species, and My beautiful world to suffer, due to your EVIL GREED!" Christ could NOT have been clearer, except for adding "my inspiration!"
When I asked My Father, if "You are all good," how can you dam Satin, and the Evil Money Monssters and Evil Money Sluts to hell? If you are "all good," isn't this doing evil to them? To which he responded, from the beginning, I created a pathway for the horrific, intense, unnecessary, evil pain and suffering that My billions of children, trillions of species and My planet suffer and endure, for the insatiable, insane, evil Greed for More Money, More Power and More Sex (my detail added), to be preserved in a eternal loop. So that Satin and followers would end up "creating their own Hell!" Their hell, is the collage of all of the horrific pain and suffering that they damned God's billions of children, trillions of species, and God's beautiful planet to suffer and endure for their EVIL GREED! I am not doing anything to them, they are damning themselves. If they do not do horrific things to My children, species and planet, there would never be a Hell!
Now, my inspiration, is that "it is that slick," Hell that is, each person experiences the unnecessary, intense, horrific pain and suffering that "their" EVIL GREED damned God's billions of children, trillions of species and His Amazing Planet to suffer. The classic Book of Revelations picture of the "whaling and thrashing" is the "collage version," of the story told since the beginning of homogreedious. My inspiration is that it is that slick, each person gets to visualize how the people, species and planet experienced their evil for Eternity. Note: this concept, as far as I am aware of, is original in theological history.
My first career dream was to be the next Thomas Aquinas, the author of "Summa Theologiae," the logical foundations of the Catholic Church, at Aquinas College Seminary, in Grand Rapids, MI. So I do have a good understanding of "the Logic of God." From my study, I am not aware of any theology or theologian who has postulated that "God created the pathway for Satin and his followers intense unnecessary horrific Evil Pain and Suffering to be preserved in a loop for eternity in Hell. Should Evil not prevail in the physical dimension, then there would not be any hell, except for Satin and his angels." The logic of God is that "He" does not do bad to these people, they damn themselves. Just like "He" is not "unleashing Hell On Earth" to punish the evil people.
The EMM&EMS are "unleashing the ravages of climate change, over population, massive fiscal gaps - caused by the Fascist Kleptocrats, and global asset bubbles - created by the Wall Street EMM&EMS, all for their insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex, on God's billions of children, trillions of species and God's beautiful planet!"
As much as modern day "liberal biblical scholars," if there are such souls on the Evil Planet Titanic, except me, might argue, that the coming ravages of flooding, wild fires, and massive hurricanes thrashing Florida and Texas - The Evil King Bushits' Kingdoms, the South East, Washing DC and New York: all of the prior, for doing 9/11 to the US and insuring "It Is THE END," may be "God punishing these evil bastards!" I argue, that however humanly appealing to ponder the apparent justice of such future events, it is simply a "Koinkydinky" as my Radical Right Wing father would say!
For those interested in my views on the source of my "visions" of "One Love," and all else that is original and in God's Love on this site, you can watch the movie "The Man Who Knew Infinity!' Not only do we share the same epistemological beliefs about the source of our knowledge and inspirations, we have the same passion for the God of Love that has shared these visions with us! An exceptional MUST WATCH movie!
The "EVIL Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts" are "unleashing Hell On Earth" for their insatiable, Insane, Evil GREED for Money, Power and Sex! They think that they and theirs are going to survive the coming "hell on earth," and have Planet Titanic as their own Shangri La! Wrong again! From my inspiration, they are "creating their own Eternity in Hell!" All of the horrific evil unnecessary pain and suffering that these Evil Satinistic Beasts have unleashed on God's children, species and planet, these Beasts, will feel for eternity in the Hell They Created for Themselves!
I do not know of anywhere in theological history, that this view of hell is postulated, as what "God" inspired the author to tell you it is. From my perspective, this is a major theological breakthrough! If it is correct! Certainly a major new theory of hell, until proven or disproved! If anyone does read this and knows differently, please email me the reference at [email protected]
When you compare our Evil Kochtapus Kingdom, the Evil States of America, to The Nordic Model, it should be obvious. The Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts that support the Evil Wrong in the US and globally, are heading to "the depths of hell." Those that have looked after "the least fortunate," creating sustainable and humane societies, like the Nordic Countries, I believe, will be blessed for eternity in Heaven!
In my view, these RADICAL LIBERAL POPULIST views of Christ, are why the Evil Money Monsters, and Evil Money Sluts, fleeced, flogged, lashed and tortured Christ, and then hung him on the cross until he died! I my view the false religious leaders of today, and the EMM&EMS&LL would do the same thing today to Christ! Witness how Bernie Sanders was stopped from becoming the "peoples choice" to lead our country to a more sustainable and humane society! Surely, I have been trashed, raped and pillaged my whole career and academic life for seeking to support a sustainable and humane society!
The most evil, will experience the most intense pain and suffering. Satin and his Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts, and all too many of the Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, will spend eternity feeling what their Evil Greed damned God's billions of children, trillions of species, and beautiful world to suffer, for their Evil Greed! Fascinating isn't it, the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts create their own "hell for eternity!" Wouldn't want to be ya!
How about you? How have you treated the least fortunate: in your political positions and politicians you support; in your business activities; with your family and friends; and, how have you treated those that believe differently than you, are different than you (religion, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.), or even persecute you? Reflect often on "The Final Judgement Heart" at the top of each page. Would you like to live for eternity feeling the pain and suffering your views, actions and greed damned God's children, species and world to suffer? I would think about this seriously! Eternity is a long time!
The Political Dimension of "It Is THE END!"
The short version of my view of political economics, having been a serious student of the field, since sitting in a year-long doctoral symposium in political economics as a sophomore at the University of Utah, is simply that:
Aristotle (384-322 BC), in his book "Politics," pondered the then new idea of "democracy," the rule of the people - by the people!!! NOT rule by Kings and Queens. He basically said, if you let the people rule themselves they will obviously want one primary change:
To which he said that the wealthy and powerful had two options:
1. Make the societies' distribution of wealth and income fairer!
2. Or alternatively, make the distribution of wealth and income more concentrated, creating a Totalitarian Society, but calling it Democracy.
As I like to put it, The Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts of the most advanced society in the history of homogreedious, the Greece state at the time of Aristotle, said - -
And so went Greece, radically increasing taxes on the people and slashing taxes on the wealthy; coupled with, slashing spending on the people, while massively increasing war spending [sound familiar?] to go rape and pillage Crete and stuff the pockets of the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! Crete was ready! Not only did building the Evil Money Monsters Greece Navy, bankrupt Greece, they were crushed by Crete! That was the end of Greece's world dominance!
Need I say - Deja vu!
Adam Smith, in "The Wealth of Nations," the foundation book of Capitalism (see the video of Noam Chomsky on Adam Smith), stated that "if the Masters of The Universe," continue with the approach of the Kings and Queens of his day - - "All for Us, None for them" then Capitalism has failed! Listen to Bill Moyers and Paul Krugman's video "What the 1% Don't Want You To Know!" This video, along with Noam Chomsky's videos should give you a good idea of what The Evil Kochtapus Kingdom chose!
My favorite video of all time is Noam Chomskey's debate with Bill Buckley (1969, which I watched first with my four "Intellects of Aristotle's Friends" in 1980, my name for our group, my nickname was "Spock," "The Logical One," of Star Trek fame), of the old TV show - Firing Line. Buckley is absolutely thrashed by Noam! At the UofU, I was the rising intellect of "The New Left." Noam was, and still is, the primary popular New Left Intellect, that did not have his career thrashed, as he got ten-year before the rise of the Radical Right, Evil King Reagan, and the Evil Wrong. Myself, I was not so lucky! This debate drove my life's work like no other - I love you Noam! Noam debates Buckley about the merits of the Vietnam War. Watch this debate, and just replace the word "Vietnam," with "North Korea!" Ironic how things never change, isn't it!? Noam Chomksey's Seven Part Series on US Imperialism, is a MUST WATCH!
Noam Chomsky - - You are the best! I just wish I could be there when you enter the Father's Kingdom! You are my intellectual and moral super hero! I can promise you the most amazing celebration of all time, that anyone has ever received, entering God's Kingdom. I promise you that! Just wish I could be there. I trust that my work here, will likely not be finished yet. I hope you can understand! But thank you sooooooooooooooo much for your commitment to "My least fortunate!" If there were only a least a small minority of blessed souls, like you, Elon Musk, Jane Mayer ("Dark Money"), Guy McPherson ("Going Dark," Abrupt Climate Change), Jorgen Randers, Dena and Denise Meadows ("The Limits to Growth"), M. King Hubbert (Peak Oil), Charles Keeling (Keeling Curve), Jim Hansen (Climate Change), Chris Hedges ("The Death of the Liberal Class"), Lester Brown ("World on The Edge"), Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Pikety ("Capital in the 21st Century"), Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders, etc., the species would have had a chance! However, I guess these works and these peoples' stories, speak to why there are so few!
The only three real intellects ever on the Radical Right, from my perspective, were: Bill Buckley, Milton Friedman, and Ludwig Von Misses! Although these radical right wing economists were at least "logical and well educated," they also knew all too well, how full of "BS (billions and bullshit) for the Billionaires," their false neo-conservative economic models of: perfect markets, perfect information, rational consumers, perfect competition, rational and enlightened consumers only purchasing products and services from the most responsible and humane business leaders, enlightened business leaders only getting to the top of the corporate ladder being sustainable and humane managers of corporations, etc., etc. were, and therefore, they were some of the most aggressive Evil Money Sluts, and are now experiencing the horrific impact their lies had on God's children, species and planet, if my inspirations are correct. Most of the rest range from BS for the Billionaire specialists, to simply Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts that are expert in thrashing, raping and pillaging God's children, species and beautiful planet. I talked my best friend, who was doing his doctorate in bio-chemistry at the UofU at the time, to finally watch "Firing Line" one Friday night, during my second year at the UofU (1979/1980). When I asked them to watch "Firing Line" before going out Friday night, they first laughed and said NO way! He brought his other two friends over, and it became our Friday night of the "Intellects of Aristotle's Friends," watching: Firing Line, Wall Street Week, and Washing Week In Review! You want to talk about the nerds Friday night out!
However, we were not "the nerds," on the contrary, I saw us as "The Intellects of Aristotle's Friends!" It was a Modern Day gathering, similar to what I envisioned them being during Aristotle's peak in Greece, the top of the development of homogreedious. It has been all downhill since that time! As technologically advanced the Evil Beasts are today, they are even more morally and culturally bankrupt - spiritually EVIL, Satin's Evil Money Monsters and Satin's Evil Money Sluts! Aristotle, you should not have told them that they could just concentrate wealth and income, to create a Totalitarian society, and call it "democracy!" What did you think that they would choose!? How I miss that humanity, intellectual rigor, and moral foundation in our discussions and beliefs. What happened to The Beast! Guess Greece, the Mayan Culture, Sodom and Gomorrah, Rome, and the Death of All Complex Societies are basically the same. The Exploitation of Everything: My Children, My Species and My Amazing Planet for the Insatiable, Insane, EVIL GREED of SATIN AND HIS FOLLOWERS! TO THE EXTINCTION OF ALL SPECIES!
My friend, Mark, is seriously bright (he is at Loma Linda University last I heard from him), and was the person that those failing bio-chem at the UofU Medical School were tutored by, at the time. I actually owe him my intellect. At the beginning of my sophomore year, we were working out together daily, and he told me - Jim, if you applied yourself to your studies, like your skiing, you would be genius! During high school, I considered myself to be an average struggling student, at best. Talk about turning my intellect on! Can you say OCD! I started waking at 6 am, breakfast 6:30, studying at my home until the library opened at 7 or 7:30, then I would be there all day, going to classes, then returning until the security guard kicked me out! I would study aggressively for 50-55 minutes, with a clock next to my reading material to check my reading speed. Then I would go outside and run up and down the library stairs, and do exercises to refresh my mind, body and spirit. I had one of those large group study rooms to myself form junior year on.
I had all of my research stacked up in the group study room at the UofU Library. This is when one full floor was dedicated to the computer. For my year-long graduate series in econometrics, estimating the possible impacts of the "land basing of the MX Missile System" in Utah and Nevada, I had a LARGE card deck with my data, which I had to input manually on a key punch. The standard joke was if you really wanted to piss a grad student off, trip them in the hall, carrying their "card deck!" Can you imagine putting them all back in order, or, just starting over!? For this two-year study (junior and senior years) on "the impact of the proposed land-basing of the MX Nuclear Weapons System in Utah and Nevada;" "The Limits to Growth;" and, my proposed new nuclear weapons strategy - "Check Mate!" This nuclear weapons strategy proposed placing all nuclear weapons upwind of your adversaries in subs, think Trident Subs, to minimize the primary nuclear risks of multiple types of failures happening, in as minimal way as functionally and logically possible, next tileo no nukes at all - which is obviously preferred!
I lived above a nuclear physics professor who was one of the scientists that worked on building the first nuclear bomb, with the Manhattan Project. I developed a friendship with him, and we talked at times around the campus, about everything from the nuclear threat, posed by the Radical Right, Reagan, and the proposed MX Missile System; to political economics, my specialty. He was amazingly well versed on everything we discussed. One of the profs from the UofU physics department told me at the faculty work out facility, that I was well known around the campus for may friendship with him, as no one had ever befriended him before. As the stories go, he got is doctorate in nuclear physics at MIT in only years, one of a few people ever to achieve this. My relationship reminds me today of the movie "A Beautiful Mind," except that he was real, and so too were the nuclear risks we were discussing! Ironic how my primary contribution here - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," is about the nuclear fallout risks of the coming rapidly rising sea levels (4-7' by 2030, 15-35' by 2050, 50-75' by 21000), combined with super storms and related storm surges, causing the implosion and explosion of many of the nuclear reactors on the Asian coast. The fall-out from which, I argue, will ultimately go up to the "East Siberian Arctic Shelf" (ESAS), and subsequently release hundred plus gigaton releases of methane hydrates. These massive general releases of methane, are like taking a blow torch to the poles! Which then increases sea levels further!
"The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I argue, will facilitate Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), or in my terms - "It Is THE END!"
We will all have an "THE BEST FUCKING TIME ANYONE HAS EVER HAD, EVER, AND I MEAN EVER, EVER" (and this expletive you can take to your grave) experiencing all of God's amazing love, for eternity! So I trust that we will have plenty of time to reminisce. Too bad, so many have been so bad! If you know what I mean! Oh well, you know that they are always barking about having a "free choice!" In my view, they have chosen to experience the impact of their insane greed on God's children, species and beautiful planet, for eternity! Or as the book I should write would be titled, "From Mansions to The Depth of HELL! And, From The Depth of Hell, to "The Logical God of Love's, Heaven" for eternity!
What a Planet of FUCKING EVIL MONEY MONSTERS, EVIL MONEY SLUTS, and LEGIONS OF BRAINWASHED AND BRAIN DEAD LUNICS for NOT Implementing the many highly thought out, logical, economically and morally sound, sustainable and humane policies and plans that God has sent to you FUCKING IDIOTS, through the above blessed souls, and all too few others, to save YOUR EVIL ASSES! I swear, my parents found me in a "crop circle." Ever day, "I wake up" thinking I am going to live in a place like Denmark! Then I turn on CNN! OMG! It wasn't a just a night mare!
Obviously, this is why Christ's primary Beatitude is:
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-10
All I can say to the prior liberal people's environmental and economic stewards, is thank all of you sooo much for your commitment to "My least fortunate." It is so sad, and in an odd sort of way, funny. Watching these Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts, and their Legions of Lunatic supporters on TV 24/7/365, causing the extinction of all "complex species," for the Evil Greed of the few! This is at a time when the prior amazing souls, could have saved the planet, and "Made Planet Titanic not only Sustainable, But, Humane, for the first Time in its Horrific History!" Plus, you can read "their plans and my plans" for "Making America Great Again," right now! They are all amazing plans: highly detailed, highly logical, very moral, economically sound, populous plans, for creating not only a sustainable, but a humane society. But the Planet of the Idiots just can't pull their heads out of the billionaires buts!
It is sooooooooooo sad, that the EVIL BEASTS, JUST CAN'T STOP THEIR EVIL GREED!
It is soooooooooooo sad, that the "Legions of Idiots," can't see the real loving souls, that have dedicated their lives to creating not only sustainable, but humane societies, like the ones above. You idiots just could not pull your heads out of the billionaires asses to stop the demise of all of God's billions of children, trillions of species, and beautiful world!
So we are looking for "A Plan to Make America Great Again?" I lay one out here; Jorgen Sanders, Denna and Dennis Meadows laid out a plan in 1972 in their book "Limits to Growth;" Jorgen Randers (2012) lays one out in his exceptional book "2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years," and so too, Lester Brown, lays out his Plan B in his seminal work, "World On The Edge!" (2011). Now I know we live on the Planet of The Idiots! But seriously!
Will you Evil Beasts ever pull your heads out of the billionaires asses, before they exterminate you all, in Planet Titanic's Gas Chambers!
Massive wild fires, floods, super storms, and sea level rises are heading to all of your local places most threatened by climate change. Plus, Evil King Dickie and his puppet, Evil GW, Evil King Donnie and the Evil Kochtapus Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, will drive the world off massive cliffs, including: Hubbert's Cliff, the $220 Trillion, guesstimated to rise to $350 trillion plus, under Evil King Donnie, "Fiscal Gap Cliff;" numerous "Climate Change Cliffs;" notably, unleashing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop."
My Lord, please bless the most prodigal sons and daughters NOW, that have the lives of 7.5 billion and growing of Your children, trillions and trillions of Your species, and Your beautiful planet, in their power. I pray that they may embrace "Your Love," NOT THE INSANE, INSATIABLE, EVIL GREED OF SATIN! That they may bring peace to the world, and implement the ideas on this site that YOU have shared with them, through me, your not as humble as I should be, sibling!
Karl Marx tried to change the distribution of wealth and income, by having the government own the wealth and distribute the income. Income, Marx argued, should only result from a person's labor (the labor theory of value). Wealth should not be owned to any extent, according to Marx, except by the "people's government." What Marx was technically promoting, is referred to as, "command socialism." A watch of "Vladimir Putin's Rise To Power," should give you a good idea of how well that approach worked!
The rest is history, with the exception of the Nordic countries, which took the first option, making the societies' distribution of wealth and income fairer. The videos on The Nordic Model and The Nordic Perspective explain why their model is unique, and the challenges they are having with trying to keep "The Nordic Welfare Model," a system which is primarily for the benefit of the bottom 99%, not just the top 1% - technically the top 0.001%, which in my opinion, is the focus of The Evil Kochtapus Kingdom!
The US just reached the "most extreme distribution of wealth in the history of the world," according to Thomas Piketty, author of Capital In The 21st Century! I spoke with Tom's colleague in this path breaking work on income and wealth distribution trends historically, Emmanual Saez, at UC Berkeley, just after they published their initial work. I noted to Emmanual, as a fellow demographer, that the extreme level of the distribution is still "understated" in their work. This is because they are using "family income," joint filing status, data. This biases the drop in the income and wealth statistics, as women working rose from roughly 30% of the population in the sixties, to roughly, 65% of the population today. Plus, women's incomes rose, in large part, due to minimum wage laws. So as "extreme as the distribution of wealth" is portrayed in their work, it would be much worse, if they could do their work based on "head of house hold data." To be honest, I have not been back to see if he ever took my advice and was able to disaggregate the data to reflect the size of the decline of "head of house hold" incomes are, relate to "family income" trends.
Now we have the Evil King Charlie Koch, spending billions of dollars to control his kingdom's brainwashed and brain dead lunatic supporters. Evil King Dickie and his puppet King GW, did 9/11 to us, taking over Iraq to control their oil and the Middle East for the benefit of the Oil and War Evil Money Monsters! By so doing, King Dickie and his puppet King GW, insured the death of all species, due to climate change.
Now you have Evil King Donnie, is accelerating the demise of all species as rapidly as I could imagine anyone doing it, that was doing it purposefully! The only thing that I can think of that they have not done, is to take the Evil States into War! Can you say - North Korea, Iran and Syria! I trust that by the end of August 2017, the US will be dropping bombs on North Korea!
The evidence that the Evil Money Monsters are spending our tax dollars on preparing for the demise of Planet Titanic, and that they are expecting that they and theirs will survive it, is overwhelming (the depopulation agenda).
To which all I can say is - - "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
Noam is quite eloquent in his details about the crimes of the Evil Money Monsters, and Evil Money Sluts. He too is a believer in Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE). Although I think he believes that the world will suffer longer, than I believe it will! Meaning, it is not as near term, which I see as just more suffering, more insane "hell on earth." Hell on Earth, I believe will be here by 2030-2050, in my opinion, that is "cast in ice, rock and dirt dug up in Antarctica!" The only questions left are: how soon will all of the driving forces discussed on this web site crash the global economies; how horrific will it be how soon; and, how long will the species survive "hell on earth?!" Hopefully it will be a rapid demise, especially if it degrades into a "Mad Max" ending, which I trust it will.
Too bad, this work can't get people to prepare for the ultimate demise, and go in dignity, peace and getting closer to The Logical God of Love! I can only pray, the world will "Carpe Diem," and "Sieze the Day!" But I am not big on "false hope," instead my best advice is to "Prepare your souls, Prepare yourselves, Prepare your families and communities! NOW!"
Noam Chomsky on Madison and Aristotle (click for full screen)
Noam Chomsky - The Most Dangerous Organization in World History (click for full screen)
What the 1% Don't Want You To Know: On Thomas Piketty's "Capital In The 21st Century
Noam Chomsky on Adam Smith
Vladimir Putin's Rise to Power
Combine the arguments of "Earth Under Water in the Next 20 Years," with the prior videos on Fukushima, and you have the reasoning behind the unleashing of "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Look," which I argue will cause Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), or "It Is THE END!" This documentary states that at 4 feet of sea level rise, ocean based nuclear reactors will be flooded. I trust that this will happen during the thirties, combined with super storm, I argue these events will unleash "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." Note the video above, "Japan Declares a Crisis: As Fukushima's Core Begins to Fall Into the Ocean and Radiation Levels Soar," on Fukushima's core falling into the ocean this year 2017!
However, I am not as optimistic as those that believe the species may be extinct by 2030. I trust it will be "Hell on Earth," by the thirties, when the world falls off "Hubbert's Cliff," rapidly running out of cheap oil and gas; and global sea levels rise by 3-7 feet, combined with super storms, super storm surges, massive wild fires, extensive flooding, rapidly expanding deserts, etc, causes the death of billions by 2050. However, if my guesstimates are correct, the last of homogreedious may well not expire until 2116, or until the first half of the next century. Hope they are good at living on "Planet Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," when all of the 450 or so nuclear reactors, coupled with the world's nuclear bombs, implode and explode globally by the second half of this century!
Jim Hansen, the Modern Day Father of "Climate Change," notes on the video "Earth Under Water in the Next 20 Years," that "In the worst case, if we were so foolish as to burn all of the fossil fuels, and the carbon dioxide levels were to increase to 1,000 ppm, then there is no question, we will melt all the ice on the planet, which will mean a 75 meter, almost a 250 foot sea level rise. It is not millennia, its not going to take thousands of years, the forcing of humans is so large, that it will do the whole job within the time period of centuries, I believe."
What Jim Hansen, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other "main stream climate scientists" are not factoring into their analysis and modeling of the possible impacts of "climate change," is that, if Dr. Natalia Sarkhova, the world's renown expert on methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic tundra, is correct, and we are in the process of a 50 gigaton release of methane NOW. This is likely to increase the global atmospheric burden of carbon to 800 -1,000 ppm soon! According to the world's leading expert on climate change, Jim Hansen, this carbon level will lead to the melting of all ice on Planet Titanic, all of Antarctica and Greenland, and a sea level rise of up to 250 feet!!!
"Human Extinction by 2030: The Last Hours of Humanity," expands on this theme of the methane hydrates risk on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the methane and carbon risk on the Siberian Arctic tundra. It features one of my favorite commentators, Tom Hartman. Way to go Tom, exceptional!
Abrupt Climate Change - The Two Massive Driving Forces Unleashing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop"
Massive General Releases on The ESAS and Siberian Arctic Tundra, facilitated by an Ongoing and Lengthening Blue Ocean Arctic
The primary forces that I am analyzing now are the time when there will be "An Ice Free Arctic," defined as less than 1 million square kilometers of sea ice, which could be this summer (2017), and when the Arctic will see all ice gone in the summer, which is termed a "Blue Ocean Event." In my opinion, should the "Polar Vortex" continue shifting south during the beginning of winter, versus later in the winter/spring, as it did during last winter (2016-2017), due to the narrowing of temperature differentials between the poles and the equator, then the time period for a Blue Ocean Event will be much sooner. The temperatures skyrocketed to 60F in November 2016 in the Polar region, and temperatures were 44F in the northern most parts of Norway during February 2017, last I checked. "Blue Ocean Events," I argue, will not only start soon, my guesstimate is by 2020, but the period of a completely "ice free Arctic," or "Blue Ocean Event," I expect will extend to many months by 2030-2050. Should this be the case, given that it takes the same energy to "melt ice," that it takes to heat water up to 80C, from 0C, I trust that by 2030-2050, hundreds of gigatons of methane will be released from the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra. Coupled with 60 plus feet of sea level rise, and super storms, causing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I trust that most people should be dead on Planet Titanic by 2050. This would be "the best possible solution," a rapid demise of homogreedious.
The Rapid Slowing of AMOC facilitating Super Storms and Significant Increases in Water Vapor in the Tropsphere
So the primary variables that I will be watching are the rate of global mean temperature, carbon and methane increases. The other "big event" that is currently unfolding is the ongoing Slowing of the Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which was featured in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow." The article "Could Climate Change Shut Down the Gulf Stream?" addresses this second massive driving force, potentially capable of accelerating "Abrupt Climate Change," and our rapid demise. So the state of this second force, which results from: melting of Greenland, which has already caused a large pool of cold water south of Greenland, has the potential to slow or stop the AMOC. As this slows, as it is doing now, the temperature of the water around the Equator will rise, increasing the power, size and strength of "super storms." These super storms, caused by warming waters around the Equator, will not only increase super storms, they will increase the amount of "water vapor" in the Troposphere. This has the potential to accelerate global warming rapidly. So much so, that Guy McPherson, believes that this risk is greater than the methane hydrates risk on the ESAS. I have no idea how he calculates this math, given my math above on the "methane and carbon risk on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra," it sure seems that the methane risk in Siberia TRUMPS the AMOC slowing risk causing rising water vapor in the Troposphere and super storms. But in either case, I trust Guy's analysis, and do see how it may be the second massive risk of rapid abrupt climate change, but I still see it a distant second to the methane risk in Siberia!
"Earth 2100" should be re-titled to be "Earth 2050!" By 2100 I trust that any Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts still alive will deserve to be here, before they go to Hell for Eternity to feel the pain a suffering that their Evil Greed Caused God's Billions of Children, trillions of species, and God's Beautiful Earth to Suffer!
"The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop's" horrific potential to unleash "hell on earth" and cause the extinction of all complex life on earth, can begin to be understood watching the BBC Documentary: Fukushima Uncensored," Dr. Stephen Hosea's excellent presentation on "The Perils of Fukushima: What You Don't Know Just Might Kill You," and "Japan Declares Crisis as Fukushima Reactor Begins Falling Into the Ocean and Radiation Levels Soar!" Can you imagine how many of these Asian Based nuclear reactors will have imploded and exploded by 2050, when sea levels may well be 30-60 feet higher than today, with super storms that move thousand ton boulders around. Ain't nothing on the movies that beats this one!! OMG!!!
Map of the World's Nuclear Power Plants, and "Asia's Nuclear Drive On Despite Japan Crisis," provides substantial proof of the rising risk of "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." All nuclear reactors should be encased into "Super Structures" that can withstand 300 foot sea level rises and insane super storms. Good luck on achieving this objective!
If it isn't blatantly obvious yet, in my opinion, the "Radioactive Methane Monster Feebback Look," I argue, will stop the Satinistic Evil Money Monsters, and Evil Money Sluts from trying to depopulate the planet, and keep if for their Sagri-La. May God give to you Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, the same mercy they gave to their least valuable employees, and to those they raped, fleeced, pillaged, churned and burned for your millions, billions and trillions! OMG I wouldn't want to be in your souls when you take that last breath on Planet Titanic! Wouldn't want to be ya!
Planet Titanic, I argue, will be a nuclear wasteland by sometime next century, at the latest! "Methane TRUMPS BS for the Billionaires," - "It Is THE END!" The only questions left are how quickly, and how horrifically! The only things left to do are the frying and the dying! Thanks so much, you Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! Save Your Souls - Finance "One Love," Methane and Carbon Capture and Sequestration Caps on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra, Encase all nuclear power plants globally in Super Structures, TransitioNOW to SOLAR and WIND, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, or Something Like It NOW! Or, spend Eternity in Hell feeling the most intense pain and suffering your insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed Damned MY Billions of Children, and Trillions of Species to Suffer Needlessly for Your EVIL GREED!
Think of my work on over population, due to "The Limits to Growth: A Final Warning," since 1980, and my work on political economics, or as I call it "ALL FOR THE RICH! - - RAPE THE REST!! - - TO THE DEATH OF ALL SPECIES!! I have always anticipated that the world would end up much like the world presented in the movie Elysium, a cesspool of pollution and nuclear waste, with the Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts and their Chosen Lunatic Supporters living in a space station in the lap of luxury, or at least in the modern day version of the walled cities, much like Western Europe during the Feudalistic period. The good news of these massive stores of methane hydrates, and the consequential likely somewhat quick end of the species, 100 years of Hell on Earth, is very sincerely, that the worlds bottom 99% will not live in "hell on earth," like the bottom 50% do today, for centuries into the future! It Is THE END! A brutal one, for sure, but limited in time period! This is why I say - THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!
Think of how horrific state of evil that the Evil Beast has degraded to, planning on depopulating Planet Titanic - brutally killing billions and billions of people, while planning for they and theirs surviving - while not spending our money on creating at least a "sustainable," not to mention, a "humane" society. THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!
The Fact that the World, lead by the United States, Western Europe, Russia and China, are NOT completing ongoing and extensive testing on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra, to determine the extent of methane and carbon releases, they are NOT building Methane and Carbon Capture and Sequestration Caps (see my proposed solutions to climate change below), they are NOT encasing all nuclear reactors globally in Super Structures, and that the world is NOT TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the Other TransitioNOW Objectives, are in my opinion, proof of how Evil and Insane Homogreedious is, and why - THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!
At least the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts are taking us out "In A Blaze of Evil!" If the world was like the Nordic Countries, trying hard to be sustainable, not to mention, humane, and the world was still facing this dire future, I would feel much worse about our horrific plight. However, the Evil States of America, Satin's Kochtapus Kingdom, deserves the coming "hell on earth" - more than any other country. The Evil States of America are the "It Is THE END ROMAN EMPIRE!" It is just logically the case, given the arguments on this web site. It is primarily the Nordic Countries, in my opinion, that do not!
Even if there were 75% of legitimate scientists that were warning of these horrific extinction level risks, with 25% of legitimate scientists uncertain about the extinction level risks of climate change, and even if there were only a few hundred gigatons of methane on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and a few hundred gigatons of methane and carbon on the Siberian Arctic Tundra. Do the math (400 times 86) plus up to 200 gigatons of carbon = this would equal up to 34,600 times the global warming potential of the up to 1 billion tons of carbon in the Indonesia peat forests in the twenty-year time frame!!! It would seem that only a Planet of Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts, and Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters would NOT make SOLVING THESE RISKS THE TOP PRIORITY OF THE PLANET!
But NO - we have 97% of bought and paid for scientists by the tech billionaires and Euro business community warning of the extinction level risk of climate change, while not even modeling in their forecasts and recommendations the primary massive extinction level risks of abrupt climate change I detail on this site: methane and carbon on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra, and the rapid slowing in the AMOC; while the other 3% of complete BS (billions - bullshit) for the Billionaires scientists are bought and paid for by Satin King Charlie's Koctapus Kingdom! Plus, there are up to 9,000 gigatons of methane hydrates on the ESAS alone, and up to 1,400 gigatons of methane in the Siberian Arctic tundra, and up to 1,580 gigatons of carbon. This is up to 895,980 times the global warming potential of one of the largest carbon risks on the planet with the potential to be released into the atmosphere, the Indonesian Peat Forests! These "scientists" do not even factor in the other massive risk of abrupt climate change, the rapid slowing of the AMOC increasing the likelihood, severity, and size of super storms, and the likelly rapid heating of the globe, due to the potential rapid rise of water vapor in the Troposphere. This does not include massive amounts of methane and carbon around the rest of the Arctic, along with the other rapidly rising carbon and methane sources: US, China, Russia, Western Europe; Indonesian Peat Forests, Amazon, Antarctica, etc, etc.
It would seem to be obvious to me as a student of "risk analysis" in many situations, that the "sane person, sane society, sane country, or sane world" would Rapidly and Thoroughly Assess the Siberian Methane and Carbon Risk, and build Methane and Carbon Capture and Sequestration Caps on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra; Encase all nuclear power plants globally in Super Structures NOW; TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind; while implementing the other "TransitioNOW Objectives," making these ideas the real vehicles for "Making America Great Again." But what do I know? I trust that the world will find out, all too soon!
What does the Evil States of America, Satin Charlie Koch's Kochtapus Kingdom, do? Drive the world off "Hubbert's Cliff," seriously stuffing King Charlie's Coffers; balloon Fiscal Gaps (present value of future deficits), by stuffing the billionaires pockets with massive tax cuts, slashing spending on the bottom 99%; slash all spending on the greatest extinction level risk of the species, Climate Change, the term is not even allowed in the White House; slash EPA spending to allow the Evil Kochtapus Money Monsters to pollute the shit out of our country; slash spending on education, so the stupid shits in private schools, don't feel too stupid next to students from public schools (example, The Most Evil Family); slash funding of healthcare, primarily for children and the aged; slash funding for science, NASA, the arts, etc., etc.; not to mention insure the rapid demise of the species, due to pursuing very aggressive carbon and methane intensive growth objectives, policies, funding, etc.; building a Wall between the US and Mexico, instead of building Methane and Carbon Capture and Sequestration Caps on the ESAS, and the Siberian and Arctic; encasing all nuclear reactors in Super Structures; TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and doing the other TransitioNOW Objectives, etc!
The Spiritual Dimension: The Logical God Of Love - Christ's Unprecedented Logical / Theological Statements for Entering Heaven
If this is not the description of an Insane Evil Society, I don't know what would be. The Evil States of America, The Evil King Charlie Kochtapus Kingdom, and the False Religious Right, are the Evil Wrong that Christ spoke of that would come in His name, and unleash "hell on earth," until the demise of all of God's children, species and beautiful world, for the insatiable, Insane, EVIL GREED of the Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts, and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters. It is simply "logically" the case from the arguments on this site, "It Is THE END!" The Evil Kochtapus Kingdom is the modern day "Sodom and Gomorrah / Roman Empire" unleashing - "It Is THE END!"
He said in the Temple, that those that lead His Children away from God, toward the Evil Greed of King Satin, in His Name, will suffer the greatest damnation in Hell! I would take these words seriously! As it appears to me that most of the Evil Monsters and Evil Money Sluts are heading to the "depths of hell," especially the Evil Wrong that are leading God's Children toward the Evil Greed of Satin, but most of the Evil Wrong for creating "hell on earth - to the death of all of God's children, species and amazing world," for their insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex! Most of you Evil Monsters and Sluts will have an eternity that makes the most horrific horror movie, seem like child's play! So I would really pray, pray more, contemplate, the meaning of life - - NOW!
Mark 12:38-40 (NET) In his teaching Jesus also said, “Watch out for the experts in the law. They like walking around in long robes and elaborate greetings in the marketplaces, 39 and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. 40 They devour widows’ property, and as a show make long prayers. These men will receive a more severe punishment.”
Christ said in the "Final Judgement Heart" above, the key to entering Heaven is remembering that "what ever you do to the least fortunate, you do to me." To which the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, primarily of the Church of the Almighty Dollar religious variety, said "but we have done nothing to the least fortunate." He then said, "what ever you DO NOT DO for the least fortunate, you DO TO ME!" This, in my opinion of course, is one of the "logical statements" of Christ, that was radically different than any philosopher or theologian up to that time, the other two (good luck entering Heaven if you are rich, and be a radical pacifist - not a war mongral) that provided a clear understanding of "His Divine Logic."
Matthew 25:40-45 New International Version (NIV)40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me,you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
The other major statement that he made just before this statement was that "if you are rich, good luck getting into Heaven!" After reading this website, you should completely understand this "Divine Logic of God!" These three statements were the most RADICAL LIBERAL POPULOUS THEOLOGICAL LOGICAL VIEWS ever proposed by any philosopher or theologian that I am aware of at that time, with few exceptions to this date, except for those quoting Christ, that were the foundation of Christs theology, what I term "The Logic of The GOD of Love!"
Matthew 19:23-24 New International Version (NIV)23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
Luke 6:27-36 New International Version (NIV)Love for Enemies27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full.35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
My inspiration, "if you fleece rape pillage churn and burn my least fortunate for your insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed, I will send you to the depths of hell for eternity to feel the most horrific pain and suffering you damned my billions of children, trillions of species, and My beautiful world to suffer, due to your EVIL GREED!" Christ could NOT have been clearer, except for adding "my inspiration!"
When I asked My Father, if "You are all good," how can you dam Satin, and the Evil Money Monssters and Evil Money Sluts to hell? If you are "all good," isn't this doing evil to them? To which he responded, from the beginning, I created a pathway for the horrific, intense, unnecessary, evil pain and suffering that My billions of children, trillions of species and My planet suffer and endure, for the insatiable, insane, evil Greed for More Money, More Power and More Sex (my detail added), to be preserved in a eternal loop. So that Satin and followers would end up "creating their own Hell!" Their hell, is the collage of all of the horrific pain and suffering that they damned God's billions of children, trillions of species, and God's beautiful planet to suffer and endure for their EVIL GREED! I am not doing anything to them, they are damning themselves. If they do not do horrific things to My children, species and planet, there would never be a Hell!
Now, my inspiration, is that "it is that slick," Hell that is, each person experiences the unnecessary, intense, horrific pain and suffering that "their" EVIL GREED damned God's billions of children, trillions of species and His Amazing Planet to suffer. The classic Book of Revelations picture of the "whaling and thrashing" is the "collage version," of the story told since the beginning of homogreedious. My inspiration is that it is that slick, each person gets to visualize how the people, species and planet experienced their evil for Eternity. Note: this concept, as far as I am aware of, is original in theological history.
My first career dream was to be the next Thomas Aquinas, the author of "Summa Theologiae," the logical foundations of the Catholic Church, at Aquinas College Seminary, in Grand Rapids, MI. So I do have a good understanding of "the Logic of God." From my study, I am not aware of any theology or theologian who has postulated that "God created the pathway for Satin and his followers intense unnecessary horrific Evil Pain and Suffering to be preserved in a loop for eternity in Hell. Should Evil not prevail in the physical dimension, then there would not be any hell, except for Satin and his angels." The logic of God is that "He" does not do bad to these people, they damn themselves. Just like "He" is not "unleashing Hell On Earth" to punish the evil people.
The EMM&EMS are "unleashing the ravages of climate change, over population, massive fiscal gaps - caused by the Fascist Kleptocrats, and global asset bubbles - created by the Wall Street EMM&EMS, all for their insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex, on God's billions of children, trillions of species and God's beautiful planet!"
As much as modern day "liberal biblical scholars," if there are such souls on the Evil Planet Titanic, except me, might argue, that the coming ravages of flooding, wild fires, and massive hurricanes thrashing Florida and Texas - The Evil King Bushits' Kingdoms, the South East, Washing DC and New York: all of the prior, for doing 9/11 to the US and insuring "It Is THE END," may be "God punishing these evil bastards!" I argue, that however humanly appealing to ponder the apparent justice of such future events, it is simply a "Koinkydinky" as my Radical Right Wing father would say!
For those interested in my views on the source of my "visions" of "One Love," and all else that is original and in God's Love on this site, you can watch the movie "The Man Who Knew Infinity!' Not only do we share the same epistemological beliefs about the source of our knowledge and inspirations, we have the same passion for the God of Love that has shared these visions with us! An exceptional MUST WATCH movie!
The "EVIL Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts" are "unleashing Hell On Earth" for their insatiable, Insane, Evil GREED for Money, Power and Sex! They think that they and theirs are going to survive the coming "hell on earth," and have Planet Titanic as their own Shangri La! Wrong again! From my inspiration, they are "creating their own Eternity in Hell!" All of the horrific evil unnecessary pain and suffering that these Evil Satinistic Beasts have unleashed on God's children, species and planet, these Beasts, will feel for eternity in the Hell They Created for Themselves!
I do not know of anywhere in theological history, that this view of hell is postulated, as what "God" inspired the author to tell you it is. From my perspective, this is a major theological breakthrough! If it is correct! Certainly a major new theory of hell, until proven or disproved! If anyone does read this and knows differently, please email me the reference at [email protected]
When you compare our Evil Kochtapus Kingdom, the Evil States of America, to The Nordic Model, it should be obvious. The Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts that support the Evil Wrong in the US and globally, are heading to "the depths of hell." Those that have looked after "the least fortunate," creating sustainable and humane societies, like the Nordic Countries, I believe, will be blessed for eternity in Heaven!
In my view, these RADICAL LIBERAL POPULIST views of Christ, are why the Evil Money Monsters, and Evil Money Sluts, fleeced, flogged, lashed and tortured Christ, and then hung him on the cross until he died! I my view the false religious leaders of today, and the EMM&EMS&LL would do the same thing today to Christ! Witness how Bernie Sanders was stopped from becoming the "peoples choice" to lead our country to a more sustainable and humane society! Surely, I have been trashed, raped and pillaged my whole career and academic life for seeking to support a sustainable and humane society!
The most evil, will experience the most intense pain and suffering. Satin and his Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts, and all too many of the Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, will spend eternity feeling what their Evil Greed damned God's billions of children, trillions of species, and beautiful world to suffer, for their Evil Greed! Fascinating isn't it, the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts create their own "hell for eternity!" Wouldn't want to be ya!
How about you? How have you treated the least fortunate: in your political positions and politicians you support; in your business activities; with your family and friends; and, how have you treated those that believe differently than you, are different than you (religion, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.), or even persecute you? Reflect often on "The Final Judgement Heart" at the top of each page. Would you like to live for eternity feeling the pain and suffering your views, actions and greed damned God's children, species and world to suffer? I would think about this seriously! Eternity is a long time!
The Political Dimension of "It Is THE END!"
The short version of my view of political economics, having been a serious student of the field, since sitting in a year-long doctoral symposium in political economics as a sophomore at the University of Utah, is simply that:
Aristotle (384-322 BC), in his book "Politics," pondered the then new idea of "democracy," the rule of the people - by the people!!! NOT rule by Kings and Queens. He basically said, if you let the people rule themselves they will obviously want one primary change:
To which he said that the wealthy and powerful had two options:
1. Make the societies' distribution of wealth and income fairer!
2. Or alternatively, make the distribution of wealth and income more concentrated, creating a Totalitarian Society, but calling it Democracy.
As I like to put it, The Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts of the most advanced society in the history of homogreedious, the Greece state at the time of Aristotle, said - -
And so went Greece, radically increasing taxes on the people and slashing taxes on the wealthy; coupled with, slashing spending on the people, while massively increasing war spending [sound familiar?] to go rape and pillage Crete and stuff the pockets of the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! Crete was ready! Not only did building the Evil Money Monsters Greece Navy, bankrupt Greece, they were crushed by Crete! That was the end of Greece's world dominance!
Need I say - Deja vu!
Adam Smith, in "The Wealth of Nations," the foundation book of Capitalism (see the video of Noam Chomsky on Adam Smith), stated that "if the Masters of The Universe," continue with the approach of the Kings and Queens of his day - - "All for Us, None for them" then Capitalism has failed! Listen to Bill Moyers and Paul Krugman's video "What the 1% Don't Want You To Know!" This video, along with Noam Chomsky's videos should give you a good idea of what The Evil Kochtapus Kingdom chose!
My favorite video of all time is Noam Chomskey's debate with Bill Buckley (1969, which I watched first with my four "Intellects of Aristotle's Friends" in 1980, my name for our group, my nickname was "Spock," "The Logical One," of Star Trek fame), of the old TV show - Firing Line. Buckley is absolutely thrashed by Noam! At the UofU, I was the rising intellect of "The New Left." Noam was, and still is, the primary popular New Left Intellect, that did not have his career thrashed, as he got ten-year before the rise of the Radical Right, Evil King Reagan, and the Evil Wrong. Myself, I was not so lucky! This debate drove my life's work like no other - I love you Noam! Noam debates Buckley about the merits of the Vietnam War. Watch this debate, and just replace the word "Vietnam," with "North Korea!" Ironic how things never change, isn't it!? Noam Chomksey's Seven Part Series on US Imperialism, is a MUST WATCH!
Noam Chomsky - - You are the best! I just wish I could be there when you enter the Father's Kingdom! You are my intellectual and moral super hero! I can promise you the most amazing celebration of all time, that anyone has ever received, entering God's Kingdom. I promise you that! Just wish I could be there. I trust that my work here, will likely not be finished yet. I hope you can understand! But thank you sooooooooooooooo much for your commitment to "My least fortunate!" If there were only a least a small minority of blessed souls, like you, Elon Musk, Jane Mayer ("Dark Money"), Guy McPherson ("Going Dark," Abrupt Climate Change), Jorgen Randers, Dena and Denise Meadows ("The Limits to Growth"), M. King Hubbert (Peak Oil), Charles Keeling (Keeling Curve), Jim Hansen (Climate Change), Chris Hedges ("The Death of the Liberal Class"), Lester Brown ("World on The Edge"), Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Pikety ("Capital in the 21st Century"), Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders, etc., the species would have had a chance! However, I guess these works and these peoples' stories, speak to why there are so few!
The only three real intellects ever on the Radical Right, from my perspective, were: Bill Buckley, Milton Friedman, and Ludwig Von Misses! Although these radical right wing economists were at least "logical and well educated," they also knew all too well, how full of "BS (billions and bullshit) for the Billionaires," their false neo-conservative economic models of: perfect markets, perfect information, rational consumers, perfect competition, rational and enlightened consumers only purchasing products and services from the most responsible and humane business leaders, enlightened business leaders only getting to the top of the corporate ladder being sustainable and humane managers of corporations, etc., etc. were, and therefore, they were some of the most aggressive Evil Money Sluts, and are now experiencing the horrific impact their lies had on God's children, species and planet, if my inspirations are correct. Most of the rest range from BS for the Billionaire specialists, to simply Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts that are expert in thrashing, raping and pillaging God's children, species and beautiful planet. I talked my best friend, who was doing his doctorate in bio-chemistry at the UofU at the time, to finally watch "Firing Line" one Friday night, during my second year at the UofU (1979/1980). When I asked them to watch "Firing Line" before going out Friday night, they first laughed and said NO way! He brought his other two friends over, and it became our Friday night of the "Intellects of Aristotle's Friends," watching: Firing Line, Wall Street Week, and Washing Week In Review! You want to talk about the nerds Friday night out!
However, we were not "the nerds," on the contrary, I saw us as "The Intellects of Aristotle's Friends!" It was a Modern Day gathering, similar to what I envisioned them being during Aristotle's peak in Greece, the top of the development of homogreedious. It has been all downhill since that time! As technologically advanced the Evil Beasts are today, they are even more morally and culturally bankrupt - spiritually EVIL, Satin's Evil Money Monsters and Satin's Evil Money Sluts! Aristotle, you should not have told them that they could just concentrate wealth and income, to create a Totalitarian society, and call it "democracy!" What did you think that they would choose!? How I miss that humanity, intellectual rigor, and moral foundation in our discussions and beliefs. What happened to The Beast! Guess Greece, the Mayan Culture, Sodom and Gomorrah, Rome, and the Death of All Complex Societies are basically the same. The Exploitation of Everything: My Children, My Species and My Amazing Planet for the Insatiable, Insane, EVIL GREED of SATIN AND HIS FOLLOWERS! TO THE EXTINCTION OF ALL SPECIES!
My friend, Mark, is seriously bright (he is at Loma Linda University last I heard from him), and was the person that those failing bio-chem at the UofU Medical School were tutored by, at the time. I actually owe him my intellect. At the beginning of my sophomore year, we were working out together daily, and he told me - Jim, if you applied yourself to your studies, like your skiing, you would be genius! During high school, I considered myself to be an average struggling student, at best. Talk about turning my intellect on! Can you say OCD! I started waking at 6 am, breakfast 6:30, studying at my home until the library opened at 7 or 7:30, then I would be there all day, going to classes, then returning until the security guard kicked me out! I would study aggressively for 50-55 minutes, with a clock next to my reading material to check my reading speed. Then I would go outside and run up and down the library stairs, and do exercises to refresh my mind, body and spirit. I had one of those large group study rooms to myself form junior year on.
I had all of my research stacked up in the group study room at the UofU Library. This is when one full floor was dedicated to the computer. For my year-long graduate series in econometrics, estimating the possible impacts of the "land basing of the MX Missile System" in Utah and Nevada, I had a LARGE card deck with my data, which I had to input manually on a key punch. The standard joke was if you really wanted to piss a grad student off, trip them in the hall, carrying their "card deck!" Can you imagine putting them all back in order, or, just starting over!? For this two-year study (junior and senior years) on "the impact of the proposed land-basing of the MX Nuclear Weapons System in Utah and Nevada;" "The Limits to Growth;" and, my proposed new nuclear weapons strategy - "Check Mate!" This nuclear weapons strategy proposed placing all nuclear weapons upwind of your adversaries in subs, think Trident Subs, to minimize the primary nuclear risks of multiple types of failures happening, in as minimal way as functionally and logically possible, next tileo no nukes at all - which is obviously preferred!
I lived above a nuclear physics professor who was one of the scientists that worked on building the first nuclear bomb, with the Manhattan Project. I developed a friendship with him, and we talked at times around the campus, about everything from the nuclear threat, posed by the Radical Right, Reagan, and the proposed MX Missile System; to political economics, my specialty. He was amazingly well versed on everything we discussed. One of the profs from the UofU physics department told me at the faculty work out facility, that I was well known around the campus for may friendship with him, as no one had ever befriended him before. As the stories go, he got is doctorate in nuclear physics at MIT in only years, one of a few people ever to achieve this. My relationship reminds me today of the movie "A Beautiful Mind," except that he was real, and so too were the nuclear risks we were discussing! Ironic how my primary contribution here - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," is about the nuclear fallout risks of the coming rapidly rising sea levels (4-7' by 2030, 15-35' by 2050, 50-75' by 21000), combined with super storms and related storm surges, causing the implosion and explosion of many of the nuclear reactors on the Asian coast. The fall-out from which, I argue, will ultimately go up to the "East Siberian Arctic Shelf" (ESAS), and subsequently release hundred plus gigaton releases of methane hydrates. These massive general releases of methane, are like taking a blow torch to the poles! Which then increases sea levels further!
"The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I argue, will facilitate Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), or in my terms - "It Is THE END!"
We will all have an "THE BEST FUCKING TIME ANYONE HAS EVER HAD, EVER, AND I MEAN EVER, EVER" (and this expletive you can take to your grave) experiencing all of God's amazing love, for eternity! So I trust that we will have plenty of time to reminisce. Too bad, so many have been so bad! If you know what I mean! Oh well, you know that they are always barking about having a "free choice!" In my view, they have chosen to experience the impact of their insane greed on God's children, species and beautiful planet, for eternity! Or as the book I should write would be titled, "From Mansions to The Depth of HELL! And, From The Depth of Hell, to "The Logical God of Love's, Heaven" for eternity!
What a Planet of FUCKING EVIL MONEY MONSTERS, EVIL MONEY SLUTS, and LEGIONS OF BRAINWASHED AND BRAIN DEAD LUNICS for NOT Implementing the many highly thought out, logical, economically and morally sound, sustainable and humane policies and plans that God has sent to you FUCKING IDIOTS, through the above blessed souls, and all too few others, to save YOUR EVIL ASSES! I swear, my parents found me in a "crop circle." Ever day, "I wake up" thinking I am going to live in a place like Denmark! Then I turn on CNN! OMG! It wasn't a just a night mare!
Obviously, this is why Christ's primary Beatitude is:
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-10
All I can say to the prior liberal people's environmental and economic stewards, is thank all of you sooo much for your commitment to "My least fortunate." It is so sad, and in an odd sort of way, funny. Watching these Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts, and their Legions of Lunatic supporters on TV 24/7/365, causing the extinction of all "complex species," for the Evil Greed of the few! This is at a time when the prior amazing souls, could have saved the planet, and "Made Planet Titanic not only Sustainable, But, Humane, for the first Time in its Horrific History!" Plus, you can read "their plans and my plans" for "Making America Great Again," right now! They are all amazing plans: highly detailed, highly logical, very moral, economically sound, populous plans, for creating not only a sustainable, but a humane society. But the Planet of the Idiots just can't pull their heads out of the billionaires buts!
It is sooooooooooo sad, that the EVIL BEASTS, JUST CAN'T STOP THEIR EVIL GREED!
It is soooooooooooo sad, that the "Legions of Idiots," can't see the real loving souls, that have dedicated their lives to creating not only sustainable, but humane societies, like the ones above. You idiots just could not pull your heads out of the billionaires asses to stop the demise of all of God's billions of children, trillions of species, and beautiful world!
So we are looking for "A Plan to Make America Great Again?" I lay one out here; Jorgen Sanders, Denna and Dennis Meadows laid out a plan in 1972 in their book "Limits to Growth;" Jorgen Randers (2012) lays one out in his exceptional book "2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years," and so too, Lester Brown, lays out his Plan B in his seminal work, "World On The Edge!" (2011). Now I know we live on the Planet of The Idiots! But seriously!
Will you Evil Beasts ever pull your heads out of the billionaires asses, before they exterminate you all, in Planet Titanic's Gas Chambers!
Massive wild fires, floods, super storms, and sea level rises are heading to all of your local places most threatened by climate change. Plus, Evil King Dickie and his puppet, Evil GW, Evil King Donnie and the Evil Kochtapus Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, will drive the world off massive cliffs, including: Hubbert's Cliff, the $220 Trillion, guesstimated to rise to $350 trillion plus, under Evil King Donnie, "Fiscal Gap Cliff;" numerous "Climate Change Cliffs;" notably, unleashing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop."
My Lord, please bless the most prodigal sons and daughters NOW, that have the lives of 7.5 billion and growing of Your children, trillions and trillions of Your species, and Your beautiful planet, in their power. I pray that they may embrace "Your Love," NOT THE INSANE, INSATIABLE, EVIL GREED OF SATIN! That they may bring peace to the world, and implement the ideas on this site that YOU have shared with them, through me, your not as humble as I should be, sibling!
Karl Marx tried to change the distribution of wealth and income, by having the government own the wealth and distribute the income. Income, Marx argued, should only result from a person's labor (the labor theory of value). Wealth should not be owned to any extent, according to Marx, except by the "people's government." What Marx was technically promoting, is referred to as, "command socialism." A watch of "Vladimir Putin's Rise To Power," should give you a good idea of how well that approach worked!
The rest is history, with the exception of the Nordic countries, which took the first option, making the societies' distribution of wealth and income fairer. The videos on The Nordic Model and The Nordic Perspective explain why their model is unique, and the challenges they are having with trying to keep "The Nordic Welfare Model," a system which is primarily for the benefit of the bottom 99%, not just the top 1% - technically the top 0.001%, which in my opinion, is the focus of The Evil Kochtapus Kingdom!
The US just reached the "most extreme distribution of wealth in the history of the world," according to Thomas Piketty, author of Capital In The 21st Century! I spoke with Tom's colleague in this path breaking work on income and wealth distribution trends historically, Emmanual Saez, at UC Berkeley, just after they published their initial work. I noted to Emmanual, as a fellow demographer, that the extreme level of the distribution is still "understated" in their work. This is because they are using "family income," joint filing status, data. This biases the drop in the income and wealth statistics, as women working rose from roughly 30% of the population in the sixties, to roughly, 65% of the population today. Plus, women's incomes rose, in large part, due to minimum wage laws. So as "extreme as the distribution of wealth" is portrayed in their work, it would be much worse, if they could do their work based on "head of house hold data." To be honest, I have not been back to see if he ever took my advice and was able to disaggregate the data to reflect the size of the decline of "head of house hold" incomes are, relate to "family income" trends.
Now we have the Evil King Charlie Koch, spending billions of dollars to control his kingdom's brainwashed and brain dead lunatic supporters. Evil King Dickie and his puppet King GW, did 9/11 to us, taking over Iraq to control their oil and the Middle East for the benefit of the Oil and War Evil Money Monsters! By so doing, King Dickie and his puppet King GW, insured the death of all species, due to climate change.
Now you have Evil King Donnie, is accelerating the demise of all species as rapidly as I could imagine anyone doing it, that was doing it purposefully! The only thing that I can think of that they have not done, is to take the Evil States into War! Can you say - North Korea, Iran and Syria! I trust that by the end of August 2017, the US will be dropping bombs on North Korea!
The evidence that the Evil Money Monsters are spending our tax dollars on preparing for the demise of Planet Titanic, and that they are expecting that they and theirs will survive it, is overwhelming (the depopulation agenda).
To which all I can say is - - "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
Noam is quite eloquent in his details about the crimes of the Evil Money Monsters, and Evil Money Sluts. He too is a believer in Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE). Although I think he believes that the world will suffer longer, than I believe it will! Meaning, it is not as near term, which I see as just more suffering, more insane "hell on earth." Hell on Earth, I believe will be here by 2030-2050, in my opinion, that is "cast in ice, rock and dirt dug up in Antarctica!" The only questions left are: how soon will all of the driving forces discussed on this web site crash the global economies; how horrific will it be how soon; and, how long will the species survive "hell on earth?!" Hopefully it will be a rapid demise, especially if it degrades into a "Mad Max" ending, which I trust it will.
Too bad, this work can't get people to prepare for the ultimate demise, and go in dignity, peace and getting closer to The Logical God of Love! I can only pray, the world will "Carpe Diem," and "Sieze the Day!" But I am not big on "false hope," instead my best advice is to "Prepare your souls, Prepare yourselves, Prepare your families and communities! NOW!"
Noam Chomsky on Madison and Aristotle (click for full screen)
Noam Chomsky - The Most Dangerous Organization in World History (click for full screen)
What the 1% Don't Want You To Know: On Thomas Piketty's "Capital In The 21st Century
Noam Chomsky on Adam Smith
Vladimir Putin's Rise to Power
Neo-Nazis Explain Why They Like Donald Trump
Nazi America: A Secret History
The Rise of The Third Reich
Full Interview: Jane Mayer on the Mercers & the Dark Money Behind the Rise of Trump & Bannon
What Is Dark Money And How Does It Influence Elections?
The Nordic Perspective
The Nordic Welfare Model In Infographics
In all seriousness, It Is THE END of the fleecing, raping, pillaging, churning and burning of 7.5 billion and growing number of God's people, trillions of God's species and God's beautiful planet for the insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed of a couple thousand billionaires and a couple hundred thousand corporate mercenaries and millionaires! God have mercy on our souls!
Plus, I can't think of a More Evil, Ruthless, Insane Group of Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, than the group of Psychopaths, Pathological Lying, Kleptocrats, Misogynist, Bigots, Bullies, Fascist, Racist, Satinistic Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, than the Current King Trumpet Administration. I can't think of a group more capable of rapidly accelerating global climate change, and the demise of all species, while fleecing the country even more horrifically than Evil King Dickie and his puppet GW, than these Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts. Go Evil Men and Evil Women, just wait until you take your last breath on Planet Titanic! OMG, wouldn't want to be in your souls!
The Evil Trumpet Administration, reminds me of the international best-seller business book, "Winning Through Intimidation" (1974), by Robert Ringer. The bottom line of the book is that "in business," you just need to realize the rules of the game: "what is mine is mine, and what is yours is mine, and it is for me to get "yours from you" however horrifically I can!" In his original work by this title (1974), Ringer uses a card game, noting that when you win, and go to take your winnings from the center, the guy on the left, cuts your arms off at the wrist, and takes "your winnings." He is stoic and says nothing. He is the nicest guy. The most Evil guy on your right cuts your hands off at the wrist, and takes "your winnings," stating how sorry he is, and that he is really looking forward to seeing you at church this Sunday! He pretends to be very religious, your friend and being for you, but he still "cuts your hands off at the wrist" when "you try to take your earnings, and he takes your winnings for himself." All business players fit between these two extremes. At least this is what I remember of reading this book. If my memory serves me wrong, my apologies to Ringer. I should write a book with this theme myself, as every single business experience I have had is a perfect example of how these are "Satin's Evil Mafia, or The International Mafia of Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts" rules for playing, and they are the fundamental reason why, . . . "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
I would argue that Trump is the epitome of the Evil Dark Money Monster representing the Racist Fascist Totalitarian Dictator, King Charlie Koch and his Kochtapus Kingdom, even with his own people, and Pence would represent the False Christian Leader that Christ noted would help unleash "hell on earth" for the greed of the few! It is amazing watching these very Evil Money Monsters taking top Trumpet Administration positions exit rapidly under the Totalitarian Dictator Evil King Trumpet! OMG, do you know what this means about anyone that would be Trump's puppet?! Even in Brazil during 1988, I did not feel in as Evil of a Totalitarian Dictatorship as I do in the Evil Kochtapus Kleptocratic Fascist Racist Totalitarian Dictatorship today.
Satin King Charlie's Evil Kochtapus Kingdom is Truly the embodiment of the Nazi vision, just watch these videos: "Neo-Nazis Explain Why They Like Donald Trump!" " "The Rise of The Third Reich," and "Nazi America: A Hidden History!" Reading the book "Dark Money," watching the two videos above on "Dark Money," and reading this "Report: The Koch's, a Nazi Past, Oil and The Foundation of The Right," will start to educate you on how horrific the history is of these Ruthless Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! The rest of this web site could make you an expert!
Even if Trump were out, Pence is just the False Christian version of Satin's Kochtapus Kingdom Totalitarian Leader. Remember the lessons of "Winning Through Intimidation," the seemingly most religious, nicest, friendly ones are The Most Evil Money Monsters - witness Senator ! Is there any chance we can give North Korea the MX Nuclear Weapons, and have them systematically target the whole world. It would be a much more humane version of - - "It Is THE END!" As much as this "should be" humorous, it is NOT! It Is sad, very sad!
The big difference between most people that I have studied forecasting Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), or "It Is THE END," due to climate change, is that I and other forecasters, like Dr. Guy McPherson, take this massive methane hydrate risk on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra into account in our guesstimates of when "It Is THE END!" He is more optimistic than I, believing the species may be extinct in a few decades, I trust that it may well be "A Century of Hell on Earth!" I would argue that Dr. James Hansen's, one of the leading climate change scientists, projections of sea level rise of 6-9 meters by 2100, combined with "super storms," will result in the implosion and explosion of many of the numerous nuclear reactors on the Asian East coast! This will unleash what my primary contribution of my work here is, "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" I detail how this will insure the extinction of the species, and that "It Is THE END!" I am just a bit more optimistic than Hansen, in my opinion, he is forecasting over a "Century of Hell on Earth!" I am hoping it may be "It Is THE END - ASAP!"
My work here, represents the culmination of my walk on Planet Titanic seeking to do "Your Work, Not Mine," My Father.
It is the integration of my work on Spiritual Fulfillment, Over Population, Climate Change, Peak Energy, Political Economics, Global Aging, and Global Asset Bubbles, that has been my life's work. I have had my writings stopped in the industry I worked in for decades now, and now I am realizing that my views here, are affecting my income and professional prospects significantly. I thought being on my own, would free me up to do this work for "The One," however it has not. I am feeling more personally and financially at risk than ever, similar to all most all who have followed this path, including my hero in abrupt climate change, Dr. Guy McPherson, and a hero in peak energy, Michael Ruppert, and so many others.
Therefore, although I will update this website with new critical information regarding climate change and peak energy, I am putting it on the back burner for another six years, until 2024, when I am eligible for full Social Security! By then, Social Security will lessen the financial risk of my work, further, I trust that the world will be much different and my work in this area may not harm my personal life, income and wealth as much as it has today. Plus, I trust the world will have "warmed up" to these ideas and more than my two fluffy angels will listen to the book as I read it to them! Especially after the first Category 6 Hurricane! Which is when I hope to launch "One Love!" by Crowd Funding, and "It Is THE END" book!
If anyone is interested in running with "ONE LOVE - GOD'S MIRACLE DRUG(TM) TO HELP THE ISLAND PEOPLE AND THOSE MOST THREATENED BY "IT IS THE END!" - see the page above - either young and excited, or professional and looking for a meaningful challenge, a non-profit looking for an amazing idea, or rich and looking for a meaning filled cause, etc., etc., please please send me an email at [email protected] and let me know about your interest. Because I would LOVE to see "ONE LOVE" succeed. Plus, I am completely flexible, no rights or ownership interests, etc., I just believe One Love would mitigate the coming "hell on earth" for millions of "God's least fortunate people," if someone with money and/or young with a lot of drive could make it happen!
My ongoing "John the Baptist" type ranting against the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, the Dark and Near Dark Money Monsters, makes me personally, and hence, my ideas historically (new ventures, non-profit ideas, business proposals, etc.) not very marketable to those with large wealth. My "spiritual soul mates," are Mary Magdalene and John the Baptist. To some, the reasons may be obvious, for others, you will have to wait until I finish The Spiritual Dimension page!
Until then, I will also update the planning page, for those looking for my thoughts in this area. I note that my favorite spot for launching "One Love" is on the Canadian shore of Lake Superior. Canada has a liberal Prime Minister, Trudeau, who is expected to make cannabis legal for personal consumption by Canada Day 2018. Plus, not only will you have Canada the first country with all legalized marijuana, it is liberal politically, moving toward The Nordic Model, and it has a liberal view on immigration, as well. Plus, I really am disgusted with the Evil Kochtapus Kingdom, and would love to spend my remaining years in a country that I am not disgusted with!
"One Love Canada!" - "The Prime Minister Trudeau / Richard Branson Humane Sustainable Community for Climate Refugees!"
If Prime Minister Trudeau could see the vision of "One Love Canada's" potential to become a major vehicle to assist with Canada's rising climate refugee problem, and support this project, that would be "a miracle!" It would represent my life's "Dream Come True - My Father - I pray that Prime Minister Trudeau and Richard Branson will see Your Vision and Launch "One Love Canada!"" A gift of a large plot of land, preferably with many small lakes, and on the shores of Lake Superior, coupled with funding to help build out the cannabis manufacturing facilities, indoor and outdoor sustainable food growing programs, fish farming and fish hatchery facilities, and octagonal living and operation sustainable living pods. "One Loves" student training facility, will train the indigenous and island people, and all those in the bottom 25% of those in poverty, in ways to mitigate the coming climate related challenges, and mitigate their plights.
"This Amazing Sustainable Humane Canadian Climate Refugee Community" could be launched on Canada Day 2018, when Canada becomes the first country to legalize cannabis. What a Global Example of what a "Humane Sustainable Community for Climate Refugees" has the potential to be - - - versus the US version being developed, FEMA Camps and The Wall!
Talk about a vision for solving a meaningful portion of your indigenous problems around Satin King Charlie Koch's Canadian tar sands! Not to mention, the indigenous problems in the Arctic region and elsewhere! With roughly $50 million, we could get the "One Love: God's Miracle Drug" facility launched, along with most, if not, all of the other facilities. The phases will be to: 1) create the cannabis growing facilities and cannabis paraphernalia programs, along with the workers facilities, and bring them to profitability; 2) expand the housing pods and infrastructure (medical facilities, dining pod, food storage and drying pods, expand the solar and wind generating capabilities - One Love will be completely run by renewable eneries, etc.), along with the indoor and outdoor food growing facilities; 3) develop the fish hatchery facility, when this is successful, develop the fish farming facilities; 4) prepare for expansion to "One Love Haiti," and "One Love Jamaica." The objective is to use the cannabis growing facilities to provide all ongoing funding to run "One Love!" The fish hatchery and farming, coupled with the indoor and outdoor food growing programs, will mitigate the funding needed significantly. It is anticipated that these facilities, even in the islands, will be largely filled with the target populations at all times, plus be designed to be capable of expanding the population in the One Love Communities greatly, during hurricanes, massive storms, and heavy winters.
During my work at the UofU, I assisted a company with the development of "octagonal pods," which were low cost, temporary and modular, for hurricane thrashed island people to deploy "after" a hurricane. This work, expands on these peoples work, but with the idea of making these "One Love Humane Survivable Living Pods," capable of handling Category 5 or even 6 hurricanes. Therefore "One Love Pods" will be metal frame structures, with thick wood panels, and cement footings deep into the ground. The three primary components: the pods for living, operation and storage facilities; the tubes for food and fish growing and hatchery facilities; and the linking tubes. The strategy is to be able to live over horrific winters inside in "One Love Canada," or during long hurricanes and recovery periods, for "One Love Jamaica," and "One Love Haiti." Metal frame structures are the strongest on the planet, except in the US during Republican Administrations, for some reason! The modular nature of this idea, unlike the "pop up version" of my prior clients, would allow the "pieces to be boxed" into these three types of pod components. The wood panels would be capable of being manufactured on the islands, reducing building costs. Plus, the modular structure, which will bolt together, can be constructed by low skilled workers living at "One Love," further reducing costs.
Plus, I will run the whole program for you! The three requirements that I have for "One Love:" are that 1) The "climate refugees" OWN "One Love!" It is gifted to THEM! To where no matter what political changes happen, it is there property, buildings, cannabis growing companies, etc., 2) The indigenous, island people and transgender people receive top selection priority - roughly 50% of the "One Love" population; second priority going to the GTLBXQ community, equal with the homeless and destitute poor from Canada - 30%% of the "One Love" population; along with African, Muslim, Middle East, Eastern Block, Latin and South American, etc. Canadian refugees, and those seriously seeking to give their souls to God with criminal records; and third priority are the poor and unemployed in Canada - 20% of "One Love" population! The 3rd, and final requirement, is that "One Love" not only is owned by these climate refugees, they and theirs are the ones that run "One Love." NO Government or Corporate control of the board! Only advisory committees, no control from the outside world! These are my only requirements!
You might ask, why the priority? Because, in my view, these are God's least fortunate that have been thrashed as a group the most by climate change already, and they surely will continue to be in the future. Plus, in a general way, they have chosen "The Logical God of Love," over the trappings of the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! Although all of God's Least Fortunate, are equal in God's eyes. These are the groups that have touched my heart the most! We hope to help all of God's Least Fortunate, we have to start somewhere. God does not have a "chosen people," He only has "people that chose His Love, over the trappings of Evil King Satin: the insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex!"
If these are not agreed to, I will raise the funds through crowd funding, so I can insure it is owned and controlled by the climate refugees themselves! Even if you do "see the vision" of "One LOVE!" and fund the amazing idea from The Logical God of Love, we will still use crowd funding to add to your generous gifts to this amazing idea! Even me running the program is subject to change. I can always be the Spiritual Guiding Light (Visionary Who Travels and Shares The Vision, a role that I will ultimate end up in), versus The Inspiration to Us All (the corporate version - CEO). The timing of this, I am flexible with. I feel very capable of rapidly scaling up "One Love," when I reach burn out, I will move down to that less demanding role very willingly!
Richard, you may remember my proposal some ten years ago (2007) that I sent you a venture proposal for a company specializing in "Sustainable Income Offshore Accounts in the BVIs?" Looks like I was correct, given world events, and the rise of these offshore accounts in the BVIs! Given my views on this site, probably not a good political economic fit for me, however, "One Love" certainly is! So much for the intro.
Richard, you are a good billionaire! See the vision Richard! You and Prime Minister Trudeau could go down in history as the ONLY rich and powerful people to get out in front of the rapidly rising climate refugee problem! You can finance the development of the "One Love" Facility on Haiti, top on the list to get thrashed by rising super storms, where my two sponsored children live, Olando and Woodeline! I love you guys, still working on this! Plus, one in Montego Bay, Jamaica, where My Father originally shared with me the idea of "One Love!"
Richard, you could make Necker Island, a training facility, and scaled down version of the Haiti and Montego Bay "One Love Facilities," your generosity made possible! You could train young managers to manage the facilities. Plus, you could share with your wealth friends, "your vision" of what "One Love" could be!
Prime Minister Trudeau, you could give tax breaks and other concessions, for Canada's top cannabis growers to help launch and manage "One Love's" cannabis growing facility. These caring professionals will teach Canada's indigenous, island people and poor to manage these facilities. Others will teach their working age population to go out to endangered communities to help them establish growing facilities, and sustainable communities, to prepare for "abrupt climate change!"
Having spearheaded the University of Utah, Graduate School of Business, SBDC, program for expanding Utah's high technology, and growth companies from 1988-1992, I am very familiar with launching and expanding "One Love." I developed many "strategic relationships" with US and Western European partners, to expand Utah's top growth companies. I was one of the firsts to focus on "strategic relationships," deploying the ideas in the book, Partnerships for Profit, before anyone I knew of. I held, what was billed as the first national symposium, per the then Head of Academic Programs at Dialog Information Systems, the precursor of the Internet, on how to use Dialog's Data Bases, essentially the Internet today, for launching and expanding high technology companies. I held it at the University of Colorado, in 1990. Plus, I was a Partner in the Strategic Planning Planning Consulting Firm, headed by the author of the national best-seller, "Creating Excellence;" my first position out of graduate school was turning around a $50 million dollar Chapter 11 manufacturing firm in a suburb of my home town, Detroit, for which the Chapter 11 Judge gave me the compliment of having the best "Reorganization Strategy Plan" he had ever seen; I developed and implemented a computerized quality control program before these were popular, and "job enrichment and design" program, restructuring the unsecured creditors to 25% payoff, and secured creditors to 35% payoff, to name some of my career highlights. So my depth and breath of experiences for launching and expanding "One Love" are significant and meaningful. Believe me, I know how to make the "One Love" launch and expansion a massive success by utilizing Canada's brightest and best. I did it in Utah, Love to do it in Canada with "One Love!"
Plus, it will fulfill my spiritual commitment to "The ONE!" - - "The ONE LOVE!"
Believe The Logical God of Love - - Prime Minister Trudeau and Richard Branson, if you support "Canada's One Love," with the full force of Jim's inspiration, not only will the whole world shower you with accolades and adoration for devotion to "One Love," I will bless you in my eternal Home for taking care of some of My Least Fortunate Children, Climate Refugees! Please, please, embrace this vision from God!"
Prime Minister Trudeau and Richard, you guys could start a "massive global movement" to establish humane "One Love" communities around the world, that would limit the ongoing, and likely terminal rise of horrific climate change on "God's least fortunate," versus the Evil US FEMA Camp version being developed for decades, and now The Wall! You could not only help millions to billions of "Gods least fortunate climate refugees" live out a humane ending, you may just win the Nobel Prize. Not only could we launch this on Canada Day 2018, we could invite Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein and your top supporters to the opening. We could raise more funding, by having Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein, join us on Opra, to raise funds for "One Love US" to be based on the NW corner of Lake Superior on the US side. It may be that we want to locate these facilities on the US/Canada border, but further analysis is required before a final decision. Surely the US version would be on the Canadian border of Lake Superior for many strategic reasons.
Please, please call me if you want to consider this project, at 775-580-7702, or email me at [email protected]! I will be sending you this proposal when it is complete, but if you hear about it and are interested, PLEASE PLEASE call me!
If someone with funding wanted to open up "One Love" in the US, my suggested place is on the NW corner of Lake Superior, on the US / Canada border, as this is where there is not only Lake Superior, there are a large number of inland lakes, wild life, forests, etc., making this a perfect location to launch "One Love." Plus, a major focus of "One Love" are the indigenous people of Canada. This is a perfect place to really set up a massive "One Love" facility NOW, before "hell on earth" arrives. Only one problem, I trust that raising the funding may not be possible until "hell on earth" arrives!
I anticipate that by six years, we should be seeing Category 6 hurricanes trashing the planet, so it may be easier to "crowd fund" the One Love idea. However, the political environment today, and the currently less horrific impacts of climate change in developed market economies, do not seem to be causing much movement towards these ideas, to be polite. The anti-climate change environment has always, and even more now, is resulting in personal and financial harm to those that do seek to warn the world about the risks of Abrupt Climate Change, Peak Energy, Over Population, and "It Is THE END!" God what a planet of Satinistic Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts, and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters! May God have mercy on our souls!
CAUTION: THE CONTENTS OF THIS WEB SITE ARE FOR ADULTS ONLY, WHO ARE CAPABLE OF HANDLING VERY SERIOUS IDEAS THAT MAY HAVE INTENSE EMOTIONAL IMPACTS. The God of Love is serious about this, non-adults, this is not your site, click away NOW! People with emotional challenges, this is NOT your site, click away NOW! Please! This is NOT a site to be read by all. Seriously, my wife can't handle this information and she is a strong person. If you find you can't handle this information, check back, I will have my Planning Strategies page finished soon. These are the critical ideas for personal, family and group planning (non-investment ideas only) to consider to prepare for the coming Global Deflationary Great Depression (2020-2035), followed, if I am correct, by a Global Inflationary Great Depression and "Hell on Earth," (starting 2030-2040 on) to the end of all species on Planet Titanic.
Nazi America: A Secret History
The Rise of The Third Reich
Full Interview: Jane Mayer on the Mercers & the Dark Money Behind the Rise of Trump & Bannon
What Is Dark Money And How Does It Influence Elections?
The Nordic Perspective
The Nordic Welfare Model In Infographics
In all seriousness, It Is THE END of the fleecing, raping, pillaging, churning and burning of 7.5 billion and growing number of God's people, trillions of God's species and God's beautiful planet for the insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed of a couple thousand billionaires and a couple hundred thousand corporate mercenaries and millionaires! God have mercy on our souls!
Plus, I can't think of a More Evil, Ruthless, Insane Group of Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, than the group of Psychopaths, Pathological Lying, Kleptocrats, Misogynist, Bigots, Bullies, Fascist, Racist, Satinistic Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, than the Current King Trumpet Administration. I can't think of a group more capable of rapidly accelerating global climate change, and the demise of all species, while fleecing the country even more horrifically than Evil King Dickie and his puppet GW, than these Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts. Go Evil Men and Evil Women, just wait until you take your last breath on Planet Titanic! OMG, wouldn't want to be in your souls!
The Evil Trumpet Administration, reminds me of the international best-seller business book, "Winning Through Intimidation" (1974), by Robert Ringer. The bottom line of the book is that "in business," you just need to realize the rules of the game: "what is mine is mine, and what is yours is mine, and it is for me to get "yours from you" however horrifically I can!" In his original work by this title (1974), Ringer uses a card game, noting that when you win, and go to take your winnings from the center, the guy on the left, cuts your arms off at the wrist, and takes "your winnings." He is stoic and says nothing. He is the nicest guy. The most Evil guy on your right cuts your hands off at the wrist, and takes "your winnings," stating how sorry he is, and that he is really looking forward to seeing you at church this Sunday! He pretends to be very religious, your friend and being for you, but he still "cuts your hands off at the wrist" when "you try to take your earnings, and he takes your winnings for himself." All business players fit between these two extremes. At least this is what I remember of reading this book. If my memory serves me wrong, my apologies to Ringer. I should write a book with this theme myself, as every single business experience I have had is a perfect example of how these are "Satin's Evil Mafia, or The International Mafia of Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts" rules for playing, and they are the fundamental reason why, . . . "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!"
I would argue that Trump is the epitome of the Evil Dark Money Monster representing the Racist Fascist Totalitarian Dictator, King Charlie Koch and his Kochtapus Kingdom, even with his own people, and Pence would represent the False Christian Leader that Christ noted would help unleash "hell on earth" for the greed of the few! It is amazing watching these very Evil Money Monsters taking top Trumpet Administration positions exit rapidly under the Totalitarian Dictator Evil King Trumpet! OMG, do you know what this means about anyone that would be Trump's puppet?! Even in Brazil during 1988, I did not feel in as Evil of a Totalitarian Dictatorship as I do in the Evil Kochtapus Kleptocratic Fascist Racist Totalitarian Dictatorship today.
Satin King Charlie's Evil Kochtapus Kingdom is Truly the embodiment of the Nazi vision, just watch these videos: "Neo-Nazis Explain Why They Like Donald Trump!" " "The Rise of The Third Reich," and "Nazi America: A Hidden History!" Reading the book "Dark Money," watching the two videos above on "Dark Money," and reading this "Report: The Koch's, a Nazi Past, Oil and The Foundation of The Right," will start to educate you on how horrific the history is of these Ruthless Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! The rest of this web site could make you an expert!
Even if Trump were out, Pence is just the False Christian version of Satin's Kochtapus Kingdom Totalitarian Leader. Remember the lessons of "Winning Through Intimidation," the seemingly most religious, nicest, friendly ones are The Most Evil Money Monsters - witness Senator ! Is there any chance we can give North Korea the MX Nuclear Weapons, and have them systematically target the whole world. It would be a much more humane version of - - "It Is THE END!" As much as this "should be" humorous, it is NOT! It Is sad, very sad!
The big difference between most people that I have studied forecasting Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), or "It Is THE END," due to climate change, is that I and other forecasters, like Dr. Guy McPherson, take this massive methane hydrate risk on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra into account in our guesstimates of when "It Is THE END!" He is more optimistic than I, believing the species may be extinct in a few decades, I trust that it may well be "A Century of Hell on Earth!" I would argue that Dr. James Hansen's, one of the leading climate change scientists, projections of sea level rise of 6-9 meters by 2100, combined with "super storms," will result in the implosion and explosion of many of the numerous nuclear reactors on the Asian East coast! This will unleash what my primary contribution of my work here is, "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" I detail how this will insure the extinction of the species, and that "It Is THE END!" I am just a bit more optimistic than Hansen, in my opinion, he is forecasting over a "Century of Hell on Earth!" I am hoping it may be "It Is THE END - ASAP!"
My work here, represents the culmination of my walk on Planet Titanic seeking to do "Your Work, Not Mine," My Father.
It is the integration of my work on Spiritual Fulfillment, Over Population, Climate Change, Peak Energy, Political Economics, Global Aging, and Global Asset Bubbles, that has been my life's work. I have had my writings stopped in the industry I worked in for decades now, and now I am realizing that my views here, are affecting my income and professional prospects significantly. I thought being on my own, would free me up to do this work for "The One," however it has not. I am feeling more personally and financially at risk than ever, similar to all most all who have followed this path, including my hero in abrupt climate change, Dr. Guy McPherson, and a hero in peak energy, Michael Ruppert, and so many others.
Therefore, although I will update this website with new critical information regarding climate change and peak energy, I am putting it on the back burner for another six years, until 2024, when I am eligible for full Social Security! By then, Social Security will lessen the financial risk of my work, further, I trust that the world will be much different and my work in this area may not harm my personal life, income and wealth as much as it has today. Plus, I trust the world will have "warmed up" to these ideas and more than my two fluffy angels will listen to the book as I read it to them! Especially after the first Category 6 Hurricane! Which is when I hope to launch "One Love!" by Crowd Funding, and "It Is THE END" book!
If anyone is interested in running with "ONE LOVE - GOD'S MIRACLE DRUG(TM) TO HELP THE ISLAND PEOPLE AND THOSE MOST THREATENED BY "IT IS THE END!" - see the page above - either young and excited, or professional and looking for a meaningful challenge, a non-profit looking for an amazing idea, or rich and looking for a meaning filled cause, etc., etc., please please send me an email at [email protected] and let me know about your interest. Because I would LOVE to see "ONE LOVE" succeed. Plus, I am completely flexible, no rights or ownership interests, etc., I just believe One Love would mitigate the coming "hell on earth" for millions of "God's least fortunate people," if someone with money and/or young with a lot of drive could make it happen!
My ongoing "John the Baptist" type ranting against the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, the Dark and Near Dark Money Monsters, makes me personally, and hence, my ideas historically (new ventures, non-profit ideas, business proposals, etc.) not very marketable to those with large wealth. My "spiritual soul mates," are Mary Magdalene and John the Baptist. To some, the reasons may be obvious, for others, you will have to wait until I finish The Spiritual Dimension page!
Until then, I will also update the planning page, for those looking for my thoughts in this area. I note that my favorite spot for launching "One Love" is on the Canadian shore of Lake Superior. Canada has a liberal Prime Minister, Trudeau, who is expected to make cannabis legal for personal consumption by Canada Day 2018. Plus, not only will you have Canada the first country with all legalized marijuana, it is liberal politically, moving toward The Nordic Model, and it has a liberal view on immigration, as well. Plus, I really am disgusted with the Evil Kochtapus Kingdom, and would love to spend my remaining years in a country that I am not disgusted with!
"One Love Canada!" - "The Prime Minister Trudeau / Richard Branson Humane Sustainable Community for Climate Refugees!"
If Prime Minister Trudeau could see the vision of "One Love Canada's" potential to become a major vehicle to assist with Canada's rising climate refugee problem, and support this project, that would be "a miracle!" It would represent my life's "Dream Come True - My Father - I pray that Prime Minister Trudeau and Richard Branson will see Your Vision and Launch "One Love Canada!"" A gift of a large plot of land, preferably with many small lakes, and on the shores of Lake Superior, coupled with funding to help build out the cannabis manufacturing facilities, indoor and outdoor sustainable food growing programs, fish farming and fish hatchery facilities, and octagonal living and operation sustainable living pods. "One Loves" student training facility, will train the indigenous and island people, and all those in the bottom 25% of those in poverty, in ways to mitigate the coming climate related challenges, and mitigate their plights.
"This Amazing Sustainable Humane Canadian Climate Refugee Community" could be launched on Canada Day 2018, when Canada becomes the first country to legalize cannabis. What a Global Example of what a "Humane Sustainable Community for Climate Refugees" has the potential to be - - - versus the US version being developed, FEMA Camps and The Wall!
Talk about a vision for solving a meaningful portion of your indigenous problems around Satin King Charlie Koch's Canadian tar sands! Not to mention, the indigenous problems in the Arctic region and elsewhere! With roughly $50 million, we could get the "One Love: God's Miracle Drug" facility launched, along with most, if not, all of the other facilities. The phases will be to: 1) create the cannabis growing facilities and cannabis paraphernalia programs, along with the workers facilities, and bring them to profitability; 2) expand the housing pods and infrastructure (medical facilities, dining pod, food storage and drying pods, expand the solar and wind generating capabilities - One Love will be completely run by renewable eneries, etc.), along with the indoor and outdoor food growing facilities; 3) develop the fish hatchery facility, when this is successful, develop the fish farming facilities; 4) prepare for expansion to "One Love Haiti," and "One Love Jamaica." The objective is to use the cannabis growing facilities to provide all ongoing funding to run "One Love!" The fish hatchery and farming, coupled with the indoor and outdoor food growing programs, will mitigate the funding needed significantly. It is anticipated that these facilities, even in the islands, will be largely filled with the target populations at all times, plus be designed to be capable of expanding the population in the One Love Communities greatly, during hurricanes, massive storms, and heavy winters.
During my work at the UofU, I assisted a company with the development of "octagonal pods," which were low cost, temporary and modular, for hurricane thrashed island people to deploy "after" a hurricane. This work, expands on these peoples work, but with the idea of making these "One Love Humane Survivable Living Pods," capable of handling Category 5 or even 6 hurricanes. Therefore "One Love Pods" will be metal frame structures, with thick wood panels, and cement footings deep into the ground. The three primary components: the pods for living, operation and storage facilities; the tubes for food and fish growing and hatchery facilities; and the linking tubes. The strategy is to be able to live over horrific winters inside in "One Love Canada," or during long hurricanes and recovery periods, for "One Love Jamaica," and "One Love Haiti." Metal frame structures are the strongest on the planet, except in the US during Republican Administrations, for some reason! The modular nature of this idea, unlike the "pop up version" of my prior clients, would allow the "pieces to be boxed" into these three types of pod components. The wood panels would be capable of being manufactured on the islands, reducing building costs. Plus, the modular structure, which will bolt together, can be constructed by low skilled workers living at "One Love," further reducing costs.
Plus, I will run the whole program for you! The three requirements that I have for "One Love:" are that 1) The "climate refugees" OWN "One Love!" It is gifted to THEM! To where no matter what political changes happen, it is there property, buildings, cannabis growing companies, etc., 2) The indigenous, island people and transgender people receive top selection priority - roughly 50% of the "One Love" population; second priority going to the GTLBXQ community, equal with the homeless and destitute poor from Canada - 30%% of the "One Love" population; along with African, Muslim, Middle East, Eastern Block, Latin and South American, etc. Canadian refugees, and those seriously seeking to give their souls to God with criminal records; and third priority are the poor and unemployed in Canada - 20% of "One Love" population! The 3rd, and final requirement, is that "One Love" not only is owned by these climate refugees, they and theirs are the ones that run "One Love." NO Government or Corporate control of the board! Only advisory committees, no control from the outside world! These are my only requirements!
You might ask, why the priority? Because, in my view, these are God's least fortunate that have been thrashed as a group the most by climate change already, and they surely will continue to be in the future. Plus, in a general way, they have chosen "The Logical God of Love," over the trappings of the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! Although all of God's Least Fortunate, are equal in God's eyes. These are the groups that have touched my heart the most! We hope to help all of God's Least Fortunate, we have to start somewhere. God does not have a "chosen people," He only has "people that chose His Love, over the trappings of Evil King Satin: the insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex!"
If these are not agreed to, I will raise the funds through crowd funding, so I can insure it is owned and controlled by the climate refugees themselves! Even if you do "see the vision" of "One LOVE!" and fund the amazing idea from The Logical God of Love, we will still use crowd funding to add to your generous gifts to this amazing idea! Even me running the program is subject to change. I can always be the Spiritual Guiding Light (Visionary Who Travels and Shares The Vision, a role that I will ultimate end up in), versus The Inspiration to Us All (the corporate version - CEO). The timing of this, I am flexible with. I feel very capable of rapidly scaling up "One Love," when I reach burn out, I will move down to that less demanding role very willingly!
Richard, you may remember my proposal some ten years ago (2007) that I sent you a venture proposal for a company specializing in "Sustainable Income Offshore Accounts in the BVIs?" Looks like I was correct, given world events, and the rise of these offshore accounts in the BVIs! Given my views on this site, probably not a good political economic fit for me, however, "One Love" certainly is! So much for the intro.
Richard, you are a good billionaire! See the vision Richard! You and Prime Minister Trudeau could go down in history as the ONLY rich and powerful people to get out in front of the rapidly rising climate refugee problem! You can finance the development of the "One Love" Facility on Haiti, top on the list to get thrashed by rising super storms, where my two sponsored children live, Olando and Woodeline! I love you guys, still working on this! Plus, one in Montego Bay, Jamaica, where My Father originally shared with me the idea of "One Love!"
Richard, you could make Necker Island, a training facility, and scaled down version of the Haiti and Montego Bay "One Love Facilities," your generosity made possible! You could train young managers to manage the facilities. Plus, you could share with your wealth friends, "your vision" of what "One Love" could be!
Prime Minister Trudeau, you could give tax breaks and other concessions, for Canada's top cannabis growers to help launch and manage "One Love's" cannabis growing facility. These caring professionals will teach Canada's indigenous, island people and poor to manage these facilities. Others will teach their working age population to go out to endangered communities to help them establish growing facilities, and sustainable communities, to prepare for "abrupt climate change!"
Having spearheaded the University of Utah, Graduate School of Business, SBDC, program for expanding Utah's high technology, and growth companies from 1988-1992, I am very familiar with launching and expanding "One Love." I developed many "strategic relationships" with US and Western European partners, to expand Utah's top growth companies. I was one of the firsts to focus on "strategic relationships," deploying the ideas in the book, Partnerships for Profit, before anyone I knew of. I held, what was billed as the first national symposium, per the then Head of Academic Programs at Dialog Information Systems, the precursor of the Internet, on how to use Dialog's Data Bases, essentially the Internet today, for launching and expanding high technology companies. I held it at the University of Colorado, in 1990. Plus, I was a Partner in the Strategic Planning Planning Consulting Firm, headed by the author of the national best-seller, "Creating Excellence;" my first position out of graduate school was turning around a $50 million dollar Chapter 11 manufacturing firm in a suburb of my home town, Detroit, for which the Chapter 11 Judge gave me the compliment of having the best "Reorganization Strategy Plan" he had ever seen; I developed and implemented a computerized quality control program before these were popular, and "job enrichment and design" program, restructuring the unsecured creditors to 25% payoff, and secured creditors to 35% payoff, to name some of my career highlights. So my depth and breath of experiences for launching and expanding "One Love" are significant and meaningful. Believe me, I know how to make the "One Love" launch and expansion a massive success by utilizing Canada's brightest and best. I did it in Utah, Love to do it in Canada with "One Love!"
Plus, it will fulfill my spiritual commitment to "The ONE!" - - "The ONE LOVE!"
Believe The Logical God of Love - - Prime Minister Trudeau and Richard Branson, if you support "Canada's One Love," with the full force of Jim's inspiration, not only will the whole world shower you with accolades and adoration for devotion to "One Love," I will bless you in my eternal Home for taking care of some of My Least Fortunate Children, Climate Refugees! Please, please, embrace this vision from God!"
Prime Minister Trudeau and Richard, you guys could start a "massive global movement" to establish humane "One Love" communities around the world, that would limit the ongoing, and likely terminal rise of horrific climate change on "God's least fortunate," versus the Evil US FEMA Camp version being developed for decades, and now The Wall! You could not only help millions to billions of "Gods least fortunate climate refugees" live out a humane ending, you may just win the Nobel Prize. Not only could we launch this on Canada Day 2018, we could invite Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein and your top supporters to the opening. We could raise more funding, by having Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein, join us on Opra, to raise funds for "One Love US" to be based on the NW corner of Lake Superior on the US side. It may be that we want to locate these facilities on the US/Canada border, but further analysis is required before a final decision. Surely the US version would be on the Canadian border of Lake Superior for many strategic reasons.
Please, please call me if you want to consider this project, at 775-580-7702, or email me at [email protected]! I will be sending you this proposal when it is complete, but if you hear about it and are interested, PLEASE PLEASE call me!
If someone with funding wanted to open up "One Love" in the US, my suggested place is on the NW corner of Lake Superior, on the US / Canada border, as this is where there is not only Lake Superior, there are a large number of inland lakes, wild life, forests, etc., making this a perfect location to launch "One Love." Plus, a major focus of "One Love" are the indigenous people of Canada. This is a perfect place to really set up a massive "One Love" facility NOW, before "hell on earth" arrives. Only one problem, I trust that raising the funding may not be possible until "hell on earth" arrives!
I anticipate that by six years, we should be seeing Category 6 hurricanes trashing the planet, so it may be easier to "crowd fund" the One Love idea. However, the political environment today, and the currently less horrific impacts of climate change in developed market economies, do not seem to be causing much movement towards these ideas, to be polite. The anti-climate change environment has always, and even more now, is resulting in personal and financial harm to those that do seek to warn the world about the risks of Abrupt Climate Change, Peak Energy, Over Population, and "It Is THE END!" God what a planet of Satinistic Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts, and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters! May God have mercy on our souls!
CAUTION: THE CONTENTS OF THIS WEB SITE ARE FOR ADULTS ONLY, WHO ARE CAPABLE OF HANDLING VERY SERIOUS IDEAS THAT MAY HAVE INTENSE EMOTIONAL IMPACTS. The God of Love is serious about this, non-adults, this is not your site, click away NOW! People with emotional challenges, this is NOT your site, click away NOW! Please! This is NOT a site to be read by all. Seriously, my wife can't handle this information and she is a strong person. If you find you can't handle this information, check back, I will have my Planning Strategies page finished soon. These are the critical ideas for personal, family and group planning (non-investment ideas only) to consider to prepare for the coming Global Deflationary Great Depression (2020-2035), followed, if I am correct, by a Global Inflationary Great Depression and "Hell on Earth," (starting 2030-2040 on) to the end of all species on Planet Titanic.
HOW Spiritual Fulfillment
Primary Objectives and Thesis [1]
The Only Solutions
"One Love"
New Additions
The Strategy of Radical Peace, Love and Sustainable Development
Happy New Year - 2017
The Beginning of "THE END TIMES!"
Prepare Your Souls! Prepare Yourselves!
Live Like You/Our Species is Dying
Become Your True Loving Spirit in the Logical God of Love
Then - Imagine What It Will Be Like - Eternity In God's Love
2016 - Climate Science, Climate Data and the Reign of Evil King Trumpet Confirm
THANK GOD! - - "It is THE END!"
The End of "ALL FOR THE RICH!" (Roughly 2K Billionaires and 200K Corporate
Mercenaries) - - "RAPE THE REST!" (7.5 Billion of God's Children and Growing)
Rejoice and Be Glad for it is The END of EVIL!
The end of the Tyranny of the Truly Good People by the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters - EMM&MS&LL for short! If the dominant species cannot achieve sustainability, let alone the much more challenging goal of structuring humane living arrangements for the bottom 99% - not just the top 1%, even with advanced science (climate sciences, over population sciences, sustainable living sciences, renewable energy sciences, political, management and economic sciences - NOT enlightened management or enlightened political leadership), and the plethora of modern technologies, based on these areas of sustainable and humane living sciences; combined with 150 years of cheap energy, does the species deserve the title "homosapien" - the wise species? I think not, but rather, homogreedious - the greed obsessed species.
If a species can not achieve "sustainability," by definition, it will go extinct!
If a species can not achieve a "humane level of living for the bottom 99%" - it should go extinct!
Most, if not, all of the income and wealth gains of the the hard work, creative value and talent of billions and billions of homogreedious go to a few thousand billionaire families, most of whom have never worked a day in their lives for generations and whom have more shit - mansions, planes, yachts, etc., than they will ever even use, and in no way need, and a few hundred thousand of their corporate mercenaries, who's primary expertise is raping, fleecing, pillaging, churning and burning all species - certainly not enlightened management. The EMM&MS have exploited to exhaustion the planet's carrying capacity. Those who's insatiable, insane and evil greed for money, power and sex, have insured the extinction of their own species, and most, if not all species, within 150 years of getting their evil mitts on cheap fossil fuels, deserve to be called Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of brainwashed and brain dead Lunatic Supporters (EMM&MS&LL)!
God have mercy on the EMM&MS&LL for being such greed obsessed evil beasts, and for the good people, for not stopping these EMM&MS&LL from insuring the death of God's species and the beautiful life on His planet!
Primary Objectives and Thesis [1]
The Only Solutions
"One Love"
New Additions
The Strategy of Radical Peace, Love and Sustainable Development
Happy New Year - 2017
The Beginning of "THE END TIMES!"
Prepare Your Souls! Prepare Yourselves!
Live Like You/Our Species is Dying
Become Your True Loving Spirit in the Logical God of Love
Then - Imagine What It Will Be Like - Eternity In God's Love
2016 - Climate Science, Climate Data and the Reign of Evil King Trumpet Confirm
THANK GOD! - - "It is THE END!"
The End of "ALL FOR THE RICH!" (Roughly 2K Billionaires and 200K Corporate
Mercenaries) - - "RAPE THE REST!" (7.5 Billion of God's Children and Growing)
Rejoice and Be Glad for it is The END of EVIL!
The end of the Tyranny of the Truly Good People by the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters - EMM&MS&LL for short! If the dominant species cannot achieve sustainability, let alone the much more challenging goal of structuring humane living arrangements for the bottom 99% - not just the top 1%, even with advanced science (climate sciences, over population sciences, sustainable living sciences, renewable energy sciences, political, management and economic sciences - NOT enlightened management or enlightened political leadership), and the plethora of modern technologies, based on these areas of sustainable and humane living sciences; combined with 150 years of cheap energy, does the species deserve the title "homosapien" - the wise species? I think not, but rather, homogreedious - the greed obsessed species.
If a species can not achieve "sustainability," by definition, it will go extinct!
If a species can not achieve a "humane level of living for the bottom 99%" - it should go extinct!
Most, if not, all of the income and wealth gains of the the hard work, creative value and talent of billions and billions of homogreedious go to a few thousand billionaire families, most of whom have never worked a day in their lives for generations and whom have more shit - mansions, planes, yachts, etc., than they will ever even use, and in no way need, and a few hundred thousand of their corporate mercenaries, who's primary expertise is raping, fleecing, pillaging, churning and burning all species - certainly not enlightened management. The EMM&MS have exploited to exhaustion the planet's carrying capacity. Those who's insatiable, insane and evil greed for money, power and sex, have insured the extinction of their own species, and most, if not all species, within 150 years of getting their evil mitts on cheap fossil fuels, deserve to be called Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of brainwashed and brain dead Lunatic Supporters (EMM&MS&LL)!
God have mercy on the EMM&MS&LL for being such greed obsessed evil beasts, and for the good people, for not stopping these EMM&MS&LL from insuring the death of God's species and the beautiful life on His planet!
THANK GOD! - - "It Is THE END!" Trump moves The Doomsday Clock Closer to Midnight
Trump Moves The Doomsday Clock Closer to Midnight (click title for link). The Doomsday Clock was moved to 2.5 minutes until Doomsday - "It Is THE END!" We argue here that with the Reign of Emperor King Trumpet and the ongoing Domination of The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, primarily in the US, but abroad as well; and due to the extensive and dramatic climate impacts since 2016 (rapidly rising methane hydrates releases on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS - see links below); the jump in global mean temperatures from an intermediate-term trending mean of around .85C above pre-industrial average, to 1.57 in February 2016, and higher though out the year, a jump of 80% to over 100% of what it took the planet 150 years to advance; the shift of the "polar vortex" south in November 2016, causing temperatures in the arctic to skyrocket - it was 44F in Northern Norway the second week of February 2017 last I checked and 60F in the polar region in November; the consequential drop in the amount of multi-year ice, due to the shift of the polar vortex south in November 2016; the near break off of the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, which could facilitate up to a 10 foot sea level rise, if the ice sheets behind it melt; and, the rapid slowing of the Gulf Stream, due to the melting of Greenland, as portrayed in the movie - "The Day After Tomorrow"), just to name some highlights, coupled with the significant new climate science findings since 2016 (that it took only 3-4C rise above pre-industrial average temperatures to melt most of Antarctica and raise sea levels by up to 60', and with only a 2C rise, the world experienced super storms that move thousand ton boulders around, and sea level rises of up to 20'), time is up - "It Is THE END!
In the first interview above, where to me Trump appears actually honest for the first time ever, with Stephen Colbert, it should be humorously obvious, and in the presentation by Bernie Sanders, it should be seriously obvious, why - "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!" If it is not obvious, just keep reading, it should be by the time you finish this web site. If not, keep returning, it should be by the time the "hell on earth" I forecast here is unleashed on all of us by the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters (EMM&MS&LL) for their insatiable, insane, evil greed for money, power and sex!!!
Trump Moves The Doomsday Clock Closer to Midnight (click title for link). The Doomsday Clock was moved to 2.5 minutes until Doomsday - "It Is THE END!" We argue here that with the Reign of Emperor King Trumpet and the ongoing Domination of The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, primarily in the US, but abroad as well; and due to the extensive and dramatic climate impacts since 2016 (rapidly rising methane hydrates releases on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS - see links below); the jump in global mean temperatures from an intermediate-term trending mean of around .85C above pre-industrial average, to 1.57 in February 2016, and higher though out the year, a jump of 80% to over 100% of what it took the planet 150 years to advance; the shift of the "polar vortex" south in November 2016, causing temperatures in the arctic to skyrocket - it was 44F in Northern Norway the second week of February 2017 last I checked and 60F in the polar region in November; the consequential drop in the amount of multi-year ice, due to the shift of the polar vortex south in November 2016; the near break off of the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, which could facilitate up to a 10 foot sea level rise, if the ice sheets behind it melt; and, the rapid slowing of the Gulf Stream, due to the melting of Greenland, as portrayed in the movie - "The Day After Tomorrow"), just to name some highlights, coupled with the significant new climate science findings since 2016 (that it took only 3-4C rise above pre-industrial average temperatures to melt most of Antarctica and raise sea levels by up to 60', and with only a 2C rise, the world experienced super storms that move thousand ton boulders around, and sea level rises of up to 20'), time is up - "It Is THE END!
In the first interview above, where to me Trump appears actually honest for the first time ever, with Stephen Colbert, it should be humorously obvious, and in the presentation by Bernie Sanders, it should be seriously obvious, why - "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!" If it is not obvious, just keep reading, it should be by the time you finish this web site. If not, keep returning, it should be by the time the "hell on earth" I forecast here is unleashed on all of us by the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters (EMM&MS&LL) for their insatiable, insane, evil greed for money, power and sex!!!
THE NORDIC MODEL - Let's steal it back NOW - It may be too late to save homogreedious, but it's not to late to save souls! Note the table, in this video on the Best Countries for Business - 2015:
1. Denmark, 2. New Zealand, 3. Norway, 4. Ireland, 5. Sweden, 6. Finland, 7. Canada, 8. Singapore, 9. Netherlands, 10. US
Note in the video above, how FOUR of the TOP SIX "Best Places to Do Business," are the four "Democrat Market Socialists" leaders, those following The Nordic Model: Norway, Finland, Sweden and the leading country, Denmark. Notice how the top Democrat Market Socialist country, that I would argue is the only sustainable and humane country, which is on the way to be 100% renewable energy driven well before all other countries, Denmark, is also, the best place to do business! Not to mention, based on the book, "The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country," the happiest country in the world!
Go figure, providing free healthcare, free education through graduate school, fully funded retirements, not to mention, transitioning to a completely renewable energy society, ranks you as the "Best Place to Do Business," and the "Happiest Country In the World!" What else do we need to know?!
New Zeland and Canada are close to the Nordic Model, providing free healthcare, education, and fully funded retirements for their people. Only exceptions, Ireland, Singapore and the United States. So those that are arguing that the Nordic Model is not business friendly, again, it is just "BS (billions) for the Billionaires."
Although "cultural homogeneity," in my opinion, is one of the primary reason the Nordic Countries were successful implementing the Nordic Model, I would argue the primary catalyst was the "Russian Revolution," or "Bolshevik Revolution." This is when the Russians took over the country from the Tsarist Autocracy. This killing of Russians Ruthless Money Monsters, put the fear of Satin in the Western European Kings and Queens, moving them toward what Aristotle recommended first in his seminal work, "Politics." As Noam Chomsky notes it the video above, "How to Concentrate Wealth and Power: #1 Reduce Democracy," Aristotle stated giving the people true democracy, would logically result in them voting for a more equitable distribution of wealth and power, which the Ruthless Money Monsters would not want. Democratic leaders, Aristotle argued, would have two choices, make the distribution of wealth and power more humane, like the Nordic Countries have, in my opinion, due to the fear of the rulers being ousted and potentially killed by the people, as they were in "The Russia Revolution," or create a more Totalitarian Dictatorship, a "false democracy."
Now watch "The Koch Brothers Exposed," from Brave New Films. Obviously, the Evil States of America have chosen the latter, with "Citizens United," and Evil King Charlie Koch's creation of our Evil Totalitarian Dictatorship, The Kochtopus Kingdom, and with the Reign of "Evil King Dickie and King Bush," and now "Evil King Trumpet." Even Radical Right Wing Economist, Bill Buckley, called Koch's "Totalitarian Libertarians." Totalitarian Dictators in my opinion, of course!
"Vladimir Putin's Rise to Power," details how the Evil Money Monsters in Russia, their Oligarchs, stole Russia from the Russians, and then they took it back. I have to give Satin King Charlie Koch credit, he stole the United States from us slowly, and hence, much more effectively! Although I would advocate taking it back, through a large wealth tax NOW, and inheritance taxes of 100% for over $100 million in wealth transferred at death per family, to limit the risk of the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts stealing our "failed democracy" again, I know that Evil King Charlie has been too successful brainwashing their brain dead Lunatic Supporters, that this is not an option. I have therefore proposed the "UN Non-Debt Based Currency Plan" to finance the TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and the other three primary TransitioNOW Objectives (see below).
7/4/17 Happy 4th of July - To all of the supporters of true Freedom, Independence, Opportunity for All - Healthcare for All - Free Education through Graduate Schools for All - Fully funded retirements for All - Freedom from the Evil Money Monsters, like The Koch Brothers and Most Business, Ruthless Business and Environmental Practices - Freedom from having the Oil and War Evil Money Monsters doing 9/11 to the US and blowing up Iraq and The Middle East for their Evil Greed - Know that The God of Love Know's Your Struggles, Suffering, Lost Careers, Lost Opportunities, Lower Income Received, Abuse Put Up With Daily, etc., etc., to provide "for all people, especially, those in need."
In the Final Judgement Heart above, Christ speaks of what it takes to get into Heaven. I would highly suggest reading, re-reading, and praying every day to follow His commandment for getting into Heaven, "Help the least fortunate!" Why do you think the last of the Beatitudes, Christ stated: Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:3-10)
Let Us Pray for Our Evil Kochtopus Kingdom, now under the Reign of Evil King Charlie Koch, for insuring the demise of all species, allowing King Dickie, and His Evil Side Kick, King Bush to do 9/11 to us, while blowing up Iraq, to steal their oil and to control the Middle East Oil for the Oil and War Evil Money Monsters Evil Greed. Then for allowing King Charlie to spend nearly $1 billion, while corporate contributions were 90% of the $1 Billion that the Republicans spent, together double the roughly $1 billion the Democrats got from mostly individuals to put Evil King Trumpet into Power.
True democracy is a country "for the People, by the People, and of the People," - NOT - "for the Rich, by the Rich and Of the Rich" - we live in a Kleptocracy (country run by thieves) Fascist (country run for the Oil and War Evil Money Monsters) Plutocracy (country run by and for the Rich)! We have obviously degraded into the lowest level of human greed and avarice ever seen on Evil Planet Titanic.
Rejoice and be glad that most of "the people" in our Evil Kochtopus Kingdom, actually supported both in their votes, and their personal financial contributions, Bernie Sanders, supporter of the Nordic Model. Although we "the people" cant Trump the Evil of the Kochtopus billions, God knows all that we do to stand up for true independence, and for righteousness! Is the Kingdom of Heaven worth it? I certainly have committed my life to stand up for true independence and righteousness! Happy 4th! Pray for our lost Evil Country!
6/29/17 THE NORDIC MODEL - The True "Independence Creating Economic Model" - Embracing This Model will Provide the ONLY TRUE INDEPENDENCE for our Country - The Only Sustainable and Humane Economic Model: Although it may be too late to save homogreedious, it would be nice if the US went out trying to help the planet survive, versus being the primary catalyst of the demise of all God's children, species and beautiful planet. Consider the arguments on the "America Needs to Steal Back The Nordic Model" video above. I will be detailing much more about this "theoretical choice" in the future, but you may also consider reading the book President Obama references in this video, "The Almost Nearly Perfect People," or "The Nordic Theory of Everything: In Search of a Better Life," or the book on what I consider to be the most developed, and only sustainable and humane country in the world, "The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country."
Ironically, two of my top mentors in life, Stein Erickson in freestyle skiing, who I held the first freestyle camp for at Boyne Highlands, MI, and Jorgen Randers, coauthor of "The Limits to Growth" (MIT and now University of Oslow, Norway) who inspired my life's work on over population, are from Norway! Plus, my mentor at the University of Utah, Dr. E. Kay Hunt, was a big believer that the Nordic Model was the only sustainable and humane economic model. Kay was the head of the University of Utah Economic Department at the time I was there, and I sat in his year long doctoral symposium in political economics as a sophomore at the UofU, and had him for History of Economic Thought, and Marxian Economics. My version of political economics is it is the study of how "all for the rich, rape the rest," the "true universal economic - and thanks to the Kochtapus - religious, political, scientific and even, legal, principal," plays out in all capitalist, socialist and communist systems, except the Nordic Countries! I had to get him to sign my class schedule, as head of the Econ Department, to skip out of most of the undergrad classes, and take mostly grad glasses for my under grad degree. When I asked him which economic model he was a fan of, he stated essentially, Jim I think that the Nordic Model is the only sustainable and humane economic system. I could not agree more! Kay had lived through the McCarthy era, and knew all too well how our Evil Empire of Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and Legions of Lunatics, damned him for being a Commie, when actually he supported the most logically sustainable and humane economic system, The Nordic Model. I have always considered myself to be a Nordic soul at heart! Plus, you got to love the Scandinavian women, in so many ways!
One technical correction, Tom Hartman, one of my favorite commentators on climate change, calls the Nordic Model, Democratic Socialism. It is technically, Democratic Market Socialism, with mostly private ownership and market pricing, but with limited massive wealth accumulation creating centimillionaires and billionaires, limiting the Koch Brothers Totalitarian Libertarian impacts. Radical right wing economist, Bill Buckley, of "Firing Line" show fame, even called the Kochs - Totalitarian Libertarians. In simple terms, a read of the book "Dark Money," convinced me we live in essentially the Kochtapus Kingdom, under the Reign of Evil King Charlie, now!
The Nordic Model primarily limits the power and wealth greed of lost ruthless business and government leaders, psychopaths and pathological liars, like Putin and Trump. Ruthless leaders, demagogues, like these two, tend to rise to the top, specifically because of their evil greed. This is due to the fact that "evil people are willing to do anything to anyone, for their insatiable greed, while good people will not!" This phenomena - evil people get the goods in the physical dimension, truly good people - those that stand against the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts - get trashed by these evil people, is the primary catalyst insuring Near Term Human Extinction NTHE, as my intellectual mentor in abrupt climate change, Guy McPherson, calls it, or as I call it - "It Is THE END!" The fact that evil people rule on Evil Planet Titanic is the reasoning behind one of my college prof's sayings, "if they can get into a position of power, you don't want them in a position of power!"
This factor - EVIL TRUMPS GOOD - is underlying the saying "absolute power corrupts absolutely!" Psychopaths and pathological liars, like Evil King Trumpet and Evil King Putin, have been all to frequent at the head of all countries, including the US, Russia and China. In fact, the traits of psychopath, pathological liar, fascist, racist, misogynist, bigot, homophobe, transphobe, ruthless monsters, terrorists, torturers, are all typical traits of the world's historical leaders, in government and in business! This work should enlighten you on how bad the world leaders really are, both in business and government!
In summary, the Two Primary Forces Insuring - "It Is THE END!" I argue are:
1. Evil Trumps Good! Only in this physical dimension, God's Love "Reigns" in the Spiritual Dimension of Heaven! Bad people will rape, fleece, pillage, churn and burn all others for their insatiable greed, to the extinction of all God's Children, Species and to the exhaustion of all of God's Amazing Planet. Good people will not! Trump, Putin, Koch Brothers and the horrific acts of the billionaires in the book "Dark Money," should make this blatantly obvious!
2. Men Can't Handle Their Tallywackers! - Men can't handle their testosterone driven insatiable, Insane, EVIL Greed for Money, Power and Sex! Worse yet, women are trying hard to catch up, versus controlling "their beasts!"
The Impact of these Two Massive Forces, results in the "Universal Principal" of Economics, Religion, Politics, Law and Science, in the Evil Empires of the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts on the Evil Planet Titanic:
The Result of these Two Driving Forces, and this Universal Principal, I argue, will result in:
1. The Release of hundreds of gigatons of methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and hundreds of gigatons of methane hydrates and carbon being released from the Siberian Arctic Tundra, combined with the ongoing massive and increasing carbon and methane releases from the US, notably King Trumpet's Insane Carbon and Methane intensive policies, and also, from primarily China and India. Secondary sources of rising methane and carbon releases abound (Indonesian Peat Forest, Amazon, etc., etc.), however, just the ESAS methane, I argue, insures near term human extinction (NTHE) - It Is THE END!
2. These massive methane and carbon releases, I argue, will increase global temperatures to 2-3C above pre-industrial baseline, and hence, sea levels by 20-30 feet by 2030-2050 ("Antarctica: Secrets Beneath The Ice), coupled with super storms that can move thousand ton boulders around (Hansen, 2016). These forces alone, may cause the implosion of many ocean based nuclear reactors, starting what I define, in detail, in this work, as "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop."
3. Running out of cheap oil and gas, what I refer to "Falling off Hubbert's Cliff," which I guesstimate will occur at roughly this same time 2030-2050, combined with sea level rises of 20-30 feet and super storms, will result in the death of billions by 2050.
4. The combination of all of these Critical Forces and Factors will rapidly escalate global mean temperatures to 4-6C above pre-industrial baseline by 2050-2070, increasing sea levels by 60-100 plus, by 2070, combined with super storms, will result in the implosion and explosion of many ocean based nuclear reactors, notably the ones on the Asian coast.
5. This, I argue, will result in the final nail in the species demise, what I have termed "The Radio Active Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" The implosion and explosion of many of the Asian based nuclear reactors, sending their nuclear fallout up to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), rapidly increasing the massive general releases of methane, causing sea levels to rise further.
6. These massive Critical Forces and Factors, I argue, will result in global mean temperatures skyrocketing to 6-10C above pre-industrial baseline by 2100, with 100 plus sea level rises, super storms, and the acceleration of "The Radioactive Mehtane Monster Feedback Loop," insuring. . .
"It Is THE END!"
So the Utopian models of enlightened capitalism (the Austrian School), and enlightened socialism and communism (Marx, etc.), fail in practice, not because of the "theoretical models" are flawed, but because of the reality of homogreedious. The primary assumption underlying the belief that Command Socialism is the ideal system, is that the "enlightened leaders" rise to the top, distributing the wealth of the nation more rationally than the market could, because the the leaders supreme wisdom, and moral fiber, to distribute that wealth according to the needs of the people. What BS (billions) for the Billionaires of these Command Socialist states! Putin's Rise to Power and "The Power of Putin: The Most Powerful Man in the World," should give you a good overview of how insane this idea is. If you want to dig further, watch videos on the privatization of Russia, and their history.
Similarly, the fundamental beliefs of Utopian Capitalism, associated with the Austrian School Economists, like Von Misses (Epistemological Problems in Economics, 1960), Von Hayek and Von Newman, etc., are the assumptions that consumers are "rational," and that they have "perfect knowledge," and as such, will only purchase products and services from the most "enlightened companies, that are the most humane, providing great work conditions for their workers, healthcare, fully funded retirements, education financing - they create, so it is argued, the best products and services, and will pay for any bad products and services impacts - and these "Utopian Capitalists," according to the Austrian School Scholars, will even insure the other societal needs (infrastructure, national and community parks, arts and education, science, etc.) and of course defense. of their communities are funded! Seriously! Will someone please play "Somewhere over the Rainbow . . . !" Will someone say BS (billions) for the Billionaires! The Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts lust over and expand Defense spending, more than liberals spend on the people. In a nut shell, they are, and always have been for larger government, just solely focused on Defense, or as I call it, Destruction Spending! The Evil Wrong (Right Wing) have always increased the percent of government as a percent of GDP, more than Democrats, just focused on Defense Spending, with I call Destruction Spending (destroying our country and many societies). This Destruction/Defense Spending of the Evil Wrong (Right Wing) is always focused at stealing the oil and other natural resources of other countries, controlling the Middle East, and those countries with resources we want. Nothing like Defense/Destruction Spending to Stuff the Pockets of your Evil War and Oil Lords Billionaire Buddies, just watch this video on "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers!"
Ok, so there is a place, over the rainbow, but it is called Denmark, and it is a Democratic Market Socialist Society, it is the leading country likely to reach 100% energy, along with a list of "top of the charts" ratings for a society that puts people - not money - first!, For ongoing excellence in low pollution emmitions, for funding ongoing strong and improving infrastructure, for providing community buildings: Universities and Medical Centers, Research Parks, Innovation Programs and Centers, Environmental Protection Agencies, Climate Change Agencies and Initiatives, Healthcare for the Elderly Care and Initiatives; Healthcare for their children, care programs and initiatives; healthcare for the poor and homeless; and funding for the arts and humanities. Denmark tops so many charts, there are books being written, like "The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country." It is not that we don't know how to create both "sustainable," and "humane" societies, we do! The Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts will not let us do it!
The Austrian School Libertarian Ideal of the characteristics of the leading companies in the world, sounds like all the companies that I have worked for - just the most humane, altruistic, giving, managers and management, you know they really only care about you - this is so descriptive of all of the companies I have ever worked for - how about you!? OMG what BS for the Billionaires! The result, these academic "Blow Hards the Billionaires," or "BS (billions) for the Billionaires," argue the only companies that will survive, will be headed by "enlightened business leaders!" Excuse me, I am beginning to feel sick!!! Really Sick!!!!! After reading the links to the Koch Brothers below, the wealthiest business owners in the US, and about the billionaires in "Dark Money," you will begin to know why! However, extensive knowledge of how many trillions of dollars of corporate coffers are spent on brainwashing brain dead consumers to buy "shit" that will ultimately insure "their horrific demise" (fossil fuels, versus transitioning to solar and wind); not to mention make our country filled with Fast Food Overweight Kids; living next to Koch Industries horrifically polluting businesses; living in the "hell" the auto industry made out of Detroit, and other "sacrifice zones;" watching the Oil and War Lords do 9/11 to our people, then destroy Iraq, to acquire more oil and control the Middle East for their wealth,, etc., etc., while enriching a few thousand billionaires fortunes, is what you really need to begin to understand, to really grasp how insane the very foundation of what Evil Satin King Charlie Koch is stuffing down the throats of all the people in His Kochtapus Kingdom!
Russia and China are technically, Command Socialist Economies, with the Market importance rising dramatically over the past few decades, at least superficially. All three massive Evil Empires are run by what I call "The International Mafia of Thieves, Terrorists, Thugs and Torturers until the Termination of all Species" (IMTTTTT or The International Mafia of Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, for short)! These are the modern day power brokers, who are, and always have been, even many of the same families for hundreds, to thousands of years, following Adam Smith's dictum for giving up on Capitalism as a system. Adam Smith stated in his seminal work on capitalism, "The Wealth of Nations," if the "Masters of the Universe" follow the dictum of the Feudalistic Kings and Queens, "all for us, none for them," then capitalism has failed! Capitalism has failed! Obviously!! What I say is that the true "universal economic principal," is "all for one, or as few as you can pay off as possible, to keep the masses from revolting!" alternatively stated, "all for the rich, rape the rest!," and of course, in either case, "to the exhaustion of the carying capacity of God's beautiful and abundent planet, to the death of all of God's Children, beautiful species, for the Evil Greed and Averace of the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts!"
My own version of the widely debated and discussed, "depopulation conspiracy theory," essentially states that the EMM&EMS are planning on depopulating the planet, by causing the death of billions, to what may be a sustainable planet population of roughly 2 billion people (current population is around 7.5 billion, estimated to be over 9 billion by 2050). I will detail these ideas on the Political Dimension page in the future. The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts are filling up their "life boats," knowing full well that Planet Titanic is about to sink horrifically, due to The Critical Forces and Factors (over population, climate change, peak energy, deflation of global asset bubbles, and global fiscal gaps) that their insatiable, Insane and Evil Greed has damned the planet to suffer. They are the architects of most of the past great recessions, depressions, 9/11, WWII, WWI, Napoleonic War, etc., etc., and most other international imperialistic activities. Noam Chomsky's seven part video on "The History of US Imperialism" is enlightening on this topic.
How do you think the Evil Money Monsters became sooooooooo rich - by hard value creating work as an enlightened business and enlightened political leaders!? Seriously! Read about King Charlie Koch, and his most evil family members ("The Koch's, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Radical Right," "Koch Brothers Exposed" - Brave New Films, "Yes, the Koch Brothers Really are That Evil," The Bridge Project 60 reports on the Koch Brothers, and Dark Money), these pieces detail how evil many in this family have been! Satin Charlie, and his side kick, Satin David, sued their two brothers, Fredrick and William, for their share of their family's estate, and the three did a kangaroo court, to get their liberal brother, Fredrick, to give up his share of the family's estate, by threatening to tell their father he was gay, which he is not! What Evil Evil Satinistic Money Monsters!
Then there is King Trumpet, OMG what a Evil Clown King, he so reminds me of King Ludwig II of Bavaria, his highly mixed business successes and failures are surveyed in The Real Story Behind Trump's Wealth. How does this compare to just investing in the stock market, if he invested the $40 million he received in inheritance in 1974, and just invested it in the stock market or other investments? Watch The Young Turks explanation on "The Real Reason Trump is Rich." Just wait to you see what his policies to "Make America Great Again," really do to the world. In my opinion, it is crystal clear to me that the 200 page healthcare memorandum, crafted by the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts in His Administration, behind closed doors, so that no one but his Most Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts could see it, is a classic and massive impact example of, "All for the Rich, Rape the Rest!" Nearly $50 billion in tax cuts for millionaires, mostly billionaires, and nearly $50 billion in reductions in spending on the poor, sick, homeless, mostly low income and poor children!
Of the estimated 22 plus million that will be without healthcare, most will be children of low income and poor people! OMG what Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! Scream out your loyalty to Evil King Charlie, "All for the Rich, Rape the Rest!" Just remember, if my inspirations are correct, the Evil Wrong that pushed this insanity on our country will feel the insane pain and suffering they are damning these 22 million uninsured and likely 50 million under insured, to suffer, they will experience this horrific pain and suffering for eternity in hell! So really think and pray about the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts you support!
Do socialists/communists really believe that Russia or China will ever be lead by an enlightened leader of the socialist party? Vladimir Putin's Rise to Power and "The Power of Putin: The Most Powerful Man in the World," detail Putin's corrupt and ruthless rise to power, which is the topic of the book Putin's Kleptocracy, and these numerous videos. What is the real scoop behind Trump's Russia link? Watch this video on the real Russian connection, the commentator is a bit awkard, but keep watching for the real Russia Connection?! What would you do if someone offered you $100 million for your piece of shit house, especially if you knew you were technically bankrupt, during the 2008/2009 collapse? Now you know the Real Russian Connection Conspiracy Theory! The bigger question is how much have these Evil Money Monsters fleeced each of our countries, stuffing theirs and their Corporate Oil and War Lords pockets with, already?! Can you say billions! But don't worry, they plan on fleecing us for trillions and trillions more, by the time the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, finish feasting on our countries! They create these spectacles, King Trumpet, Queen Billary, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, etc., etc., to keep the Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters dissified, while the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts raid the Treasury! This has been going on since the beginning of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts. This time, "It Is THE END!"
If this information, alone, is not proof of the time tested saying - "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely," I don't know what would be!? Ok, well, I do know what would be - - my web site - - "It Is THE END!" Still not a believer, just keep watching "The Weather Channel," and, and the many other exceptional web sites noted on my site, for details on the end of civilization. Ok, well after the Kardashians, America's Got Talent, Dancing With The Stars, etc., etc.!
I often wonder, how many people will "tune in" to the end of civilization, and notice that "It Is THE END!" I imagine the billions and billions saying, "send me the link," maybe I will check it out! But I hate that shit! It is soooooooo negative! Let's just be positive! Who's house is the party at this weekend!? Get a life! What is this "end of word shit!" The "magical markets," combined with "the trickle down thingy," will be somehow be used by the "enlightened leaders," to create "the best of all possible worlds!" Just have faith in our "enlightened leaders!" OK, if they can get two of these one liners, they are "catching on," three one liners "running with the Red Necks," and four one liners, you know you are "One of THE BOYS!"
if you have $1 billion or more, you may be able to attend the Kochtapus Convention, and give either King Charlie or King David your commitment of tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to Brainwash their flock of Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters. If you are committing $30 million or more, you may be honered to give King David your "BS (billlions) for the Billionaires $30 million plus brain washing tax deductible contribution, for brain washing their Legions of Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters." If you have $100 million or more, you get to give King Charlie your "BS for the Billionaires" Brainwashing of the Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters tax-free contribution. These Evil Money Monsters spent nearly as much as the Republican and Democratic Parties - $1 Billion dollars each to get Evil King Trumpet into Power! Welcome to the Kochtapus Kingdom, Ruled By Evil King Charlie Koch!
The Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, I believe, think they and their biggest sluts will survive the coming "hell on earth," that their evil greed has damned the world to suffer. Then they will have the world for they and theirs - or so they may think. In this work, I detail how "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," will insure their horrific demise, which if I am correct, will be followed by eternity in hell feeling the most horrific pain and suffering they have damned billions and billions of God's children and species to suffer, for their millions, billions and trillions!
By the way, in my vision of this nuclear waste land of a planet, that I guesstimate will exist by the second half of this century, and which will be cascading into the Abyss by the turn of the century, plus or minus fifty years, the longer the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts survive the better! I can't imagine a more horrific hell on earth for them to live on as long as they can, prior to going the "the place that the Father has made for the devil and his angels, since the beginning of time."
In my inspiration, this will be the Final Splitting of the Eternal Ultimate Power of Love - THE LOGICAL GOD OF LOVE - FROM SATIN'S EVIL POWER! It is Finished - For All Time! "It Is THE END!"
The Logic of Eternal Damnation, based on my inspiration/logic, and in my opinion, is that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, created their own hell, and God just facilitated the transfer of that Evil Force to Hell for all time. Hell, if my inspirations are correct, will be the culmination of the evil that Satin's Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts have damned God's Billions of Children, Specie and Amazing World to suffer, directly and indirectly, for their Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex. The culmination of what their Evil Greed for Their Millions, Billions and Trillions damned God's Children, Species and Amazing World to Suffer!
The most horrific pain and suffering, is logically going to be the eternal damnation of the Super Evil Money Monsters, The Rothschilds, The Kochs, The Mellons, The Safias, The Devoses, King Trumpet, and the all of the members of "The International Mafia of the Super Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts to the Termination of All Species, Amen, can you Say Amen! Amen! Amen!" THEIR EVIL GREED AND AVARICE EXCEEDS ALL OTHERS! CAN YOU SAY, AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
The logical other extreme, is the culmination of all Love in all dimensions, to be logically combined with the Eternal, Logical, Amazing Love of God, for eternity! The sixth dimension! The dimension of the Logical God of Love! This is what he offers to all of us, for "just trying to embrace His Love above all things, for Loving all others With His Love, and for Helping those in Need as often as possible!" Is this so hard?! Not for most decent people!
It seems to be for the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, who's testosterone driven insatiable, insane and evil greed has damned homogreedious to its demise within 200 years of getting his evil mitts on cheap fossil fuels! What an Evil Money Monster! Roar, roar, roar, MO MONEY, MO POWER, MO SEX, AMEN! TO THE DEATH OF ALL SPECIES!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!! Just another billion, can you say, Amen Brother, Amen, God Wills that Evil King Charlie Koch, The Rothschilds, the Kochtapus, The International Mafia of Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, have all of your earth, and the Freedom to Exploit All Resources, Human and Natural, for His Insatiable, Insane, EVIL GREED AND AVARICE TO THE DEATH OF ALL OF HIS CHILDREN, SPECIES AND BEAUTIFUL WORLD - ARE YOU WITH ME BROTHERS AND SISTERS - CAN YOU SAY - AMEN! I feel the Evil Power of Satin within Him and His Followers, Yes, Lord Satin, Can You Say the Evil Chant to send your soul to HELL FOR ETERNITY! SAY YES MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS - SAY THE CHANT NOW, DON'T YOU BE AFRAID NOW, I AM HEAR TO SUPPORT YOUR EVIL CONVERSION - "ALL FOR THE RICH, RAPE THE REST!" SAY IT AGAIN MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS - "ALL FOR THE RICH, RAPE THE REST, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!" I HAVE BEEN DAMNED!
Thank you Pastor Bribe Me, your Church of The Almighty Dollar, is more luxurious and filled with more insanely expensive shit, than the Crystal Cathedral! You must be fleecing millions from the mission, and having your plate filled by the Evil Rich Money Monsters and Money Sluts! Plus your lavish houses, and shit load of expensive shit. You must use all of the money the Money Monsters and Money Sluts bribe you with to brainwash all of your brain dead flock, and provide them with "false forgiveness," to build all of this ridiculously expensive buildings, all of your mansions, toys, and other crap, instead of giving it to "the least fortunate!" Christ said that those that lead his Children to the Evil Greed of Satin in His name, will spend eternity in the depths of hell! Way to go, Pastor Bribe Me, I think your Evil False Christian Church, The Church of The Almighty Dollar, will be damned even more than the German Christian Church that supported the Nazis! Yeah Pastor Bribe Me, Yeah! You are so blessed to be able to brainwash all of our brain dead flock into believing the real universal religious, economic, political, scientific, even legal principal King Satin Charlie Koch has demanded us to follow - "ALL FOR THE RICH, RAPE THE REST!" Hallelujah King Satin, Hallelujah! It is true, Satin has made it so easy for us to sell our souls to his evil greed for money, power, power and sex. Praise Satin! In the name of MO MONEY, MO POWER AND MORE SEX, ALL FOR THE RICH, RAPE THE REST! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
Christ spoke of the time when, His lost followers would reign terror on the world, until the end of all mankind, for the insatiable greed of the few. I am telling you very sincerely, what the very essence of this work is about, is to tell of this time starting! But Most Logically, One With the Logical God of Love, "To help lost souls find their true spirits in the Logical God of Love, NOW! To Prepare Your Souls, Prepare Yourselves, Prepare Your Families! This is the warning He has told me to tell you!" My advice, pay head!
Become Your True Loving Spirit, You Have Always Had the Potential to Be, Your True Spirit in God's Eternal Love, Your True Heavenly Spirit, as much as you can, reach for that as your sole purpose in life! NOW! NOW! NOW! What could be more important, than becoming your true spirit in God's Love, NOW?! This will be critical to stay strong, as the world will be entering "Hell on Earth," due to the Evil Greed of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, soon! Prepare Your Souls, Prepare Yourselves, Prepare Your Families! NOW! NOW! Don't wait, start today! Make it the top priority of your life! This is the very sincere purpose of this work!
It is amazing how He speaks to me. Just now, he inspired me to tell you about how He speaks to me, and to share with you this story, as He did so beautifully when He walked on this earth. He wanted me to share with you how when I ask Him - "why would you create this world, knowing full well, the horrific ending we now face? I envision, His amazing spirit, my fulfilled spirit, walking by His side. In this amazing garden, with spirit butter flies of unbelievable radiant see-through color, exotic species of all types, awe inspiring water falls, streams and lakes. Beauty beyond imagination! He looks into my eyes, in His eyes, I see eternity, I see Heaven! I see the beauty of His Love, in all that is! I feel the amazing peace, and complete and total oneness, with The Love of God!
He then states, with the Love of a Perfect Father, God, Friend, Buddy, I made this unbelievable universe because of YOU!
Yes, Because of You,, and only, You!
Each of my children, are my "You," as much as I hope each of your children are your "You!" No matter your religion (Muslim, Christian, Budist, Native Orientation, etc.) or lack there of (agnostic or atheist); no matter your race (Black, Asian, Native, White, etc.); no matter of your political beliefs,
YOU are all the reason that I created this amazing world. I Love "You" All Sooooooooo Much! Please Embrace My Love, The Love of Radical Pacifism, The Love of God!
For You, My Loving Father, My Lord, My God! I Lov,e You Sooooooooooo Much! This is For You, For You Alone! For One In Your Love, Is One In All Of One's Spirit, Achieving Your True Spirit for Eternity In God's Love! Do this NOW! Live His Love! Help Those In Need, NOW! Do it aggressively! Do it With God's Love! Become obsessed with helping those in need, NOW! For the chance to Become One With God's Love! For Eternity! Is it worth it?! This is what I am telling you to realize your very existence is about! Take it seriously!
Become One in God's Love! LOVE YOUR GOD, ABOVE ALL OTHERS; LOVE OTHERS WITH HIS LOVE; AND, PURSUE A LIFE OF COMMITMENT TO THOSE IN NEED! Love Passionately! Love with Forgiveness! Love with Understanding! Become a PASSIONATE PACIFIST, for The LOVE OF GOD! NOW! NOW! NOW! Love with No Expectations! Love Softly, Sweetly, and Be Beautiful, In God's Love! Be Your Beautiful Spiritual Self, YOU WILL BEE SOON - IN HEAVEN! NOW, NOW, NOW!
In the book Dark Money, Jane Mayer notes that when King Charlie Koch was a young boy, he was fond of responding to his parents request to share by saying - "I like to share, that means all for me!" Now he has bought off all most all of our country's politicians (What is Dark Money and How Does It Influence Elections), and we let this Evil Money Monster and his fellow Evil Money Monsters featured in Dark Money, hijack our highly dysfunctional democracy, creating a modern day version of what even Radical Right Wing economist, Bill Buckley, called Koch - a Totalitarian Libertarian! Or what I call him - Evil King Charlie, who reigns over the United Money Monsters and Money Sluts of the Kochtapus Kingdom! King Charlie of the Evil Kochtapus Kingdom reminds me so much of King Ludwig II of Bavaria, that created the Neuschwanstein Castle. More on the striking comparison between King Ludwig, King Vladimir, King Trumpet and King Charlie in the future. But what an International Evil Mafia of Evil Money Monsters!
Too much concentration of wealth and power in the private sector or government, I will argue on the page Political Dimension, results - always - in a Totalitarian society, due to the testosterone driven insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex, by the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, like it has in the US, Russia and China now! If only we could radically change to the Nordic Model as Bernie Sanders has been promoting, the only successful sustainable and humane societies/economies on Planet Titanic, instead of insuring the death of all of God's children, as in my opinion, we are doing now! Although it may already be too late to save the species, such a radical shift to the world the Logical God of Love, I argue, wants us to create, would logically result in many more souls entering heaven, versus not, or much worse, waking up after taking their last breath in the depths of hell for eternity, as I think the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts are damning their souls too! In my opinion, of course!
During the hypocrisy of an election of King Trumpet, I was pushing for Bernie Sanders (30 years of Bernie Sanders speeches is a much watch, proof that there are humane people in the Kochtapus Kingdom) and Jill Stein of the Green Party, my party now. I was fond of saying after Billary stole the Democratic nomination from Bernie using Super Delegates, and then King Trumpet stole the election from Billary, using the same tactics, Electoral Votes; nearly $1 billion of campaign funding from the Kochtapus Trillionaire pool, and nearly $1 billion from the Republican Party funds, the Democrats raised roughly 1/2 this amount; the Russian buy out of King Trumpet's piece of shit house in Florida for $100 million, after rumors were he was officially personally bankrupt in 2008/9, and God only knows how many billions they have stuffed his families pockets with since then, that "It is either Bernie, or Burn Babby Burn (King Trumpet), then Bernie!" I hope this saying comes true, with the radical shift back toward a society of sanity and humanity, from one of greed and evil, with the election of Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein in 2020 - hopefully on the Green Party Ticket! At least we would enter "hell on earth," proving there were humane humans on Planet Titanic before - "It Is THE END!"
Although a nice dream to hope for, such as the false hope many had for Obama, my extensive research of the IMTTTTT, the International Mafia of Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, sense being a sophomore at the UofU, has taught me that the Evil Money Monsters will continue flaring their horns and trying like HELL, using their trillions and trillions, to fleece, rape, pillage, churn and burn the billions of lunatics on Planet Titanic to "fill up their life boats" with trillions and trillions more of our money, before they sink Planet Titanic into the most horrific hell on earth the world has ever known, if I am correct. This is what they typically do before each of these "fleecing cycles," but this time they are on "cocaine" (sniff sniff King Trumpet, you really should consider giving up the Cocaine - Can't Sleep - Tweets). So although I hope and pray for a Sanders/Stein ticket win, I certainly believe the world will sink into a much more horrific "hell on earth," with even more extreme Demagogues than King Trumpet, versus moving to a more sustainable and humane society.
King Charlie will spend many more billions of the Kochtapus' Trillions, as he has so effectively for many decades now, to insure he reigns over the Evil Kochtapus Kingdom until the death of all species! Now that expectation - in my opinion - you can take to King Charlie's Bank! Sad, but true!
Your love, peace, enlightenment, wisdom and strength, has helped me in my life long quest to fulfill "your will, not mine." It has been the passion of my life, to first try to save our species from the ravages of over population, insane greed, peak energy, climate change, pollution, nuclear and other and related problems. It is now my passion to help people understand the likely economic and environmental hell that the greedy have inflicted on the world, not you, how to prepare for the likely end of our species, and to find their way home to eternal life with you. I pray that I will be an instrument of your peace and love, and help many find their way home to eternity in Your Love. (non-investment ideas only[1]) With Love, Jim!
To my loving very right wing family, friends and visitors. If you find that the God of Love has brought you here, but you can't stomach my liberal ranting and views on climate change, you may just want to skip to the page, The Critical Forces and Factors. Then go down to the four presentations by Republican Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, about the massive risks he sees if we do not TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, before falling off Hubbert's Peak, or as I call it, Hubbert's Cliff. You can take his advice, and help us transition the world to solar and wind in the private sector, as he implores us to, with the combined effort of the Manhattan Project, WWII and the space race, combined! Just skip the rest of the presentation, as it logically leads to the same primary solution, TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind! If you want to be politically active from a right wing perspective, contact him, and have him guide you! I would welcome helping you as well, but you may have to stomach my liberal political views, and views about climate change!
The primary objectives of this website are:
The ONLY SOLUTIONS to save Homogreedious, which in my opinion is unlikely, but should still be pursued in hopes of saving the species, and more importantly, in hopes of saving many of the lost souls of the EMM&MS&LL, are (these are detailed on the page by this titled):
To really save the species, I believe, the world must TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, along with the other TransitioNOW Objectives NOW. I don't believe that many, let alone all of these TransitioNOW Objectives will ever be pursued, given that "climate change deniers," the EMM&MS&LL are supporting BS (billions) for the Billionaires in the US and globally, versus saving the species, and so too are the political forces in China and India, in particular. My expectations are that all too few of these TransitioNOW Objectives will be implemented, all too late, and hence, basically result in an extension of "hell on earth." So my prayer is that the world either TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, or just stay the course, which is obviously most likely, so "hell on earth" is as short of a period as possible.
Summary and Authors note: One Love is is a concept piece only, and not a solicitation for funding for this idea. The purpose of this "One Love: God's Miracle Drug Specialists for the benefit of climate refugees" proposal is to refine the idea sufficiently to be able to "success test" the idea, sending it to key people to see if there may be sufficient interest in the venture to give it a go! I pray there is! But only time will tell. Given my "John the Baptist" type of ongoing rants against the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, and their Legions of Lunatic Supporters (EMM&MS&LL), which he was beheaded for, even I will be surprised if I can raise the money for this amazing idea. But you never know, got to give it a try. I expect that my reasonable expectations of building a sustainable commune for believers and the least fortunate, in either Northern Michigan or Canada, holds more promise. May only be for my wife and close friends, and that would be fine also. My top intellectual mentor in abrupt climate change did this in Arizona, and has moved to Belize setting up this type of commune I have in mind (
Time, I argue, is on our side, as the longer it takes, the likely need for the idea should become more obvious, as signs of abrupt climate change accelerate, even faster than the last two years (2015-2016), rising ever faster (the second derivative of the rate of change is positive and increasing), same will be true for sea levels rise, and with the number and severity of storms, rising ultimately to super storms status. I hope One Love can achieve the dreams of creating relatively "Sustainable Safe Havens," specialized in growing God's Miracle Drug(TM) and crafting paraphernalia; growing food in challenging areas; developing sea food hatcheries, farms and sanctuaries; and providing shelter for safety from rising sea levels, future super storms, and related climate and over population driven "hell on earth!"
The Canadian North American Headquarters for "One Love," is proposed to be the "Sustainable Safe Haven" on the shores of Lake Superior to house primarily indigenous Canadians, the GTLBX community, and immigrants from the islands, other disadvantaged groups may be allowed, based on a community vote. However, these are the primary target segments initially. The larger, the better, but focus initially, is critical. This facility will be the primary manufacturing facility for "One Love Pods," and the related linking component parts. The cannabis, food and other operational facilities will be housed in "One Love Pods," and all will be linked with living quarters pods. This will facilitate long-term living in very extreme conditions. The "Island Sustainable Safe Havens" are likely to take some type of pie shape, with the center at the top of the island main hill, and the base of the pie, a sea wall that is leeward to likely future super storms, that becomes a sea food sanctuary, and can be raised up to 100 feet plus. The walls along the pie going to the top of the hill will be deflectors, to deflect super storm winds away from the pods. A "US Sustainable Safe Haven" is proposed to be constructed on the Northern Michigan side of Lake Superior, but due to the immigration issues, will primarily focus on "the least fortunate," indigenous Americans, blacks, Hispanics, and other disadvantaged groups in the US. It may be that the first cannabis growing facility is located in either Nevada, my current home, or California, or one of the other leading legal states for cannabis - if a strategic partnership is developed with a leading cannabis grower in one of these areas, due to legal considerations, and to get the venture up and running, and refine operational issues in a legal friendly location.
The logic is to develop the "Canadian One Love Safe Haven" and facilities first, "Canada One Love," for short, get them profitable and the concept and operations refined, and then develop "Jamaican One Love," followed by the "Haiti One Love." Easier to start with the areas of least problems, refine the design, and ultimately, enter Haiti, with its extreme political challenges. However, our sponsored girl, Woodeline, and boy, Olando, are from Haiti, and I already know who I want for the Haiti One Love Team! So Haiti is a big goal, but refining the idea, and getting it going with less challenges, will help us expand to Haiti, with greater success and a refined idea, for an extreme environment. See the "Unbreakable" video below for my "Dream One Love Haiti Team!" The prayer is that I can get this dream to the point where I can launch this worthy venture, or to the point where I hand it off to an individual or group that can run with the idea.
I have a dream that "One Love" may actually become an amazing instrument of "God's Love" to help those most threatened by the ongoing and rising ravages of climate change and over population. I HAVE A DREAM! God please bless this dream to become a major vehicle to help "the least fortunate of your sisters and brothers," and that this dream may reduce the pending "hell on earth" that they are already suffering, which is likely to escalate horrifically in the near future. I have a dream. I plan on launching this crowd funding dream with the finishing of this web site and hoped for book, by the end of 2017. The good news is that even with a smaller funding amount, it is likely that we can get One Love started, and grow the dream from there, as funding increases, and the ravages of abrupt climate change make the need even more obvious, to those that simply don't believe it is yet. However, if someone sees the vision and has the capabilities to get it going now, please send me an email at [email protected], or call me at 775.580.7702. I have a dream! Please help it come true! God Bless!
The proposed details of "One Love" will be detailed on the page by this title. Your positive comments and suggestions on these ideas are appreciated. As I hope to get One Love launched this year, but in the coming year at the latest, your input and offers to help would be greatly appreciated.
1. Denmark, 2. New Zealand, 3. Norway, 4. Ireland, 5. Sweden, 6. Finland, 7. Canada, 8. Singapore, 9. Netherlands, 10. US
Note in the video above, how FOUR of the TOP SIX "Best Places to Do Business," are the four "Democrat Market Socialists" leaders, those following The Nordic Model: Norway, Finland, Sweden and the leading country, Denmark. Notice how the top Democrat Market Socialist country, that I would argue is the only sustainable and humane country, which is on the way to be 100% renewable energy driven well before all other countries, Denmark, is also, the best place to do business! Not to mention, based on the book, "The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country," the happiest country in the world!
Go figure, providing free healthcare, free education through graduate school, fully funded retirements, not to mention, transitioning to a completely renewable energy society, ranks you as the "Best Place to Do Business," and the "Happiest Country In the World!" What else do we need to know?!
New Zeland and Canada are close to the Nordic Model, providing free healthcare, education, and fully funded retirements for their people. Only exceptions, Ireland, Singapore and the United States. So those that are arguing that the Nordic Model is not business friendly, again, it is just "BS (billions) for the Billionaires."
Although "cultural homogeneity," in my opinion, is one of the primary reason the Nordic Countries were successful implementing the Nordic Model, I would argue the primary catalyst was the "Russian Revolution," or "Bolshevik Revolution." This is when the Russians took over the country from the Tsarist Autocracy. This killing of Russians Ruthless Money Monsters, put the fear of Satin in the Western European Kings and Queens, moving them toward what Aristotle recommended first in his seminal work, "Politics." As Noam Chomsky notes it the video above, "How to Concentrate Wealth and Power: #1 Reduce Democracy," Aristotle stated giving the people true democracy, would logically result in them voting for a more equitable distribution of wealth and power, which the Ruthless Money Monsters would not want. Democratic leaders, Aristotle argued, would have two choices, make the distribution of wealth and power more humane, like the Nordic Countries have, in my opinion, due to the fear of the rulers being ousted and potentially killed by the people, as they were in "The Russia Revolution," or create a more Totalitarian Dictatorship, a "false democracy."
Now watch "The Koch Brothers Exposed," from Brave New Films. Obviously, the Evil States of America have chosen the latter, with "Citizens United," and Evil King Charlie Koch's creation of our Evil Totalitarian Dictatorship, The Kochtopus Kingdom, and with the Reign of "Evil King Dickie and King Bush," and now "Evil King Trumpet." Even Radical Right Wing Economist, Bill Buckley, called Koch's "Totalitarian Libertarians." Totalitarian Dictators in my opinion, of course!
"Vladimir Putin's Rise to Power," details how the Evil Money Monsters in Russia, their Oligarchs, stole Russia from the Russians, and then they took it back. I have to give Satin King Charlie Koch credit, he stole the United States from us slowly, and hence, much more effectively! Although I would advocate taking it back, through a large wealth tax NOW, and inheritance taxes of 100% for over $100 million in wealth transferred at death per family, to limit the risk of the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts stealing our "failed democracy" again, I know that Evil King Charlie has been too successful brainwashing their brain dead Lunatic Supporters, that this is not an option. I have therefore proposed the "UN Non-Debt Based Currency Plan" to finance the TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and the other three primary TransitioNOW Objectives (see below).
7/4/17 Happy 4th of July - To all of the supporters of true Freedom, Independence, Opportunity for All - Healthcare for All - Free Education through Graduate Schools for All - Fully funded retirements for All - Freedom from the Evil Money Monsters, like The Koch Brothers and Most Business, Ruthless Business and Environmental Practices - Freedom from having the Oil and War Evil Money Monsters doing 9/11 to the US and blowing up Iraq and The Middle East for their Evil Greed - Know that The God of Love Know's Your Struggles, Suffering, Lost Careers, Lost Opportunities, Lower Income Received, Abuse Put Up With Daily, etc., etc., to provide "for all people, especially, those in need."
In the Final Judgement Heart above, Christ speaks of what it takes to get into Heaven. I would highly suggest reading, re-reading, and praying every day to follow His commandment for getting into Heaven, "Help the least fortunate!" Why do you think the last of the Beatitudes, Christ stated: Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:3-10)
Let Us Pray for Our Evil Kochtopus Kingdom, now under the Reign of Evil King Charlie Koch, for insuring the demise of all species, allowing King Dickie, and His Evil Side Kick, King Bush to do 9/11 to us, while blowing up Iraq, to steal their oil and to control the Middle East Oil for the Oil and War Evil Money Monsters Evil Greed. Then for allowing King Charlie to spend nearly $1 billion, while corporate contributions were 90% of the $1 Billion that the Republicans spent, together double the roughly $1 billion the Democrats got from mostly individuals to put Evil King Trumpet into Power.
True democracy is a country "for the People, by the People, and of the People," - NOT - "for the Rich, by the Rich and Of the Rich" - we live in a Kleptocracy (country run by thieves) Fascist (country run for the Oil and War Evil Money Monsters) Plutocracy (country run by and for the Rich)! We have obviously degraded into the lowest level of human greed and avarice ever seen on Evil Planet Titanic.
Rejoice and be glad that most of "the people" in our Evil Kochtopus Kingdom, actually supported both in their votes, and their personal financial contributions, Bernie Sanders, supporter of the Nordic Model. Although we "the people" cant Trump the Evil of the Kochtopus billions, God knows all that we do to stand up for true independence, and for righteousness! Is the Kingdom of Heaven worth it? I certainly have committed my life to stand up for true independence and righteousness! Happy 4th! Pray for our lost Evil Country!
6/29/17 THE NORDIC MODEL - The True "Independence Creating Economic Model" - Embracing This Model will Provide the ONLY TRUE INDEPENDENCE for our Country - The Only Sustainable and Humane Economic Model: Although it may be too late to save homogreedious, it would be nice if the US went out trying to help the planet survive, versus being the primary catalyst of the demise of all God's children, species and beautiful planet. Consider the arguments on the "America Needs to Steal Back The Nordic Model" video above. I will be detailing much more about this "theoretical choice" in the future, but you may also consider reading the book President Obama references in this video, "The Almost Nearly Perfect People," or "The Nordic Theory of Everything: In Search of a Better Life," or the book on what I consider to be the most developed, and only sustainable and humane country in the world, "The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country."
Ironically, two of my top mentors in life, Stein Erickson in freestyle skiing, who I held the first freestyle camp for at Boyne Highlands, MI, and Jorgen Randers, coauthor of "The Limits to Growth" (MIT and now University of Oslow, Norway) who inspired my life's work on over population, are from Norway! Plus, my mentor at the University of Utah, Dr. E. Kay Hunt, was a big believer that the Nordic Model was the only sustainable and humane economic model. Kay was the head of the University of Utah Economic Department at the time I was there, and I sat in his year long doctoral symposium in political economics as a sophomore at the UofU, and had him for History of Economic Thought, and Marxian Economics. My version of political economics is it is the study of how "all for the rich, rape the rest," the "true universal economic - and thanks to the Kochtapus - religious, political, scientific and even, legal, principal," plays out in all capitalist, socialist and communist systems, except the Nordic Countries! I had to get him to sign my class schedule, as head of the Econ Department, to skip out of most of the undergrad classes, and take mostly grad glasses for my under grad degree. When I asked him which economic model he was a fan of, he stated essentially, Jim I think that the Nordic Model is the only sustainable and humane economic system. I could not agree more! Kay had lived through the McCarthy era, and knew all too well how our Evil Empire of Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and Legions of Lunatics, damned him for being a Commie, when actually he supported the most logically sustainable and humane economic system, The Nordic Model. I have always considered myself to be a Nordic soul at heart! Plus, you got to love the Scandinavian women, in so many ways!
One technical correction, Tom Hartman, one of my favorite commentators on climate change, calls the Nordic Model, Democratic Socialism. It is technically, Democratic Market Socialism, with mostly private ownership and market pricing, but with limited massive wealth accumulation creating centimillionaires and billionaires, limiting the Koch Brothers Totalitarian Libertarian impacts. Radical right wing economist, Bill Buckley, of "Firing Line" show fame, even called the Kochs - Totalitarian Libertarians. In simple terms, a read of the book "Dark Money," convinced me we live in essentially the Kochtapus Kingdom, under the Reign of Evil King Charlie, now!
The Nordic Model primarily limits the power and wealth greed of lost ruthless business and government leaders, psychopaths and pathological liars, like Putin and Trump. Ruthless leaders, demagogues, like these two, tend to rise to the top, specifically because of their evil greed. This is due to the fact that "evil people are willing to do anything to anyone, for their insatiable greed, while good people will not!" This phenomena - evil people get the goods in the physical dimension, truly good people - those that stand against the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts - get trashed by these evil people, is the primary catalyst insuring Near Term Human Extinction NTHE, as my intellectual mentor in abrupt climate change, Guy McPherson, calls it, or as I call it - "It Is THE END!" The fact that evil people rule on Evil Planet Titanic is the reasoning behind one of my college prof's sayings, "if they can get into a position of power, you don't want them in a position of power!"
This factor - EVIL TRUMPS GOOD - is underlying the saying "absolute power corrupts absolutely!" Psychopaths and pathological liars, like Evil King Trumpet and Evil King Putin, have been all to frequent at the head of all countries, including the US, Russia and China. In fact, the traits of psychopath, pathological liar, fascist, racist, misogynist, bigot, homophobe, transphobe, ruthless monsters, terrorists, torturers, are all typical traits of the world's historical leaders, in government and in business! This work should enlighten you on how bad the world leaders really are, both in business and government!
In summary, the Two Primary Forces Insuring - "It Is THE END!" I argue are:
1. Evil Trumps Good! Only in this physical dimension, God's Love "Reigns" in the Spiritual Dimension of Heaven! Bad people will rape, fleece, pillage, churn and burn all others for their insatiable greed, to the extinction of all God's Children, Species and to the exhaustion of all of God's Amazing Planet. Good people will not! Trump, Putin, Koch Brothers and the horrific acts of the billionaires in the book "Dark Money," should make this blatantly obvious!
2. Men Can't Handle Their Tallywackers! - Men can't handle their testosterone driven insatiable, Insane, EVIL Greed for Money, Power and Sex! Worse yet, women are trying hard to catch up, versus controlling "their beasts!"
The Impact of these Two Massive Forces, results in the "Universal Principal" of Economics, Religion, Politics, Law and Science, in the Evil Empires of the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts on the Evil Planet Titanic:
The Result of these Two Driving Forces, and this Universal Principal, I argue, will result in:
1. The Release of hundreds of gigatons of methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and hundreds of gigatons of methane hydrates and carbon being released from the Siberian Arctic Tundra, combined with the ongoing massive and increasing carbon and methane releases from the US, notably King Trumpet's Insane Carbon and Methane intensive policies, and also, from primarily China and India. Secondary sources of rising methane and carbon releases abound (Indonesian Peat Forest, Amazon, etc., etc.), however, just the ESAS methane, I argue, insures near term human extinction (NTHE) - It Is THE END!
2. These massive methane and carbon releases, I argue, will increase global temperatures to 2-3C above pre-industrial baseline, and hence, sea levels by 20-30 feet by 2030-2050 ("Antarctica: Secrets Beneath The Ice), coupled with super storms that can move thousand ton boulders around (Hansen, 2016). These forces alone, may cause the implosion of many ocean based nuclear reactors, starting what I define, in detail, in this work, as "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop."
3. Running out of cheap oil and gas, what I refer to "Falling off Hubbert's Cliff," which I guesstimate will occur at roughly this same time 2030-2050, combined with sea level rises of 20-30 feet and super storms, will result in the death of billions by 2050.
4. The combination of all of these Critical Forces and Factors will rapidly escalate global mean temperatures to 4-6C above pre-industrial baseline by 2050-2070, increasing sea levels by 60-100 plus, by 2070, combined with super storms, will result in the implosion and explosion of many ocean based nuclear reactors, notably the ones on the Asian coast.
5. This, I argue, will result in the final nail in the species demise, what I have termed "The Radio Active Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" The implosion and explosion of many of the Asian based nuclear reactors, sending their nuclear fallout up to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), rapidly increasing the massive general releases of methane, causing sea levels to rise further.
6. These massive Critical Forces and Factors, I argue, will result in global mean temperatures skyrocketing to 6-10C above pre-industrial baseline by 2100, with 100 plus sea level rises, super storms, and the acceleration of "The Radioactive Mehtane Monster Feedback Loop," insuring. . .
"It Is THE END!"
So the Utopian models of enlightened capitalism (the Austrian School), and enlightened socialism and communism (Marx, etc.), fail in practice, not because of the "theoretical models" are flawed, but because of the reality of homogreedious. The primary assumption underlying the belief that Command Socialism is the ideal system, is that the "enlightened leaders" rise to the top, distributing the wealth of the nation more rationally than the market could, because the the leaders supreme wisdom, and moral fiber, to distribute that wealth according to the needs of the people. What BS (billions) for the Billionaires of these Command Socialist states! Putin's Rise to Power and "The Power of Putin: The Most Powerful Man in the World," should give you a good overview of how insane this idea is. If you want to dig further, watch videos on the privatization of Russia, and their history.
Similarly, the fundamental beliefs of Utopian Capitalism, associated with the Austrian School Economists, like Von Misses (Epistemological Problems in Economics, 1960), Von Hayek and Von Newman, etc., are the assumptions that consumers are "rational," and that they have "perfect knowledge," and as such, will only purchase products and services from the most "enlightened companies, that are the most humane, providing great work conditions for their workers, healthcare, fully funded retirements, education financing - they create, so it is argued, the best products and services, and will pay for any bad products and services impacts - and these "Utopian Capitalists," according to the Austrian School Scholars, will even insure the other societal needs (infrastructure, national and community parks, arts and education, science, etc.) and of course defense. of their communities are funded! Seriously! Will someone please play "Somewhere over the Rainbow . . . !" Will someone say BS (billions) for the Billionaires! The Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts lust over and expand Defense spending, more than liberals spend on the people. In a nut shell, they are, and always have been for larger government, just solely focused on Defense, or as I call it, Destruction Spending! The Evil Wrong (Right Wing) have always increased the percent of government as a percent of GDP, more than Democrats, just focused on Defense Spending, with I call Destruction Spending (destroying our country and many societies). This Destruction/Defense Spending of the Evil Wrong (Right Wing) is always focused at stealing the oil and other natural resources of other countries, controlling the Middle East, and those countries with resources we want. Nothing like Defense/Destruction Spending to Stuff the Pockets of your Evil War and Oil Lords Billionaire Buddies, just watch this video on "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers!"
Ok, so there is a place, over the rainbow, but it is called Denmark, and it is a Democratic Market Socialist Society, it is the leading country likely to reach 100% energy, along with a list of "top of the charts" ratings for a society that puts people - not money - first!, For ongoing excellence in low pollution emmitions, for funding ongoing strong and improving infrastructure, for providing community buildings: Universities and Medical Centers, Research Parks, Innovation Programs and Centers, Environmental Protection Agencies, Climate Change Agencies and Initiatives, Healthcare for the Elderly Care and Initiatives; Healthcare for their children, care programs and initiatives; healthcare for the poor and homeless; and funding for the arts and humanities. Denmark tops so many charts, there are books being written, like "The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country." It is not that we don't know how to create both "sustainable," and "humane" societies, we do! The Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts will not let us do it!
The Austrian School Libertarian Ideal of the characteristics of the leading companies in the world, sounds like all the companies that I have worked for - just the most humane, altruistic, giving, managers and management, you know they really only care about you - this is so descriptive of all of the companies I have ever worked for - how about you!? OMG what BS for the Billionaires! The result, these academic "Blow Hards the Billionaires," or "BS (billions) for the Billionaires," argue the only companies that will survive, will be headed by "enlightened business leaders!" Excuse me, I am beginning to feel sick!!! Really Sick!!!!! After reading the links to the Koch Brothers below, the wealthiest business owners in the US, and about the billionaires in "Dark Money," you will begin to know why! However, extensive knowledge of how many trillions of dollars of corporate coffers are spent on brainwashing brain dead consumers to buy "shit" that will ultimately insure "their horrific demise" (fossil fuels, versus transitioning to solar and wind); not to mention make our country filled with Fast Food Overweight Kids; living next to Koch Industries horrifically polluting businesses; living in the "hell" the auto industry made out of Detroit, and other "sacrifice zones;" watching the Oil and War Lords do 9/11 to our people, then destroy Iraq, to acquire more oil and control the Middle East for their wealth,, etc., etc., while enriching a few thousand billionaires fortunes, is what you really need to begin to understand, to really grasp how insane the very foundation of what Evil Satin King Charlie Koch is stuffing down the throats of all the people in His Kochtapus Kingdom!
Russia and China are technically, Command Socialist Economies, with the Market importance rising dramatically over the past few decades, at least superficially. All three massive Evil Empires are run by what I call "The International Mafia of Thieves, Terrorists, Thugs and Torturers until the Termination of all Species" (IMTTTTT or The International Mafia of Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, for short)! These are the modern day power brokers, who are, and always have been, even many of the same families for hundreds, to thousands of years, following Adam Smith's dictum for giving up on Capitalism as a system. Adam Smith stated in his seminal work on capitalism, "The Wealth of Nations," if the "Masters of the Universe" follow the dictum of the Feudalistic Kings and Queens, "all for us, none for them," then capitalism has failed! Capitalism has failed! Obviously!! What I say is that the true "universal economic principal," is "all for one, or as few as you can pay off as possible, to keep the masses from revolting!" alternatively stated, "all for the rich, rape the rest!," and of course, in either case, "to the exhaustion of the carying capacity of God's beautiful and abundent planet, to the death of all of God's Children, beautiful species, for the Evil Greed and Averace of the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts!"
My own version of the widely debated and discussed, "depopulation conspiracy theory," essentially states that the EMM&EMS are planning on depopulating the planet, by causing the death of billions, to what may be a sustainable planet population of roughly 2 billion people (current population is around 7.5 billion, estimated to be over 9 billion by 2050). I will detail these ideas on the Political Dimension page in the future. The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts are filling up their "life boats," knowing full well that Planet Titanic is about to sink horrifically, due to The Critical Forces and Factors (over population, climate change, peak energy, deflation of global asset bubbles, and global fiscal gaps) that their insatiable, Insane and Evil Greed has damned the planet to suffer. They are the architects of most of the past great recessions, depressions, 9/11, WWII, WWI, Napoleonic War, etc., etc., and most other international imperialistic activities. Noam Chomsky's seven part video on "The History of US Imperialism" is enlightening on this topic.
How do you think the Evil Money Monsters became sooooooooo rich - by hard value creating work as an enlightened business and enlightened political leaders!? Seriously! Read about King Charlie Koch, and his most evil family members ("The Koch's, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Radical Right," "Koch Brothers Exposed" - Brave New Films, "Yes, the Koch Brothers Really are That Evil," The Bridge Project 60 reports on the Koch Brothers, and Dark Money), these pieces detail how evil many in this family have been! Satin Charlie, and his side kick, Satin David, sued their two brothers, Fredrick and William, for their share of their family's estate, and the three did a kangaroo court, to get their liberal brother, Fredrick, to give up his share of the family's estate, by threatening to tell their father he was gay, which he is not! What Evil Evil Satinistic Money Monsters!
Then there is King Trumpet, OMG what a Evil Clown King, he so reminds me of King Ludwig II of Bavaria, his highly mixed business successes and failures are surveyed in The Real Story Behind Trump's Wealth. How does this compare to just investing in the stock market, if he invested the $40 million he received in inheritance in 1974, and just invested it in the stock market or other investments? Watch The Young Turks explanation on "The Real Reason Trump is Rich." Just wait to you see what his policies to "Make America Great Again," really do to the world. In my opinion, it is crystal clear to me that the 200 page healthcare memorandum, crafted by the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts in His Administration, behind closed doors, so that no one but his Most Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts could see it, is a classic and massive impact example of, "All for the Rich, Rape the Rest!" Nearly $50 billion in tax cuts for millionaires, mostly billionaires, and nearly $50 billion in reductions in spending on the poor, sick, homeless, mostly low income and poor children!
Of the estimated 22 plus million that will be without healthcare, most will be children of low income and poor people! OMG what Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! Scream out your loyalty to Evil King Charlie, "All for the Rich, Rape the Rest!" Just remember, if my inspirations are correct, the Evil Wrong that pushed this insanity on our country will feel the insane pain and suffering they are damning these 22 million uninsured and likely 50 million under insured, to suffer, they will experience this horrific pain and suffering for eternity in hell! So really think and pray about the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts you support!
Do socialists/communists really believe that Russia or China will ever be lead by an enlightened leader of the socialist party? Vladimir Putin's Rise to Power and "The Power of Putin: The Most Powerful Man in the World," detail Putin's corrupt and ruthless rise to power, which is the topic of the book Putin's Kleptocracy, and these numerous videos. What is the real scoop behind Trump's Russia link? Watch this video on the real Russian connection, the commentator is a bit awkard, but keep watching for the real Russia Connection?! What would you do if someone offered you $100 million for your piece of shit house, especially if you knew you were technically bankrupt, during the 2008/2009 collapse? Now you know the Real Russian Connection Conspiracy Theory! The bigger question is how much have these Evil Money Monsters fleeced each of our countries, stuffing theirs and their Corporate Oil and War Lords pockets with, already?! Can you say billions! But don't worry, they plan on fleecing us for trillions and trillions more, by the time the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, finish feasting on our countries! They create these spectacles, King Trumpet, Queen Billary, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, etc., etc., to keep the Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters dissified, while the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts raid the Treasury! This has been going on since the beginning of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts. This time, "It Is THE END!"
If this information, alone, is not proof of the time tested saying - "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely," I don't know what would be!? Ok, well, I do know what would be - - my web site - - "It Is THE END!" Still not a believer, just keep watching "The Weather Channel," and, and the many other exceptional web sites noted on my site, for details on the end of civilization. Ok, well after the Kardashians, America's Got Talent, Dancing With The Stars, etc., etc.!
I often wonder, how many people will "tune in" to the end of civilization, and notice that "It Is THE END!" I imagine the billions and billions saying, "send me the link," maybe I will check it out! But I hate that shit! It is soooooooo negative! Let's just be positive! Who's house is the party at this weekend!? Get a life! What is this "end of word shit!" The "magical markets," combined with "the trickle down thingy," will be somehow be used by the "enlightened leaders," to create "the best of all possible worlds!" Just have faith in our "enlightened leaders!" OK, if they can get two of these one liners, they are "catching on," three one liners "running with the Red Necks," and four one liners, you know you are "One of THE BOYS!"
if you have $1 billion or more, you may be able to attend the Kochtapus Convention, and give either King Charlie or King David your commitment of tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to Brainwash their flock of Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters. If you are committing $30 million or more, you may be honered to give King David your "BS (billlions) for the Billionaires $30 million plus brain washing tax deductible contribution, for brain washing their Legions of Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters." If you have $100 million or more, you get to give King Charlie your "BS for the Billionaires" Brainwashing of the Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters tax-free contribution. These Evil Money Monsters spent nearly as much as the Republican and Democratic Parties - $1 Billion dollars each to get Evil King Trumpet into Power! Welcome to the Kochtapus Kingdom, Ruled By Evil King Charlie Koch!
The Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, I believe, think they and their biggest sluts will survive the coming "hell on earth," that their evil greed has damned the world to suffer. Then they will have the world for they and theirs - or so they may think. In this work, I detail how "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," will insure their horrific demise, which if I am correct, will be followed by eternity in hell feeling the most horrific pain and suffering they have damned billions and billions of God's children and species to suffer, for their millions, billions and trillions!
By the way, in my vision of this nuclear waste land of a planet, that I guesstimate will exist by the second half of this century, and which will be cascading into the Abyss by the turn of the century, plus or minus fifty years, the longer the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts survive the better! I can't imagine a more horrific hell on earth for them to live on as long as they can, prior to going the "the place that the Father has made for the devil and his angels, since the beginning of time."
In my inspiration, this will be the Final Splitting of the Eternal Ultimate Power of Love - THE LOGICAL GOD OF LOVE - FROM SATIN'S EVIL POWER! It is Finished - For All Time! "It Is THE END!"
The Logic of Eternal Damnation, based on my inspiration/logic, and in my opinion, is that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, created their own hell, and God just facilitated the transfer of that Evil Force to Hell for all time. Hell, if my inspirations are correct, will be the culmination of the evil that Satin's Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts have damned God's Billions of Children, Specie and Amazing World to suffer, directly and indirectly, for their Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex. The culmination of what their Evil Greed for Their Millions, Billions and Trillions damned God's Children, Species and Amazing World to Suffer!
The most horrific pain and suffering, is logically going to be the eternal damnation of the Super Evil Money Monsters, The Rothschilds, The Kochs, The Mellons, The Safias, The Devoses, King Trumpet, and the all of the members of "The International Mafia of the Super Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts to the Termination of All Species, Amen, can you Say Amen! Amen! Amen!" THEIR EVIL GREED AND AVARICE EXCEEDS ALL OTHERS! CAN YOU SAY, AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
The logical other extreme, is the culmination of all Love in all dimensions, to be logically combined with the Eternal, Logical, Amazing Love of God, for eternity! The sixth dimension! The dimension of the Logical God of Love! This is what he offers to all of us, for "just trying to embrace His Love above all things, for Loving all others With His Love, and for Helping those in Need as often as possible!" Is this so hard?! Not for most decent people!
It seems to be for the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, who's testosterone driven insatiable, insane and evil greed has damned homogreedious to its demise within 200 years of getting his evil mitts on cheap fossil fuels! What an Evil Money Monster! Roar, roar, roar, MO MONEY, MO POWER, MO SEX, AMEN! TO THE DEATH OF ALL SPECIES!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!! Just another billion, can you say, Amen Brother, Amen, God Wills that Evil King Charlie Koch, The Rothschilds, the Kochtapus, The International Mafia of Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, have all of your earth, and the Freedom to Exploit All Resources, Human and Natural, for His Insatiable, Insane, EVIL GREED AND AVARICE TO THE DEATH OF ALL OF HIS CHILDREN, SPECIES AND BEAUTIFUL WORLD - ARE YOU WITH ME BROTHERS AND SISTERS - CAN YOU SAY - AMEN! I feel the Evil Power of Satin within Him and His Followers, Yes, Lord Satin, Can You Say the Evil Chant to send your soul to HELL FOR ETERNITY! SAY YES MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS - SAY THE CHANT NOW, DON'T YOU BE AFRAID NOW, I AM HEAR TO SUPPORT YOUR EVIL CONVERSION - "ALL FOR THE RICH, RAPE THE REST!" SAY IT AGAIN MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS - "ALL FOR THE RICH, RAPE THE REST, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!" I HAVE BEEN DAMNED!
Thank you Pastor Bribe Me, your Church of The Almighty Dollar, is more luxurious and filled with more insanely expensive shit, than the Crystal Cathedral! You must be fleecing millions from the mission, and having your plate filled by the Evil Rich Money Monsters and Money Sluts! Plus your lavish houses, and shit load of expensive shit. You must use all of the money the Money Monsters and Money Sluts bribe you with to brainwash all of your brain dead flock, and provide them with "false forgiveness," to build all of this ridiculously expensive buildings, all of your mansions, toys, and other crap, instead of giving it to "the least fortunate!" Christ said that those that lead his Children to the Evil Greed of Satin in His name, will spend eternity in the depths of hell! Way to go, Pastor Bribe Me, I think your Evil False Christian Church, The Church of The Almighty Dollar, will be damned even more than the German Christian Church that supported the Nazis! Yeah Pastor Bribe Me, Yeah! You are so blessed to be able to brainwash all of our brain dead flock into believing the real universal religious, economic, political, scientific, even legal principal King Satin Charlie Koch has demanded us to follow - "ALL FOR THE RICH, RAPE THE REST!" Hallelujah King Satin, Hallelujah! It is true, Satin has made it so easy for us to sell our souls to his evil greed for money, power, power and sex. Praise Satin! In the name of MO MONEY, MO POWER AND MORE SEX, ALL FOR THE RICH, RAPE THE REST! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
Christ spoke of the time when, His lost followers would reign terror on the world, until the end of all mankind, for the insatiable greed of the few. I am telling you very sincerely, what the very essence of this work is about, is to tell of this time starting! But Most Logically, One With the Logical God of Love, "To help lost souls find their true spirits in the Logical God of Love, NOW! To Prepare Your Souls, Prepare Yourselves, Prepare Your Families! This is the warning He has told me to tell you!" My advice, pay head!
Become Your True Loving Spirit, You Have Always Had the Potential to Be, Your True Spirit in God's Eternal Love, Your True Heavenly Spirit, as much as you can, reach for that as your sole purpose in life! NOW! NOW! NOW! What could be more important, than becoming your true spirit in God's Love, NOW?! This will be critical to stay strong, as the world will be entering "Hell on Earth," due to the Evil Greed of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, soon! Prepare Your Souls, Prepare Yourselves, Prepare Your Families! NOW! NOW! Don't wait, start today! Make it the top priority of your life! This is the very sincere purpose of this work!
It is amazing how He speaks to me. Just now, he inspired me to tell you about how He speaks to me, and to share with you this story, as He did so beautifully when He walked on this earth. He wanted me to share with you how when I ask Him - "why would you create this world, knowing full well, the horrific ending we now face? I envision, His amazing spirit, my fulfilled spirit, walking by His side. In this amazing garden, with spirit butter flies of unbelievable radiant see-through color, exotic species of all types, awe inspiring water falls, streams and lakes. Beauty beyond imagination! He looks into my eyes, in His eyes, I see eternity, I see Heaven! I see the beauty of His Love, in all that is! I feel the amazing peace, and complete and total oneness, with The Love of God!
He then states, with the Love of a Perfect Father, God, Friend, Buddy, I made this unbelievable universe because of YOU!
Yes, Because of You,, and only, You!
Each of my children, are my "You," as much as I hope each of your children are your "You!" No matter your religion (Muslim, Christian, Budist, Native Orientation, etc.) or lack there of (agnostic or atheist); no matter your race (Black, Asian, Native, White, etc.); no matter of your political beliefs,
YOU are all the reason that I created this amazing world. I Love "You" All Sooooooooo Much! Please Embrace My Love, The Love of Radical Pacifism, The Love of God!
For You, My Loving Father, My Lord, My God! I Lov,e You Sooooooooooo Much! This is For You, For You Alone! For One In Your Love, Is One In All Of One's Spirit, Achieving Your True Spirit for Eternity In God's Love! Do this NOW! Live His Love! Help Those In Need, NOW! Do it aggressively! Do it With God's Love! Become obsessed with helping those in need, NOW! For the chance to Become One With God's Love! For Eternity! Is it worth it?! This is what I am telling you to realize your very existence is about! Take it seriously!
Become One in God's Love! LOVE YOUR GOD, ABOVE ALL OTHERS; LOVE OTHERS WITH HIS LOVE; AND, PURSUE A LIFE OF COMMITMENT TO THOSE IN NEED! Love Passionately! Love with Forgiveness! Love with Understanding! Become a PASSIONATE PACIFIST, for The LOVE OF GOD! NOW! NOW! NOW! Love with No Expectations! Love Softly, Sweetly, and Be Beautiful, In God's Love! Be Your Beautiful Spiritual Self, YOU WILL BEE SOON - IN HEAVEN! NOW, NOW, NOW!
In the book Dark Money, Jane Mayer notes that when King Charlie Koch was a young boy, he was fond of responding to his parents request to share by saying - "I like to share, that means all for me!" Now he has bought off all most all of our country's politicians (What is Dark Money and How Does It Influence Elections), and we let this Evil Money Monster and his fellow Evil Money Monsters featured in Dark Money, hijack our highly dysfunctional democracy, creating a modern day version of what even Radical Right Wing economist, Bill Buckley, called Koch - a Totalitarian Libertarian! Or what I call him - Evil King Charlie, who reigns over the United Money Monsters and Money Sluts of the Kochtapus Kingdom! King Charlie of the Evil Kochtapus Kingdom reminds me so much of King Ludwig II of Bavaria, that created the Neuschwanstein Castle. More on the striking comparison between King Ludwig, King Vladimir, King Trumpet and King Charlie in the future. But what an International Evil Mafia of Evil Money Monsters!
Too much concentration of wealth and power in the private sector or government, I will argue on the page Political Dimension, results - always - in a Totalitarian society, due to the testosterone driven insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex, by the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, like it has in the US, Russia and China now! If only we could radically change to the Nordic Model as Bernie Sanders has been promoting, the only successful sustainable and humane societies/economies on Planet Titanic, instead of insuring the death of all of God's children, as in my opinion, we are doing now! Although it may already be too late to save the species, such a radical shift to the world the Logical God of Love, I argue, wants us to create, would logically result in many more souls entering heaven, versus not, or much worse, waking up after taking their last breath in the depths of hell for eternity, as I think the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts are damning their souls too! In my opinion, of course!
During the hypocrisy of an election of King Trumpet, I was pushing for Bernie Sanders (30 years of Bernie Sanders speeches is a much watch, proof that there are humane people in the Kochtapus Kingdom) and Jill Stein of the Green Party, my party now. I was fond of saying after Billary stole the Democratic nomination from Bernie using Super Delegates, and then King Trumpet stole the election from Billary, using the same tactics, Electoral Votes; nearly $1 billion of campaign funding from the Kochtapus Trillionaire pool, and nearly $1 billion from the Republican Party funds, the Democrats raised roughly 1/2 this amount; the Russian buy out of King Trumpet's piece of shit house in Florida for $100 million, after rumors were he was officially personally bankrupt in 2008/9, and God only knows how many billions they have stuffed his families pockets with since then, that "It is either Bernie, or Burn Babby Burn (King Trumpet), then Bernie!" I hope this saying comes true, with the radical shift back toward a society of sanity and humanity, from one of greed and evil, with the election of Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein in 2020 - hopefully on the Green Party Ticket! At least we would enter "hell on earth," proving there were humane humans on Planet Titanic before - "It Is THE END!"
Although a nice dream to hope for, such as the false hope many had for Obama, my extensive research of the IMTTTTT, the International Mafia of Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, sense being a sophomore at the UofU, has taught me that the Evil Money Monsters will continue flaring their horns and trying like HELL, using their trillions and trillions, to fleece, rape, pillage, churn and burn the billions of lunatics on Planet Titanic to "fill up their life boats" with trillions and trillions more of our money, before they sink Planet Titanic into the most horrific hell on earth the world has ever known, if I am correct. This is what they typically do before each of these "fleecing cycles," but this time they are on "cocaine" (sniff sniff King Trumpet, you really should consider giving up the Cocaine - Can't Sleep - Tweets). So although I hope and pray for a Sanders/Stein ticket win, I certainly believe the world will sink into a much more horrific "hell on earth," with even more extreme Demagogues than King Trumpet, versus moving to a more sustainable and humane society.
King Charlie will spend many more billions of the Kochtapus' Trillions, as he has so effectively for many decades now, to insure he reigns over the Evil Kochtapus Kingdom until the death of all species! Now that expectation - in my opinion - you can take to King Charlie's Bank! Sad, but true!
Your love, peace, enlightenment, wisdom and strength, has helped me in my life long quest to fulfill "your will, not mine." It has been the passion of my life, to first try to save our species from the ravages of over population, insane greed, peak energy, climate change, pollution, nuclear and other and related problems. It is now my passion to help people understand the likely economic and environmental hell that the greedy have inflicted on the world, not you, how to prepare for the likely end of our species, and to find their way home to eternal life with you. I pray that I will be an instrument of your peace and love, and help many find their way home to eternity in Your Love. (non-investment ideas only[1]) With Love, Jim!
To my loving very right wing family, friends and visitors. If you find that the God of Love has brought you here, but you can't stomach my liberal ranting and views on climate change, you may just want to skip to the page, The Critical Forces and Factors. Then go down to the four presentations by Republican Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, about the massive risks he sees if we do not TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, before falling off Hubbert's Peak, or as I call it, Hubbert's Cliff. You can take his advice, and help us transition the world to solar and wind in the private sector, as he implores us to, with the combined effort of the Manhattan Project, WWII and the space race, combined! Just skip the rest of the presentation, as it logically leads to the same primary solution, TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind! If you want to be politically active from a right wing perspective, contact him, and have him guide you! I would welcome helping you as well, but you may have to stomach my liberal political views, and views about climate change!
The primary objectives of this website are:
- To provide my opinions that the driving forces of political economics, climate change, over population, peak energy, deflation of global asset bubbles and global aging are converging to insure: 1) a Global Deflationary Great Recession by 2018 to 2020; 2) a Global Deflationary Great Depression by 2020-2035, 3) a Global Inflationary Great Depression, the start of "Hell on Earth," by 2030-2040, and ultimately, 5) the death of our species by 2116, plus or minus fifty years.
- To lay out The Critical Forces and Factors Insuring the Death of Homogreedious and all species.
- To provide Youtube videos of documentaries, talks, meetings, papers and books, including links to these papers and books, to help in the learning process to understand all of the major driving forces insuring "It Is THE END!"
- To detail the stages in "The Beginning of The End Times," and "It Is THE END!"
- To provide ongoing updates on the impacts of abrupt climate change and over population related events, impacts, data, research, studies, videos, and documentaries, to help people understand how these changes are occurring, new understanding of what is happening, and strategies for planning for these changes, in hopes of helping them prepare for the coming "hell on earth!"
- One of my primary objective ultimately, as saving the species is not an option, is to provide strategies, tactics, ideas and ways to reduce the horrific nature of the "hell on earth" that the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Lunatics (EMM&MS&LL) have damned the good people to suffer! The primary objective here is to help people establish collectives or groups, in strategically promising areas, where people share with each other to help them survive "hell on earth" (some do the farming; some do hunting, fishing and gathering; some build out and repair renewable energy systems for the group; some provide security; and, some home chores and caring for the elderly and sick). The targeted areas are: the Canadian borders of Lake Superior and Lake Huron; from Petoskey to Cheboygan, Michigan on The Inland Chain of Lakes (the largest inland chain of lakes, which I lived on during the seventies; they flow out to Lake Huron and the area offers substantial fresh water, great fishing, hunting, and farming; and this area is 3-4 hours away from big cities), around Manistee National Forest in MI (the largest forest in Southern, MI), around Saugatuck, MI (a GTLBX friendly community), and around Ann Arbor, MI (home of University of MI, a likely hot spot for survival related academia and activisim when the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff and abrupt climate change impacts plague the world, farming and many inland lakes), and other top locations around The Great Lakes, which can't be flooded or impacted by potentially rapidly rising radioactive ocean water, due to Niagara Falls, and in New Zealand. For outdoor survivalist folks, and those wanting to be as far away from the likely "City Mad Max" effect as possible, which my guess will occur in the thirties, you may want to consider the Michigan's Upper Peninsula, or the Canadian side of Lake Superior and Lake Huron. I hope to also inspire groups around the globe to establish similar communes in strategic locations. One of my top heroes and intellectual mentors in "abrupt climate change," Dr. Guy McPherson has facilitated this on his web site. I hope to add to this effort, and in the areas that I know well and appear strategically most promising.
- To provide strategies and tactics to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and other TransitioNOW Objectives that would have saved the species. Although too late to save to save the species now from my perspective, I could be wrong, and implementing these ideas will surely result in saving many of the lost souls from an eternity in hell no one can even imagine.
- To insure the good people of Planet Titanic that "The Logical God of Love" is not the one that is damning the world to a horrific demise, that only hell can compare. It is The Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of brainwashed and brain dead Lunatic (EMM&MS&LL) supporters.
- To insure all people that the Logical God of Love will be with them throughout this horrific period to guide them, bring them peace, and help them find their way home, to God's Love for eternity.
- To beg people to "follow God's path" to a humane ending of the species, versus a horrific "Mad Max" style ending, that only hell can compare!
- Please, only the Logical God of Love can judge and punish the EMM&MS&LL for damning all of us to a death so horrific that only hell can compare. So do not seek to exact punishment, except for filing law suits for the product liability fraud of the risks of fossil fuels on climate change, pursuing legal efforts to bring the true perpetrators of 9/11 to justice, and other financial and war criminals to legal justice. Remember, we may not be able to bring them to justice, but God will! So EMM&MS&LL's consider yourselves forewarned!
- To give a "verbal tounge lashing" to the EMM&MS&LL (Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and Legions of Lunatic Supporters), in hopes that they may finally "wake up," and see the truth in their evil ways, so that they may "wake up" after they take their last breaths on Planet Titanic, in God's Love, versus a hell so horrific, the culmination of their evil impacts on God's children and species, that no one can even imagine. YOU HAVE CREATED YOUR OWN HELL! So take the "verbal tongue lashing," as it may be your last chance to save your lost souls!
- To present the vision of Less Energy Intensive, Sustainable and Humane Economies and Societies, the "Best of the Best Nordic Countries," that we could we have created and what they might have been like.
- As the Tim McGraw song "Live Like You Were Dying," so beautifully suggests, if you found out today, as my little sister, Mary, did when she was only 45, that you only have a short time to live, her because of brain cancer, all of us, potentially, due to abrupt climate change and peak energy, what would you do? Live life to the fullest, don't be afraid, God is with you, and will be there for you. Do your bucket list NOW, prepare your soul, prepare yourselves, and most importantly,
- Become the True Loving Spirit that you are One With The Logical God of Love in Heaven - NOW! Then - imagine what it will be like - Eternity in God's Love!
The ONLY SOLUTIONS to save Homogreedious, which in my opinion is unlikely, but should still be pursued in hopes of saving the species, and more importantly, in hopes of saving many of the lost souls of the EMM&MS&LL, are (these are detailed on the page by this titled):
- TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind Globally using my proposed United Nations, "UN Save the Species Non-debt Based Currency Plan," to fund the first four objectives. These first four objectives can totally transition the world, if they are done soon, they have the potential to revitalize the global economy, and would give the world a chance to "save the species." If these are not completed in the next thirty years, in my opinion, "It Is THE END!" The transition to primarily solar and wind, with other renewable energy solutions developed as well, coupled with developing local renewable energy based manufacturing around the globe, is, in my opinion, a massive challenge - not simple or easy in any way. The "magical mystical fossil fuel monopolized markets" will certainly not make the change to renewable energies, in my opinion, in time to save the species. The lack of doing this in the next thirty years, in my opinion, is clear - "It Is THE END!"
- TransitioNOW to Building a "Methane & Carbon Mask" over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian arctic tundra. Instead of building a ridiculous wall to stop Mexicans, Latin Americans and South Americans from coming to the US, the US should lead the building of a Methane and Carbon Mask over the ESAS, and the Siberian arctic tundra that is capable of sequestering the methane and carbon being released. This could take the form of a high strength dome over the area, octagonal or diamond shaped caps of half mile to mile in size, connected by pipes that suck the methane and carbon into a storage facility. It might also take the form of some type of neutralizing agent, like iron seems to work on the tundra in northern Norway islands (see video on Why It Is THE END page), or more likely many of these solutions, all utilized to hopefully stop the release of hundreds of gigatons of methane and carbon into the atmosphere, insuring - "It Is THE END!"
- TransitioNOW to Encasing Nuclear Reactors in "Concrete Super Structures," with a "super product" that can fill the structure if the reactor fails or is compromised, especially ocean based, to prohibit sea level rise and super storms from imploding and exploding these nuclear reactors, but also, land based nuclear reactors, to reduce the risk of these imploding and exploding, due to the possible collapse of global civilization, due to both abrupt climate change and peak energy.
- TransitioNOW to Purchasing the Remaining Fossil Fuel Reserves, using the "UN Save the Species Non-debt Based Currency Plan" from fossil fuel companies and private investors. These reserves would be held for critical needs, like defense, planes, and other high energy density uses, where renewable energies, due to their low energy density, are simply not substitutes.
- TransitioNOW to Managed Economic Decline Globally, from ongoing efforts by business and political leaders for ongoing growth. Managed economic decline, using these TransitioNOW Objectives is critical to saving the species. Ongoing efforts to accelerate economic growth by business and political leaders globally, is insuring "It Is THE END!"
- TransitioNOW to High Carbon Taxes on fossil fuel companies, and fossil fuel use, to force the transition to renewable energies. Provide tax credits to low to middle income earners to offset the carbon taxes, and tax credits for TransitioNOW to solar and wind on homes, farms and properties, to purchase electric cars, etc. to high income tax payers. Cap and trade, is more BS (billions) for the Billionaires, and is not the same as a carbon tax.
- TransitioNOW to the Only Rational Defense - TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind globally - The only rational defense is to build out solar and wind globally, using most of the US and Pentagon's defense spending, at least half.
- TransitioNOW to Voluntary Birth Control - One child per three families is optimal.
- TransitioNOW to Primarily Vegan Diets at Schools and Universities.
- TransitioNOW to the most promising Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) Technologies (biochar, etc.).
- TransitioNOW to Rebuilding the Rain Forests and Forests Globally. I just watched a fantastic idea, a forest like high rise in China - brilliant! Make the high rise capable of growing food for occupants too, and this idea should be taken global.
- TransitioNOW to restoring the Oceans and offsetting ocean acidification.
- TransitioNOW to telling people globally about the extreme extinction level risk of abrupt climate change and peak energy; and,
- Although I have not found any geoengineering solutions that appear promising to me, there may be some developed that may be promising. The problems with geoengineering appear to me to be: the limited scope of atmospheric or geoengineering solutions, compared to the size of the planet; the likely limited length of time of the solution; and, the possible adverse side effects. A methane and carbon mask is a massive effort, but at the source of the release of the methane and carbon, plus, if built well, the mask should last for a long period of time. Although over a million square miles, it is more specific than geoengineering, and right at the source of the release of the primary risk, the enormous amounts of methane hydrates and carbon in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian arctic tundra.
To really save the species, I believe, the world must TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, along with the other TransitioNOW Objectives NOW. I don't believe that many, let alone all of these TransitioNOW Objectives will ever be pursued, given that "climate change deniers," the EMM&MS&LL are supporting BS (billions) for the Billionaires in the US and globally, versus saving the species, and so too are the political forces in China and India, in particular. My expectations are that all too few of these TransitioNOW Objectives will be implemented, all too late, and hence, basically result in an extension of "hell on earth." So my prayer is that the world either TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, or just stay the course, which is obviously most likely, so "hell on earth" is as short of a period as possible.
Summary and Authors note: One Love is is a concept piece only, and not a solicitation for funding for this idea. The purpose of this "One Love: God's Miracle Drug Specialists for the benefit of climate refugees" proposal is to refine the idea sufficiently to be able to "success test" the idea, sending it to key people to see if there may be sufficient interest in the venture to give it a go! I pray there is! But only time will tell. Given my "John the Baptist" type of ongoing rants against the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, and their Legions of Lunatic Supporters (EMM&MS&LL), which he was beheaded for, even I will be surprised if I can raise the money for this amazing idea. But you never know, got to give it a try. I expect that my reasonable expectations of building a sustainable commune for believers and the least fortunate, in either Northern Michigan or Canada, holds more promise. May only be for my wife and close friends, and that would be fine also. My top intellectual mentor in abrupt climate change did this in Arizona, and has moved to Belize setting up this type of commune I have in mind (
Time, I argue, is on our side, as the longer it takes, the likely need for the idea should become more obvious, as signs of abrupt climate change accelerate, even faster than the last two years (2015-2016), rising ever faster (the second derivative of the rate of change is positive and increasing), same will be true for sea levels rise, and with the number and severity of storms, rising ultimately to super storms status. I hope One Love can achieve the dreams of creating relatively "Sustainable Safe Havens," specialized in growing God's Miracle Drug(TM) and crafting paraphernalia; growing food in challenging areas; developing sea food hatcheries, farms and sanctuaries; and providing shelter for safety from rising sea levels, future super storms, and related climate and over population driven "hell on earth!"
The Canadian North American Headquarters for "One Love," is proposed to be the "Sustainable Safe Haven" on the shores of Lake Superior to house primarily indigenous Canadians, the GTLBX community, and immigrants from the islands, other disadvantaged groups may be allowed, based on a community vote. However, these are the primary target segments initially. The larger, the better, but focus initially, is critical. This facility will be the primary manufacturing facility for "One Love Pods," and the related linking component parts. The cannabis, food and other operational facilities will be housed in "One Love Pods," and all will be linked with living quarters pods. This will facilitate long-term living in very extreme conditions. The "Island Sustainable Safe Havens" are likely to take some type of pie shape, with the center at the top of the island main hill, and the base of the pie, a sea wall that is leeward to likely future super storms, that becomes a sea food sanctuary, and can be raised up to 100 feet plus. The walls along the pie going to the top of the hill will be deflectors, to deflect super storm winds away from the pods. A "US Sustainable Safe Haven" is proposed to be constructed on the Northern Michigan side of Lake Superior, but due to the immigration issues, will primarily focus on "the least fortunate," indigenous Americans, blacks, Hispanics, and other disadvantaged groups in the US. It may be that the first cannabis growing facility is located in either Nevada, my current home, or California, or one of the other leading legal states for cannabis - if a strategic partnership is developed with a leading cannabis grower in one of these areas, due to legal considerations, and to get the venture up and running, and refine operational issues in a legal friendly location.
The logic is to develop the "Canadian One Love Safe Haven" and facilities first, "Canada One Love," for short, get them profitable and the concept and operations refined, and then develop "Jamaican One Love," followed by the "Haiti One Love." Easier to start with the areas of least problems, refine the design, and ultimately, enter Haiti, with its extreme political challenges. However, our sponsored girl, Woodeline, and boy, Olando, are from Haiti, and I already know who I want for the Haiti One Love Team! So Haiti is a big goal, but refining the idea, and getting it going with less challenges, will help us expand to Haiti, with greater success and a refined idea, for an extreme environment. See the "Unbreakable" video below for my "Dream One Love Haiti Team!" The prayer is that I can get this dream to the point where I can launch this worthy venture, or to the point where I hand it off to an individual or group that can run with the idea.
I have a dream that "One Love" may actually become an amazing instrument of "God's Love" to help those most threatened by the ongoing and rising ravages of climate change and over population. I HAVE A DREAM! God please bless this dream to become a major vehicle to help "the least fortunate of your sisters and brothers," and that this dream may reduce the pending "hell on earth" that they are already suffering, which is likely to escalate horrifically in the near future. I have a dream. I plan on launching this crowd funding dream with the finishing of this web site and hoped for book, by the end of 2017. The good news is that even with a smaller funding amount, it is likely that we can get One Love started, and grow the dream from there, as funding increases, and the ravages of abrupt climate change make the need even more obvious, to those that simply don't believe it is yet. However, if someone sees the vision and has the capabilities to get it going now, please send me an email at [email protected], or call me at 775.580.7702. I have a dream! Please help it come true! God Bless!
The proposed details of "One Love" will be detailed on the page by this title. Your positive comments and suggestions on these ideas are appreciated. As I hope to get One Love launched this year, but in the coming year at the latest, your input and offers to help would be greatly appreciated.
New Additions
Ousted White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon returned to the conservative Breitbart News website Friday and said he’ll be “going to war” for President Trump, vowing to intensify from the outside the fight he has waged against opponents of his brand of populist conservatism.
“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon said Friday in an interview with Bloomberg News hours after his departure was announced.
Ironically, Bannon is being fired for the only thing I have heard that I agree with him about:
But a bizarre interview that Bannon gave to the liberal magazine the American Prospect – in which he claimed there was no military solution for North Korea, called the far right a “collection of clowns”, and said the left’s focus on racism would allow him to “crush the Democrats” – may have altered the balance of power inside the West Wing. For an aide long suspected of leaking freely about rivals, Bannon’s excuse that he thought the call was off the record was not helpful.
Bannon’s departure leaves a major void in the White House, depriving it of a man once seen as Cardinal Richelieu in cargo pants, an unkempt schemer adept at manipulating the president, who was famously depicted as a childlike naif to his aide’s Grim Reaper in a Saturday Night Live sketch. The characterization – summed up in a Time magazine cover that hailed “the great manipulator” – reportedly annoyed the famously thin-skinned president and contributed to Bannon’s fall from grace.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
"THANK GOD! - - "It Is THE END!""
6/29/17 THE NORDIC MODEL - The Only Sustainable and Humane Economic Model: See above.
4/29/17 WARNING! Polar Ice Caps Melting Rapidly - The Theme of "It Is THE END!" The melting of the polar ice caps rapidly, and the rise of super storms, ultimately causing the exploding and imploding of the world's ocean based nuclear reactors, then land based nuclear reactors, is what in my opinion, will cause Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE) as my intellectual mentor on abrupt climate change, Dr. Guy McPherson, refers to it, or as I call it - "It Is THE END!" This is an update of how rapidly these ice caps are beginning to melt. I expect that the abrupt rise in global mean temperatures that we have seen from 2015-2017, will continue to be facilitated by ongoing significant rises in the rate of methane hydrates being released on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), documented in September 2016 by Semiltov, though the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, as a result of the methane hydrates and carbon being released on the Siberian arctic, and throughout the arctic, and as a result of the methane and carbon intensive growth objectives of China, India, and Emperor King Trumpet.
These methane hydrate "blow torches," along with the rapid rise in the water vapor in the troposphere, facilitated in large part by the slowing of the "Gulf Stream," warming the waters around the equator, will rapidly accelerate global warming. These warming waters around the equator may ultimately facilitate massive super storms that increase the amount of water in the troposphere significantly, potentially rapidly increasing global mean temperatures. Guy believes, if I understand his recent arguments correctly, that the rising water vapor in the troposphere is even a greater threat to abrupt climate change, than is the methane in the ESAS, through the Barents Sea, and the methane and carbon on the Siberian arctic tundra. OMG say what!? I am not sure of the math on the risk of water vapor in the Troposphere, but I will find out, and get more on this in the near future.
What I am very familiar with is that the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra (click paragraph for link to article), have up to 10,400 billion tons of methane hydrates, with up to 86 times the global warming potential as carbon in the twenty year time period. Plus, up to 1,580 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon. Do the math (10,400 times 86) plus up to 1,580 = 895,980 times the global warming potential of the up to 1 billion tons of carbon in the Indonesia peat forests in the twenty-year time frame!!! The Indonesian peat forests are thought to be one of the largest stores of carbon on the planet (see video below) that have the potential to be released to the atmosphere. How the additional water vapor in the troposphere exceeds the 895,980 times the global warming potential of the methane hydrates and carbon on the ESAS, and the Siberian arctic tundra, I will have to defer to Guy about for the math.
Guy, if you could clarify this statement, or correct my misunderstanding, I would appreciate it. I will have to work on the math of the troposphere vapor risk in the coming posts. As I am a big fan of Guy McPherson, I trust that he has sound arguments for the extreme nature of this risk. These forces are likely to combine to melt significant ice sheets, like the ones behind the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, soon. The result, I guesstimate, will be sea level rise of 3-6 feet by 2030, and 20-30 feet by 2050, with super storms! Guy believes that the species could be extinct in as little as ten years, which I think would be a blessing. I believe that we are in for "100 Years of Hell on Earth!" God Forgive America! God Bless all of the billions that will die horrific deaths, due to the greed of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts!
Ousted White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon returned to the conservative Breitbart News website Friday and said he’ll be “going to war” for President Trump, vowing to intensify from the outside the fight he has waged against opponents of his brand of populist conservatism.
“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon said Friday in an interview with Bloomberg News hours after his departure was announced.
Ironically, Bannon is being fired for the only thing I have heard that I agree with him about:
But a bizarre interview that Bannon gave to the liberal magazine the American Prospect – in which he claimed there was no military solution for North Korea, called the far right a “collection of clowns”, and said the left’s focus on racism would allow him to “crush the Democrats” – may have altered the balance of power inside the West Wing. For an aide long suspected of leaking freely about rivals, Bannon’s excuse that he thought the call was off the record was not helpful.
Bannon’s departure leaves a major void in the White House, depriving it of a man once seen as Cardinal Richelieu in cargo pants, an unkempt schemer adept at manipulating the president, who was famously depicted as a childlike naif to his aide’s Grim Reaper in a Saturday Night Live sketch. The characterization – summed up in a Time magazine cover that hailed “the great manipulator” – reportedly annoyed the famously thin-skinned president and contributed to Bannon’s fall from grace.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
"THANK GOD! - - "It Is THE END!""
6/29/17 THE NORDIC MODEL - The Only Sustainable and Humane Economic Model: See above.
4/29/17 WARNING! Polar Ice Caps Melting Rapidly - The Theme of "It Is THE END!" The melting of the polar ice caps rapidly, and the rise of super storms, ultimately causing the exploding and imploding of the world's ocean based nuclear reactors, then land based nuclear reactors, is what in my opinion, will cause Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE) as my intellectual mentor on abrupt climate change, Dr. Guy McPherson, refers to it, or as I call it - "It Is THE END!" This is an update of how rapidly these ice caps are beginning to melt. I expect that the abrupt rise in global mean temperatures that we have seen from 2015-2017, will continue to be facilitated by ongoing significant rises in the rate of methane hydrates being released on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), documented in September 2016 by Semiltov, though the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, as a result of the methane hydrates and carbon being released on the Siberian arctic, and throughout the arctic, and as a result of the methane and carbon intensive growth objectives of China, India, and Emperor King Trumpet.
These methane hydrate "blow torches," along with the rapid rise in the water vapor in the troposphere, facilitated in large part by the slowing of the "Gulf Stream," warming the waters around the equator, will rapidly accelerate global warming. These warming waters around the equator may ultimately facilitate massive super storms that increase the amount of water in the troposphere significantly, potentially rapidly increasing global mean temperatures. Guy believes, if I understand his recent arguments correctly, that the rising water vapor in the troposphere is even a greater threat to abrupt climate change, than is the methane in the ESAS, through the Barents Sea, and the methane and carbon on the Siberian arctic tundra. OMG say what!? I am not sure of the math on the risk of water vapor in the Troposphere, but I will find out, and get more on this in the near future.
What I am very familiar with is that the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra (click paragraph for link to article), have up to 10,400 billion tons of methane hydrates, with up to 86 times the global warming potential as carbon in the twenty year time period. Plus, up to 1,580 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon. Do the math (10,400 times 86) plus up to 1,580 = 895,980 times the global warming potential of the up to 1 billion tons of carbon in the Indonesia peat forests in the twenty-year time frame!!! The Indonesian peat forests are thought to be one of the largest stores of carbon on the planet (see video below) that have the potential to be released to the atmosphere. How the additional water vapor in the troposphere exceeds the 895,980 times the global warming potential of the methane hydrates and carbon on the ESAS, and the Siberian arctic tundra, I will have to defer to Guy about for the math.
Guy, if you could clarify this statement, or correct my misunderstanding, I would appreciate it. I will have to work on the math of the troposphere vapor risk in the coming posts. As I am a big fan of Guy McPherson, I trust that he has sound arguments for the extreme nature of this risk. These forces are likely to combine to melt significant ice sheets, like the ones behind the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, soon. The result, I guesstimate, will be sea level rise of 3-6 feet by 2030, and 20-30 feet by 2050, with super storms! Guy believes that the species could be extinct in as little as ten years, which I think would be a blessing. I believe that we are in for "100 Years of Hell on Earth!" God Forgive America! God Bless all of the billions that will die horrific deaths, due to the greed of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts!
4/29/17 THANK GOD! - - "It Is THE END!" After 100 Days of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts (EMM&MS) in the Evil States of America doing every thing that they can do to insure the death of all species on the globe, for the insatiable, insane and evil greed of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, all I can say is "THANK GOD! - - It Is THE END!" From proposing cutting spending on the Environmental Protection Agency by 70%, to cutting of Climate related spending and spending on cleaning up the Great Lakes by 90%, from $300 million for just the Great Lakes alone, down to $27 million, just when the Great Lakes are likely to take the role of the only major fresh water body left to help extend the survival of the species once "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop" is unleashed, which I define in this work, and believe will occur now by 2030-2050. To making it against the White House rules to mention the word "climate change." To stuffing the pockets of his billionaire friends, with billions, and ultimately, trillions more of our dollars!
To witnessing the most dramatic increases in global mean temperatures above pre-industrial norms, what it took the planet 200 years to rise, in just months from 2015 to 2016. To the rapid escalation of methane hydrates being documented to be occurring on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf in the fall of 2016 (ESAS, Semiltov). To the significant new evidence of how these massive methane releases accelerated and resulted in the death of all most all species during the Permian Mass Extinction. To the shifting of the polar vortex south in November 2016, with the hottest temperatures being recorded around the globe and with the logical extreme coldest temperatures, also being recorded, due to the polar vortex shifting south. To the near massive break off of the Larsen C, and likely melting of the ice sheets behind this massive shelf. To the extensive research (Hansen, "We might lose all coastal cities," 2016) proving that it only took a 2C rise to increase global sea levels by up to 20' and cause super storms that moved thousand ton boulders around. To the research on "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice," which showed that with only a 3-4C rise, most of Antarctica melted, sea levels rose by up to 60 feet.
To proposing slashing the Affordable Care Act, to the point where even the OMB estimates 24 million will be without healthcare. To slashing Medicare and Medicaid, when the Evil Money Monster, Emperor King Trumpet, insured the Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, that he would guarantee affordable medical insurance, that was "way better than they are getting now," and that he would not touch, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. Top this off with his newest effort to start a nuclear war with North Korea, because their totalitarian dictator is more of a raging totalitarian dictatorial Evil Money Monster than he is, and Trump just can't be Second Satin, on the planet of Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts! Not to mention, insuring wars with Iran and Syria, to take the focus off how truly insane and evil he, his cabinet, and his policies really are, and in my opinion, it is THANK GOD - - "It Is THE END!"
Love the home sale of Trump to the fertilizer Russian Oligarch for $100 million, that he paid $40 million for, that people thought was insanely over valued at the $40 million price. The commentator notes that there is no evidence that the Russian Oligarch, not even one of his representatives, ever even saw this house. Now if that is not a blatant pay off, I don't know what would be! The commentator on this clip is a bit difficult to listen to, but trust me, the information is very important. It certainly gives you a good understanding of what Trump's strategic advantage is - selling out the US to the world's billionaires! What a cesspool of evil Beasts! Bannon, one of Trump's key advisers, "admits that Trupm's cabinet was selected to destroy their agencies?" According to the the discussion by Abby Martin below on Bannon, he states his three heroes are "Hitler, Mussolini and Satin!" Yes Satin! God what an Evil Country! Abby Martin's Empire Files are a must watch. Chris Hedges and she, discuss Trump and the Alt Right on the other video below. The only terrorists that the world has to worry about, the world knows - are the Evil Wrong Money Monsters and Money Sluts, primarily in the US, but globally as well - not ISIS, not Syria, not Iran, not North Korea - Trump, Pence, Tillerson, and their administration, Bannon, Mercer, Kochs, Devos, etc., etc.,. The Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts!
If Trump, or preferably, Bernie Sanders were to implement The Only Solutions and TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the other TransitioNOW objectives, North Korea, ISIS, Syria, Iran, would not be problems, they would be begging us for help in transition their societies to renewable energy based sustainable economies!
To witnessing the most dramatic increases in global mean temperatures above pre-industrial norms, what it took the planet 200 years to rise, in just months from 2015 to 2016. To the rapid escalation of methane hydrates being documented to be occurring on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf in the fall of 2016 (ESAS, Semiltov). To the significant new evidence of how these massive methane releases accelerated and resulted in the death of all most all species during the Permian Mass Extinction. To the shifting of the polar vortex south in November 2016, with the hottest temperatures being recorded around the globe and with the logical extreme coldest temperatures, also being recorded, due to the polar vortex shifting south. To the near massive break off of the Larsen C, and likely melting of the ice sheets behind this massive shelf. To the extensive research (Hansen, "We might lose all coastal cities," 2016) proving that it only took a 2C rise to increase global sea levels by up to 20' and cause super storms that moved thousand ton boulders around. To the research on "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice," which showed that with only a 3-4C rise, most of Antarctica melted, sea levels rose by up to 60 feet.
To proposing slashing the Affordable Care Act, to the point where even the OMB estimates 24 million will be without healthcare. To slashing Medicare and Medicaid, when the Evil Money Monster, Emperor King Trumpet, insured the Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, that he would guarantee affordable medical insurance, that was "way better than they are getting now," and that he would not touch, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. Top this off with his newest effort to start a nuclear war with North Korea, because their totalitarian dictator is more of a raging totalitarian dictatorial Evil Money Monster than he is, and Trump just can't be Second Satin, on the planet of Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts! Not to mention, insuring wars with Iran and Syria, to take the focus off how truly insane and evil he, his cabinet, and his policies really are, and in my opinion, it is THANK GOD - - "It Is THE END!"
Love the home sale of Trump to the fertilizer Russian Oligarch for $100 million, that he paid $40 million for, that people thought was insanely over valued at the $40 million price. The commentator notes that there is no evidence that the Russian Oligarch, not even one of his representatives, ever even saw this house. Now if that is not a blatant pay off, I don't know what would be! The commentator on this clip is a bit difficult to listen to, but trust me, the information is very important. It certainly gives you a good understanding of what Trump's strategic advantage is - selling out the US to the world's billionaires! What a cesspool of evil Beasts! Bannon, one of Trump's key advisers, "admits that Trupm's cabinet was selected to destroy their agencies?" According to the the discussion by Abby Martin below on Bannon, he states his three heroes are "Hitler, Mussolini and Satin!" Yes Satin! God what an Evil Country! Abby Martin's Empire Files are a must watch. Chris Hedges and she, discuss Trump and the Alt Right on the other video below. The only terrorists that the world has to worry about, the world knows - are the Evil Wrong Money Monsters and Money Sluts, primarily in the US, but globally as well - not ISIS, not Syria, not Iran, not North Korea - Trump, Pence, Tillerson, and their administration, Bannon, Mercer, Kochs, Devos, etc., etc.,. The Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts!
If Trump, or preferably, Bernie Sanders were to implement The Only Solutions and TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the other TransitioNOW objectives, North Korea, ISIS, Syria, Iran, would not be problems, they would be begging us for help in transition their societies to renewable energy based sustainable economies!
4/26/17 Methane Hydrate: Killer Cause of Earth's Greatest Mass Extinction (click title for article), ""Global warming triggered by the massive release of carbon dioxide may be catastrophic," reads the study's abstract. "But the release of methane from hydrate may be apocalyptic." The study, titled "Methane Hydrate: Killer Cause of Earth's Greatest Mass Extinction," highlights the fact that the most significant variable in the Permian Mass Extinction event, which occurred 250 million years ago and annihilated 90 percent of all the species on the planet, was methane hydrate." Looks like more scientists are beginning to agree with Dr. Guy McPherson, myself and others, that the "Clathrate gun has been fired," as Guy refers to it, or the potential for "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I define in this work and believe will be the ultimate driving force of extinction, will cause the extinction of the species - "It Is THE END!" Watch Dahr Jamail discussions on the extinction level risks of methane hydrates, in Jennifer Hynes excellent interview above. I highly recommend both Jennifer Hynes work from Extinction, and Dahr' journalism at
4/17/17 Abrupt Cooling over the North Atlantic - As depicted in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow!" I provide the detail below, of the similar findings from late last year, but this is an update. The cooling in the North Atlantic is increasing. This video discusses possible implications. The basic theory is that with the large flow of very cold melt water from Greenland, the purple/blue area on the map on the home page of the video above, will slow the Gulf Stream, or the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) ocean water conveyor belt. This flow of water takes warm water from around the equator, and sends it up to Greenland, where it cools. It then sinks near the polar region, and travels south down the central to eastern side of the Atlantic. This process keeps the water around the equator cooler, than if this water conveyor belt like system was not operating. The cooling of the water and the higher content of fresh water to salt water, threatens to stop this conveyor belt, not only in the Atlantic, but globally, due to the globally interconnected nature of these flows. This would warm the water around the equator more in the summer, which will result in even larger storms, ultimately likely super storms. These events will increase the water in the "troposphere," high in the atmosphere, which increases the rate of speed of global warming, potentially substantially and rapidly. This risk of a "spike in global mean temperatures," due to the Slowing of the Gulf Stream, doe to its potential impacts on the water levels in the troposphere, is likely second only to the risks of the methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, and the carbon and methane hydrates on the Siberian arctic tundra, to increasing the risks of rapid temperature spikes, followed by sea level spikes, combined with superstorms, and the possible implosion and explosion of the world's ocean and land based nuclear reactors, causing global extinction.
Note the links below the video: Published on Apr 17, 2017 Compiled recent findings on the interconnection of warming trends, and possible implications for ocean currents and what it could mean.
Abrupt cooling over the North Atlantic in modern climate models (2017)
Is the Gulf Stream System Slowing? – the Earth101 lecture (2016)
Map of North Atlantic Subpolar gyre
4/8/17 Noam Chomsky - Racing to the Precipice. The Best Presentations By Noam Chomsky, the next by Chris Hedges - Ever! And this is not a Trumpism! Noam, my personal intellectual mentor and hero since studying his work in a year-long doctoral symposium that I sat in on political economics as a sophomore at the University of Utah in 1980, and after watching him intellectually trash Bill Buckley on Firing Line in the early eighties. Noam is more optimistic than I am as to the potential for people to stop "The End." I am not so optimistic, for many reasons that I lay out on these pages. In fact, I believe that there is a better chance that I will "pull myself up by the bootstraps" and become wealthier than the Rothschilds by 2030, than I do that humans will stop the radical rise of "hell on earth," and consequential death of the species, due to abrupt climate change (The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop), falling off Hubbert's Cliff, massive collapse in global asset bubbles, and the ravages of over population and global aging, especially given the political economic reality of the Radical Right's (EMM&MS&LL) control of the US, primarily, but other key countries, as well. Bad news is that if all of us that believe in Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), a term popularized by Dr. Guy McPherson, the champion of the risks of NTHE in the very near term, are correct.
The radical changes in climate, and the world that I lay out here on these pages, may become reality in the near term future. The good news is that if those of us are right that "It Is THE END," it will mean that the world will not become like Elysium, The Hunger Games, etc., where the bottom 99% live in "hell on earth," versus just the bottom 50%, as it is today, for centuries into the future. If the arguments on this web site are correct, the combination of massive stores of methane hydrates, resulting in hundred gigaton plus general releases on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and on the Siberian arctic tundra, coupled with carbon and methane releases all around the arctic, will occur as the arctic water warms, due to the arctic becoming ice free (less than 1 M K of ice), which is likely in 2017, and then due to the arctic experiencing annual Blue Ocean Events, where the arctic is totally ice free, by 2030. The rapid rise of methane hydrate releases has already been documented across this area by Igor Semiltov and Natalia Shakhova (see below). They documented the rapid rise from their earlier research in 2011-2014, to their recent field research on the ESAS in September 2016. The only remaining questions, in my opinion, are how rapidly will the water warm each subsequent area of methane hydrates to the point where they are released to the atmosphere. We lay out on this web site that I believe that there will be 100 gigaton plus general releases by 2030 to 2050, due to all of The Critical Forces and Factors insuring "It Is THE END!" I detail the many very important points of Noam's talk at the bottom of this Summary page, and on the Political Dimensions page.
Racing To The Precipice: Professor Noam Chomsky, click here for full screen
4/17/17 Abrupt Cooling over the North Atlantic - As depicted in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow!" I provide the detail below, of the similar findings from late last year, but this is an update. The cooling in the North Atlantic is increasing. This video discusses possible implications. The basic theory is that with the large flow of very cold melt water from Greenland, the purple/blue area on the map on the home page of the video above, will slow the Gulf Stream, or the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) ocean water conveyor belt. This flow of water takes warm water from around the equator, and sends it up to Greenland, where it cools. It then sinks near the polar region, and travels south down the central to eastern side of the Atlantic. This process keeps the water around the equator cooler, than if this water conveyor belt like system was not operating. The cooling of the water and the higher content of fresh water to salt water, threatens to stop this conveyor belt, not only in the Atlantic, but globally, due to the globally interconnected nature of these flows. This would warm the water around the equator more in the summer, which will result in even larger storms, ultimately likely super storms. These events will increase the water in the "troposphere," high in the atmosphere, which increases the rate of speed of global warming, potentially substantially and rapidly. This risk of a "spike in global mean temperatures," due to the Slowing of the Gulf Stream, doe to its potential impacts on the water levels in the troposphere, is likely second only to the risks of the methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, and the carbon and methane hydrates on the Siberian arctic tundra, to increasing the risks of rapid temperature spikes, followed by sea level spikes, combined with superstorms, and the possible implosion and explosion of the world's ocean and land based nuclear reactors, causing global extinction.
Note the links below the video: Published on Apr 17, 2017 Compiled recent findings on the interconnection of warming trends, and possible implications for ocean currents and what it could mean.
Abrupt cooling over the North Atlantic in modern climate models (2017)
Is the Gulf Stream System Slowing? – the Earth101 lecture (2016)
Map of North Atlantic Subpolar gyre
4/8/17 Noam Chomsky - Racing to the Precipice. The Best Presentations By Noam Chomsky, the next by Chris Hedges - Ever! And this is not a Trumpism! Noam, my personal intellectual mentor and hero since studying his work in a year-long doctoral symposium that I sat in on political economics as a sophomore at the University of Utah in 1980, and after watching him intellectually trash Bill Buckley on Firing Line in the early eighties. Noam is more optimistic than I am as to the potential for people to stop "The End." I am not so optimistic, for many reasons that I lay out on these pages. In fact, I believe that there is a better chance that I will "pull myself up by the bootstraps" and become wealthier than the Rothschilds by 2030, than I do that humans will stop the radical rise of "hell on earth," and consequential death of the species, due to abrupt climate change (The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop), falling off Hubbert's Cliff, massive collapse in global asset bubbles, and the ravages of over population and global aging, especially given the political economic reality of the Radical Right's (EMM&MS&LL) control of the US, primarily, but other key countries, as well. Bad news is that if all of us that believe in Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), a term popularized by Dr. Guy McPherson, the champion of the risks of NTHE in the very near term, are correct.
The radical changes in climate, and the world that I lay out here on these pages, may become reality in the near term future. The good news is that if those of us are right that "It Is THE END," it will mean that the world will not become like Elysium, The Hunger Games, etc., where the bottom 99% live in "hell on earth," versus just the bottom 50%, as it is today, for centuries into the future. If the arguments on this web site are correct, the combination of massive stores of methane hydrates, resulting in hundred gigaton plus general releases on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and on the Siberian arctic tundra, coupled with carbon and methane releases all around the arctic, will occur as the arctic water warms, due to the arctic becoming ice free (less than 1 M K of ice), which is likely in 2017, and then due to the arctic experiencing annual Blue Ocean Events, where the arctic is totally ice free, by 2030. The rapid rise of methane hydrate releases has already been documented across this area by Igor Semiltov and Natalia Shakhova (see below). They documented the rapid rise from their earlier research in 2011-2014, to their recent field research on the ESAS in September 2016. The only remaining questions, in my opinion, are how rapidly will the water warm each subsequent area of methane hydrates to the point where they are released to the atmosphere. We lay out on this web site that I believe that there will be 100 gigaton plus general releases by 2030 to 2050, due to all of The Critical Forces and Factors insuring "It Is THE END!" I detail the many very important points of Noam's talk at the bottom of this Summary page, and on the Political Dimensions page.
Racing To The Precipice: Professor Noam Chomsky, click here for full screen
3/29/17 Chris Hedges Delivers the Ultimate Trump Takedown. This is one of the best speeches I have ever listened to. Chris provides his views on Trump and his Administration in one of his most thought out, thought provoking, important and enlightening speeches I have ever listened to by him, or by anyone. Great job Chris. I do think he would be best served to discuss the option that the world is facing as not capitalism versus socialism, but as the Nordic Model, versus everything else. Surely, Russia, China and the host of other socialist economies, do not have much over the Kleptocratic, Racists, Fascists, Corporate Mercenary Controlled, Plutocratic States of America. Only the Nordic Model seems to have resulted in societies that are not only sustainable, but also, mostly humane. What I argue should be the two primary objectives of economic and social life.
Chris Hedges Delivers the ultimate Trump Takedown, click here for full screen
Requiem for the American Dream, Noam Chomsky, click here for full screen
3/29/17 - "Requiem for the American Dream," by Noam Chomsky. As Chris states of Noam's new book - just released yesterday (3/28/17) by the same title of the documentary above:
Noam Chomsky in "Requiem for the American Dream" (click titles for links) directs the fierce light of his intellect on the utopian ideology of neoliberalism, the absurd idea that markets should dictate all aspects of human society. He dissects the disastrous consequences of this ideology for our society, culture, and politics. He explains how corporations indoctrinated the public, academia, and the mass media to sign on for a project that has devastated the lives of working men and women and obliterated the common good. Every promise made by the proponents of neoliberalism is a lie. Its power to write its own laws and regulations, Chomsky points out, has ultimately created a mafia economic system and a mafia political system that is exemplified in the rise to power of the demagogue Donald Trump." —Chris Hedges, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and author of Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt. Here is the link to the book.
The primary arguments of this website are that ongoing fossil fuel driven population and economic growth, primarily driven by China, India, and now, Emperor King Trumpet's insanely aggressive carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, growth objectives and policies, will cause accelerating anthropogenic climate change / global warming and ultimately cause a meaningful amount of the estimated up to 9,000 gigatons (gigatons are billions of tons, so 9,000 gigatons are 9 trillion tons) of methane hydrates in the roughly 1.2 million square miles, embeded in the up to 12 miles deep of sedimentary drape, of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS - Dr. Natalia Shakhova), through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas; the up to 1,400 gigatons of methane hydrates in the submerged permafrost in the Siberian arctic tundra; and, the up to 1,580 gigatons of permafrost carbon under the Siberian and arctic tundra, to be released in large general releases.
To put the size of these enormous amounts of methane hydrates and carbon stores in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and in the Siberian arctic tundra into perspective, I just watched an exceptional show on climate change, "Years of Living Dangerously: Session 1, Dry Season," on the Indonesian forest peat carbon risk. Peat, the dead plant life on the forest floor of Indonesia, is full of carbon. It can have roughly 10 times as much carbon as a normal forest. The carbon released from Indonesia, to burn the forests and build palm oil plantations, is responsible for up to 4% of global carbon. The Indonesian peat contains an enormous amount of carbon, they estimate up to 1 billion tons!
The ESAS is estimated to have up to 9,000 billion tons (gigatons) of methane hydrates, and it is estimated that on the Siberian arctic tundra, there are up to another 1,400 billion tons (gigatons) of methane hydrates, and up to 1,580 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon in the frozen tundra. As noted in Wikipedia "In the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), methane has a lifetime of 12.4 years and with climate-carbon feedbacks a global warming potential of 86 over 20 years and 34 over 100 years in response to emissions." The ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra, have up to 10,400 billion tons of methane hydrates, with up to 86 times the global warming potential as carbon in the twenty year time period. Plus, up to 1,580 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon. Do the math (10,400 times 86) plus up to 1,580 = 895,980 times the global warming potential of the up to 1 billion tons of carbon in the Indonesia peat forests in the twenty-year time frame!!!
Then consider that the Indonesian peat, with its up to 1 billion tons of carbon, is one of the next largest stores of carbon in the world, with the risk of being released into the atmosphere, due to burning and farming! If my math is correct, the ESAS and the Siberian arctic tundra, methane and carbon stores have up to 895,980 times the global warming potential of the Indonesian peat in the twenty year time frame. If only a small percent of this methane is released, only a few hundred billion tons (gigatons), out of the up to 10,400 billion tons (gigatons), it is likely to cause extinction of the human species, and potentially all species. This risk, I believe, is starting NOW (2017), but is likely to accelerate significantly between 2030 through 2050, when all of the ice in the arctic is likely to be melted, called a Blue Ocean Event, as the energy needed to melt ice, will heat water up to 80F! During the period from 2030-2050, I believe that the length of the Blue Ocean in the Arctic will extend from days, to many months, facilitating the rapid warming of not only the up to 9,000 gigatons of methane hydrates on the ESAS, through the Barents Sea, but also, this heating will release large general releases of the up to 1,400 gigatons of methane hydrates and up to 1,580 gigatons of carbon on the Siberian arctic tundra, due in part, to the ongoing warming caused by the release of the methane on the ESAS.
Hence, why I believe there will be hundreds of billions of tons (gigatons) of methane and carbon releases from the ESAS and the Siberian arctic tundra during the 2030-2050 time period. A 100 billion ton release, which is only 1% of the over 10,000 billion tons estimated to exist, when you factor in the 86 times impact of methane on global warming, versus carbon, it would have the impact of 8,600 times what the release of the carbon in all the peat in Indonesia would have on heating the planet!!!!! The release of the methane on the ESAS and the Siberian arctic tundra, because of its 86 times more warming impact, versus carbon, is like taking a "blow torch" to the planet! You can assume large estimating errors, and my response is still the same! OMG!!! It Is THE END!!
The global atmospheric burden of methane, per this study, is under 5 gigatons! The amounts of methane and carbon in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian arctic tundra, per the Russian scientists in the video below, "Arctic Emergency,: Scientists Speak Out," is greater by significant amounts, than the total amounts of methane and carbon, likely to be released to the atmosphere, around the entire globe! That is, the total amount of carbon, likely to be released to the atmosphere, in the Siberian arctic tundra, exceeds the total amount of carbon, likely to be released to the atmosphere, from all forests, plants, peat, etc, globally! Plus, the total amounts of methane hydrates on the ESAS and Siberian arctic tundra, likely to be released to the atmosphere, exceed the total amounts of methane hydrates, likely to be released to the atmosphere, elsewhere around the globe!
It is simply inconceivable, the fact that the world is completely ignoring these massive extinction level risks, the methane hydrates on the ESAS, and the carbon and methane hydrates on the Siberian arctic tundra! Even the University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL) and other groups, modeling the risks of climate change for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), do not include these risks in their modeling of global climate change. These arguments are detailed on The Critical Forces and Factors page.
I argue that the second derivative (the rate of change of the rate of change) for the rate of methane releases from the ESAS and carbon and methane releases from the Siberian arctic tundra; and hence, the rate of growth in global mean temperatures; and hence, the rate of ice melt of Greenland and Antarctica; and hence, the rate of global sea level rise; coupled with the size and intensity of extreme weather events, global super storms, droughts, flooding, wild fires, and related climate and over population related problems, in my opinion, all will be positive and increasing from now, until the second half of this century, and possibly, through the turn of the century. I argue that the world will experience "big jumps" in each of these variables: global atmospheric burden of methane and carbon; global mean temperatures - as occurred in 2016; global ice melt; global sea level rise; extreme weather, super storms and related catastrophes; due to the massive rise primarily of global methane, due to the now occurring, and likely accelerating, large general releases of methane hydrates on the ESAS and the Siberian arctic tundra, but also due to the large increases in carbon being released on the Siberian arctic tundra, China, India, and in the United States, due to King Trumpet's carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth and policies. Combining the resulting significant sea level rise, with super storms, and the possible implosion and explosion of significant numbers of ocean based nuclear reactors on Asian coasts, with the consequential radiation fallout ultimately flowing up to the ESAS, and accelerating the release of these massive stores of methane hydrates, and the species - homogreedious, if not all species, may go extinct, due to "The Radio Active Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I define in this work.
"Dr. Natalia Shakhova, head of the US-Russia Methane Study at the International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and the Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, who travels and works the East Siberian Sea who is most alarmed." "Noam Chomsky in Requiem for the American Dream directs the fierce light of his intellect on the utopian ideology of neoliberalism, the absurd idea that markets should dictate all aspects of human society. He dissects the disastrous consequences of this ideology for our society, culture, and politics. He explains how corporations indoctrinated the public, academia, and the mass media to sign on for a project that has devastated the lives of working men and women and obliterated the common good. Every promise made by the proponents of neoliberalism is a lie. Its power to write its own laws and regulations, Chomsky points out, has ultimately created a mafia economic system and a mafia political system that is exemplified in the rise to power of the demagogue Donald Trump." —Chris Hedges, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and author of Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt
Requiem for the American Dream, Noam Chomsky, click here for full screen
3/29/17 - "Requiem for the American Dream," by Noam Chomsky. As Chris states of Noam's new book - just released yesterday (3/28/17) by the same title of the documentary above:
Noam Chomsky in "Requiem for the American Dream" (click titles for links) directs the fierce light of his intellect on the utopian ideology of neoliberalism, the absurd idea that markets should dictate all aspects of human society. He dissects the disastrous consequences of this ideology for our society, culture, and politics. He explains how corporations indoctrinated the public, academia, and the mass media to sign on for a project that has devastated the lives of working men and women and obliterated the common good. Every promise made by the proponents of neoliberalism is a lie. Its power to write its own laws and regulations, Chomsky points out, has ultimately created a mafia economic system and a mafia political system that is exemplified in the rise to power of the demagogue Donald Trump." —Chris Hedges, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and author of Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt. Here is the link to the book.
The primary arguments of this website are that ongoing fossil fuel driven population and economic growth, primarily driven by China, India, and now, Emperor King Trumpet's insanely aggressive carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, growth objectives and policies, will cause accelerating anthropogenic climate change / global warming and ultimately cause a meaningful amount of the estimated up to 9,000 gigatons (gigatons are billions of tons, so 9,000 gigatons are 9 trillion tons) of methane hydrates in the roughly 1.2 million square miles, embeded in the up to 12 miles deep of sedimentary drape, of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS - Dr. Natalia Shakhova), through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas; the up to 1,400 gigatons of methane hydrates in the submerged permafrost in the Siberian arctic tundra; and, the up to 1,580 gigatons of permafrost carbon under the Siberian and arctic tundra, to be released in large general releases.
To put the size of these enormous amounts of methane hydrates and carbon stores in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and in the Siberian arctic tundra into perspective, I just watched an exceptional show on climate change, "Years of Living Dangerously: Session 1, Dry Season," on the Indonesian forest peat carbon risk. Peat, the dead plant life on the forest floor of Indonesia, is full of carbon. It can have roughly 10 times as much carbon as a normal forest. The carbon released from Indonesia, to burn the forests and build palm oil plantations, is responsible for up to 4% of global carbon. The Indonesian peat contains an enormous amount of carbon, they estimate up to 1 billion tons!
The ESAS is estimated to have up to 9,000 billion tons (gigatons) of methane hydrates, and it is estimated that on the Siberian arctic tundra, there are up to another 1,400 billion tons (gigatons) of methane hydrates, and up to 1,580 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon in the frozen tundra. As noted in Wikipedia "In the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), methane has a lifetime of 12.4 years and with climate-carbon feedbacks a global warming potential of 86 over 20 years and 34 over 100 years in response to emissions." The ESAS and the Siberian Arctic tundra, have up to 10,400 billion tons of methane hydrates, with up to 86 times the global warming potential as carbon in the twenty year time period. Plus, up to 1,580 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon. Do the math (10,400 times 86) plus up to 1,580 = 895,980 times the global warming potential of the up to 1 billion tons of carbon in the Indonesia peat forests in the twenty-year time frame!!!
Then consider that the Indonesian peat, with its up to 1 billion tons of carbon, is one of the next largest stores of carbon in the world, with the risk of being released into the atmosphere, due to burning and farming! If my math is correct, the ESAS and the Siberian arctic tundra, methane and carbon stores have up to 895,980 times the global warming potential of the Indonesian peat in the twenty year time frame. If only a small percent of this methane is released, only a few hundred billion tons (gigatons), out of the up to 10,400 billion tons (gigatons), it is likely to cause extinction of the human species, and potentially all species. This risk, I believe, is starting NOW (2017), but is likely to accelerate significantly between 2030 through 2050, when all of the ice in the arctic is likely to be melted, called a Blue Ocean Event, as the energy needed to melt ice, will heat water up to 80F! During the period from 2030-2050, I believe that the length of the Blue Ocean in the Arctic will extend from days, to many months, facilitating the rapid warming of not only the up to 9,000 gigatons of methane hydrates on the ESAS, through the Barents Sea, but also, this heating will release large general releases of the up to 1,400 gigatons of methane hydrates and up to 1,580 gigatons of carbon on the Siberian arctic tundra, due in part, to the ongoing warming caused by the release of the methane on the ESAS.
Hence, why I believe there will be hundreds of billions of tons (gigatons) of methane and carbon releases from the ESAS and the Siberian arctic tundra during the 2030-2050 time period. A 100 billion ton release, which is only 1% of the over 10,000 billion tons estimated to exist, when you factor in the 86 times impact of methane on global warming, versus carbon, it would have the impact of 8,600 times what the release of the carbon in all the peat in Indonesia would have on heating the planet!!!!! The release of the methane on the ESAS and the Siberian arctic tundra, because of its 86 times more warming impact, versus carbon, is like taking a "blow torch" to the planet! You can assume large estimating errors, and my response is still the same! OMG!!! It Is THE END!!
The global atmospheric burden of methane, per this study, is under 5 gigatons! The amounts of methane and carbon in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian arctic tundra, per the Russian scientists in the video below, "Arctic Emergency,: Scientists Speak Out," is greater by significant amounts, than the total amounts of methane and carbon, likely to be released to the atmosphere, around the entire globe! That is, the total amount of carbon, likely to be released to the atmosphere, in the Siberian arctic tundra, exceeds the total amount of carbon, likely to be released to the atmosphere, from all forests, plants, peat, etc, globally! Plus, the total amounts of methane hydrates on the ESAS and Siberian arctic tundra, likely to be released to the atmosphere, exceed the total amounts of methane hydrates, likely to be released to the atmosphere, elsewhere around the globe!
It is simply inconceivable, the fact that the world is completely ignoring these massive extinction level risks, the methane hydrates on the ESAS, and the carbon and methane hydrates on the Siberian arctic tundra! Even the University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL) and other groups, modeling the risks of climate change for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), do not include these risks in their modeling of global climate change. These arguments are detailed on The Critical Forces and Factors page.
I argue that the second derivative (the rate of change of the rate of change) for the rate of methane releases from the ESAS and carbon and methane releases from the Siberian arctic tundra; and hence, the rate of growth in global mean temperatures; and hence, the rate of ice melt of Greenland and Antarctica; and hence, the rate of global sea level rise; coupled with the size and intensity of extreme weather events, global super storms, droughts, flooding, wild fires, and related climate and over population related problems, in my opinion, all will be positive and increasing from now, until the second half of this century, and possibly, through the turn of the century. I argue that the world will experience "big jumps" in each of these variables: global atmospheric burden of methane and carbon; global mean temperatures - as occurred in 2016; global ice melt; global sea level rise; extreme weather, super storms and related catastrophes; due to the massive rise primarily of global methane, due to the now occurring, and likely accelerating, large general releases of methane hydrates on the ESAS and the Siberian arctic tundra, but also due to the large increases in carbon being released on the Siberian arctic tundra, China, India, and in the United States, due to King Trumpet's carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth and policies. Combining the resulting significant sea level rise, with super storms, and the possible implosion and explosion of significant numbers of ocean based nuclear reactors on Asian coasts, with the consequential radiation fallout ultimately flowing up to the ESAS, and accelerating the release of these massive stores of methane hydrates, and the species - homogreedious, if not all species, may go extinct, due to "The Radio Active Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I define in this work.
"Dr. Natalia Shakhova, head of the US-Russia Methane Study at the International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and the Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, who travels and works the East Siberian Sea who is most alarmed." "Noam Chomsky in Requiem for the American Dream directs the fierce light of his intellect on the utopian ideology of neoliberalism, the absurd idea that markets should dictate all aspects of human society. He dissects the disastrous consequences of this ideology for our society, culture, and politics. He explains how corporations indoctrinated the public, academia, and the mass media to sign on for a project that has devastated the lives of working men and women and obliterated the common good. Every promise made by the proponents of neoliberalism is a lie. Its power to write its own laws and regulations, Chomsky points out, has ultimately created a mafia economic system and a mafia political system that is exemplified in the rise to power of the demagogue Donald Trump." —Chris Hedges, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and author of Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt
Artic Methane Emergency: Methane Released By The Gigaton! (click here for full screen, then close new screen to return). The newest MOST IMPORTANT videos on this site!
Artic Methane Emissions Study: Emissions Significantly Increased Since 2014! (click here for full screen, then close new screen to return). The newest MOST IMPORTANT videos on this site!
Dr. Shakhova believes that a 50 plus gigaton general release is in the process of happening NOW! This would increase the 5 gigaton global atmospheric burden of methane by roughly 10 times. This one event, a 50 gigaton general release of methane hydrates, may increase the atmospheric burden of carbon from around 400 ppm, to 800-1,000 ppm according to the video above! OMG!!!!!!!
Now think of what this means, regardless of if we are in a 50 Gigaton general release now, or not. The critical point is that the temperature of water over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) is getting to a level where the amount of methane being released is rising rapidly. Hence, the subsequent rise in release of methane hydrates is likely to increase at an increasing rate (2nd derivative is positive and increasing) and at an exponential rate, due to the fact that increasingly larger areas are likely to warm, in the near future, to this critical temperature level where the methane hydrates are released in hundred plus gigaton massive general releases. Are you beginning to now think "OMG - It Is THE END!?" You should be!
Artic Methane Emissions Study: Emissions Significantly Increased Since 2014! (click here for full screen, then close new screen to return). The newest MOST IMPORTANT videos on this site!
Dr. Shakhova believes that a 50 plus gigaton general release is in the process of happening NOW! This would increase the 5 gigaton global atmospheric burden of methane by roughly 10 times. This one event, a 50 gigaton general release of methane hydrates, may increase the atmospheric burden of carbon from around 400 ppm, to 800-1,000 ppm according to the video above! OMG!!!!!!!
Now think of what this means, regardless of if we are in a 50 Gigaton general release now, or not. The critical point is that the temperature of water over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) is getting to a level where the amount of methane being released is rising rapidly. Hence, the subsequent rise in release of methane hydrates is likely to increase at an increasing rate (2nd derivative is positive and increasing) and at an exponential rate, due to the fact that increasingly larger areas are likely to warm, in the near future, to this critical temperature level where the methane hydrates are released in hundred plus gigaton massive general releases. Are you beginning to now think "OMG - It Is THE END!?" You should be!
Methane Hydrates - Extended Interview Extracts With Natalia Shakhova
Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak on Global Warming, one of the MOST important videos on this site!
Now that you have watched the first two videos from the two top experts in the world on methane risk on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), and on the Siberian arctic tundra, Dr. Natalia Shakhova and Dr. Igor Semiltov, now watch the next two videos. The first "Methane Hydrates" by Dr. Shakhova, was published in 2013, and is a good discussion of why the ESAS is so critical, as the methane hydrates there are hundreds to thousands of times the global atmospheric burden of methane, and they are close to the surface, so they will be released to the atmosphere. Note how concerned she is, even sweating, about Dr. Igor Semiltov's view and her's, that the "worst thing might happen," not in thousands or hundreds of years, but in decades, to a century at the latest! The worst thing, it should be obvious by now, would be the release of catastrophic amounts of methane hydrates from the ESAS, which would only be a small percent of the amount of methane hydrates on the ESAS, sufficient to cause the extinction of our species!
Now watch the next video, "Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak On Global Warming," published July 15, 2015, before Dr. Semiltov's and Dr. Shakhova's team documented the rapid increase in methane release from the ESAS from 2011-2014, to September 2017. Dr. Shakhova's presentation is the last on this video. Note how much more concerned she is at the end of this video, from the prior video just two years earlier, and this is before doing the research featured in the first two videos on how rapidly the methane release has increased from their first research from 2011-2014, to September 2017. Getting the feeling of how rapid the extinction level risk she perceives is escalating? I do!
This is the most critical point, made by Dr. Natalia Sahakovia, Director, U.S. - Russia Methane Study, International Arctic Research Center. Please, please, watch her comments a number of times, as in my opinion, they are THE most critical, along with the documentary "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath The Ice," plus her English is good, but the technical nature of the discussion, combined with a slight language difference, makes it important that you watch her discussion on this topic three times. As she states, the sedimentary drape in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is up to 20 kilometers thick (12.4274 miles), versus around 1 kilometer thick in the rest of the ocean. The sedimentary drape area on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is huge, it is 2 million square kilometers (1,242,740 square miles), it is the largest shelf in the world oceans. This sedimentary drape is where the massive amounts of methane hydrates are stored, and due to the fact that this drape is roughly 20 times as thick as it is in most of the ocean floor and because it is the largest ocean shelf in the world, the ESAS is estimated to hold these massive amounts of methane hydrates.
In the ocean, when the methane hydrates are released, the methane is absorbed and used on its way to the surface. On the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, because it is so shallow, the methane reaches the atmosphere. Warming these methane hydrates may release these massive stores of methane, and they will make their way to the atmosphere, potentially causing a massive increase in the atmospheric burden of methane, which may then spike global temperatures. As a result of their drilling of this sedimentary drape, they have concluded that the methane hydrates are close to being released NOW! The result of this potential massive general release of methane, I argue, may result in melting not only the Arctic and Greenland, but as we know now, due to the research featured on "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice" (below), potentially much of Antarctica's ice. Further, this potential warming may cause super storms (Hansen 2016) and when combined with global sea level increases, may then result in the implosion and explosion of many of the world's ocean based nuclear reactors, resulting in, I argue, "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I define on the page Why It Is THE END!
Events like the steep drop in arctic ice in November 2016, will have significant impacts on dropping the time before the arctic ice will be gone. I expect many such extreme drops as the arctic goes ice free, so I expect that the guesstimates of totally ice free, a Blue Ocean Event, by 2030 may be optimistic. When the arctic is totally ice free, the water temperature is expected to rise rapidly and significantly, I argue facilitating 100 plus gigaton releases of methane hydrates, and the release of "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I detail on the page "Why It Is THE END!"
Estimates are that the arctic will be ice free in the next few years, which is less than 1 million square kilometers of ice, and likely completely ice free, a "Blue Ocean Event," by 2030. I argue that this will heat up the estimated up to 9,000 gigatons of methane hydrates in the roughly 1.2 million square miles, embeded in the up to 12 miles deep of sedimentary drape, of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS - Dr. Natalia Shakhova), through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas; the up to 1,400 gigatons of methane hydrates in the submerged permafrost; and, the up to 1,580 gigatons of permafrost carbon under the Siberian and arctic tundra, to be released in large general releases. The global atmospheric burden of methane, per this study, is under 5 gigatons, and result in hundreds of gigatons of methane releases by 2030-2050, over twenty times the global atmospheric burden of methane.
These numbers do not even take into account the carbon and methane releases around the rest of the arctic, and around the globe. Add to this the rising carbon and methane loads from China, India, and King Trumpet's methane and carbon intensive, fossil fuel driven economic growth objectives and policies.
These driving forces (methane releases from the ESAS, through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas; methane and carbon release from the Siberian and arctic tundra; and, growth of carbon and methane, due to China, India and Trump's carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, growth objectives and policies), I argue as a primary thesis, are likely to result in rapid jumps in global atmospheric carbon and methane burdens, and most importantly, global mean temperatures, sea level rises and super storms, I argue, by 2030 to 2050. If this does not send a chill down your spine, you are either one of the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, or their Legions of brainwashed and brain dead Lunatics (EMM&MS&LL), or you just simply do not have any understanding of what this event could be a catalyst of - "It Is THE END!" - in my opinion, of course!!
The second video above is on Dr. Natalia Shakhova and Dr. Igor Semiltov's research proving that methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) through the Laptev Sea have significantly increased since 2011-2014 to September 2017! These methane releases will continue to escalate as global warming continues heat up the planet, and this, I argue, will be the most significant driving force feedback loop, ongoing methane releases from this region, on the planet. Methane has up to 86 times the impact on global warming, compared to carbon, in the 20 year time period. It is like taking a "blow torch" to the planet! It is not if these releases of methane hydrates will increase and result in the demise of the species, in my opinion, it is how rapidly will this occur!
Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak on Global Warming, one of the MOST important videos on this site!
Now that you have watched the first two videos from the two top experts in the world on methane risk on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), and on the Siberian arctic tundra, Dr. Natalia Shakhova and Dr. Igor Semiltov, now watch the next two videos. The first "Methane Hydrates" by Dr. Shakhova, was published in 2013, and is a good discussion of why the ESAS is so critical, as the methane hydrates there are hundreds to thousands of times the global atmospheric burden of methane, and they are close to the surface, so they will be released to the atmosphere. Note how concerned she is, even sweating, about Dr. Igor Semiltov's view and her's, that the "worst thing might happen," not in thousands or hundreds of years, but in decades, to a century at the latest! The worst thing, it should be obvious by now, would be the release of catastrophic amounts of methane hydrates from the ESAS, which would only be a small percent of the amount of methane hydrates on the ESAS, sufficient to cause the extinction of our species!
Now watch the next video, "Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak On Global Warming," published July 15, 2015, before Dr. Semiltov's and Dr. Shakhova's team documented the rapid increase in methane release from the ESAS from 2011-2014, to September 2017. Dr. Shakhova's presentation is the last on this video. Note how much more concerned she is at the end of this video, from the prior video just two years earlier, and this is before doing the research featured in the first two videos on how rapidly the methane release has increased from their first research from 2011-2014, to September 2017. Getting the feeling of how rapid the extinction level risk she perceives is escalating? I do!
This is the most critical point, made by Dr. Natalia Sahakovia, Director, U.S. - Russia Methane Study, International Arctic Research Center. Please, please, watch her comments a number of times, as in my opinion, they are THE most critical, along with the documentary "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath The Ice," plus her English is good, but the technical nature of the discussion, combined with a slight language difference, makes it important that you watch her discussion on this topic three times. As she states, the sedimentary drape in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is up to 20 kilometers thick (12.4274 miles), versus around 1 kilometer thick in the rest of the ocean. The sedimentary drape area on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is huge, it is 2 million square kilometers (1,242,740 square miles), it is the largest shelf in the world oceans. This sedimentary drape is where the massive amounts of methane hydrates are stored, and due to the fact that this drape is roughly 20 times as thick as it is in most of the ocean floor and because it is the largest ocean shelf in the world, the ESAS is estimated to hold these massive amounts of methane hydrates.
In the ocean, when the methane hydrates are released, the methane is absorbed and used on its way to the surface. On the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, because it is so shallow, the methane reaches the atmosphere. Warming these methane hydrates may release these massive stores of methane, and they will make their way to the atmosphere, potentially causing a massive increase in the atmospheric burden of methane, which may then spike global temperatures. As a result of their drilling of this sedimentary drape, they have concluded that the methane hydrates are close to being released NOW! The result of this potential massive general release of methane, I argue, may result in melting not only the Arctic and Greenland, but as we know now, due to the research featured on "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice" (below), potentially much of Antarctica's ice. Further, this potential warming may cause super storms (Hansen 2016) and when combined with global sea level increases, may then result in the implosion and explosion of many of the world's ocean based nuclear reactors, resulting in, I argue, "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I define on the page Why It Is THE END!
Events like the steep drop in arctic ice in November 2016, will have significant impacts on dropping the time before the arctic ice will be gone. I expect many such extreme drops as the arctic goes ice free, so I expect that the guesstimates of totally ice free, a Blue Ocean Event, by 2030 may be optimistic. When the arctic is totally ice free, the water temperature is expected to rise rapidly and significantly, I argue facilitating 100 plus gigaton releases of methane hydrates, and the release of "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I detail on the page "Why It Is THE END!"
Estimates are that the arctic will be ice free in the next few years, which is less than 1 million square kilometers of ice, and likely completely ice free, a "Blue Ocean Event," by 2030. I argue that this will heat up the estimated up to 9,000 gigatons of methane hydrates in the roughly 1.2 million square miles, embeded in the up to 12 miles deep of sedimentary drape, of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS - Dr. Natalia Shakhova), through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas; the up to 1,400 gigatons of methane hydrates in the submerged permafrost; and, the up to 1,580 gigatons of permafrost carbon under the Siberian and arctic tundra, to be released in large general releases. The global atmospheric burden of methane, per this study, is under 5 gigatons, and result in hundreds of gigatons of methane releases by 2030-2050, over twenty times the global atmospheric burden of methane.
These numbers do not even take into account the carbon and methane releases around the rest of the arctic, and around the globe. Add to this the rising carbon and methane loads from China, India, and King Trumpet's methane and carbon intensive, fossil fuel driven economic growth objectives and policies.
These driving forces (methane releases from the ESAS, through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas; methane and carbon release from the Siberian and arctic tundra; and, growth of carbon and methane, due to China, India and Trump's carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, growth objectives and policies), I argue as a primary thesis, are likely to result in rapid jumps in global atmospheric carbon and methane burdens, and most importantly, global mean temperatures, sea level rises and super storms, I argue, by 2030 to 2050. If this does not send a chill down your spine, you are either one of the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, or their Legions of brainwashed and brain dead Lunatics (EMM&MS&LL), or you just simply do not have any understanding of what this event could be a catalyst of - "It Is THE END!" - in my opinion, of course!!
The second video above is on Dr. Natalia Shakhova and Dr. Igor Semiltov's research proving that methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) through the Laptev Sea have significantly increased since 2011-2014 to September 2017! These methane releases will continue to escalate as global warming continues heat up the planet, and this, I argue, will be the most significant driving force feedback loop, ongoing methane releases from this region, on the planet. Methane has up to 86 times the impact on global warming, compared to carbon, in the 20 year time period. It is like taking a "blow torch" to the planet! It is not if these releases of methane hydrates will increase and result in the demise of the species, in my opinion, it is how rapidly will this occur!
Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice (click here for full screen, then close new screen to return). The newest MOST IMPORTANT videos on this site!
Combine these findings that the ESAS may be in a 50 gigaton general release of methane, which may increase the atmospheric burden of carbon from just over 400 ppm to 800-1,000 ppm, with the findings of the next video "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice," that most of Antarctica melted during the Pliocene period, 2.58-5.3 million years ago, when the atmospheric burden of methane was similar to today, around 375-450 ppm. This melting of Antarctica occurred when the global mean temperatures were only 3-4C above the pre-industrial average. We just hit 1.57C above the preindustrial average in February 2016! "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice" also documents that during the Pliocene period sea levels rose by as much as 60 feet!
Combine these findings, with those of Hansen, et al, that: "The modeling, paleoclimate evidence, and ongoing observations together imply that 2 ◦C global warming above the preindustrial level could be dangerous. Continued high fossil fuel emissions this century are predicted to yield (1) cooling of the Southern Ocean, especially in the Western Hemisphere; (2) slowing of the Southern Ocean overturning circulation, warming of the ice shelves, and growing ice sheet mass loss; (3) slowdown and eventual shutdown of the Atlantic overturning circulation with cooling of the North Atlantic region; (4) increasingly powerful storms; and (5) nonlinearly growing sea level rise, reaching several meters over a timescale of 50–150 years."
In a nutshell, that only a 2C rise over pre-industrial average global mean temperatures, could cause sea levels to rise by 6 feet, and super storms that moved thousand ton boulders around! I argue that this limited of a rise in sea levels and super storms, may implode and explode many of the ocean based nuclear reactors, unleashing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I detail on the page Why It Is THE END.
Hansen's recent article "Young People's Burden: Requirement of Negative CO2 Emissions," (Oct 4, 2016) provides a good overview of Dr. Hansen's views on the current state of climate change, along with the history of temperature change, and sea level rise, versus historical norms. Where I differ with Dr. Hansen, is that I agree with Dr. Guy McPherson and Dr. Paul Beckwith, that the rate of change of all of these variables, most importantly, methane releases from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, through the Barent's Sea, are rising at an unprecedented rate. This is likely to increase global mean temperatures in leaps, like was witnessed in 2016, followed by leaps in ice melt, like the potential of the glaciers melt accelerating behind Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, followed by leaps in sea level rise and super storms. As there is no precedence of this level of rapid rise in carbon and methane in the historical record, it is anyone's best guess, as to how rapidly temperature rise, then ice melt, will accelerate sea level rise and super storms.
Combine these findings that the ESAS may be in a 50 gigaton general release of methane, which may increase the atmospheric burden of carbon from just over 400 ppm to 800-1,000 ppm, with the findings of the next video "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice," that most of Antarctica melted during the Pliocene period, 2.58-5.3 million years ago, when the atmospheric burden of methane was similar to today, around 375-450 ppm. This melting of Antarctica occurred when the global mean temperatures were only 3-4C above the pre-industrial average. We just hit 1.57C above the preindustrial average in February 2016! "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice" also documents that during the Pliocene period sea levels rose by as much as 60 feet!
Combine these findings, with those of Hansen, et al, that: "The modeling, paleoclimate evidence, and ongoing observations together imply that 2 ◦C global warming above the preindustrial level could be dangerous. Continued high fossil fuel emissions this century are predicted to yield (1) cooling of the Southern Ocean, especially in the Western Hemisphere; (2) slowing of the Southern Ocean overturning circulation, warming of the ice shelves, and growing ice sheet mass loss; (3) slowdown and eventual shutdown of the Atlantic overturning circulation with cooling of the North Atlantic region; (4) increasingly powerful storms; and (5) nonlinearly growing sea level rise, reaching several meters over a timescale of 50–150 years."
In a nutshell, that only a 2C rise over pre-industrial average global mean temperatures, could cause sea levels to rise by 6 feet, and super storms that moved thousand ton boulders around! I argue that this limited of a rise in sea levels and super storms, may implode and explode many of the ocean based nuclear reactors, unleashing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I detail on the page Why It Is THE END.
Hansen's recent article "Young People's Burden: Requirement of Negative CO2 Emissions," (Oct 4, 2016) provides a good overview of Dr. Hansen's views on the current state of climate change, along with the history of temperature change, and sea level rise, versus historical norms. Where I differ with Dr. Hansen, is that I agree with Dr. Guy McPherson and Dr. Paul Beckwith, that the rate of change of all of these variables, most importantly, methane releases from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, through the Barent's Sea, are rising at an unprecedented rate. This is likely to increase global mean temperatures in leaps, like was witnessed in 2016, followed by leaps in ice melt, like the potential of the glaciers melt accelerating behind Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, followed by leaps in sea level rise and super storms. As there is no precedence of this level of rapid rise in carbon and methane in the historical record, it is anyone's best guess, as to how rapidly temperature rise, then ice melt, will accelerate sea level rise and super storms.
Limits to Growth: A Final Warning!, click here for full screen
Dr Natalia Shakhova East Siberian Arctic Shelf - Methane And Climate Change
Top Climate Expert: Crisis is Worse Than We Think & Scientists Are Self-Censoring to Downplay Risk
I also argue, as a primary thesis, that no main stream scientist, or scientific organization or group, at any major university, company, or research center, let alone any politicians or business leaders globally, not even Vice President Al Gore or President Obama, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, in my opinion, would ever tell you that they believe that the world is facing "abrupt climate change," of the type that I argue is occurring, or other scientists, like Guy McPherson, Paul Beckwith,, etc., argue that is occurring, because of the fear of loosing their careers, like Guy McPherson did, and the abuse that the authors of "The Limits to Growth" (watch Limits to Growth: A Final Warning), and those of us espousing these ideas, have received. Dr. Natalia Shakhova, in the above video, discusses the methane risk of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the ongoing pressure that they receive to downplay this risk, due to political and business interests. The video "Top Climate Expert: Crisis is worse that we think & scientists are self-censoring to downplay risk," is an interview with Kevin Anderson, deputy director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and professor of energy and climate change at the University of Manchester in Britain ahead of the UN climate change summit in Paris, who argues that even the mainstream scientists are downplaying the risks implied by their findings on climate change.
Therefore, all main stream scientists and groups, like the "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" (IPCC), that I am aware of, in my opinion, are due to job security reasons, which, I argue, is forced on them in order to insure the flow of BS (billions) to the Billionaires (the Dark Money Billionaires (Fossil Fuel MIC/WS [Military Industrial Complex/Wall Street] Fascists Racists and the Near Dark Money Billionaires, the tech billionaires and their Wall Street financiers) are significantly understating the real risks of "abrupt climate change." I detail this argument on the page titled The Forces and Factors.
My belief, the extreme impacts of "abrupt climate change" will happen much sooner than even Jim Hansen believes, but not as quickly as Guy McPherson believes! I also believe that we are past the "tipping point," which Dr. Hansen does not believe we are. Even the radical changes that I suggest on this web site, including TransitioNOW to Wind and Solar and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, in my opinion, would NOT save the species. However, two points: 1) I could be wrong, and 2) I do argue that we should do these, as in the process of "trying to save the species," it would save many souls! However, it is getting much much worse, not better. The BS (billions) for the Billionaires is beginning to flow, and will, I argue, be flowing in trillions of dollars by the end of the current reign of Emperor King Trumpet! The Centimillionaires and Billionaires are "filling up their life boats," to prepare for the sinking of "Planet Titanic!" Cook us Emperor King Trumpet! They think that they are going to survive this horrific collapse, just like all of the other collapses that they manufactured historically to radically increase their wealth! NOT THIS TIME! It Is THE END!
As Hansen argues in this paper, the young must move to negative CO2 growth, something that I believe will never occur, due to China and India's growth objectives, and those of the Trump Administration, combined with the interests of the fossil fuel industries. Further, I believe that when the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff, running out of cheap fossil fuels, which I believe will be in the thirties, I believe that the world will primarily transition to hard fossil fuel and methane hydrates production, versus primarily solar and wind. Further, I disagree with Dr. Hansen's belief in IV generation, or advanced nuclear, as a safe or sound solution.
If these videos and Hansen's article, does not make you shiver and think - "OMG It Is THE END!" By the time you get through even a small portion of this web site, considering my arguments that NO studies consider all, or even a meaningful number, of The Critical Forces and Factors insuring It Is The End, and none consider the possibility that sea level rise, combined with super storms, may implode and explode the ocean based nuclear reactors, sending fallout from these nuclear disasters up to the ESAS, it should!
As Dr. Peter Wadhams, Professor of Ocean Physics, University of Cambridge, states when asked "Do you think civilization can survive a 50 gigaton release of methane?" "No I don't think it can!" Dr. Wadhams notes that although the IPCC's recent forecast is for 4C warming by 2100, they don't tell you the dire consequenses of such a warming.
I detail on The Critical Forces and Factors page, how even though the IPCC forecasts a 4C rise by 2100, they do so not even taking into account any of "the critical driving forces and factors insuring the death of homogreedious" that I detail on this page, notably the current and future methane releases from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian and arctic tundra, and especially, not what I expect willl be "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." The IPCC forecasts a 4C rise in global mean temperatures by 2100 not considering any of The Critical Forces and Factors, that I detail on the page of this title. Hence why I believe it will be 3-5C rise in global mean temperatures by 2050, and a 7-10C rise by 2100.
Dr. Ira Leifer, Atmospheric Scientist, University of California, Santa Barbara, December 2013, states "Some scientists are indicating we should make plans to adapt to a 4C hotter world. While prudent, one wonders what portion of the population could adapt to such a world. My view, is it is jus a few thousand people seeking refuge in the arctic or Antarctica!"
Note the graph of "Predicted Drought Conditions 2090-2099," on the video "Arctic Methane Emergency" above, which I believe will be by 2030-2050 in the US. Most of the US is severe drought, except around The Great Lakes, hence my suggestion to move to this area by 2030.
If it still doesn't make you think "OMG It Is THE END," just keep following this site, as I am quite positive, you will see the horrors of abrupt anthropogenic climate change and over population, documented on this site, more rapidly each year!
The combination of ongoing fossil fuel driven population and economic growth, combined with these likely massive general releases of methane hydrates, I argue, may cause global mean temperatures to continue to skyrocket, like they did the last two years (2015-2016), rising to 3-5C above the 18th Century pre-industrial average, by 2030-2050. This may cause sea levels to rise by up to 60 feet, while generating super storms.
The combination of significant sea level rises and super storms may ultimately cause the implosion and explosion of many of the hundreds of ocean based nuclear reactors by mid-century. What will happen if these nuclear reactors implode and explode, the videos and articles on the page "Why It Is THE END" explain the likely impact of the meltdown of these ocean based nuclear reactors. I argue that the fall-out from the Asian ocean based nuclear reactors will flow up to Alaska, going ultimately to the Arctic Circle and on to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), ultimately over to the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, accelerating the number and size of these potential general releases of methane hydrates into the atmosphere.
This may facilitate further sea level rises and even larger super storms, resulting in an ongoing continuation of this reinforcing feedback loop that I term "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." The result of "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I argue, will cause the extinction of the human race (homogreedious) by 2116, plus or minus 50 years.
The risks of this potential rapid methane release is increased significantly due to the melting of the Arctic ice, which for November 2016 has just shattered all prior records for the lowest amount of sea ice in the Arctic in November by large amounts. When the Arctic becomes ice free, the result will be a rapid rise in the water temperatures over these massive stores of methane hydrates from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), to the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, which may result in enormous general releases of these massive stores of methane hydrates, which I argue, may result ultimately in the imploding and exploding of all ocean based nucleaar reactors - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop's Apex." The collapse of societies globally, may result in the implosion and explosion of the land based nuclear reactors. The combination of these events, I argue, may be the death of all species on Planet Titanic! "It Is THE END!"
The final argument is that with the rise of King Trumpet to reign the World's biggest carbon and methane polluting Evil Plutocratic Fascist Racist Empire per person, by large amounts, it has sealed the death of the species. The carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, policies that King Trumpet is proposing and soon will be implimenting, I argue, insure the absolute demise of the species rapidly. I further argue that a faster demise of the species is more desirable, in my opinion, than the lame policies of Queen Billary (BS), which would have put off the pain and suffering for a short period of time, but ultimately would extended the ultimate pain and suffering.
The good news is that some of the WWII, and quite certainly, the Baby Boom, Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Lunatic supporters (EMM&MS&LL) may live to see the ravages of what their "infinite growth - climate denial," "unsustainable and in no way humane (with the exception of the Nordic Countries, notably Denmark)," climate, environmental, political and economic positions - nothing but B.S. (billions) for the Billionaires, all for us none for the rest, insane greed and environmental destruction policies and objectives, ultimately cause their children and grandchildren to suffer.
Only the radical TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind on the planet using the ideas that I present on this website, or similar policies that transition most of the planet rapidly to solar and wind, and fulfillment of the other TransitioNOW Objectives, have a "prayers chance in Hell" of saving the species. King Trumpet is sending the US and world radically toward higher and higher methane and carbon intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth and policies, insuring a more rapid rise in "hell on earth," and the more rapid demise of the species.
On the positive side, I argue that the easy fiscal, tight monetary; all for us, none for the rest (Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations); insane greed and environmental destruction to the death of all species policies of Emperor King Trumpet will insure a more rapid collapse of the global economy by the 2nd to 3rd year of his Administration, if not much sooner. This will result, in my opinion, in a Global Deflationary Great Recession by this time period.
These policies, it is argued, will balloon the US fiscal gap from over $200 trillion, for the same reasons that they did under King Dickie and his puppett, GW, to near $300 trillion, by 2030. These driving forces, along with laying off of thousands, to hundreds of thousands, of government workers, trade wars, global aging, the collapse of global asset bubbles, global fear and declining consumer, business and investor confidence will drive the US and Global Economies into a much more dire Global Deflationary Great Depression by the end of his Administration, or by 2025, at the latest. This will have the slightly positive effect of offsetting some of Emperor King Trumpet's radically aggressive methane and carbon intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth efforts and policies.
Hopefully, this will extend the time to when the world starts runing out of cheap fossil fuels, falling off "Hubbert's Cliff." The world will transition to an Inflationary Global Great Depression, in my opinion, when the world falls off "Hubbert's Cliff." I argue that this is likely in the thirties. Should global sea levels increase by a significant amount, roughly 4-6 feet, prior to the world falling off "Hubbert's Cliff," this driving force, I argue, would also accelerate inflation dramatically. Will Trump's carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, policies and growth objectives increase or decrease the time where it "Falls off Hubbert's Cliff?" Initially, I thought that the potentially more rapid demise of the US and Global economies into a Deflationary Great Recession, then to a Deflationary Great Depression, would cause fossil fuel use, and hence, carbon levels to drop, like 2008/9. However, it is unclear if this will be the case, or if Emperor King Trumpet's carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, growth objectives and policies, will escalate fossil fuel use to try to offset the impacts of his "all for the top 0.1%, none for the rest" policies, and hence, carbon growth sooner. As we have no way to "test" the alternative to what will happen, this will remain unanswered.
I argue that abrupt anthropogenic climate related changes: like
Dr Natalia Shakhova East Siberian Arctic Shelf - Methane And Climate Change
Top Climate Expert: Crisis is Worse Than We Think & Scientists Are Self-Censoring to Downplay Risk
I also argue, as a primary thesis, that no main stream scientist, or scientific organization or group, at any major university, company, or research center, let alone any politicians or business leaders globally, not even Vice President Al Gore or President Obama, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, in my opinion, would ever tell you that they believe that the world is facing "abrupt climate change," of the type that I argue is occurring, or other scientists, like Guy McPherson, Paul Beckwith,, etc., argue that is occurring, because of the fear of loosing their careers, like Guy McPherson did, and the abuse that the authors of "The Limits to Growth" (watch Limits to Growth: A Final Warning), and those of us espousing these ideas, have received. Dr. Natalia Shakhova, in the above video, discusses the methane risk of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the ongoing pressure that they receive to downplay this risk, due to political and business interests. The video "Top Climate Expert: Crisis is worse that we think & scientists are self-censoring to downplay risk," is an interview with Kevin Anderson, deputy director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and professor of energy and climate change at the University of Manchester in Britain ahead of the UN climate change summit in Paris, who argues that even the mainstream scientists are downplaying the risks implied by their findings on climate change.
Therefore, all main stream scientists and groups, like the "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" (IPCC), that I am aware of, in my opinion, are due to job security reasons, which, I argue, is forced on them in order to insure the flow of BS (billions) to the Billionaires (the Dark Money Billionaires (Fossil Fuel MIC/WS [Military Industrial Complex/Wall Street] Fascists Racists and the Near Dark Money Billionaires, the tech billionaires and their Wall Street financiers) are significantly understating the real risks of "abrupt climate change." I detail this argument on the page titled The Forces and Factors.
My belief, the extreme impacts of "abrupt climate change" will happen much sooner than even Jim Hansen believes, but not as quickly as Guy McPherson believes! I also believe that we are past the "tipping point," which Dr. Hansen does not believe we are. Even the radical changes that I suggest on this web site, including TransitioNOW to Wind and Solar and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, in my opinion, would NOT save the species. However, two points: 1) I could be wrong, and 2) I do argue that we should do these, as in the process of "trying to save the species," it would save many souls! However, it is getting much much worse, not better. The BS (billions) for the Billionaires is beginning to flow, and will, I argue, be flowing in trillions of dollars by the end of the current reign of Emperor King Trumpet! The Centimillionaires and Billionaires are "filling up their life boats," to prepare for the sinking of "Planet Titanic!" Cook us Emperor King Trumpet! They think that they are going to survive this horrific collapse, just like all of the other collapses that they manufactured historically to radically increase their wealth! NOT THIS TIME! It Is THE END!
As Hansen argues in this paper, the young must move to negative CO2 growth, something that I believe will never occur, due to China and India's growth objectives, and those of the Trump Administration, combined with the interests of the fossil fuel industries. Further, I believe that when the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff, running out of cheap fossil fuels, which I believe will be in the thirties, I believe that the world will primarily transition to hard fossil fuel and methane hydrates production, versus primarily solar and wind. Further, I disagree with Dr. Hansen's belief in IV generation, or advanced nuclear, as a safe or sound solution.
If these videos and Hansen's article, does not make you shiver and think - "OMG It Is THE END!" By the time you get through even a small portion of this web site, considering my arguments that NO studies consider all, or even a meaningful number, of The Critical Forces and Factors insuring It Is The End, and none consider the possibility that sea level rise, combined with super storms, may implode and explode the ocean based nuclear reactors, sending fallout from these nuclear disasters up to the ESAS, it should!
As Dr. Peter Wadhams, Professor of Ocean Physics, University of Cambridge, states when asked "Do you think civilization can survive a 50 gigaton release of methane?" "No I don't think it can!" Dr. Wadhams notes that although the IPCC's recent forecast is for 4C warming by 2100, they don't tell you the dire consequenses of such a warming.
I detail on The Critical Forces and Factors page, how even though the IPCC forecasts a 4C rise by 2100, they do so not even taking into account any of "the critical driving forces and factors insuring the death of homogreedious" that I detail on this page, notably the current and future methane releases from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian and arctic tundra, and especially, not what I expect willl be "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." The IPCC forecasts a 4C rise in global mean temperatures by 2100 not considering any of The Critical Forces and Factors, that I detail on the page of this title. Hence why I believe it will be 3-5C rise in global mean temperatures by 2050, and a 7-10C rise by 2100.
Dr. Ira Leifer, Atmospheric Scientist, University of California, Santa Barbara, December 2013, states "Some scientists are indicating we should make plans to adapt to a 4C hotter world. While prudent, one wonders what portion of the population could adapt to such a world. My view, is it is jus a few thousand people seeking refuge in the arctic or Antarctica!"
Note the graph of "Predicted Drought Conditions 2090-2099," on the video "Arctic Methane Emergency" above, which I believe will be by 2030-2050 in the US. Most of the US is severe drought, except around The Great Lakes, hence my suggestion to move to this area by 2030.
If it still doesn't make you think "OMG It Is THE END," just keep following this site, as I am quite positive, you will see the horrors of abrupt anthropogenic climate change and over population, documented on this site, more rapidly each year!
The combination of ongoing fossil fuel driven population and economic growth, combined with these likely massive general releases of methane hydrates, I argue, may cause global mean temperatures to continue to skyrocket, like they did the last two years (2015-2016), rising to 3-5C above the 18th Century pre-industrial average, by 2030-2050. This may cause sea levels to rise by up to 60 feet, while generating super storms.
The combination of significant sea level rises and super storms may ultimately cause the implosion and explosion of many of the hundreds of ocean based nuclear reactors by mid-century. What will happen if these nuclear reactors implode and explode, the videos and articles on the page "Why It Is THE END" explain the likely impact of the meltdown of these ocean based nuclear reactors. I argue that the fall-out from the Asian ocean based nuclear reactors will flow up to Alaska, going ultimately to the Arctic Circle and on to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), ultimately over to the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, accelerating the number and size of these potential general releases of methane hydrates into the atmosphere.
This may facilitate further sea level rises and even larger super storms, resulting in an ongoing continuation of this reinforcing feedback loop that I term "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." The result of "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I argue, will cause the extinction of the human race (homogreedious) by 2116, plus or minus 50 years.
The risks of this potential rapid methane release is increased significantly due to the melting of the Arctic ice, which for November 2016 has just shattered all prior records for the lowest amount of sea ice in the Arctic in November by large amounts. When the Arctic becomes ice free, the result will be a rapid rise in the water temperatures over these massive stores of methane hydrates from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), to the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, which may result in enormous general releases of these massive stores of methane hydrates, which I argue, may result ultimately in the imploding and exploding of all ocean based nucleaar reactors - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop's Apex." The collapse of societies globally, may result in the implosion and explosion of the land based nuclear reactors. The combination of these events, I argue, may be the death of all species on Planet Titanic! "It Is THE END!"
The final argument is that with the rise of King Trumpet to reign the World's biggest carbon and methane polluting Evil Plutocratic Fascist Racist Empire per person, by large amounts, it has sealed the death of the species. The carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, policies that King Trumpet is proposing and soon will be implimenting, I argue, insure the absolute demise of the species rapidly. I further argue that a faster demise of the species is more desirable, in my opinion, than the lame policies of Queen Billary (BS), which would have put off the pain and suffering for a short period of time, but ultimately would extended the ultimate pain and suffering.
The good news is that some of the WWII, and quite certainly, the Baby Boom, Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Lunatic supporters (EMM&MS&LL) may live to see the ravages of what their "infinite growth - climate denial," "unsustainable and in no way humane (with the exception of the Nordic Countries, notably Denmark)," climate, environmental, political and economic positions - nothing but B.S. (billions) for the Billionaires, all for us none for the rest, insane greed and environmental destruction policies and objectives, ultimately cause their children and grandchildren to suffer.
Only the radical TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind on the planet using the ideas that I present on this website, or similar policies that transition most of the planet rapidly to solar and wind, and fulfillment of the other TransitioNOW Objectives, have a "prayers chance in Hell" of saving the species. King Trumpet is sending the US and world radically toward higher and higher methane and carbon intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth and policies, insuring a more rapid rise in "hell on earth," and the more rapid demise of the species.
On the positive side, I argue that the easy fiscal, tight monetary; all for us, none for the rest (Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations); insane greed and environmental destruction to the death of all species policies of Emperor King Trumpet will insure a more rapid collapse of the global economy by the 2nd to 3rd year of his Administration, if not much sooner. This will result, in my opinion, in a Global Deflationary Great Recession by this time period.
These policies, it is argued, will balloon the US fiscal gap from over $200 trillion, for the same reasons that they did under King Dickie and his puppett, GW, to near $300 trillion, by 2030. These driving forces, along with laying off of thousands, to hundreds of thousands, of government workers, trade wars, global aging, the collapse of global asset bubbles, global fear and declining consumer, business and investor confidence will drive the US and Global Economies into a much more dire Global Deflationary Great Depression by the end of his Administration, or by 2025, at the latest. This will have the slightly positive effect of offsetting some of Emperor King Trumpet's radically aggressive methane and carbon intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth efforts and policies.
Hopefully, this will extend the time to when the world starts runing out of cheap fossil fuels, falling off "Hubbert's Cliff." The world will transition to an Inflationary Global Great Depression, in my opinion, when the world falls off "Hubbert's Cliff." I argue that this is likely in the thirties. Should global sea levels increase by a significant amount, roughly 4-6 feet, prior to the world falling off "Hubbert's Cliff," this driving force, I argue, would also accelerate inflation dramatically. Will Trump's carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, policies and growth objectives increase or decrease the time where it "Falls off Hubbert's Cliff?" Initially, I thought that the potentially more rapid demise of the US and Global economies into a Deflationary Great Recession, then to a Deflationary Great Depression, would cause fossil fuel use, and hence, carbon levels to drop, like 2008/9. However, it is unclear if this will be the case, or if Emperor King Trumpet's carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, growth objectives and policies, will escalate fossil fuel use to try to offset the impacts of his "all for the top 0.1%, none for the rest" policies, and hence, carbon growth sooner. As we have no way to "test" the alternative to what will happen, this will remain unanswered.
I argue that abrupt anthropogenic climate related changes: like
- the extremely low November 2016 Arctic Sea Ice. "In November 2016, Arctic sea ice extent averaged 9.08 million square kilometers (3.51 million square miles), the lowest November in the satellite record. This is 800,000 square kilometers (309,000 square miles) below November 2006, the previous lowest November, and 1.95 million square kilometers (753,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 long-term average for November. For the month, ice extent was 3.2 standard deviations below the long-term average, a larger departure than observed in September 2012 when the Arctic summer minimum extent hit a record low."
- This was due to the historic temperature high of 20C / 46F in the polar region. This is due to the polar vortex heading south into Canada and the US at the end of 2016. This is a result of the decrease in the temperature differential between the poles and the equator, as a result of global warming, causing the jet stream to wander. "It’s about as warm now, on November 14th (2016), in the zone surrounding the North Pole as it typically is during the last week of summer." This heat wave through November in the polar region, which has continued now through yesterday (2/14/17, wounderground, click on temperature and then select Anchorage, AL and expand the map to see Alaska across to the Nordic Countries), with temperatures in the forties in Alaska, to Iceland, to northern Norway and the Nordic Countries, has the dire consequences of radically dropping the multi-year ice thickness in the arctic! Facilitating the complete melting of all of the arctic sea ice, a Blue Ocean Event, soon. This, I argue, will ultimately, by 2030-2050, heat up the water over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) through the Barents Sea, releasing 100 plus gigatons of methane hydrates into the atmosphere! It Is THE END!
- The rapid rise in global mean temperatures from 2015-16 from a trending mean of around .85C above 18th century average, to 1.57C in months, 85% of what it took the world 200 years to rise!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!
- 2016 The Hottest Year on Record, the third year of record breaking temperatures! 2016 would have blasted the 2015 record, if it were not for the Polar Vortex loosing its way in November and December, with the dire consequences of radically dropping the multi-year ice thickness in the arctic!
Potential abrupt and dramatic changes and the Atlantic, click here for full screen
The Day After Tomorrow, click here for full video
The Day After Tomorrow, click here for full video
- The rapid slowing of The Gulf Stream in 2016, what was depicted in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow!" I do not expect the ice age, as depicted in this movie, until hundreds of thousands to millions of years after the peak of the heat wave due to "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I expect will be somewhere around 2200 to 2300, but this transition process is little understood, so any estimate is a best guess. Check out this graph of the earth's average temperature over the last 2 billion years, it is mostly a hot house, when global mean temperatures are around 25C, or Planet Snowball, when they are around 10C, although as the comments at the bottom of this web page note, this estimate of temperature ranges is suspect. So the biggest impact on global mean temperatures are likely to be the amount of methane and carbon released from the ESAS through the Barents Sea; the Siberian and arctic tundra; China, India and the United States carbon and methane contributions; and, the amount of radiation impacts of the possible implosion and explosion of the world's hundreds of nuclear reactors - the impact of what I call "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop."
ClimateMatters.TV - A Farewell to Ice, click here for full screen
Giant Antarctic iceberg set to break away - BBC News
I argue that these extreme events will continue to escalate rapidly, and without significant sideways movements over any extended period of time.
Giant Antarctic iceberg set to break away - BBC News
- The rapid decay of Greenland and Antarctica glaciers, due to significant water lubricants and 59 and growing feedback loops, accelerating ice loss exponentially. According to "Giant Antarctic iceberg set to break away - BBC News:" "An iceberg expected to be one of the 10 largest ever recorded is ready to break away from Antarctica, scientists say. A long-running rift in the Larsen C ice shelf grew suddenly in December (2016) and now just 20km of ice is keeping the 5,000 sq km piece from floating away. Larsen C is the most northern major ice shelf in Antarctica. Researchers based in Swansea say the loss of a piece a quarter of the size of Wales will leave the whole shelf vulnerable to future break-up." According to "Antarctic ice shelf set to collapse causing seas to rise ten feet," the collapse of the Larsen C ice shelf, if it results in the glaciers behind this massive shelf running into the ocean, could raise global sea levels by up to ten feet! The latest information in an article titled, "A Crack in an Antarctic Ice Shelf Grew 17 Miles in the Last Two Months," (Feb 7, 2017) suggests that this massive Larsen C ice shelf may break off in the next few months, as there are only 20 miles of ice remaining holding this massive ice berg. This is NASA's piece on the Larsen C break. Note: it appears that these two sources have different metrics, one kilometers and the other miles, both stating 20. So it is unclear if it is 20 km or 20 or miles, but not much difference. One kilometer is equal to .621371 miles.
I argue that these extreme events will continue to escalate rapidly, and without significant sideways movements over any extended period of time.
The Super Typhoon Haiyan, click here for full screen
Katrina, The New Orleans Nightmare : Documentary on the Devastation of Hurricane Katrina, click here for full screen
Increasing extreme weather, like we have seen the last two years, 2015-2017, I argue, will continue and become much more severe. The rise of "once in a century storms," such as winter storms like Jonas, Argos and Jupiter, extreme flooding like the Lousiana flooding, record breaking wildfires, and horrific hurricanes like Sandy, Super Typhoon Haiyan, and Katrina, may not only become "the new normal," I argue, that these will escallate to "super storms" the likes of which the world has not seen for thousands, to hundreds of thousands of years, and ultimately millions of years! As Hansen et al, argue, as little of a 2C rise has caused sea levels to rise by 6 feet or more, and super storms that move thousand ton boulders around. I expect that these super storms and sea level rises will escallate meaningfully by 2020-2030, and horrifically, by 2030-2050!
Hence, the world is in, I argue, the most abrupt climate change, this time anthropogenic (human caused), that the world has ever seen, by a large number of metrics and growing! I argue that rapid sea level rise and the rise of super storms, expanding deserts, flooding, wildfires, and the legion of other horrific climate and over population related impacts, notably pandemics and viruses, will accelerate rapidly between 2030-2050. How many of these will be unleashed on the world by the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts will be the question. Hence, why I believe that they will unleash many, to try in a last ditch effort to save the planet for themselves, at the expense of the billions of the good people and their legions of lunatic supporters.
The horrors of a Global Economic Deflationary Great Depression, due to the insane greed and environmental destruction policies of the Evil Wrong (they will come in My Name and unleash hell on earth, for the insane greed of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, to the death of all my children); will combine with the horrors of runninng out of cheap fossil fuels, falling off of "Hubbert's Cliff;" and the horrors of runaway anthropogenic climate change in the thirties, facilitating "hell on earth," until the demise of all species. These driving forces will cascade the world economic, environmental, health and climate conditions rapidly, causing the death of billions by mid century.
On a positive note: we now have a TV show that is always exciting to watch, and is getting more exciting weekly - The Weather Channel! Just love the show "Extreme Weather Events," it gets much more thrilling each and every episode! But don't worry - "It's just Cyclical!" But the cycles of once in a century storms, floods, wildfires, etc. seem to be happening every week, around the whole world NOW! Oh don't worry, Donnie is going "To Make America Great Again," by forcing the US and the world to embrace highly carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth and policies, which will insure the more rapid demise of the species! See how smart he is, he learned it all in "the school of more BS (billions) for the Billionaires!" So just sit back and enjoy the "Hell on Earth" World Future that few can, or would any sane person want to, imagine. I can assure you, that Emperor King Donald is about to accelerate this demise of our people and the world! My suggestion - prepare your souls, prepare yourselves!
The only two remaining questions: 1) the timing of each of the stages of the demise of all species, which I present my views, and 2) can the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and remaining lunatics, survive "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," followed logically by another ice age? A look at the historical temperature record of Planet Titanic, shows a history of either being at 10C, Planet Snowball, or 25C, Jurassic Park, most of the time. So the odds of the world staying at Jurassic Park for millions of years, appears very likely. Therefore, my bet is the death of all species by sometime the first half of the next century (2100 to 2150), ending in the demise of even the most prepared Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts. However, it would be nice if the most Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts that survive the longest would suffer the insane pain and suffering of the nuclear waste land of Planet Titanic for a few hundred years, as the radiation poisoning should last for many hundreds of years, and the Planet Titanic is likely to be Jurassic Park for millions of years, before going to Hell for Eternity to experience this intense pain and suffering for all of eternity!
Who would want a species to survive that has insurred the horrific death of the trillions of God's children and species, of which only hell can compare, for the insane, Insatiable, EVIL GREED AND AVARICE of the top 2,000 Money Monster families, primarily the top 50 families, and their Corporate Mercenary Money Sluts within 150 years of getting their evil mitts on cheap fossil fuels anyway!? Especially when the most likely ones to survive are the most Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts! Talk about "Insane and Evil Adverse Selection!"
These horrific global conditions, in my opinion, will worsen rapidly the second half of the century, due primarily to "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" These forces will insure "Hell On Earth," making Planet Titanic into a nuclear waste land by the end of the century.
The final outposts of the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and a few of their remaining lunatics, with a few possible patches of "survivalists," will likely be in Antarctica, and possibly, New Zeland. The last remaining vestages of homogreedious above the Equator are likely to be around The Great Lakes, due to the massive fresh water reserves, and as a result of Niagra Falls, protecting the Great Lakes from flooding and the potenitally rapidly rising radition filled ocean water, due to "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," and due to the abundent fish, wild life, farm animals and farm land.
I do not expect that the proposed TransitioNOW to a Methane and Carbon mask over the ESAS and the Siberian arctic tundra will be done, and if done, not in time to stop a sufficient amount of methane being released to cause the significant melting of Greenland and Antarctica, resulting in a massive rise of global sea levels and super storms, sufficient to implode and explode many, if not most, ocean based nuclear reactors. As it takes an estimated 60 years to decommission a nuclear reactor, at a cost of $500 million or more, and because I do not believe their is any chance of encasing these hundreds of nuclear reactors in super structures in time, it is too late to stop this species extinction level feedback loop - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!"
Therefore, the final argument is that there is nothing that the world can do to save the species, "It Is THE END!"
The beast, male homogreedious, I argue, is simply incapable of controlling his testostorone driven insatiable, insane, and even, evil greed for money, power and sex. Male homogreedious' testosterone driven insatiable greed for money, power and sex, I argue, is the root cause of most of the world's current and historical problems, and now the primary driving force behind the extinction of the species, all species! Therefore, I argue, male homogreedious is terminally flawed, and female homogreedious is trying hard to catch up! The only notable exceptions to this pathology of basic need obsession; insatiable, insane, evil greed for money, power and sex, appear to occur in the native cultures, due to their respect for mother nature; the scientific community, due to their respect for science; and, the Nordic/Scandinavian countries, due to a number of cultural characteristics, that I will detail latter.
On a humorous note, I argue that if the God of Love would have dropped the amount of testosterone released in the hypothalamus in the brain during pre-natal development of male homogreedious by 70-90%, the world would have been filled with 1/2 women, and the other 1/2 wishing they were women! However, at least it would have achieved the level of "sustainable," as the world would be a sustainable matriarchal planet, versus a rapidly dying patriarchal planet! If these women and "want to be women," were Scandinavian / Nordic women, native women, or science focused women, the world may well be both "sustainable" and "humane," the best of the best of the Nordic Countries, notably Denmark!
The physical deminsion is terminally flawed as well. The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts get most of the wealth, power, and income of Planet Titanic, as they are willing to do anything to the good people, the masses, and their legions of lunatic supporters to satisfy their insatiable greed for money, power and sex. The truly good people that stand against the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, are fleeced, raped and pillaged by these evil beasts. So the physical dimension is termanilly flawed as well.
These two terminal flaws insure - "It Is THE END!"
From a humanistic psychology perspective, having read all of the writings of the father of humanistic psychology, Abraham Maslow, during my university years, I argue that homogreedious is "basic need" obsessed, and at the lowest level of human development ever seen on Planet Titanic. Although the most technologically advanced, to insure the demise of the species - all species - given the extensive knowledge of climate change, climate data, over population related demographic data, global aging, and peak energy, all for the greed of a few thousand billionaires and centimillionaire families, and a few hundred thousand corporate mercenaries, in my view, confirms that the beast, the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, and their Legions of brainwashed and brain dead Lunatic supporters (EMM&MS&LL), have degraded to the lowest level of "basic need obsession," insatiable, insane and even evil greed for money, power and sex, ever seen on Planet Titanic! Even Greece, in its hay day, had a much more science based, sustainable, humanistic culture and society, by many metrics, than the United States has.
As Thomas Piketty, author of "Capital in the 21st Century"states, the distribution of wealth and income in the US is more extreme, based on his research, than at any other time, and in any other country, on Planet Titanic! The Money Monsters that are planning on "depopulating" the planet, killing billions, to save the planet for themselves, are the most sick, evil beasts the world has ever seen.
The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, I argue, are mostly psychopaths and sociopaths, without any remorse of how they have raped, fleeced, pillaged, churned and burned millions to billions for their millions to billions, or how they have insured the death of all the species for their insatiable, insane and evil greed. David and Charles Koch, in my opinion, are classic psychopaths, as evidenced in the book Dark Money. While their father and family members, Fred, Erich and Ilse Koch, in my opinion, are classic sociopaths.
The Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Olins, Safies, the billionaires in the book Dark Money, etc., etc. are the same types of insanely sick Money Monsters. They are so sick, that their only concern is filling up their "life boats," with trillions and trillions more, to provide for their survival when Planet Titanic sinks! Many may be planning on killing billions, the "depopulation agenda," to provide for their own survival. I argue that these sick, evil people have always amased the greatest amount of wealth, as a result of their willingness to fleece, rape, pillage, churn and burn the billions for their billions, and hence, why a 100% inheritance tax per family, on over $100 million in family wealth, was critical to the survival of Planet Titanic. Too late now!
These Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Slut psychopaths and sociopaths, have debased the very fiber of our society, debasing the educational system, government, business, arts and entertainment industries, every part of our society, forcing the world into the most horrific Dark Ages, yet to be seen on Planet Titanic for their insane greed. A read of the books "Dark Money," and "Death of the Liberal Class," provides a good summary of how they have debased every part of our society, to a society of BS (billions) for the Billionaires, to the death of all species!
Just like the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts did when the actual Titanic sank, they kept the masses from getting in their lifeboats, when the lifeboats could hold hundreds of more people safely. Most of these Evil Monsters and Sluts went insane after they survived, knowing that their greed caused the death of hundreds of others that could have been saved safely, if it were not for their insane greed. I argue that most of the surviving Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their remaining Legions of Lunatics will go insane when Planet Titanic sinks, just like many of the survivors of Titanic did.
"The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I argue, will insure their horrific deaths after the rest of us have perished. Then, if I am correct, they will spend eternity in hell feeling the horrific pain and suffering that they have damned all of us to suffer for their insane, insatiable, evel greed for money, power and sex! Hope it was worth it!
The Spiritual Dimension
From a religious perspective, I argue, that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts have sold their souls to "Satin, The King of Greed for Money, Power and Sex!" They are Satin's Warriors, most dressed up in "Sunday go to meeting clothes" to hide their true evil greed and avarice!
The legions of "false religious" organizations, I argue, are, and always have been, institutes of brainwashing and false forgiveness for these Evil Monsters and Money Sluts, and their Legions of Lunatic supporters (EMM&MS&LL). As Christ went into detail about after thrashing the "Money Changers" in the Temple, they will suffer an even more horrific eternity for turning His children to Satin in His name. I also argue that the Religious Right, are the "Evil Wrong," that Christ said would come in his name, insuring a death that only hell can compare with, for the bottom 99% (the least of His brothers), for the insane, insatiable, evil greed of the Money Monsters and Money Sluts, most of the top 1%.
Christ himself, was incapable of changing the EMM&MS&LL with His walk on earth. In fact, as the story goes, they whipped, flogged, thrashed, and tortured Him. They then placed a crown of thorns on his head, and crucified him until death for standing against them!
I can assure you that having been raped, fleeced and pillaged - from "sea to shining sea" - since 1980 during my academic work, and by each and every firm that I have ever worked at, and by every male and the couple female, Money Monsters and Money Sluts, that I have had the displeasure to work with and for. It still happens daily and in so many ways you would not even believe or imagine, to those of us who truly bear Christ's cross, and stand against the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts insatiable, insane and evil greed for more money, power and sex, in an attempt to save the least fortunate (the least of my brothers).
Hence, I believe, why in the Beatitudes, Jesus states (Matthew: 5:3-10):
"Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Katrina, The New Orleans Nightmare : Documentary on the Devastation of Hurricane Katrina, click here for full screen
Increasing extreme weather, like we have seen the last two years, 2015-2017, I argue, will continue and become much more severe. The rise of "once in a century storms," such as winter storms like Jonas, Argos and Jupiter, extreme flooding like the Lousiana flooding, record breaking wildfires, and horrific hurricanes like Sandy, Super Typhoon Haiyan, and Katrina, may not only become "the new normal," I argue, that these will escallate to "super storms" the likes of which the world has not seen for thousands, to hundreds of thousands of years, and ultimately millions of years! As Hansen et al, argue, as little of a 2C rise has caused sea levels to rise by 6 feet or more, and super storms that move thousand ton boulders around. I expect that these super storms and sea level rises will escallate meaningfully by 2020-2030, and horrifically, by 2030-2050!
Hence, the world is in, I argue, the most abrupt climate change, this time anthropogenic (human caused), that the world has ever seen, by a large number of metrics and growing! I argue that rapid sea level rise and the rise of super storms, expanding deserts, flooding, wildfires, and the legion of other horrific climate and over population related impacts, notably pandemics and viruses, will accelerate rapidly between 2030-2050. How many of these will be unleashed on the world by the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts will be the question. Hence, why I believe that they will unleash many, to try in a last ditch effort to save the planet for themselves, at the expense of the billions of the good people and their legions of lunatic supporters.
The horrors of a Global Economic Deflationary Great Depression, due to the insane greed and environmental destruction policies of the Evil Wrong (they will come in My Name and unleash hell on earth, for the insane greed of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, to the death of all my children); will combine with the horrors of runninng out of cheap fossil fuels, falling off of "Hubbert's Cliff;" and the horrors of runaway anthropogenic climate change in the thirties, facilitating "hell on earth," until the demise of all species. These driving forces will cascade the world economic, environmental, health and climate conditions rapidly, causing the death of billions by mid century.
On a positive note: we now have a TV show that is always exciting to watch, and is getting more exciting weekly - The Weather Channel! Just love the show "Extreme Weather Events," it gets much more thrilling each and every episode! But don't worry - "It's just Cyclical!" But the cycles of once in a century storms, floods, wildfires, etc. seem to be happening every week, around the whole world NOW! Oh don't worry, Donnie is going "To Make America Great Again," by forcing the US and the world to embrace highly carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth and policies, which will insure the more rapid demise of the species! See how smart he is, he learned it all in "the school of more BS (billions) for the Billionaires!" So just sit back and enjoy the "Hell on Earth" World Future that few can, or would any sane person want to, imagine. I can assure you, that Emperor King Donald is about to accelerate this demise of our people and the world! My suggestion - prepare your souls, prepare yourselves!
The only two remaining questions: 1) the timing of each of the stages of the demise of all species, which I present my views, and 2) can the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and remaining lunatics, survive "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," followed logically by another ice age? A look at the historical temperature record of Planet Titanic, shows a history of either being at 10C, Planet Snowball, or 25C, Jurassic Park, most of the time. So the odds of the world staying at Jurassic Park for millions of years, appears very likely. Therefore, my bet is the death of all species by sometime the first half of the next century (2100 to 2150), ending in the demise of even the most prepared Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts. However, it would be nice if the most Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts that survive the longest would suffer the insane pain and suffering of the nuclear waste land of Planet Titanic for a few hundred years, as the radiation poisoning should last for many hundreds of years, and the Planet Titanic is likely to be Jurassic Park for millions of years, before going to Hell for Eternity to experience this intense pain and suffering for all of eternity!
Who would want a species to survive that has insurred the horrific death of the trillions of God's children and species, of which only hell can compare, for the insane, Insatiable, EVIL GREED AND AVARICE of the top 2,000 Money Monster families, primarily the top 50 families, and their Corporate Mercenary Money Sluts within 150 years of getting their evil mitts on cheap fossil fuels anyway!? Especially when the most likely ones to survive are the most Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts! Talk about "Insane and Evil Adverse Selection!"
These horrific global conditions, in my opinion, will worsen rapidly the second half of the century, due primarily to "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" These forces will insure "Hell On Earth," making Planet Titanic into a nuclear waste land by the end of the century.
The final outposts of the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and a few of their remaining lunatics, with a few possible patches of "survivalists," will likely be in Antarctica, and possibly, New Zeland. The last remaining vestages of homogreedious above the Equator are likely to be around The Great Lakes, due to the massive fresh water reserves, and as a result of Niagra Falls, protecting the Great Lakes from flooding and the potenitally rapidly rising radition filled ocean water, due to "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," and due to the abundent fish, wild life, farm animals and farm land.
I do not expect that the proposed TransitioNOW to a Methane and Carbon mask over the ESAS and the Siberian arctic tundra will be done, and if done, not in time to stop a sufficient amount of methane being released to cause the significant melting of Greenland and Antarctica, resulting in a massive rise of global sea levels and super storms, sufficient to implode and explode many, if not most, ocean based nuclear reactors. As it takes an estimated 60 years to decommission a nuclear reactor, at a cost of $500 million or more, and because I do not believe their is any chance of encasing these hundreds of nuclear reactors in super structures in time, it is too late to stop this species extinction level feedback loop - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!"
Therefore, the final argument is that there is nothing that the world can do to save the species, "It Is THE END!"
The beast, male homogreedious, I argue, is simply incapable of controlling his testostorone driven insatiable, insane, and even, evil greed for money, power and sex. Male homogreedious' testosterone driven insatiable greed for money, power and sex, I argue, is the root cause of most of the world's current and historical problems, and now the primary driving force behind the extinction of the species, all species! Therefore, I argue, male homogreedious is terminally flawed, and female homogreedious is trying hard to catch up! The only notable exceptions to this pathology of basic need obsession; insatiable, insane, evil greed for money, power and sex, appear to occur in the native cultures, due to their respect for mother nature; the scientific community, due to their respect for science; and, the Nordic/Scandinavian countries, due to a number of cultural characteristics, that I will detail latter.
On a humorous note, I argue that if the God of Love would have dropped the amount of testosterone released in the hypothalamus in the brain during pre-natal development of male homogreedious by 70-90%, the world would have been filled with 1/2 women, and the other 1/2 wishing they were women! However, at least it would have achieved the level of "sustainable," as the world would be a sustainable matriarchal planet, versus a rapidly dying patriarchal planet! If these women and "want to be women," were Scandinavian / Nordic women, native women, or science focused women, the world may well be both "sustainable" and "humane," the best of the best of the Nordic Countries, notably Denmark!
The physical deminsion is terminally flawed as well. The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts get most of the wealth, power, and income of Planet Titanic, as they are willing to do anything to the good people, the masses, and their legions of lunatic supporters to satisfy their insatiable greed for money, power and sex. The truly good people that stand against the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, are fleeced, raped and pillaged by these evil beasts. So the physical dimension is termanilly flawed as well.
These two terminal flaws insure - "It Is THE END!"
From a humanistic psychology perspective, having read all of the writings of the father of humanistic psychology, Abraham Maslow, during my university years, I argue that homogreedious is "basic need" obsessed, and at the lowest level of human development ever seen on Planet Titanic. Although the most technologically advanced, to insure the demise of the species - all species - given the extensive knowledge of climate change, climate data, over population related demographic data, global aging, and peak energy, all for the greed of a few thousand billionaires and centimillionaire families, and a few hundred thousand corporate mercenaries, in my view, confirms that the beast, the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, and their Legions of brainwashed and brain dead Lunatic supporters (EMM&MS&LL), have degraded to the lowest level of "basic need obsession," insatiable, insane and even evil greed for money, power and sex, ever seen on Planet Titanic! Even Greece, in its hay day, had a much more science based, sustainable, humanistic culture and society, by many metrics, than the United States has.
As Thomas Piketty, author of "Capital in the 21st Century"states, the distribution of wealth and income in the US is more extreme, based on his research, than at any other time, and in any other country, on Planet Titanic! The Money Monsters that are planning on "depopulating" the planet, killing billions, to save the planet for themselves, are the most sick, evil beasts the world has ever seen.
The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, I argue, are mostly psychopaths and sociopaths, without any remorse of how they have raped, fleeced, pillaged, churned and burned millions to billions for their millions to billions, or how they have insured the death of all the species for their insatiable, insane and evil greed. David and Charles Koch, in my opinion, are classic psychopaths, as evidenced in the book Dark Money. While their father and family members, Fred, Erich and Ilse Koch, in my opinion, are classic sociopaths.
The Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Olins, Safies, the billionaires in the book Dark Money, etc., etc. are the same types of insanely sick Money Monsters. They are so sick, that their only concern is filling up their "life boats," with trillions and trillions more, to provide for their survival when Planet Titanic sinks! Many may be planning on killing billions, the "depopulation agenda," to provide for their own survival. I argue that these sick, evil people have always amased the greatest amount of wealth, as a result of their willingness to fleece, rape, pillage, churn and burn the billions for their billions, and hence, why a 100% inheritance tax per family, on over $100 million in family wealth, was critical to the survival of Planet Titanic. Too late now!
These Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Slut psychopaths and sociopaths, have debased the very fiber of our society, debasing the educational system, government, business, arts and entertainment industries, every part of our society, forcing the world into the most horrific Dark Ages, yet to be seen on Planet Titanic for their insane greed. A read of the books "Dark Money," and "Death of the Liberal Class," provides a good summary of how they have debased every part of our society, to a society of BS (billions) for the Billionaires, to the death of all species!
Just like the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts did when the actual Titanic sank, they kept the masses from getting in their lifeboats, when the lifeboats could hold hundreds of more people safely. Most of these Evil Monsters and Sluts went insane after they survived, knowing that their greed caused the death of hundreds of others that could have been saved safely, if it were not for their insane greed. I argue that most of the surviving Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their remaining Legions of Lunatics will go insane when Planet Titanic sinks, just like many of the survivors of Titanic did.
"The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I argue, will insure their horrific deaths after the rest of us have perished. Then, if I am correct, they will spend eternity in hell feeling the horrific pain and suffering that they have damned all of us to suffer for their insane, insatiable, evel greed for money, power and sex! Hope it was worth it!
The Spiritual Dimension
From a religious perspective, I argue, that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts have sold their souls to "Satin, The King of Greed for Money, Power and Sex!" They are Satin's Warriors, most dressed up in "Sunday go to meeting clothes" to hide their true evil greed and avarice!
The legions of "false religious" organizations, I argue, are, and always have been, institutes of brainwashing and false forgiveness for these Evil Monsters and Money Sluts, and their Legions of Lunatic supporters (EMM&MS&LL). As Christ went into detail about after thrashing the "Money Changers" in the Temple, they will suffer an even more horrific eternity for turning His children to Satin in His name. I also argue that the Religious Right, are the "Evil Wrong," that Christ said would come in his name, insuring a death that only hell can compare with, for the bottom 99% (the least of His brothers), for the insane, insatiable, evil greed of the Money Monsters and Money Sluts, most of the top 1%.
Christ himself, was incapable of changing the EMM&MS&LL with His walk on earth. In fact, as the story goes, they whipped, flogged, thrashed, and tortured Him. They then placed a crown of thorns on his head, and crucified him until death for standing against them!
I can assure you that having been raped, fleeced and pillaged - from "sea to shining sea" - since 1980 during my academic work, and by each and every firm that I have ever worked at, and by every male and the couple female, Money Monsters and Money Sluts, that I have had the displeasure to work with and for. It still happens daily and in so many ways you would not even believe or imagine, to those of us who truly bear Christ's cross, and stand against the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts insatiable, insane and evil greed for more money, power and sex, in an attempt to save the least fortunate (the least of my brothers).
Hence, I believe, why in the Beatitudes, Jesus states (Matthew: 5:3-10):
"Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Fascism vs Neoliberalism w/ Chris Hedges, click here for full screen
Noam Chomsky on Trump and the decline of the American Superpower, click here for full screen
Inequality for All, official trailer, click here for full screen
Inequality for All, full exceptional video on AMZN, click here, free for Prime Members
Capital in the 21st Century, discussion by Bill Moyers and Paul Krugman, click here for full screen
Death By China: How America Lost Its Manufacturing Base
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How America Really Took Over the World (2005)
New Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Requiem for the American Dream, trailer
Requiem for the American Dream, on Netflix, click here for full exceptional video
The Political Dimension
In the video above, "Fascism vs NeoLliberalism," Chris Hedges has many insightful comments about the current Trump Administration, and what the world is facing. I argue that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts have always been Fascists Racists, masquerading as NeoLiberals and Libertarians, due to the association with ideas like "rational and efficient markets" - seriously - the extinction level risk of primarily animal agriculture and fossil fuel driven "abrupt anthropogenic climate change" is rationally and efficiently priced in fossil fuel and renewable energy prices?! OMG what EMM&MS&LL! I have been writing for decades on the insane over valuations of stocks, and most real estate asset values, which I forecast would occur in 1980, which stuff trillions of dollars, I argue, globally into the pockets of the EMM&MS, primarily the Wall Street Fascist Racists, billionaires and centimillionaires. I detail these arguments on the page The Forces and Factors, and will detail my critique of market pricing on the page Political Dimension in the future.
Other mythological beliefs, like "trickle down economics," are some of the EMM&MS&LL favorites to claim as "facts." As has been documented at great lengths by Emmanuel Saez of UC Berkeley and Thomas Piketty, author of "Capital in the 21st Century," the distribution of wealth in the US is more extreme, based on their research, than at any time, in any country, in world history. Past Labor Secretary, Robert Reich''s video "Inequality For All," trailer above, and link to the full documentary on Amazon, provides a good overview of this reality. As Chris Hedges notes of Noam Chomsky's new book, "Requiem for the American Dream," discussed below, and the video by the same title above, the right wing, neo-liberal, fascist movement, has resulted in the largest transfer of wealth from the bottom 99% to the top 1%, ever seen in the historical record.
Mythological beliefs, like "gains from international trade," having taken a year-long doctoral symposium in International Trade, my third year at the University of Utah (junior year, typically), along with working for four years on international technology transfer to Europe, and having spent 10 years studying and three months working in Brazil, are also non-science. Watch the videos above "Death by China: How America Lost Its Manufacturing Base," "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," and "New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man." In my opinion, the "gains from international trade," should be called "international gains to the EMM&MS from offshoring slave equivalent labor, sweatshop work conditions, no worker rights or benefits, no environmental or workplace regulations, low to no corporate taxes, ease of stealing international aid for emerging market countries for corporate cauffers, ease of bribing foreign governments to stuff the EMM&MSs pocket books, ease of steeling the natural resources of the emerging markets, ease of burying the emerging market countries in massive debt, to insure that the country continues to do the EMM&MS bidding. These impacts on emerging markets are all to insure the lack of good paying manufacturing and technology based jobs with benefits, primarily service minimum wage jobs, at home. To force reduction in corporate and environmental regulations and taxes in the US/home. To force the further drop in plutocrats tax rates; and, to force higher amounts of government funding of the war and oil/fossil fuel lords and the Wall Street Money Sluts businesses, while slashing all spending on the people: EPA, Education, NASA, Forestry, etc, not to mention, not increasing radically spending on TransitioNOW to solar and wind, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, at home!"
My master's thesis (3/1984) was a critique of the Reagan policies, arguing that they were the primary cause of the decline in manufacturing in the early eighties. This was due to the massive tax cuts for the rich and massive increase in war spending (easy fiscal policies), coupled with tight monetary policies, to stop the inflation of the seventies. This mix of easy fiscal / tight monetary policies resulted in a very large increase in government deficits, and an enormous rise in real interest rates. The high real interest rates, attracted hundreds of billions of dollars in investments in US government bonds, NOT US businesses, increcreasing the value of the major dollar index from 82.47 (10/78,, to 124.42 (12/84). This caused imports (think Toyotas) to be very inexpensive in the US (roughly 1/3 less), and exports (think Fords) to be very expensive abroad, roughly 50% more expensive than before the dollar rise. This mismatch of fiscal and monetary policies, I argued, caused manufacturing to be offshored more than any other driving force in US history. I concluded that Reagan's policies were very bad for US businesses wanting to manufacture in the US, and were the primary stimulus driving the offshoring of manufacturing.
Noam Chomsky on Trump and the decline of the American Superpower, click here for full screen
Inequality for All, official trailer, click here for full screen
Inequality for All, full exceptional video on AMZN, click here, free for Prime Members
Capital in the 21st Century, discussion by Bill Moyers and Paul Krugman, click here for full screen
Death By China: How America Lost Its Manufacturing Base
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How America Really Took Over the World (2005)
New Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Requiem for the American Dream, trailer
Requiem for the American Dream, on Netflix, click here for full exceptional video
The Political Dimension
In the video above, "Fascism vs NeoLliberalism," Chris Hedges has many insightful comments about the current Trump Administration, and what the world is facing. I argue that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts have always been Fascists Racists, masquerading as NeoLiberals and Libertarians, due to the association with ideas like "rational and efficient markets" - seriously - the extinction level risk of primarily animal agriculture and fossil fuel driven "abrupt anthropogenic climate change" is rationally and efficiently priced in fossil fuel and renewable energy prices?! OMG what EMM&MS&LL! I have been writing for decades on the insane over valuations of stocks, and most real estate asset values, which I forecast would occur in 1980, which stuff trillions of dollars, I argue, globally into the pockets of the EMM&MS, primarily the Wall Street Fascist Racists, billionaires and centimillionaires. I detail these arguments on the page The Forces and Factors, and will detail my critique of market pricing on the page Political Dimension in the future.
Other mythological beliefs, like "trickle down economics," are some of the EMM&MS&LL favorites to claim as "facts." As has been documented at great lengths by Emmanuel Saez of UC Berkeley and Thomas Piketty, author of "Capital in the 21st Century," the distribution of wealth in the US is more extreme, based on their research, than at any time, in any country, in world history. Past Labor Secretary, Robert Reich''s video "Inequality For All," trailer above, and link to the full documentary on Amazon, provides a good overview of this reality. As Chris Hedges notes of Noam Chomsky's new book, "Requiem for the American Dream," discussed below, and the video by the same title above, the right wing, neo-liberal, fascist movement, has resulted in the largest transfer of wealth from the bottom 99% to the top 1%, ever seen in the historical record.
Mythological beliefs, like "gains from international trade," having taken a year-long doctoral symposium in International Trade, my third year at the University of Utah (junior year, typically), along with working for four years on international technology transfer to Europe, and having spent 10 years studying and three months working in Brazil, are also non-science. Watch the videos above "Death by China: How America Lost Its Manufacturing Base," "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," and "New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man." In my opinion, the "gains from international trade," should be called "international gains to the EMM&MS from offshoring slave equivalent labor, sweatshop work conditions, no worker rights or benefits, no environmental or workplace regulations, low to no corporate taxes, ease of stealing international aid for emerging market countries for corporate cauffers, ease of bribing foreign governments to stuff the EMM&MSs pocket books, ease of steeling the natural resources of the emerging markets, ease of burying the emerging market countries in massive debt, to insure that the country continues to do the EMM&MS bidding. These impacts on emerging markets are all to insure the lack of good paying manufacturing and technology based jobs with benefits, primarily service minimum wage jobs, at home. To force reduction in corporate and environmental regulations and taxes in the US/home. To force the further drop in plutocrats tax rates; and, to force higher amounts of government funding of the war and oil/fossil fuel lords and the Wall Street Money Sluts businesses, while slashing all spending on the people: EPA, Education, NASA, Forestry, etc, not to mention, not increasing radically spending on TransitioNOW to solar and wind, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, at home!"
My master's thesis (3/1984) was a critique of the Reagan policies, arguing that they were the primary cause of the decline in manufacturing in the early eighties. This was due to the massive tax cuts for the rich and massive increase in war spending (easy fiscal policies), coupled with tight monetary policies, to stop the inflation of the seventies. This mix of easy fiscal / tight monetary policies resulted in a very large increase in government deficits, and an enormous rise in real interest rates. The high real interest rates, attracted hundreds of billions of dollars in investments in US government bonds, NOT US businesses, increcreasing the value of the major dollar index from 82.47 (10/78,, to 124.42 (12/84). This caused imports (think Toyotas) to be very inexpensive in the US (roughly 1/3 less), and exports (think Fords) to be very expensive abroad, roughly 50% more expensive than before the dollar rise. This mismatch of fiscal and monetary policies, I argued, caused manufacturing to be offshored more than any other driving force in US history. I concluded that Reagan's policies were very bad for US businesses wanting to manufacture in the US, and were the primary stimulus driving the offshoring of manufacturing.
30 Years of Bernie Sanders Speeches, click here for full screen
The Nordic Perspective, click here for full screen
The Nordic Welfare Model, click here for full screen
Bernie Sanders Speech at Democratic Convention, click here for full screen
Sheldon Wolin, Democracy Inc., with Bill Moyers, click here for full screen
The Nordic Model
As so many of us have always put it "the trickle goes up - not down!" The Nordic Model, which I discuss at length, and have a number of videos on (see the page titled - Political Dimension), is, in my opinion, the scientifically proven most sustainable and humane way to structure an economy and society. This is due to the two terminal flaws: men can't handle their testosterone driven insatiable greed for money, power and sex, and women are trying hard to catch up. While evil people are willing to do anything to anyone for their insatiable greed for money power and sex, and hence, evil people end up accumulating the most wealth and power. Hence, the Nordic Model limits wealth and power accumulation to a more sustainable and humane level, structuring the society to provide great livings for most people, great incentives to create and build value, sustainable and renewable energy based economies, sound environmental and workplace regulations, and a humane social net, providing free healthcare, education through graduate school and retirement income security.
Just watch the above videos. Bernie Sanders has been the representative for the Nordic Model in the US for years, love the historical clips of his speeches above. If the above videos, from Noam Chomsky, to Chris Hedges, to Robert Reich, to the videos on Dark Money and the Kochs, to the many others on this page and site, do not get you to wonder what the F**** happened to the US!? I am afraid you may never see what our country and the world could have become, instead of our failed democracy, a Plutocratic Corporate Mercenary Controlled Fascist Racist Empire that has insured, and now is rapidly accelerating - "It Is THE END!"
The Nordic Model is obviously, by so many economic and humanistic measures (metrics), so out performed the US. Note how the focus of these countries economic successes as described in Wikipedia are on human accomplishments of the whole society. While the US discussion below is about the accomplishments of the War and Oil Lords and Wall Street, what I call The Fossil Fuel MIC/WS (Military Industrial Complex and Wall Street) Fascists Racists that rule our Empire!
As was obvious last elections, Queen Billary - puppet of the Near-Dark Money Technocrats and their Wall Street Financiers (see Sheldon Wolin, "Democracy, Inc.") - stole the election from Bernie Sanders - the peoples Nordic Model Representative. Then Emperor King Trumpet - the Evil Dark Money Monsters, Fossil Fuel (MIC/WS) Fascist Racist Puppet, stole the election from Queen Billary. At least we have insured the death of all species, and now are accelerating it, while we are going out in a "Blaze of Evil!" If we had developed a sustainable, and possibly, humane society, I would be sad to believe that we have worked so hard to create a sustainable and humane society, and "It Is THE END!" But we have proven that the EMM&MS&LL are the most evil, debased, basic need obsessed beasts, ever to have populated this planet, so the EMM&MS&LL deserve to go extinct! Sad news - the good people die also!
Nordic Co-operation: A website on the Nordic Countries and the Nordic Model
What Wikipedia says about the Nordic Countries (the Nordic Model) and the United States:
Norway: The country maintains a combination of market economy and a Nordic welfare model with universal health care and a comprehensive social security system. Norway has extensive reserves of petroleum, natural gas, minerals, lumber, seafood, fresh water, and hydropower. The petroleum industry accounts for around a quarter of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).[14] On a per-capita basis, Norway is the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas outside the Middle East.[15][16]The country has the fourth-highest per capita income in the world on the World Bank and IMF lists.[17] On the CIA's GDP (PPP) per capita list (2015 estimate) which includes territories and some regions, Norway ranks as number eleven.[18] From 2001 to 2006,[19] and then again from 2009 to 2015, Norway had the highest Human Development Index ranking in the world.[8][20][21][22] Norway has topped the Legatum Prosperity Index for seven years in a row as of 2015.[23] Norway also ranks first on the OECD Better Life Index, the Index of Public Integrity, and the Democracy Index.[24]
Denmark: Danes enjoy a high standard of living and the country ranks highly in some metrics of national performance, including education, health care, protection of civil liberties, democratic governance, prosperity and human development.[9][10][11] The country ranks as having the world's highest social mobility,[12] a high level of income equality,[13] is the country with the lowest perceived level of corruption in the world, has one of the world's highest per capita incomes, and one of the world's highest personal income tax rates.[14]
Sweden: Sweden maintains a Nordic social welfare system that provides universal health care and tertiary education for its citizens. It has the world's eighth-highest per capita income and ranks highly in numerous metrics of national performance, including quality of life, health, education, protection of civil liberties, economic competitiveness, equality, prosperity and human development.[14][15][16][17][18]
Finland: Finland was a relative latecomer to industrialization, remaining a largely agrarian country until the 1950s. It rapidly developed an advanced economy while building an extensive Nordic-style welfare state, resulting in widespread prosperity and one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.[13] However, Finnish GDP growth has been negative in 2012–2014 (−0.698% to −1.426%), with a preceding nadir of −8% in 2009.[14] Finland is a top performer in numerous metrics of national performance, including education, economic competitiveness, civil liberties, quality of life, and human development.[15][16][17][18] In 2015, Finland was ranked first in the World Human Capital[19] and the Press Freedom Index, and as the most stable country in the world during 2011–2016 in the Fragile States Index,[20] and second in the Global Gender Gap Report.[21] A large majority of Finns are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church,[22] though freedom of religion is guaranteed under the Finnish Constitution.
United States: The United States embarked on a vigorous expansion across North America throughout the 19th century,[29] displacing American Indian tribes, acquiring new territories, and gradually admitting new states until it spanned the continent in 1848.[29] During the second half of the 19th century, the American Civil War led to the end of legal slavery in the country.[30][31] By the end of that century, the United States extended into the Pacific Ocean,[32] and its economy, driven in large part by the Industrial Revolution, began to soar.[33] The Spanish–American War and World War I confirmed the country's status as a global military power. The United States emerged from World War II as a global superpower, the first country to develop nuclear weapons, the only country to use them in warfare, and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. It is a founding member of the Organization of American States (OAS) and various other Pan-American and international organizations. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 left the United States as the world's sole superpower.[34] The United States is a highly developed country, with the world's largest economy by nominal GDP. It ranks highly in several measures of socioeconomic performance, including average wage,[35] human development, per capita GDP, and productivity per person.[36] While the U.S. economy is considered post-industrial, characterized by the dominance of services and knowledge economy, the manufacturing sector remains the second-largest in the world.[37] Though its population is only 4.3% of the world total,[38] the United States accounts for nearly a quarter of world GDP[39] and over a third of global military spending,[40] making it the world's foremost economic and military power. The United States is a prominent political and cultural force internationally, and a leader in scientific research and technological innovations.[41]
Note how Wikipedia's description of the US is focused on war, oil and financial strength - the Military Industrial Complex, The Oil Lords, and Wall Street. Not on the human accomplishments, as the Nordic Countries descriptions are. It states that the US ranks highly in some unknown statistics - which are what? In my opinion, the United States has degraded to a lower level of political corruption, lack of sustainability and debasement of humanity, than existed in Rome. The US is the modern day Roman Empire. Greece, at its apex, was much more politically advanced, scientifically driven, sustainable and humane than the US is today.
The US now ranks much lower than it did decades ago, and in some cases, at the lowest rankings for a developed market economy, in the areas of wealth distribution, educational attainment, social mobility, numbers of students graduating from graduate schools, etc., etc. Here are a few articles on the real US economic and social statistics:
37 Facts About How Cruel This Economy Has Been To Millions Of Desperate American Families
Feeling Depressed? 27 Depressing Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Will Make You Feel Even Worse
24 Embarrassing U.S. Statistics too Sad to Ignore
40 Statistics About The Fall Of The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
50 Facts About The U.S. Economy That Will Shock You
It is interesting how Chris Hedges in the video above is asked by the RT TV interviewers for - something positive for people to look forward to? Another example of how even Chris Hedges is pressured to give a "positive spin" to the world outlook, by a liberal TV station. His comments at the end of this interview are similar to mine, it is immature to believe that there is a "positive spin" on the horrific death of the species for the insane, insatiable and evil greed of the Evil Dark Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brain Dead and Brainwashed Lunatic Supporters!
Except that "It Is THE END!" of this insanity! The ongoing fleecing, raping, pillaging, churning and burning of God's billions of children and trillions of species for the insatiable, insane, evil greed of the EMM&MS&LL!
As Noam Chomsky states in the video above, the major German newspaper, following the coronation of Emperor King Trumpet, pictured as a meteor hurdling toward the earth, with the face of King Trumpet - mouth wide open - ready to swallow it up - with the saying - It Is THE END of the World! - small words below, as we have known it. Well in my opinion "It Is THE END" of the world, and Emperor King Trumpet will accelerate it. Which, I argue, is better than dragging the end of the species out over hundreds of horrific years! Obviously, not the "sustainable and humane," the Best of the Best of the Nordic Countries, primarily Denmark, that I would have hoped for, but that is not an option, due to the EMM&MS&LLs.
Chris Hedges review of Noam Chomsky's new book, "Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power," due out March 28, 2017, sounds like it is a "must read." He states: "Noam Chomsky in Requiem for the American Dream directs the fierce light of his intellect on the utopia ideology of neoliberalism, the absurd idea that markets should dictate all aspects of human society. He dissects the disastrous consequences of this ideology for our society, culture and politics. He explains how corporations indoctrinated the public, academia and the mass media to sign on for a project that has devastated the lives of working men and women and obliterated the common good. Every promise made by the proponents of neoliberalism is a lie. It is a tool to carry out the largest transfer of wealth upwards in American history while imposing wage and benefit reductions and impoverishing workers. It destroys democratic institutions. It uses trade agreements to carry out tax boycotts and run sweatshops overseas. It breeds proto-fascist movements at home and abroad. Its power to write its own laws and regulations, Chomsky points out, has ultimately created a mafia economic system and a mafia political system that is exemplified in the rise to power of the demagogue Donald Trump." — Chris Hedges, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and author of Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt.
I would be foolish to expect that I can change the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts myself, and get them to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives! Obviously even my intellectual mentors and heroes in the area of "The Limits to Growth" of population growth (economic demography, my primary focus), like Jorgen Randers (2052), Dena and Dennis Meadows (The Limits to Growth: A Final Warning), and Lester Brown (World on the Edge, The Great Transition,; my intellectual mentors and heroes in abrupt climate change: Guy McPherson, Natalia Shakhova and Igor Semiletov, Paul Beckwith, Robert Scribler, Peter Wadhams, Jim Hansen, Bill McKibben, Al Gore, Jennifer Hynes (, Tom Hartman program, Stuart Scott (, to name a few; not to mention my intellectual mentors and heroes in peak energy, M. King Hubbert, Richard Heinberg (all the Post Carbon Institute fellows,, Al Bartlett and Roscoe Bartlett, and so many others; the progressive political commentators and politicians: Noam Chomskey (MIT, Who Rules the World), Chris Hedges (The Death of the Liberal Class), Sheldon Wollen (Princeton, Democracy, Inc), Jane Mayer (Dark Money), Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein, and President Barack Obama; and my intellectual mentors in "global aging" and the "fiscal gap," Lawrence Kotlikoff and Scott Burns (The Clash of Generations, and The Coming Generational Storm) have had a relatively insignificant impact on getting the US to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, compared to the radical changes that were critical to save the species, all species!
The Nordic Perspective, click here for full screen
The Nordic Welfare Model, click here for full screen
Bernie Sanders Speech at Democratic Convention, click here for full screen
Sheldon Wolin, Democracy Inc., with Bill Moyers, click here for full screen
The Nordic Model
As so many of us have always put it "the trickle goes up - not down!" The Nordic Model, which I discuss at length, and have a number of videos on (see the page titled - Political Dimension), is, in my opinion, the scientifically proven most sustainable and humane way to structure an economy and society. This is due to the two terminal flaws: men can't handle their testosterone driven insatiable greed for money, power and sex, and women are trying hard to catch up. While evil people are willing to do anything to anyone for their insatiable greed for money power and sex, and hence, evil people end up accumulating the most wealth and power. Hence, the Nordic Model limits wealth and power accumulation to a more sustainable and humane level, structuring the society to provide great livings for most people, great incentives to create and build value, sustainable and renewable energy based economies, sound environmental and workplace regulations, and a humane social net, providing free healthcare, education through graduate school and retirement income security.
Just watch the above videos. Bernie Sanders has been the representative for the Nordic Model in the US for years, love the historical clips of his speeches above. If the above videos, from Noam Chomsky, to Chris Hedges, to Robert Reich, to the videos on Dark Money and the Kochs, to the many others on this page and site, do not get you to wonder what the F**** happened to the US!? I am afraid you may never see what our country and the world could have become, instead of our failed democracy, a Plutocratic Corporate Mercenary Controlled Fascist Racist Empire that has insured, and now is rapidly accelerating - "It Is THE END!"
The Nordic Model is obviously, by so many economic and humanistic measures (metrics), so out performed the US. Note how the focus of these countries economic successes as described in Wikipedia are on human accomplishments of the whole society. While the US discussion below is about the accomplishments of the War and Oil Lords and Wall Street, what I call The Fossil Fuel MIC/WS (Military Industrial Complex and Wall Street) Fascists Racists that rule our Empire!
As was obvious last elections, Queen Billary - puppet of the Near-Dark Money Technocrats and their Wall Street Financiers (see Sheldon Wolin, "Democracy, Inc.") - stole the election from Bernie Sanders - the peoples Nordic Model Representative. Then Emperor King Trumpet - the Evil Dark Money Monsters, Fossil Fuel (MIC/WS) Fascist Racist Puppet, stole the election from Queen Billary. At least we have insured the death of all species, and now are accelerating it, while we are going out in a "Blaze of Evil!" If we had developed a sustainable, and possibly, humane society, I would be sad to believe that we have worked so hard to create a sustainable and humane society, and "It Is THE END!" But we have proven that the EMM&MS&LL are the most evil, debased, basic need obsessed beasts, ever to have populated this planet, so the EMM&MS&LL deserve to go extinct! Sad news - the good people die also!
Nordic Co-operation: A website on the Nordic Countries and the Nordic Model
What Wikipedia says about the Nordic Countries (the Nordic Model) and the United States:
Norway: The country maintains a combination of market economy and a Nordic welfare model with universal health care and a comprehensive social security system. Norway has extensive reserves of petroleum, natural gas, minerals, lumber, seafood, fresh water, and hydropower. The petroleum industry accounts for around a quarter of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).[14] On a per-capita basis, Norway is the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas outside the Middle East.[15][16]The country has the fourth-highest per capita income in the world on the World Bank and IMF lists.[17] On the CIA's GDP (PPP) per capita list (2015 estimate) which includes territories and some regions, Norway ranks as number eleven.[18] From 2001 to 2006,[19] and then again from 2009 to 2015, Norway had the highest Human Development Index ranking in the world.[8][20][21][22] Norway has topped the Legatum Prosperity Index for seven years in a row as of 2015.[23] Norway also ranks first on the OECD Better Life Index, the Index of Public Integrity, and the Democracy Index.[24]
Denmark: Danes enjoy a high standard of living and the country ranks highly in some metrics of national performance, including education, health care, protection of civil liberties, democratic governance, prosperity and human development.[9][10][11] The country ranks as having the world's highest social mobility,[12] a high level of income equality,[13] is the country with the lowest perceived level of corruption in the world, has one of the world's highest per capita incomes, and one of the world's highest personal income tax rates.[14]
Sweden: Sweden maintains a Nordic social welfare system that provides universal health care and tertiary education for its citizens. It has the world's eighth-highest per capita income and ranks highly in numerous metrics of national performance, including quality of life, health, education, protection of civil liberties, economic competitiveness, equality, prosperity and human development.[14][15][16][17][18]
Finland: Finland was a relative latecomer to industrialization, remaining a largely agrarian country until the 1950s. It rapidly developed an advanced economy while building an extensive Nordic-style welfare state, resulting in widespread prosperity and one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.[13] However, Finnish GDP growth has been negative in 2012–2014 (−0.698% to −1.426%), with a preceding nadir of −8% in 2009.[14] Finland is a top performer in numerous metrics of national performance, including education, economic competitiveness, civil liberties, quality of life, and human development.[15][16][17][18] In 2015, Finland was ranked first in the World Human Capital[19] and the Press Freedom Index, and as the most stable country in the world during 2011–2016 in the Fragile States Index,[20] and second in the Global Gender Gap Report.[21] A large majority of Finns are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church,[22] though freedom of religion is guaranteed under the Finnish Constitution.
United States: The United States embarked on a vigorous expansion across North America throughout the 19th century,[29] displacing American Indian tribes, acquiring new territories, and gradually admitting new states until it spanned the continent in 1848.[29] During the second half of the 19th century, the American Civil War led to the end of legal slavery in the country.[30][31] By the end of that century, the United States extended into the Pacific Ocean,[32] and its economy, driven in large part by the Industrial Revolution, began to soar.[33] The Spanish–American War and World War I confirmed the country's status as a global military power. The United States emerged from World War II as a global superpower, the first country to develop nuclear weapons, the only country to use them in warfare, and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. It is a founding member of the Organization of American States (OAS) and various other Pan-American and international organizations. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 left the United States as the world's sole superpower.[34] The United States is a highly developed country, with the world's largest economy by nominal GDP. It ranks highly in several measures of socioeconomic performance, including average wage,[35] human development, per capita GDP, and productivity per person.[36] While the U.S. economy is considered post-industrial, characterized by the dominance of services and knowledge economy, the manufacturing sector remains the second-largest in the world.[37] Though its population is only 4.3% of the world total,[38] the United States accounts for nearly a quarter of world GDP[39] and over a third of global military spending,[40] making it the world's foremost economic and military power. The United States is a prominent political and cultural force internationally, and a leader in scientific research and technological innovations.[41]
Note how Wikipedia's description of the US is focused on war, oil and financial strength - the Military Industrial Complex, The Oil Lords, and Wall Street. Not on the human accomplishments, as the Nordic Countries descriptions are. It states that the US ranks highly in some unknown statistics - which are what? In my opinion, the United States has degraded to a lower level of political corruption, lack of sustainability and debasement of humanity, than existed in Rome. The US is the modern day Roman Empire. Greece, at its apex, was much more politically advanced, scientifically driven, sustainable and humane than the US is today.
The US now ranks much lower than it did decades ago, and in some cases, at the lowest rankings for a developed market economy, in the areas of wealth distribution, educational attainment, social mobility, numbers of students graduating from graduate schools, etc., etc. Here are a few articles on the real US economic and social statistics:
37 Facts About How Cruel This Economy Has Been To Millions Of Desperate American Families
Feeling Depressed? 27 Depressing Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Will Make You Feel Even Worse
24 Embarrassing U.S. Statistics too Sad to Ignore
40 Statistics About The Fall Of The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
50 Facts About The U.S. Economy That Will Shock You
It is interesting how Chris Hedges in the video above is asked by the RT TV interviewers for - something positive for people to look forward to? Another example of how even Chris Hedges is pressured to give a "positive spin" to the world outlook, by a liberal TV station. His comments at the end of this interview are similar to mine, it is immature to believe that there is a "positive spin" on the horrific death of the species for the insane, insatiable and evil greed of the Evil Dark Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brain Dead and Brainwashed Lunatic Supporters!
Except that "It Is THE END!" of this insanity! The ongoing fleecing, raping, pillaging, churning and burning of God's billions of children and trillions of species for the insatiable, insane, evil greed of the EMM&MS&LL!
As Noam Chomsky states in the video above, the major German newspaper, following the coronation of Emperor King Trumpet, pictured as a meteor hurdling toward the earth, with the face of King Trumpet - mouth wide open - ready to swallow it up - with the saying - It Is THE END of the World! - small words below, as we have known it. Well in my opinion "It Is THE END" of the world, and Emperor King Trumpet will accelerate it. Which, I argue, is better than dragging the end of the species out over hundreds of horrific years! Obviously, not the "sustainable and humane," the Best of the Best of the Nordic Countries, primarily Denmark, that I would have hoped for, but that is not an option, due to the EMM&MS&LLs.
Chris Hedges review of Noam Chomsky's new book, "Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power," due out March 28, 2017, sounds like it is a "must read." He states: "Noam Chomsky in Requiem for the American Dream directs the fierce light of his intellect on the utopia ideology of neoliberalism, the absurd idea that markets should dictate all aspects of human society. He dissects the disastrous consequences of this ideology for our society, culture and politics. He explains how corporations indoctrinated the public, academia and the mass media to sign on for a project that has devastated the lives of working men and women and obliterated the common good. Every promise made by the proponents of neoliberalism is a lie. It is a tool to carry out the largest transfer of wealth upwards in American history while imposing wage and benefit reductions and impoverishing workers. It destroys democratic institutions. It uses trade agreements to carry out tax boycotts and run sweatshops overseas. It breeds proto-fascist movements at home and abroad. Its power to write its own laws and regulations, Chomsky points out, has ultimately created a mafia economic system and a mafia political system that is exemplified in the rise to power of the demagogue Donald Trump." — Chris Hedges, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and author of Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt.
I would be foolish to expect that I can change the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts myself, and get them to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives! Obviously even my intellectual mentors and heroes in the area of "The Limits to Growth" of population growth (economic demography, my primary focus), like Jorgen Randers (2052), Dena and Dennis Meadows (The Limits to Growth: A Final Warning), and Lester Brown (World on the Edge, The Great Transition,; my intellectual mentors and heroes in abrupt climate change: Guy McPherson, Natalia Shakhova and Igor Semiletov, Paul Beckwith, Robert Scribler, Peter Wadhams, Jim Hansen, Bill McKibben, Al Gore, Jennifer Hynes (, Tom Hartman program, Stuart Scott (, to name a few; not to mention my intellectual mentors and heroes in peak energy, M. King Hubbert, Richard Heinberg (all the Post Carbon Institute fellows,, Al Bartlett and Roscoe Bartlett, and so many others; the progressive political commentators and politicians: Noam Chomskey (MIT, Who Rules the World), Chris Hedges (The Death of the Liberal Class), Sheldon Wollen (Princeton, Democracy, Inc), Jane Mayer (Dark Money), Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein, and President Barack Obama; and my intellectual mentors in "global aging" and the "fiscal gap," Lawrence Kotlikoff and Scott Burns (The Clash of Generations, and The Coming Generational Storm) have had a relatively insignificant impact on getting the US to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, compared to the radical changes that were critical to save the species, all species!
What Is Dark Money And How Does It Influence Elections?
Jane Mayer, "Dark Money," click here for full screen
The Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Lunatic Supporters - Satin's Warriors Committing Global Genocide
In fact, I argue, that this was due to the Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts billions and billions of dollars of brainwashing money, and buying off of Congress and all branches of our government, by the Koch Brothers, the Kochtapus and the other Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts, which is detailed in the book Dark Money! Not only have they insured the demise of our country, they have insured the extinction of the species, they have insured the extinction of most, if not, all species! They have committed Global Genocide - just the frying and dying - the Hell on Earth - the insane pain and suffering - that only Hell can compare with - that is left! Most other countries have adopted the prior climate accords, and efforts to realize that their are "Limits to Growth" and that this is our "Final Warning!" Just not the US, due to the Evil Wrong Dark Money Monsters, Money Sluts, and their Legions of brainwashed and brain dead Lunatic supporters (MM&MS&LL)!
Although I am a big fan of President Obama, and appreciate his comments on being active in our failed democracy. What as a student and teacher of political economics, having taught "Comparative Economic Systems" at University of Nevada Reno, I classify as a Racist Fascist Plutocratic Corporatocracy Empire, or as Sheldon Wollen (Princeton) calls it an "Inverted Totalitarianism" society. If you read the book "Dark Money," or do a review of critiques by Chris Hedges (Chris Hedges: Trump will Crush Dissent with even Greater Violence, and "Death of The Liberal Class,)" and Noam Chomsky on our failed democracy, you should get an idea of why many of us who have been fleeced, raped and pillaged all of our careers and academic lives for trying to save our Evil Empire and Planet Titanic from the EMM&MS&LL would not consider running for office.
Nor would most of the people that you may want in office, be able to support running for office. As one of my professors put it "if they can get into a position of power, you don't want them in a position of power!" Or another of my other favorite professorial quotes: "the only difference between the two political parties is that Republicans are too stupid to realize - "if you choke the goose that lays the golden eggs too hard for too long, you will kill it!" While the Democrats are at least smart enough to realize "that you have to at least keep the goose barley alive, or it stops laying golden eggs!"
The EMM&MS&LL insure that the good candidates, are not able to acquire much wealth or income. Just take a look at the world's Centimillionaaires and Billionaires, roughly 12,000 people, 3,000 families, with, based on my guesstimate, roughly the top 50 controlling the others! 95% of the top .1% that control the world, are Racist, Fascist, Plutocratic, Corporate Mercenary Controlled, Money Monsters and Money Sluts. Always have been, always will be! And, if you really get down to "Who Controls the World," in my opinion, it is mostly the top 30 or so active billionaire families, with a very high concentration of wealth and power with the Rothchilds, and a few select other active billionaires, notably in the US, Charles and David Koch. Some estimates are that the Rothschild's wealth is in the hundreds of trillions of dollars, upwards of half of the world's wealth (see videos at the bottom of The Forces and Factors page).
As with the Koch Family, it is well known that a significant portion of the Rothschild's net worth was acquired due to very evil activities. The Report: "The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right," "Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet," "Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science," "Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire," “Koch Industries Pollution,” "Violation Tracker: Koch Industries" and the book "Dark Money," provide a good overview of why many of us see these billionaires as the most evil and influential Evil Money Monsters in our country.
Report: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right
Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet
Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science
Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire
Koch Industries Pollution
Violation Tracker: Koch Industries
Forbes 2016: World's Top Ten Billionaires list, has Charles and David Koch tied for the number nine wealthiest at $39.6 billion each, for a total of $79.2 billion together, topping the number one billionaires wealth, Bill Gates, at $75 billion. Note that the Rothschild's are not even on this list, due to the fact that most of their wealth is private and held in offshore trusts and hidden corporate structures, as private asset values are unknown, and much of the billionaires wealth is held in secret offshore trust and corporate structures. The Panama papers shed a small light on these trillions of dollars of assets held by the worlds billionaires. Hence why many of the world's wealthiest families do not show up on these lists, and the true wealth of families like the Rothschilds, Kochs, Waltons, etc., I believe, is unknown. My opinion, they are worth tens to hundreds of trillions of dollars more than anyone has any idea of! The Panama Papers were many trillions of unknown billionaire dollars, think of how many firms are sheltering the billionaires' trillions! Think of what their true "global average tax rate" might be!? In my view they pay negative taxes, after all transfer payments, subsidies, direct benefits from military and fossil fuel spending, etc. are considered. My interpretation, we live in the Evil Fascist Racist Corporate Mercenary Controlled Empire of the King Charlie Koch (the United States), on the Evil Fascist Racist Corporate Mercenary Controlled Planet Empire of the Rothschilds!
The rare exception to these basic characteristics of most societies, are the Nordic countries, some native tribes, and to some degree, the scientific / ecology types of people.
Plus, believe me, you have no idea of how often and how much those that stand against the Evil in our society are trashed, rapped and pillaged daily! The way the Koch Brothers, the Kochtapus and the billionaires in the book Dark Money, have trashed progressive political candidates, denigrating them based on false information. Along with the way they have funded the brainwashing of their brain dead lunatic supporters of their Fascist Racist society, is just the beginning of why the "good people" do not want to pursue politics.
The Money Monsters and Money Sluts have hijacked our democracy, yet again, and christened King Trumpet, Emperor of the Fascist Racist Plutocratic Corporatocracy Empire, insuring the rapid death of all species!
However, if I can help save a few souls and make the lives of some good people more barable in the coming "hell on earth," then my hope is that I have fulfilled my Father's wishes that I do "His will, not mine."
I argue that the Evil Wrong (Religious Right), the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS (Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street) Fascists Racists, are the greatest TERRORIST organization that has ever existed on Planet Titanic. It is argued that they did 9/11 (see, 9/11 truth movement, Zeitgiest, etc.), that they bombed the Pentagon two days after Donald Rumsfeld was videoed at the Pentagon asking about the $2.3 trillion in unaccounted spending of the Pentagon, right where the evidence was kept. They gave the order live on TV to take Building 7 down, which held the back up computers for the CIA, which I believe held the information on how they did 9/11, the most complicated, deadly, especially to our own people and country's integrity, "False Flag" operation (see, 9/11 truth movement, Zeitgiest, etc.), in my opinion, ever executed in world history. I argue that they should still be tried for these war crimes against out country, and if found guilty, punished accordingly.
I argue that they blew up the asset/financial markets in 2000, and again, in 2005-2007, stuffing their "life boats" with trillions, and then collapsed these markets. From a historical perspective, in my opinion, many of these same families, notably the Rothschilds, Bushes, Kochs, etc., most of those profiled in the book Dark Money, have been behind - in ways that you really don't want to believe, but God knows! - The Great Recession, The Great Depression, 9/11, Vietnam, WWII, WWI, even the Napoleonic War, to name just a few of their most profitable ventures! They then bailed themselves out with trillions of our tax payer dollars, stuffing their pockets even further. Instead of being given billions of dollars of bonuses for these evil acts, they should have been, and still should be, tried for these offenses against our failed democracy, our Racist Fascists Plutocracy.
I argue that the buying off of the Congress by Charles and David Koch, the Kochtapus and the billionaires featured in the book "Dark Money," is evidence of horrific abuse of our failed democracy, spawned by the "Citizens United" decision. I argue that they now own and control our Racist Facists Plutocracy, having bought off most of Congress. As one of their own, Bill Buckley, called Charles Koch, a "totalitarian libertarian," or as I refer to him, the Evil King Charlie and Evil King David! Or as I like to put it, we live in the Empire of King Charlie (Koch) on the Planet Rothschild! I argue that they should be tried for abuses to our failed democracy, a Racist Fascist Plutocracy, and if found guilty, punished accordingly.
I argue that the Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts, the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists Racists, the fossil fuel industries, should be tried for lying about the extreme risks of fossil fuels, their product, to accelerating global warming and abrupt climate change, and thereby, causing the death of billions of people, and ultimately, all species of the world! Like the tobacco, and other product liability cases, the Fossil Fuel / War / Oil Lords should be tried for lying to the public about the extreme risk of using their product to the health of the world. If found guilty, I argue that they all should be bankrupted for their evil acts against our species, all species. Do not agree to any universal binding awards, as I am sure the likely impacts of their lies about fossil fuel driven abrupt climate change will escalate until the death of all species! What amount of financial awards could possibly compensate for the extinction of our species - all species!?
Further, I argue that we should expect similar war and financial crimes by the Reigning Emperor, King Trumpet, and be ready, should he exact such war and financial crimes on our country, or release viruses or pandemics, to save the planet for the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, to bring him and the other Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts in his Administration to justice. Like the country should have done to the last group of Evil Wrong, Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Facists Racists that, in my opinion, did 9/11 (, took us into Iraq under false pretenses of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), allowed the wholesale fleecing of our country by the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists Racists (Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers), and then ballooned the financial markets, and bankrupted these Wall Street and financial companies.
They made trillions ballooning these companies, I argue, then bankrupted them, bailing out these Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, bankrupting their legions of brainwashed and braindead lunitic followers and the good people of our country, while causing the present value of future deficits of our country, the US "fiscal gap," to rise into the hundred of trillions of dollars. I argue that we should expect similar crimes against our country by King Trumpet, and should be ready to bring him and his Administration to justice, should they do this to us again, as I expect that they will!
From a return on investment perspective, I argue, that the returns to these Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts are highly negative, given my belief that they will spend eternity in hell feeling the pain and suffering that they have damned the billions of God's children and trillions of God's species to suffer. Therefore, the only thing that exceeds their stupidy, is their greed, and the only thing to exceed their insane greed, will be the horrific pain and suffering that they will have to indure for eternity! Therefore, their "return on fleecing, raping, pillaging, churing and burning" God's trillions of children and species, I would argue, is insanely negative. So I complete my arguemnet, that they are horrific investors, when the implications of their insane and insatiable greed for money, power and sex are considered, to their well being over all eternity! The masses win - the classes are the big loosers!
Why do you think Christ said "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24. He was hung on the cross for standing against the EMM&MSs and it was the Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, spurred on by the Pharisees, Sadducees and Oligarchs, who whipped, lashed, tortured, and defiled him. They put a crown of thorns on Him, then they had him drag a cross through town to be hung on a cross until he died. Obviously, He saw that His religion would become the world religion, and that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts would hijack His religion to support the EMM&MSs ongoing commitment to "The King of Greed of Money, Power and Sex - Satin!" Satin's evil has always been, and continues to be, feeding their evil testosterone driven greed for money, power and sex. The EMM&MS have no remorse for how they have fleeced, raped, pillaged, churned and burned his billions of children, and trillions of species for their insatiable, insane, evil greed. They EMM&MS would brain wash the Legions of Lunatic followers, just like the ones that hung Him on the cross, to support their evil greed and avarice, to the extinction of all species. Hence, in my opinion, why He said, they will come in My name and insure the horrific death of all people, for the insatiable, insane and evil greed of the EMM&MS&L. They have! Just the frying and dying that we have to look forward to!
Just so you Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts do not get your hair in a tissy, given this portion of my writings, it is my attempt to reduce your eternal sentence in hell. A verbal tounge lashing, to try to get you to not make your hell even more horrific than it already is likely to be, and maybe try to plea bargin to reduce the horrific nature of your eternity in hell. A hell that even the most horrific nightmare or movie would not do justice to! As you have created a society of brainwashed and braindead lunatics that watch an event like 9/11, even with a page as detailed as, few even think of this event or question how 12 unskilled Islamic people could possibly do "the most sophisticated and complicated terrorist activity" ever executed, and it was done by our own Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts to us for their insane greed!
So these blunt statements are ment to keep you from doing anything to make your eternity in hell more horrific, and should you really become the prodigal sons and daughters, to get you to embrace my advice to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the other TransitioNOW Objectives on my site! Although I can't promise that embracing these NOW will save the species. I can certainly guarantee that it would save many of your Evil Money Monster, Money Sluts and leigons of lunatics souls, that are now facing a hell so horrific that no one could possibly imagine for ETERNITY! So take this as a "last call to save your evil souls!"
On a positive note, since sitting in a year long doctoral symposium in political economics and a taking a graduate symposium in economic demography my sophomore year at the University of Utah (UofU), in 1979-80, I have believed that the world would end up, in my opinion, similar to the world portrayed in the movie Elysium, an over population driven wasteland, with the top 0.01% living in the modern day version of the walled city, not likely a space station. And, with the bottom 99.9% living in hell, not just the bottom 50%, like today. My initial work in this graduate course in economic demography resulted in a two year demographic impact study on the proposed land basing of the MX Nuclear Missle System in Utah and Nevada. I would like to believe my study was the last straw that stopped this obviously insane nuclear weapons system largest pork belly project ever proposed in the world of Satin's Warriors.
So the ravages of abrupt anthropogenic climate change driven massive methane releases, facilitating and then reinforcing the implosion and explosion the world's ocean based nuclear reactors, is saving the bottom 99.9% from generations living in "hell on earth." Alternatively, I have believed since 1980 that the species would likely kill itself, due to the horrific consequences and impacts of nuclear power, combined with the insane and insatiable greed of the Money Monsters and Money Sluts.
Ironic, how after these 37 brutal years, since 1980, of research, writing and standing against the EMM&MS, I now believe I have the clearest view of how these War / Oil / Wall Street Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts will cause the extinction of all species.
It is also reassuring to feel that the EMM&MS, whose insane, insatiable, evil greed and avaris is insuring the death of all species, plans to "depopulate" the planet, by killing off billions, so that they can have the planet to themselves, will not occur.
From a religious perspective. Think of it, if you believe there is a "Logical God of Love," don't you think that God knows that the design of the planet was insuring that if the "beast," the EMM&MS&LL, could not control their testosterone driven insatiable greed for money, power and sex, that the combination of methane hydrates and nuclear reactors, would cause the rapid extinction of the species? I do! So it was intellengently designed! Just not in the way that the purveyors of false religion, false economics, false politics, nothing but BS (billions) for the Billionaires Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunatics believe!
The Strategy of Radical Peace, Love and Sustainable Development
The Strategy of Radical Peace, Love and Sustainable Development for the benefit of All of God's Children, People and Species! This is the Universal Logic of the God of Love! This is the only strategy that will ever win, it is the only strategy that will stop the death of homogreedious, and most, if not all, species. It is the strategy of the Universal Logic of the God of Love!
God does not care about how you relate to the Love of God, only that you do relate to the God of Love.
He does not care what you call Him, only that care to call on Him! He or She does not care how you love, or experience your spirituality in God's Love, only that you do experience your spirituality, regardless of your sexual orientation, gender identity, religious beliefs, race, color, technicolor, or what ever! He made you the way you are! We now scientifically know that most of these differences are due to genetic conditions, and cultural conditioning and norms. Don't you think God knows this, and loves you "just the way you are in His Love!"
The Universal Logic of God's Love sees "The Ultimate Goal of Life - To Be Your True Spirit in God's Love, that you will be in Heaven, on earth!" This should be your constant focus!
God only wants you to experience your spirituality with The ONE - The God of Trans-Universal Love! God's Love that Transcends Universal, It Is The Spiritual Dimension!
Not to embrace "the evil one" who thinks he is God, and is selling souls on the Universal Law of the Insatiable Greed of Satin, as being "God's Will!" The Religious Right are the Evil Wrong He said would come in His Name to the death of all species!
He does not care how you experience your spirituality in His Love! Only that you do it often!
He wants you to do this NOW, before you cause yourselves insane pain and suffering. He wants you to all work together and TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and humane, God like, sustainable communities, where you use God's earth sustainably, responsibly, humanely, and do as He has asked. Do for "the least fortunate of His sisters and brothers." Forgive each other, and in fact, Love each other!
This challenge will either result in TransitioNOW to God's world, or to Hell on Earth! You can't say He did not warn you! Take this as His warning! You have been told how, when, where and why "It Is THE END!" Plus He layed out how you might just be able to save the world. But only if you all work together in God's Love! And, TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, Sustainable Living, and Loving each other, to save all of God's children, people and species everywhere! This is the Universal Logic of God's Love! This is the religion, where there is no religion, where their is only God's Love! The Spiritual Dimension! Heaven!
Sadly, I believe that this challenge is beyond homogreedious. As a result, I fear and believe, it will be "Hell on Earth," and only then, will the good souls go to Heaven. While most of the EMM&MS will be sent to the place God made for the devil and his angels! However, the purpose of this work is to help as many make it into Heaven as possible, and to help as many as possible, suffer as little as possible.
I certainly don't believe the EMM&MS will embrace this Universal Love and change the hell on earth, that their insatiable greed for money and power has destined the world to suffer, but the more people that do, God is happier!
So let's all try to love each other, forgive each other, and help those in need! While we try to plan for the very challenging future, regardless of how you see the whole story. It will be very difficult, if the world does not radically TransitioNOW! to God's Love! Applying these simple, timeless, and universal principals of God's Love, will allow many of us to find God's Love for Eternity, and to live less horrific lives, as our species enters its final days on earth, "It Is THE END!"
What hit me seeking fulfillment in God's love dreaming about being the next Thomas Aquinas in the Aquinas College Seminary, was that the human capability to explain in words, and science's capabilities to prove, the ultimate goal of this existence, Becoming Your True Spirit in the Logical God of Love, will never occur. What is possible is to Be Your True Spirit in the Logical God of Love - NOW! As if yesterday God Revealed this to me. So I did! Now I am praying that you will too!
God's Peace and Love Be With You,
Jim Moultrup
To fulfill this section's spiritual mission, I leave you with Professor J. Kroth's exceptional observations of "The Coming Disaster,' and becoming "The Spiritual Beautiful Wonderful Being that You Are - Right Now - In God's Love, that you will be for Eternity in Heaven!"
I hope you found my work, so far, enlightening, inspiring, challenging, scary, and most of all, bringing you closer to "Your Spiritual Oneness with The God of Love!"
Jane Mayer, "Dark Money," click here for full screen
The Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Lunatic Supporters - Satin's Warriors Committing Global Genocide
In fact, I argue, that this was due to the Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts billions and billions of dollars of brainwashing money, and buying off of Congress and all branches of our government, by the Koch Brothers, the Kochtapus and the other Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts, which is detailed in the book Dark Money! Not only have they insured the demise of our country, they have insured the extinction of the species, they have insured the extinction of most, if not, all species! They have committed Global Genocide - just the frying and dying - the Hell on Earth - the insane pain and suffering - that only Hell can compare with - that is left! Most other countries have adopted the prior climate accords, and efforts to realize that their are "Limits to Growth" and that this is our "Final Warning!" Just not the US, due to the Evil Wrong Dark Money Monsters, Money Sluts, and their Legions of brainwashed and brain dead Lunatic supporters (MM&MS&LL)!
Although I am a big fan of President Obama, and appreciate his comments on being active in our failed democracy. What as a student and teacher of political economics, having taught "Comparative Economic Systems" at University of Nevada Reno, I classify as a Racist Fascist Plutocratic Corporatocracy Empire, or as Sheldon Wollen (Princeton) calls it an "Inverted Totalitarianism" society. If you read the book "Dark Money," or do a review of critiques by Chris Hedges (Chris Hedges: Trump will Crush Dissent with even Greater Violence, and "Death of The Liberal Class,)" and Noam Chomsky on our failed democracy, you should get an idea of why many of us who have been fleeced, raped and pillaged all of our careers and academic lives for trying to save our Evil Empire and Planet Titanic from the EMM&MS&LL would not consider running for office.
Nor would most of the people that you may want in office, be able to support running for office. As one of my professors put it "if they can get into a position of power, you don't want them in a position of power!" Or another of my other favorite professorial quotes: "the only difference between the two political parties is that Republicans are too stupid to realize - "if you choke the goose that lays the golden eggs too hard for too long, you will kill it!" While the Democrats are at least smart enough to realize "that you have to at least keep the goose barley alive, or it stops laying golden eggs!"
The EMM&MS&LL insure that the good candidates, are not able to acquire much wealth or income. Just take a look at the world's Centimillionaaires and Billionaires, roughly 12,000 people, 3,000 families, with, based on my guesstimate, roughly the top 50 controlling the others! 95% of the top .1% that control the world, are Racist, Fascist, Plutocratic, Corporate Mercenary Controlled, Money Monsters and Money Sluts. Always have been, always will be! And, if you really get down to "Who Controls the World," in my opinion, it is mostly the top 30 or so active billionaire families, with a very high concentration of wealth and power with the Rothchilds, and a few select other active billionaires, notably in the US, Charles and David Koch. Some estimates are that the Rothschild's wealth is in the hundreds of trillions of dollars, upwards of half of the world's wealth (see videos at the bottom of The Forces and Factors page).
As with the Koch Family, it is well known that a significant portion of the Rothschild's net worth was acquired due to very evil activities. The Report: "The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right," "Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet," "Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science," "Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire," “Koch Industries Pollution,” "Violation Tracker: Koch Industries" and the book "Dark Money," provide a good overview of why many of us see these billionaires as the most evil and influential Evil Money Monsters in our country.
Report: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right
Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet
Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science
Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire
Koch Industries Pollution
Violation Tracker: Koch Industries
Forbes 2016: World's Top Ten Billionaires list, has Charles and David Koch tied for the number nine wealthiest at $39.6 billion each, for a total of $79.2 billion together, topping the number one billionaires wealth, Bill Gates, at $75 billion. Note that the Rothschild's are not even on this list, due to the fact that most of their wealth is private and held in offshore trusts and hidden corporate structures, as private asset values are unknown, and much of the billionaires wealth is held in secret offshore trust and corporate structures. The Panama papers shed a small light on these trillions of dollars of assets held by the worlds billionaires. Hence why many of the world's wealthiest families do not show up on these lists, and the true wealth of families like the Rothschilds, Kochs, Waltons, etc., I believe, is unknown. My opinion, they are worth tens to hundreds of trillions of dollars more than anyone has any idea of! The Panama Papers were many trillions of unknown billionaire dollars, think of how many firms are sheltering the billionaires' trillions! Think of what their true "global average tax rate" might be!? In my view they pay negative taxes, after all transfer payments, subsidies, direct benefits from military and fossil fuel spending, etc. are considered. My interpretation, we live in the Evil Fascist Racist Corporate Mercenary Controlled Empire of the King Charlie Koch (the United States), on the Evil Fascist Racist Corporate Mercenary Controlled Planet Empire of the Rothschilds!
The rare exception to these basic characteristics of most societies, are the Nordic countries, some native tribes, and to some degree, the scientific / ecology types of people.
Plus, believe me, you have no idea of how often and how much those that stand against the Evil in our society are trashed, rapped and pillaged daily! The way the Koch Brothers, the Kochtapus and the billionaires in the book Dark Money, have trashed progressive political candidates, denigrating them based on false information. Along with the way they have funded the brainwashing of their brain dead lunatic supporters of their Fascist Racist society, is just the beginning of why the "good people" do not want to pursue politics.
The Money Monsters and Money Sluts have hijacked our democracy, yet again, and christened King Trumpet, Emperor of the Fascist Racist Plutocratic Corporatocracy Empire, insuring the rapid death of all species!
However, if I can help save a few souls and make the lives of some good people more barable in the coming "hell on earth," then my hope is that I have fulfilled my Father's wishes that I do "His will, not mine."
I argue that the Evil Wrong (Religious Right), the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS (Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street) Fascists Racists, are the greatest TERRORIST organization that has ever existed on Planet Titanic. It is argued that they did 9/11 (see, 9/11 truth movement, Zeitgiest, etc.), that they bombed the Pentagon two days after Donald Rumsfeld was videoed at the Pentagon asking about the $2.3 trillion in unaccounted spending of the Pentagon, right where the evidence was kept. They gave the order live on TV to take Building 7 down, which held the back up computers for the CIA, which I believe held the information on how they did 9/11, the most complicated, deadly, especially to our own people and country's integrity, "False Flag" operation (see, 9/11 truth movement, Zeitgiest, etc.), in my opinion, ever executed in world history. I argue that they should still be tried for these war crimes against out country, and if found guilty, punished accordingly.
I argue that they blew up the asset/financial markets in 2000, and again, in 2005-2007, stuffing their "life boats" with trillions, and then collapsed these markets. From a historical perspective, in my opinion, many of these same families, notably the Rothschilds, Bushes, Kochs, etc., most of those profiled in the book Dark Money, have been behind - in ways that you really don't want to believe, but God knows! - The Great Recession, The Great Depression, 9/11, Vietnam, WWII, WWI, even the Napoleonic War, to name just a few of their most profitable ventures! They then bailed themselves out with trillions of our tax payer dollars, stuffing their pockets even further. Instead of being given billions of dollars of bonuses for these evil acts, they should have been, and still should be, tried for these offenses against our failed democracy, our Racist Fascists Plutocracy.
I argue that the buying off of the Congress by Charles and David Koch, the Kochtapus and the billionaires featured in the book "Dark Money," is evidence of horrific abuse of our failed democracy, spawned by the "Citizens United" decision. I argue that they now own and control our Racist Facists Plutocracy, having bought off most of Congress. As one of their own, Bill Buckley, called Charles Koch, a "totalitarian libertarian," or as I refer to him, the Evil King Charlie and Evil King David! Or as I like to put it, we live in the Empire of King Charlie (Koch) on the Planet Rothschild! I argue that they should be tried for abuses to our failed democracy, a Racist Fascist Plutocracy, and if found guilty, punished accordingly.
I argue that the Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts, the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists Racists, the fossil fuel industries, should be tried for lying about the extreme risks of fossil fuels, their product, to accelerating global warming and abrupt climate change, and thereby, causing the death of billions of people, and ultimately, all species of the world! Like the tobacco, and other product liability cases, the Fossil Fuel / War / Oil Lords should be tried for lying to the public about the extreme risk of using their product to the health of the world. If found guilty, I argue that they all should be bankrupted for their evil acts against our species, all species. Do not agree to any universal binding awards, as I am sure the likely impacts of their lies about fossil fuel driven abrupt climate change will escalate until the death of all species! What amount of financial awards could possibly compensate for the extinction of our species - all species!?
Further, I argue that we should expect similar war and financial crimes by the Reigning Emperor, King Trumpet, and be ready, should he exact such war and financial crimes on our country, or release viruses or pandemics, to save the planet for the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, to bring him and the other Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts in his Administration to justice. Like the country should have done to the last group of Evil Wrong, Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Facists Racists that, in my opinion, did 9/11 (, took us into Iraq under false pretenses of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), allowed the wholesale fleecing of our country by the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists Racists (Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers), and then ballooned the financial markets, and bankrupted these Wall Street and financial companies.
They made trillions ballooning these companies, I argue, then bankrupted them, bailing out these Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, bankrupting their legions of brainwashed and braindead lunitic followers and the good people of our country, while causing the present value of future deficits of our country, the US "fiscal gap," to rise into the hundred of trillions of dollars. I argue that we should expect similar crimes against our country by King Trumpet, and should be ready to bring him and his Administration to justice, should they do this to us again, as I expect that they will!
From a return on investment perspective, I argue, that the returns to these Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts are highly negative, given my belief that they will spend eternity in hell feeling the pain and suffering that they have damned the billions of God's children and trillions of God's species to suffer. Therefore, the only thing that exceeds their stupidy, is their greed, and the only thing to exceed their insane greed, will be the horrific pain and suffering that they will have to indure for eternity! Therefore, their "return on fleecing, raping, pillaging, churing and burning" God's trillions of children and species, I would argue, is insanely negative. So I complete my arguemnet, that they are horrific investors, when the implications of their insane and insatiable greed for money, power and sex are considered, to their well being over all eternity! The masses win - the classes are the big loosers!
Why do you think Christ said "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24. He was hung on the cross for standing against the EMM&MSs and it was the Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, spurred on by the Pharisees, Sadducees and Oligarchs, who whipped, lashed, tortured, and defiled him. They put a crown of thorns on Him, then they had him drag a cross through town to be hung on a cross until he died. Obviously, He saw that His religion would become the world religion, and that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts would hijack His religion to support the EMM&MSs ongoing commitment to "The King of Greed of Money, Power and Sex - Satin!" Satin's evil has always been, and continues to be, feeding their evil testosterone driven greed for money, power and sex. The EMM&MS have no remorse for how they have fleeced, raped, pillaged, churned and burned his billions of children, and trillions of species for their insatiable, insane, evil greed. They EMM&MS would brain wash the Legions of Lunatic followers, just like the ones that hung Him on the cross, to support their evil greed and avarice, to the extinction of all species. Hence, in my opinion, why He said, they will come in My name and insure the horrific death of all people, for the insatiable, insane and evil greed of the EMM&MS&L. They have! Just the frying and dying that we have to look forward to!
Just so you Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts do not get your hair in a tissy, given this portion of my writings, it is my attempt to reduce your eternal sentence in hell. A verbal tounge lashing, to try to get you to not make your hell even more horrific than it already is likely to be, and maybe try to plea bargin to reduce the horrific nature of your eternity in hell. A hell that even the most horrific nightmare or movie would not do justice to! As you have created a society of brainwashed and braindead lunatics that watch an event like 9/11, even with a page as detailed as, few even think of this event or question how 12 unskilled Islamic people could possibly do "the most sophisticated and complicated terrorist activity" ever executed, and it was done by our own Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts to us for their insane greed!
So these blunt statements are ment to keep you from doing anything to make your eternity in hell more horrific, and should you really become the prodigal sons and daughters, to get you to embrace my advice to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the other TransitioNOW Objectives on my site! Although I can't promise that embracing these NOW will save the species. I can certainly guarantee that it would save many of your Evil Money Monster, Money Sluts and leigons of lunatics souls, that are now facing a hell so horrific that no one could possibly imagine for ETERNITY! So take this as a "last call to save your evil souls!"
On a positive note, since sitting in a year long doctoral symposium in political economics and a taking a graduate symposium in economic demography my sophomore year at the University of Utah (UofU), in 1979-80, I have believed that the world would end up, in my opinion, similar to the world portrayed in the movie Elysium, an over population driven wasteland, with the top 0.01% living in the modern day version of the walled city, not likely a space station. And, with the bottom 99.9% living in hell, not just the bottom 50%, like today. My initial work in this graduate course in economic demography resulted in a two year demographic impact study on the proposed land basing of the MX Nuclear Missle System in Utah and Nevada. I would like to believe my study was the last straw that stopped this obviously insane nuclear weapons system largest pork belly project ever proposed in the world of Satin's Warriors.
So the ravages of abrupt anthropogenic climate change driven massive methane releases, facilitating and then reinforcing the implosion and explosion the world's ocean based nuclear reactors, is saving the bottom 99.9% from generations living in "hell on earth." Alternatively, I have believed since 1980 that the species would likely kill itself, due to the horrific consequences and impacts of nuclear power, combined with the insane and insatiable greed of the Money Monsters and Money Sluts.
Ironic, how after these 37 brutal years, since 1980, of research, writing and standing against the EMM&MS, I now believe I have the clearest view of how these War / Oil / Wall Street Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts will cause the extinction of all species.
It is also reassuring to feel that the EMM&MS, whose insane, insatiable, evil greed and avaris is insuring the death of all species, plans to "depopulate" the planet, by killing off billions, so that they can have the planet to themselves, will not occur.
From a religious perspective. Think of it, if you believe there is a "Logical God of Love," don't you think that God knows that the design of the planet was insuring that if the "beast," the EMM&MS&LL, could not control their testosterone driven insatiable greed for money, power and sex, that the combination of methane hydrates and nuclear reactors, would cause the rapid extinction of the species? I do! So it was intellengently designed! Just not in the way that the purveyors of false religion, false economics, false politics, nothing but BS (billions) for the Billionaires Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunatics believe!
The Strategy of Radical Peace, Love and Sustainable Development
The Strategy of Radical Peace, Love and Sustainable Development for the benefit of All of God's Children, People and Species! This is the Universal Logic of the God of Love! This is the only strategy that will ever win, it is the only strategy that will stop the death of homogreedious, and most, if not all, species. It is the strategy of the Universal Logic of the God of Love!
God does not care about how you relate to the Love of God, only that you do relate to the God of Love.
He does not care what you call Him, only that care to call on Him! He or She does not care how you love, or experience your spirituality in God's Love, only that you do experience your spirituality, regardless of your sexual orientation, gender identity, religious beliefs, race, color, technicolor, or what ever! He made you the way you are! We now scientifically know that most of these differences are due to genetic conditions, and cultural conditioning and norms. Don't you think God knows this, and loves you "just the way you are in His Love!"
The Universal Logic of God's Love sees "The Ultimate Goal of Life - To Be Your True Spirit in God's Love, that you will be in Heaven, on earth!" This should be your constant focus!
God only wants you to experience your spirituality with The ONE - The God of Trans-Universal Love! God's Love that Transcends Universal, It Is The Spiritual Dimension!
Not to embrace "the evil one" who thinks he is God, and is selling souls on the Universal Law of the Insatiable Greed of Satin, as being "God's Will!" The Religious Right are the Evil Wrong He said would come in His Name to the death of all species!
He does not care how you experience your spirituality in His Love! Only that you do it often!
He wants you to do this NOW, before you cause yourselves insane pain and suffering. He wants you to all work together and TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and humane, God like, sustainable communities, where you use God's earth sustainably, responsibly, humanely, and do as He has asked. Do for "the least fortunate of His sisters and brothers." Forgive each other, and in fact, Love each other!
This challenge will either result in TransitioNOW to God's world, or to Hell on Earth! You can't say He did not warn you! Take this as His warning! You have been told how, when, where and why "It Is THE END!" Plus He layed out how you might just be able to save the world. But only if you all work together in God's Love! And, TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, Sustainable Living, and Loving each other, to save all of God's children, people and species everywhere! This is the Universal Logic of God's Love! This is the religion, where there is no religion, where their is only God's Love! The Spiritual Dimension! Heaven!
Sadly, I believe that this challenge is beyond homogreedious. As a result, I fear and believe, it will be "Hell on Earth," and only then, will the good souls go to Heaven. While most of the EMM&MS will be sent to the place God made for the devil and his angels! However, the purpose of this work is to help as many make it into Heaven as possible, and to help as many as possible, suffer as little as possible.
I certainly don't believe the EMM&MS will embrace this Universal Love and change the hell on earth, that their insatiable greed for money and power has destined the world to suffer, but the more people that do, God is happier!
So let's all try to love each other, forgive each other, and help those in need! While we try to plan for the very challenging future, regardless of how you see the whole story. It will be very difficult, if the world does not radically TransitioNOW! to God's Love! Applying these simple, timeless, and universal principals of God's Love, will allow many of us to find God's Love for Eternity, and to live less horrific lives, as our species enters its final days on earth, "It Is THE END!"
What hit me seeking fulfillment in God's love dreaming about being the next Thomas Aquinas in the Aquinas College Seminary, was that the human capability to explain in words, and science's capabilities to prove, the ultimate goal of this existence, Becoming Your True Spirit in the Logical God of Love, will never occur. What is possible is to Be Your True Spirit in the Logical God of Love - NOW! As if yesterday God Revealed this to me. So I did! Now I am praying that you will too!
God's Peace and Love Be With You,
Jim Moultrup
To fulfill this section's spiritual mission, I leave you with Professor J. Kroth's exceptional observations of "The Coming Disaster,' and becoming "The Spiritual Beautiful Wonderful Being that You Are - Right Now - In God's Love, that you will be for Eternity in Heaven!"
I hope you found my work, so far, enlightening, inspiring, challenging, scary, and most of all, bringing you closer to "Your Spiritual Oneness with The God of Love!"