Architects and Engineers Solving The Mystery of Building 7 - Evil King Cheney, Evil King Bushit and Evil Money Slut Rumsfeild - OMG just imagine your hell - feeling the horror and insane pain and suffering of all the people you so ruthlessly murdered! You Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts! OMG, wouldn't want to be in your souls when you take that last breath on Planet Titanic! You may be able to fool your Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, you can't fool God! You all will pay for "Eternity in The Depths of Hell!"
9/11 Truth Comes Out - And It's Ugly! Psychologists interviewed by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth explain why people still believe the "official version" of 9/11, in spite of the massive amount of evidence that Evil King Cheney, Evil King Bushit and Evil Money Slut Rumsfield did it!
9/11 INTERCEPTED - Brought to you by Pilots For 9/11 Truth
Declassified Documents Expose Why 9/11 Happened and The Masterminds Behind it: This is the first and the best discussion of what 9/11 really was, the implementation of the recommendations outlined in "Rebuilding America's Defenses," which was put out by "The Project of The New American Century," referred to as "The Wolfowitz Doctrine!" The Evil Militarist Global Domination of "Satin's Mafia" by force and fear, justified by a new "Pearl Harbor" - "9/11!" In particular, it was to control The Middle East, home to most of the world's remaining oil and natural gas, prior to the world running out of cheap fossil fuels, falling off "Hubbert's Cliff!"
Oliver Stone On Bush and Cheney's Role in 9/11 and Obama's Sell Out to Wall Street and The Military Industrial Complex: A good overview on Cheney and Bush's reasons for doing 9/11 to our country, "the need for a New Pearl Harbor - 9/11," and Obama's sell out to Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex. Think War with Afghanistan makes sense, watch this. Evil Money Monster, King Cheney, estimated the Afghanistan War Cost between $50-70 billion, $100 billion at most. Actual costs were north of $700 billion! This does not factor in all of the thousands of lost lives, and millions wounded and maimed! Good overview of the militarist rise in power during Cheney's and Obama's reign. Not only did Cheney/Bush double Pentagon official spending, by 2011 78% of all arms sales internationally were by the US. The National Priorities Project estimates that in 2010, "$1.2 trillion of its $3 trillion dollars" in US spending under Obama, was on military spending! Historian, Alfred McCoy, "delineated the real stakes when he noted that "by as early as 2020, The Pentagon hopes to patrol the globe - ceaselessly relentlessly, via a triple canopy space shield, reaching from stratosphere to exosphere, driven by drones driven by agile missiles. The triple canopy should be able to blind an entire army by knocking out ground communications, avionics, and Naval navigation."" But as McCoy cautions, "the appearance of technical invincibility and information omniscience, has failed arrogant nations in the past." Note Hitler, in particular! A good overview of the Evil Satin Mafia's real goal - World Domination by Force and Fear! Stone ends, as with all popular movie makers, commentators, politicians, professionals with good careers, etc., etc., with a good dose of "hopium!" All I can say is "THANK GOD!" - - "It Is THE END!"
9/11 - 15 Years Of Lies An Cover-up: Along with being a humorous summary of the "insanity of 9/11," the detail on many of the key persons roles, including Giuliani leaving his "secure bunker" in Building 7, with all employees, as he was warned that the "World Trade Center" towers were going to collapse, before they collapsed! Along with NOT telling others about the pending collapse of World Trade Center Towers, he oversaw the wholesale destruction of the crime scene!
Trillions and Trillions of Dollars vested in the Evil Militaristic Domination of Planet Titanic by "Satin's Mafia," prior to cascading into "Hell on Earth," due to the Terror and Hell these Evil Money Monsters did to our planet, to insure trillions and trillions to them, their families and their Evil Money Sluts, through War, Oil and Gas profits, while collapsing the only potentially saving industries, renewable energies!
BBC The Trillion Dollar 9/11 Conspiracy: Part I
BBC The Trillion Dollar 9/11 Conspiracy: Part II
9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!
9/11 Inside Out - What A Real 9/11 Investigation Would Reveal
9/11 What Happened to The Passengers?
Zeitgeist: The Movie
Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers
For those that were "too popular to murder," like Dr. Steven Jones, who discovered Evil King Dickies' secret sauce for downing the three World Trade Center Buildings, a version of nano-thermite with explosive capabilities not even known to exist, they simply ruined their careers. Now surely, as a theological logician, I would have to argue that those who believe 19 - well 12, unskilled Middle Easterners, could down the three strongest buildings on Planet Titanic, one not even struck, at free fall speeds, which is absolutely impossible scientifically. Plus, that the massive steel beams could be made into molten steel, by the striking of one plane on each tower, with only these one planes jet fuel. Not to mention that the TV personality could call the collapse of "Building 7" before it happened, with "take it down" stated live on TV.
Then there is the argument that the Pentagon could be hit by a plane, flown by one of these unskilled Middle Eastern people, who could not even fly a Cessna. Note the discussion of the impossibility of any commercial plane structurally being able to fly this flight on the video above, a flight that not one TOP Pilot could fly on a plane simulator. Plus, where is the plane debris? With the very large number of videos focused on "the most secure building on the planet," where is the video with the plane hitting the Pentagon? The videos released, shown on the videos above, do not show a plane when the bomb explodes hitting the Pentagon, right where the evidence was on the $2.3 trillion in unaccounted spending by the Pentagon! Gee, I wonder why?
I must admit, logically and theologically, I would have to argue, that all of these arguments - and so many more - necessitates that if "you believe these 12 unskilled Middle Easterners did 9/11 - you should logically and theologically believe that "ALA" was on their side, and you should convert to Islam! Other wise, it is clear, it was an inside job by Evil King Dickie and Evil Money Slut Donnie Rumsfield, while brain dead Evil King GW was pondering the depths of hell! It is simply logically and theologically, the case - in my opinion, of course!
Similarly, they ruined the careers of Dr. Guy McPherson, for warning the world about the coming "abrupt climate change," insuring Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), which they caused, and for which, they will feel the most intense pain and suffering in Hell for Eternity!
These Evil Fascist Dictators of course, did not have "the balls," to say they wanted to "take over the Middle East for the Evil Profits of their War and Oil Evil Money Monsters," insuring the death of God's children - all of God's species - all of God's beautiful planet. Instead they blame 19 people, oh yes, only 12 Middle East People - 7 are still alive - not one of whom can fly a Cessna. The Evil Monsters murdered thousands of our own people. Then these Evil Monsters murder hundreds more that were "outing them for doing 9/11!" They then killed, and crucified hundreds of thousands of us, and Middle Easterners that had nothing to do with 9/11, in Iraq, Afghanistan, all for the Massive Wealth of their Oil and War Evil Money Monsters Fascist Totalitarian Dictators, watch "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers!" To top if off they insure the death of our species, all species, not only by doing 9/11 for their Evil Greed, instead of allowing Gore to at least head the Evil Planet Titanic toward a sustainable world. They literally stop all spending, science and efforts to stop the most massive "Risk of Near Term Human Extinction," "Climate Change!"
But let's not stop there, the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts stuff their Life Boats with trillions of our dollars, spending trillions on preparing for "hell on earth" with our tillions of tax dollars, thinking that "they and theirs" will survive the coming "hell on earth," after committing the Global Genocide of billions and billions of us!
Their Brainwashed and Brain Dead Legioins of Lunatic Supporters, suck their dicks, stuffing their heads up the butts of any millionaire or billionaire that will allow them. Denying not only that three of the strongest steel buildings, especially one that wasn't even struck, can't free fall! Denying all of the rest of the evidence, see and the videos above, and to top it off, denying "climate change" even exists, insuring the Global Genocide that the Evil Monsters have damned the world to! What a Cesspool of an Evil Satinistic Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, in the Evil Kochtapus Kingdom! The Evil States of King Charlie Koch and their evil fascist racist supporters!
All I can say - - "THANK GOD! - - "It Is THE END!"
He said in the Temple, that those that lead His Children away from God, toward the Evil Greed of King Satin, in His Name, will suffer the greatest damnation in Hell! I would take these words seriously! As it appears to me that most of the Evil Monsters and Evil Money Sluts are heading to the "depths of hell," especially the Religious Right = Evil Wrong that are leading God's Children toward the Evil Greed of Satin, but most of the Right Wing = Evil Wrong for stealing the election from Al Gore; doing 9/11 to our country (see; doing the Iraq war, to steal the oil from Iraq and trillions from the US, while controlling the Middle East; stealing the election from Queen Billary; unleashing "Evil King Trumpet" on Planet Titanic; being the ONLY country to NOT sign the Pairs accord and for denying the scientific merits of climate change and over population.
I just watched "The Top Ten Doomsday Disasters" on the Weather Channel (8/13/17), the Number 1 risk: An Asteroid hitting earth! They did not even mention that Extinction Level Risk, the name of which is NOT permitted in the White House - "climate change!" They are kidding right! They did mention "methane" as the Number 4 risk: The Silent Killer. They barely even mentioned the methane on the Siberian Arctic Tundra, which is estimated to have up to 1,400 gigatons of methane, as one of the last methane risks. The top methane risk they present is a methane burst of hundreds of gigatons in The Gulf of Mexico, which is very deep. "The Sigsbee Deep's actual maximum depth is disputed and estimates range between 3,750 and 4,384 metres (12,303 and 14,383 ft). The average depth of the Gulf is roughly1,615 metres (5,299 ft). The Sigsbee Abyssal Plain is the deepest and flattest sector of the deep basin (Wiki)." Due to the significant depth of The Gulf of Mexico and The Sigsbee Abyssal Plain, I would argue, they are not really a major methane risks. The methane is absorbed in the water if it is deep enough. Not a word was mentioned about the MASSIVE METHANE EXTINCTION LEVEL RISKS of the ESAS, which is very shallow, 150 feet deep on average, massive in size - 2 Million square kilometers (1.2 million square miles), and which contains the most massive stores of methane hydrates, estimated up to 9,000 gigatons of methane! The current global atmospheric burden of methane is around 5 gigatons! OMG!
What Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatics! Along with halting all efforts of our government, and hence, much of the world, to mitigate or stop these extinction level risks, due to "climate change," over population and global pollution! The result of the above Forces and Factors, and so much more, are going to create "hell on earth - to the death of all of God's children, species and amazing world," for their insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex! Most of you Evil Monsters and Sluts will have an eternity that makes the most horrific horror movie, seem like child's play! So I would really pray, pray more, contemplate, the meaning of life - - NOW!
Mark 12:38-40 (NET) In his teaching Jesus also said, “Watch out for the experts in the law. They like walking around in long robes and elaborate greetings in the marketplaces, 39 and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. 40 They devour widows’ property, and as a show make long prayers. These men will receive a more severe punishment.”
Those of us that have stood against Satin's Mafia, which I argue is run just like the old school Chicago and New York Mafia, with an ongoing pledge of Omereta, which places even family below Satin's Mafia, know all to well how these Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts and Legions of Lunatic Supporters have systematically, continuously, and with amazing effectiveness, thrash, rape, pillage and destroy the lives - daily - of those of us that have stood against their Evil Greed! Evil King Trumpet uses the "RADICALLY INTIMIDATING HANDSHAKE," versus getting everyone to "kiss his Satin's Mafia Ring," with "666" on it (which I am sure people would prefer! - I don't doubt he actually has one!) so that he let's everyone know that He is DONNIE DON, THE EVIL KING DON, SLUT TO EVIL KING VLADIMIR, SLUT TO EVIL KING CHARLIE KOCH, AND SLUT TO THE EVIL KINGS ROTHCHILDS.
Even the children of the "Made Evil Money Sluts" of Satin's Mafia are thrashed and their careers are destroyed, if Satin's Mafia can't "get something on you," insuring that you have sold your soul to Satin's EVIL WRONG Mafia. This is especially true, of their liberal children! Just watch the video below, "Koch Brothers Exposed," and pay attention to the discussion about the plight of Fred Koch. He was, and as far as I know, he still is politically liberal. His three brothers held a "kangaroo court," threatening to tell their dad that he was "gay." They knew that their father, Fred senior, would disown Fred junior, if they told him that Fred junior was gay, leaving Fred junior's share of their father's massive fortune for them! This was even though they had no reason to believe that he was gay, which I have no idea if he is, still. Charlie, in particular - Charlie is Satin in this world, and David just loathed Fred's liberal views, and feared him getting their father's wealth, to help promote Fred Koch's liberal views. In a humane household, it should NOT make a difference if he was gay, straight, bi, or any version thereof.
The Koch Brothers Exposed (2014)
Full Interview: Jane Mayer on the Mercers & the Dark Money Behind the Rise of Trump & Bannon
9/11 Truth Comes Out - And It's Ugly! Psychologists interviewed by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth explain why people still believe the "official version" of 9/11, in spite of the massive amount of evidence that Evil King Cheney, Evil King Bushit and Evil Money Slut Rumsfield did it!
9/11 INTERCEPTED - Brought to you by Pilots For 9/11 Truth
Declassified Documents Expose Why 9/11 Happened and The Masterminds Behind it: This is the first and the best discussion of what 9/11 really was, the implementation of the recommendations outlined in "Rebuilding America's Defenses," which was put out by "The Project of The New American Century," referred to as "The Wolfowitz Doctrine!" The Evil Militarist Global Domination of "Satin's Mafia" by force and fear, justified by a new "Pearl Harbor" - "9/11!" In particular, it was to control The Middle East, home to most of the world's remaining oil and natural gas, prior to the world running out of cheap fossil fuels, falling off "Hubbert's Cliff!"
Oliver Stone On Bush and Cheney's Role in 9/11 and Obama's Sell Out to Wall Street and The Military Industrial Complex: A good overview on Cheney and Bush's reasons for doing 9/11 to our country, "the need for a New Pearl Harbor - 9/11," and Obama's sell out to Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex. Think War with Afghanistan makes sense, watch this. Evil Money Monster, King Cheney, estimated the Afghanistan War Cost between $50-70 billion, $100 billion at most. Actual costs were north of $700 billion! This does not factor in all of the thousands of lost lives, and millions wounded and maimed! Good overview of the militarist rise in power during Cheney's and Obama's reign. Not only did Cheney/Bush double Pentagon official spending, by 2011 78% of all arms sales internationally were by the US. The National Priorities Project estimates that in 2010, "$1.2 trillion of its $3 trillion dollars" in US spending under Obama, was on military spending! Historian, Alfred McCoy, "delineated the real stakes when he noted that "by as early as 2020, The Pentagon hopes to patrol the globe - ceaselessly relentlessly, via a triple canopy space shield, reaching from stratosphere to exosphere, driven by drones driven by agile missiles. The triple canopy should be able to blind an entire army by knocking out ground communications, avionics, and Naval navigation."" But as McCoy cautions, "the appearance of technical invincibility and information omniscience, has failed arrogant nations in the past." Note Hitler, in particular! A good overview of the Evil Satin Mafia's real goal - World Domination by Force and Fear! Stone ends, as with all popular movie makers, commentators, politicians, professionals with good careers, etc., etc., with a good dose of "hopium!" All I can say is "THANK GOD!" - - "It Is THE END!"
9/11 - 15 Years Of Lies An Cover-up: Along with being a humorous summary of the "insanity of 9/11," the detail on many of the key persons roles, including Giuliani leaving his "secure bunker" in Building 7, with all employees, as he was warned that the "World Trade Center" towers were going to collapse, before they collapsed! Along with NOT telling others about the pending collapse of World Trade Center Towers, he oversaw the wholesale destruction of the crime scene!
Trillions and Trillions of Dollars vested in the Evil Militaristic Domination of Planet Titanic by "Satin's Mafia," prior to cascading into "Hell on Earth," due to the Terror and Hell these Evil Money Monsters did to our planet, to insure trillions and trillions to them, their families and their Evil Money Sluts, through War, Oil and Gas profits, while collapsing the only potentially saving industries, renewable energies!
BBC The Trillion Dollar 9/11 Conspiracy: Part I
BBC The Trillion Dollar 9/11 Conspiracy: Part II
9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!
9/11 Inside Out - What A Real 9/11 Investigation Would Reveal
9/11 What Happened to The Passengers?
Zeitgeist: The Movie
Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers
For those that were "too popular to murder," like Dr. Steven Jones, who discovered Evil King Dickies' secret sauce for downing the three World Trade Center Buildings, a version of nano-thermite with explosive capabilities not even known to exist, they simply ruined their careers. Now surely, as a theological logician, I would have to argue that those who believe 19 - well 12, unskilled Middle Easterners, could down the three strongest buildings on Planet Titanic, one not even struck, at free fall speeds, which is absolutely impossible scientifically. Plus, that the massive steel beams could be made into molten steel, by the striking of one plane on each tower, with only these one planes jet fuel. Not to mention that the TV personality could call the collapse of "Building 7" before it happened, with "take it down" stated live on TV.
Then there is the argument that the Pentagon could be hit by a plane, flown by one of these unskilled Middle Eastern people, who could not even fly a Cessna. Note the discussion of the impossibility of any commercial plane structurally being able to fly this flight on the video above, a flight that not one TOP Pilot could fly on a plane simulator. Plus, where is the plane debris? With the very large number of videos focused on "the most secure building on the planet," where is the video with the plane hitting the Pentagon? The videos released, shown on the videos above, do not show a plane when the bomb explodes hitting the Pentagon, right where the evidence was on the $2.3 trillion in unaccounted spending by the Pentagon! Gee, I wonder why?
I must admit, logically and theologically, I would have to argue, that all of these arguments - and so many more - necessitates that if "you believe these 12 unskilled Middle Easterners did 9/11 - you should logically and theologically believe that "ALA" was on their side, and you should convert to Islam! Other wise, it is clear, it was an inside job by Evil King Dickie and Evil Money Slut Donnie Rumsfield, while brain dead Evil King GW was pondering the depths of hell! It is simply logically and theologically, the case - in my opinion, of course!
Similarly, they ruined the careers of Dr. Guy McPherson, for warning the world about the coming "abrupt climate change," insuring Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), which they caused, and for which, they will feel the most intense pain and suffering in Hell for Eternity!
These Evil Fascist Dictators of course, did not have "the balls," to say they wanted to "take over the Middle East for the Evil Profits of their War and Oil Evil Money Monsters," insuring the death of God's children - all of God's species - all of God's beautiful planet. Instead they blame 19 people, oh yes, only 12 Middle East People - 7 are still alive - not one of whom can fly a Cessna. The Evil Monsters murdered thousands of our own people. Then these Evil Monsters murder hundreds more that were "outing them for doing 9/11!" They then killed, and crucified hundreds of thousands of us, and Middle Easterners that had nothing to do with 9/11, in Iraq, Afghanistan, all for the Massive Wealth of their Oil and War Evil Money Monsters Fascist Totalitarian Dictators, watch "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers!" To top if off they insure the death of our species, all species, not only by doing 9/11 for their Evil Greed, instead of allowing Gore to at least head the Evil Planet Titanic toward a sustainable world. They literally stop all spending, science and efforts to stop the most massive "Risk of Near Term Human Extinction," "Climate Change!"
But let's not stop there, the Evil Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts stuff their Life Boats with trillions of our dollars, spending trillions on preparing for "hell on earth" with our tillions of tax dollars, thinking that "they and theirs" will survive the coming "hell on earth," after committing the Global Genocide of billions and billions of us!
Their Brainwashed and Brain Dead Legioins of Lunatic Supporters, suck their dicks, stuffing their heads up the butts of any millionaire or billionaire that will allow them. Denying not only that three of the strongest steel buildings, especially one that wasn't even struck, can't free fall! Denying all of the rest of the evidence, see and the videos above, and to top it off, denying "climate change" even exists, insuring the Global Genocide that the Evil Monsters have damned the world to! What a Cesspool of an Evil Satinistic Money Monsters and Evil Money Sluts, in the Evil Kochtapus Kingdom! The Evil States of King Charlie Koch and their evil fascist racist supporters!
All I can say - - "THANK GOD! - - "It Is THE END!"
He said in the Temple, that those that lead His Children away from God, toward the Evil Greed of King Satin, in His Name, will suffer the greatest damnation in Hell! I would take these words seriously! As it appears to me that most of the Evil Monsters and Evil Money Sluts are heading to the "depths of hell," especially the Religious Right = Evil Wrong that are leading God's Children toward the Evil Greed of Satin, but most of the Right Wing = Evil Wrong for stealing the election from Al Gore; doing 9/11 to our country (see; doing the Iraq war, to steal the oil from Iraq and trillions from the US, while controlling the Middle East; stealing the election from Queen Billary; unleashing "Evil King Trumpet" on Planet Titanic; being the ONLY country to NOT sign the Pairs accord and for denying the scientific merits of climate change and over population.
I just watched "The Top Ten Doomsday Disasters" on the Weather Channel (8/13/17), the Number 1 risk: An Asteroid hitting earth! They did not even mention that Extinction Level Risk, the name of which is NOT permitted in the White House - "climate change!" They are kidding right! They did mention "methane" as the Number 4 risk: The Silent Killer. They barely even mentioned the methane on the Siberian Arctic Tundra, which is estimated to have up to 1,400 gigatons of methane, as one of the last methane risks. The top methane risk they present is a methane burst of hundreds of gigatons in The Gulf of Mexico, which is very deep. "The Sigsbee Deep's actual maximum depth is disputed and estimates range between 3,750 and 4,384 metres (12,303 and 14,383 ft). The average depth of the Gulf is roughly1,615 metres (5,299 ft). The Sigsbee Abyssal Plain is the deepest and flattest sector of the deep basin (Wiki)." Due to the significant depth of The Gulf of Mexico and The Sigsbee Abyssal Plain, I would argue, they are not really a major methane risks. The methane is absorbed in the water if it is deep enough. Not a word was mentioned about the MASSIVE METHANE EXTINCTION LEVEL RISKS of the ESAS, which is very shallow, 150 feet deep on average, massive in size - 2 Million square kilometers (1.2 million square miles), and which contains the most massive stores of methane hydrates, estimated up to 9,000 gigatons of methane! The current global atmospheric burden of methane is around 5 gigatons! OMG!
What Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatics! Along with halting all efforts of our government, and hence, much of the world, to mitigate or stop these extinction level risks, due to "climate change," over population and global pollution! The result of the above Forces and Factors, and so much more, are going to create "hell on earth - to the death of all of God's children, species and amazing world," for their insatiable, Insane, Evil Greed for Money, Power and Sex! Most of you Evil Monsters and Sluts will have an eternity that makes the most horrific horror movie, seem like child's play! So I would really pray, pray more, contemplate, the meaning of life - - NOW!
Mark 12:38-40 (NET) In his teaching Jesus also said, “Watch out for the experts in the law. They like walking around in long robes and elaborate greetings in the marketplaces, 39 and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. 40 They devour widows’ property, and as a show make long prayers. These men will receive a more severe punishment.”
Those of us that have stood against Satin's Mafia, which I argue is run just like the old school Chicago and New York Mafia, with an ongoing pledge of Omereta, which places even family below Satin's Mafia, know all to well how these Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts and Legions of Lunatic Supporters have systematically, continuously, and with amazing effectiveness, thrash, rape, pillage and destroy the lives - daily - of those of us that have stood against their Evil Greed! Evil King Trumpet uses the "RADICALLY INTIMIDATING HANDSHAKE," versus getting everyone to "kiss his Satin's Mafia Ring," with "666" on it (which I am sure people would prefer! - I don't doubt he actually has one!) so that he let's everyone know that He is DONNIE DON, THE EVIL KING DON, SLUT TO EVIL KING VLADIMIR, SLUT TO EVIL KING CHARLIE KOCH, AND SLUT TO THE EVIL KINGS ROTHCHILDS.
Even the children of the "Made Evil Money Sluts" of Satin's Mafia are thrashed and their careers are destroyed, if Satin's Mafia can't "get something on you," insuring that you have sold your soul to Satin's EVIL WRONG Mafia. This is especially true, of their liberal children! Just watch the video below, "Koch Brothers Exposed," and pay attention to the discussion about the plight of Fred Koch. He was, and as far as I know, he still is politically liberal. His three brothers held a "kangaroo court," threatening to tell their dad that he was "gay." They knew that their father, Fred senior, would disown Fred junior, if they told him that Fred junior was gay, leaving Fred junior's share of their father's massive fortune for them! This was even though they had no reason to believe that he was gay, which I have no idea if he is, still. Charlie, in particular - Charlie is Satin in this world, and David just loathed Fred's liberal views, and feared him getting their father's wealth, to help promote Fred Koch's liberal views. In a humane household, it should NOT make a difference if he was gay, straight, bi, or any version thereof.
The Koch Brothers Exposed (2014)
Full Interview: Jane Mayer on the Mercers & the Dark Money Behind the Rise of Trump & Bannon
However, the Koch family, is one of the most evil families in Satin's history! Ilse Koch, was the "Butcher of Buchenwald," she prided herself on skinning the Jewish people in the Buchenwald Concentration Camp, one of the most horrific ever - - ALIVE!
Read this Report: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right
As the report states: "Notorious Nazis Ilse Koch, her husband Karl Otto Koch and Erich Koch are the ghosts of Koch Industries, who seized the U.S. conservative political agenda years ago and seem capable of seizing the government in total through the Tea Party. Ilse Koch was the Nazi’s specialist in making objects from human skin; was the only woman charged with war crimes; and along with her husband was in charge of one of the most horrific horror camps in Nazi Germany.
Koch Industries is the child of the violence of Buchenwald, widely regarded as one of wartime Germany’s most notorious “death camps”.
Information connecting Ilse and Koch Industries is hard to find but is a string of fragments, pieces of information that connects the American and German Kochs and this connection gives us a clear image of the sentiment behind the Tea Party and conservative American politics since the 1950s. Where is the connection between the German Koch’s and Fred Koch? Besides evidence the American Koch was related to Ilse’s family, Erich Koch (a high level Nazi official in charge of Prussia) invites Fred Koch to sell his oil in Nazi Germany when he is banned from doing business in the US. After the fall of Nazi Germany, Erich Koch and Fred expand the oil empire to the Soviet Union. Erich Koch had been in charge of Prussia for Hitler so his ties to the Soviet Union ran deep. A few years later the Soviets took Fred Koch’s oil and prosecuted Erich for war crimes – Fred Koch returned to the US, became anti-communist, and was allowed to do business in the States again.
American Fred Koch, and through association the Kochs from Germany, establish the John Birch Society in the 1950s in NY, which becomes the policy center for American conservatives. The society was built on Fred Koch’s oil money in the 1950s and can be thought of as the center of neo-conservative politics as well as the Tea Party movement. The ideologies of each are not the same – but the Tea Party fits into the neo-conservative put for (achieving a) colonial corporate police state as a sort of consumer citizen of the neo-conservative strategy mad as hell at the government and the legacy of liberalism, postmodernism, multiculturalism, taxes….etc.
Ilse and her husband Karl were tried by the SS before the war ended, accused of corruption. Her husband Karl Otto Koch was tried and sentenced to death in Nazi Germany. After the war, Ilse was arrested in the German American Zone, tried in front of a tribunal and sentenced, but was quickly pardoned by the American general appointed leader of the zone."
The following quote from an inmate at Buchenwald is from this web site.
Sergeant Blowers told us some things about the Commandant of Buchenwald and his wife. We could see their house down the hill through the leafless trees from our seats on the front steps (of the barracks). Blowers painted a picture of truly despicable human beings. The wife, Ilse Koch, favored jodhpurs, boots, and a riding crop. He told us this story about her: Once, she ordered all of the Jewish prisoners in the camp stripped and lined up; she then marched down the rows of them, and, as she saw a tattoo she liked, she would touch that tattoo with her riding crop; the guards would take the man away immediately to the camp hospital where the doctors would remove the patch of skin with the tattoo, have it tanned, and patch it together with others to make lamp shades. There were three of those lamp shades--the history books say there were two, but there were three. One of them disappeared shortly after we arrived. This may give you a glimmer of an idea of what Ilse Koch was like--and her husband--and the camp "doctors."
As with the Koch Family, it is well known that a significant portion of the Rothschild's net worth was acquired due to very evil activities. The Report: "The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right," "Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet," "Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science," "Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire," “Koch Industries Pollution,” "Violation Tracker: Koch Industries" and the book "Dark Money," provide a good overview of why many of us see these billionaires as the most evil and influential Evil Money Monsters in our country.
Full Interview: Jane Mayer on the Mercers & the Dark Money Behind the Rise of Trump & Bannon
Report: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right
Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet
Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science
Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire
Koch Industries Pollution
Violation Tracker: Koch Industries
I will speak to how my career is proof of the fact that if you do not sell your soul to Satin's Mafia, the Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, will thrash you personally, along with your career, income and wealth prospects. This I know personally, all too well! Witness King Trumpet's reign over the Kochtapus Kingdom. It is a revolving door of people who are Evil Wrong, but not quite willing to Sell Their Souls to Evil King Trumpet! This reality has been the same in all "Totalitarian, Fascist, Racist, Kleptocratic, Narcissist, Misogynistic, Bigoted, Terrorist Based, Fear Based, Corporatocracy Managed and Controlled, Plutocracies" - most all countries - except the Nordic Countries, since the beginning of the Evil Beast! Only the terminology is different between Evil Money Monster Kingdoms (capitalism, socialism or communism), the primary focus of all economic systems, with the exception of the Nordic Countries, has been more "BS (billions) for The Billionaires!"
Or as I like to say, the true economic optimization objective, for all most all economies, in all time periods; which is also the favorite "one liner" of The Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, is:
All most all business, politics, economics, religion, medicine, science, has been degraded to BS for the Billionaires, just before the Most Evil Beasts commit Global Genocide, in the face of 97% of the scientific community telling them to change course, while the other 3% are the ones Satin's Kocktapus Kingdom, The Evil Dark Money Monsters, have bought and paid off to decry the real scientists! Even the scientists warning about climate change, I argue, are Near Dark Money Monsters, as they are financed in large part, by the tech billionaires and Euro players, who represent collectively the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC's) projections and views. The IPCC and other leading Organizations primary goal, I argue, is to insure BS (billions) to the Billionaires that are funding the IPCC and the other climate organizations, while feeling "holier than the Dark Money Monsters," for their very inaccurate and misleading positions and findings on climate change, peak energy, and over population. They are less complicit, I argue, in the "Ongoing Global Genocide," but the net effect, I would argue, of their analysis and their suggested solutions, are nothing but to insure ongoing BS (billions) to the Billionaires that they are funded by, and to slightly extend the time period for Near Term Human Extinction - "It Is THE END!" I argue that their suggested solutions will not even come close to stopping the following massive primary risk from resulting in Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE) - It Is THE END!
ABRUPT CLIMATE CHANGE - - Driven By Massive Releases of Methane Hydrates in Siberia, and The Slowing of The AMOC
The Number One Risk of Abrupt Climate Change: Methane Hydrates and Carbon on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra
The IPCC and most other "Scientific Organizations" do not even model the #1 Massive Risk of Climate Change: That the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic tundra (click paragraph for link to article), have up to 10,400 billion tons of methane hydrates, that is up to 10.4 trillion tons of methane hydrates, with up to 86 times the global warming potential as carbon in the twenty year time period! Plus, up to 1,580 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon. Do the math (10,400 times 86) plus up to 1,580 = up to 895,980 times the global warming potential of the up to 1 billion tons of carbon in the Indonesia Peat Forests in the twenty-year time frame!!! The Indonesian peat forests are thought to be one of the largest stores of carbon on the planet (see video below) that have the potential to be released to the atmosphere.
Read this Report: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right
As the report states: "Notorious Nazis Ilse Koch, her husband Karl Otto Koch and Erich Koch are the ghosts of Koch Industries, who seized the U.S. conservative political agenda years ago and seem capable of seizing the government in total through the Tea Party. Ilse Koch was the Nazi’s specialist in making objects from human skin; was the only woman charged with war crimes; and along with her husband was in charge of one of the most horrific horror camps in Nazi Germany.
Koch Industries is the child of the violence of Buchenwald, widely regarded as one of wartime Germany’s most notorious “death camps”.
Information connecting Ilse and Koch Industries is hard to find but is a string of fragments, pieces of information that connects the American and German Kochs and this connection gives us a clear image of the sentiment behind the Tea Party and conservative American politics since the 1950s. Where is the connection between the German Koch’s and Fred Koch? Besides evidence the American Koch was related to Ilse’s family, Erich Koch (a high level Nazi official in charge of Prussia) invites Fred Koch to sell his oil in Nazi Germany when he is banned from doing business in the US. After the fall of Nazi Germany, Erich Koch and Fred expand the oil empire to the Soviet Union. Erich Koch had been in charge of Prussia for Hitler so his ties to the Soviet Union ran deep. A few years later the Soviets took Fred Koch’s oil and prosecuted Erich for war crimes – Fred Koch returned to the US, became anti-communist, and was allowed to do business in the States again.
American Fred Koch, and through association the Kochs from Germany, establish the John Birch Society in the 1950s in NY, which becomes the policy center for American conservatives. The society was built on Fred Koch’s oil money in the 1950s and can be thought of as the center of neo-conservative politics as well as the Tea Party movement. The ideologies of each are not the same – but the Tea Party fits into the neo-conservative put for (achieving a) colonial corporate police state as a sort of consumer citizen of the neo-conservative strategy mad as hell at the government and the legacy of liberalism, postmodernism, multiculturalism, taxes….etc.
Ilse and her husband Karl were tried by the SS before the war ended, accused of corruption. Her husband Karl Otto Koch was tried and sentenced to death in Nazi Germany. After the war, Ilse was arrested in the German American Zone, tried in front of a tribunal and sentenced, but was quickly pardoned by the American general appointed leader of the zone."
The following quote from an inmate at Buchenwald is from this web site.
Sergeant Blowers told us some things about the Commandant of Buchenwald and his wife. We could see their house down the hill through the leafless trees from our seats on the front steps (of the barracks). Blowers painted a picture of truly despicable human beings. The wife, Ilse Koch, favored jodhpurs, boots, and a riding crop. He told us this story about her: Once, she ordered all of the Jewish prisoners in the camp stripped and lined up; she then marched down the rows of them, and, as she saw a tattoo she liked, she would touch that tattoo with her riding crop; the guards would take the man away immediately to the camp hospital where the doctors would remove the patch of skin with the tattoo, have it tanned, and patch it together with others to make lamp shades. There were three of those lamp shades--the history books say there were two, but there were three. One of them disappeared shortly after we arrived. This may give you a glimmer of an idea of what Ilse Koch was like--and her husband--and the camp "doctors."
As with the Koch Family, it is well known that a significant portion of the Rothschild's net worth was acquired due to very evil activities. The Report: "The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right," "Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet," "Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science," "Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire," “Koch Industries Pollution,” "Violation Tracker: Koch Industries" and the book "Dark Money," provide a good overview of why many of us see these billionaires as the most evil and influential Evil Money Monsters in our country.
Full Interview: Jane Mayer on the Mercers & the Dark Money Behind the Rise of Trump & Bannon
Report: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right
Koch Industries: Corporate Rap Sheet
Exposing the Dirty Money behind fake Climate Science
Inside the Koch Industries Toxic Empire
Koch Industries Pollution
Violation Tracker: Koch Industries
I will speak to how my career is proof of the fact that if you do not sell your soul to Satin's Mafia, the Evil Money Monsters, Evil Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, will thrash you personally, along with your career, income and wealth prospects. This I know personally, all too well! Witness King Trumpet's reign over the Kochtapus Kingdom. It is a revolving door of people who are Evil Wrong, but not quite willing to Sell Their Souls to Evil King Trumpet! This reality has been the same in all "Totalitarian, Fascist, Racist, Kleptocratic, Narcissist, Misogynistic, Bigoted, Terrorist Based, Fear Based, Corporatocracy Managed and Controlled, Plutocracies" - most all countries - except the Nordic Countries, since the beginning of the Evil Beast! Only the terminology is different between Evil Money Monster Kingdoms (capitalism, socialism or communism), the primary focus of all economic systems, with the exception of the Nordic Countries, has been more "BS (billions) for The Billionaires!"
Or as I like to say, the true economic optimization objective, for all most all economies, in all time periods; which is also the favorite "one liner" of The Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters, is:
All most all business, politics, economics, religion, medicine, science, has been degraded to BS for the Billionaires, just before the Most Evil Beasts commit Global Genocide, in the face of 97% of the scientific community telling them to change course, while the other 3% are the ones Satin's Kocktapus Kingdom, The Evil Dark Money Monsters, have bought and paid off to decry the real scientists! Even the scientists warning about climate change, I argue, are Near Dark Money Monsters, as they are financed in large part, by the tech billionaires and Euro players, who represent collectively the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC's) projections and views. The IPCC and other leading Organizations primary goal, I argue, is to insure BS (billions) to the Billionaires that are funding the IPCC and the other climate organizations, while feeling "holier than the Dark Money Monsters," for their very inaccurate and misleading positions and findings on climate change, peak energy, and over population. They are less complicit, I argue, in the "Ongoing Global Genocide," but the net effect, I would argue, of their analysis and their suggested solutions, are nothing but to insure ongoing BS (billions) to the Billionaires that they are funded by, and to slightly extend the time period for Near Term Human Extinction - "It Is THE END!" I argue that their suggested solutions will not even come close to stopping the following massive primary risk from resulting in Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE) - It Is THE END!
ABRUPT CLIMATE CHANGE - - Driven By Massive Releases of Methane Hydrates in Siberia, and The Slowing of The AMOC
The Number One Risk of Abrupt Climate Change: Methane Hydrates and Carbon on the ESAS and the Siberian Arctic Tundra
The IPCC and most other "Scientific Organizations" do not even model the #1 Massive Risk of Climate Change: That the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian Arctic tundra (click paragraph for link to article), have up to 10,400 billion tons of methane hydrates, that is up to 10.4 trillion tons of methane hydrates, with up to 86 times the global warming potential as carbon in the twenty year time period! Plus, up to 1,580 billion tons (gigatons) of carbon. Do the math (10,400 times 86) plus up to 1,580 = up to 895,980 times the global warming potential of the up to 1 billion tons of carbon in the Indonesia Peat Forests in the twenty-year time frame!!! The Indonesian peat forests are thought to be one of the largest stores of carbon on the planet (see video below) that have the potential to be released to the atmosphere.
Methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (click here for full screen)
CRITICAL NOTE: The 2 million square kilometers [1.2 million square miles] that Dr. Natalia Shakhova is talking about on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) is primarily from the East Siberian Sea to the Laptev Sea, where the red marker is on the map above. As she notes, it is only on average 50 meters deep [150 feet deep], and has up to 20 kilometers of sediment (12 miles deep), which is what has generated the massive methane hydrate stores of up to 9,000 gigatons on the ESAS. Also note, that many of these conditions may exist all the way across the top of Russia, from the East Siberian Sea, through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas! Plus, this does not include the up to 1,400 gigatons of methane hydrates and the up to 1,580 gigatons of carbon in the Siberian Arctic tundra!
Worse yet, the world's expert on methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), Dr. Natalia Shakhova, believes that a massive 50 plus gigaton general release is in the process of happening NOW! This would increase the 5 gigaton global atmospheric burden of methane by roughly 10 times. This one event, a 50 gigaton general release of methane hydrates, may increase the atmospheric burden of carbon from around 400 ppm, to 800-1,000 ppm according to the video below! This one event could increase sea levels by up to 60 feet, combined with super storms, it may unleash "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" Which I define in this work. OMG!!!!!!! It Is THE END!!!!!!
This article is a MUST READ, on Dr. Igor Semiltov's research on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) in September 2016.
Arctic methane gas emission 'significantly increased since 2014' - major new research: (By The Siberian Times Reporter, 04 October 2016). "New expedition in Laptev Sea suggests increase in the rate of underwater permafrost degradation. The findings come from an expedition now underway led by Professor Igor Semiletov, of Tomsk Polytechnic University, on the research vessel 'Academic M.A. Lavrentyev' which left Tiksi on 24 September on a 40 day mission. The seeping of methane from the sea floor is greater than in previous research in the same area, notably carried out between 2011 and 2014. 'The area of spread of methane mega-emissions has significantly increased in comparison with the data obtained in the period from 2011 to 2014,' he said. 'These observations may indicate that the rate of degradation of underwater permafrost has increased.'
Dr Semiletov and his team are paying special attention to clarify the role of the submarine permafrost degradation as a factor in emissions of the main greenhouse gases - carbon dioxide and methane - in the atmosphere. The team are examining how the ice plug that has hitherto prevented the exit of huge reserves of gas hydrates has today 'sprung a leak'. This shows in taliks - unfrozen surface surrounded by permafrost - through which powerful emissions of methane reach the atmosphere. Scientists are eager to determine the quantity of methane buried in those vast areas of the Siberian Arctic shelf and the impact it can have on the sensitive polar climate system. Five years ago the professor has claimed: 'We found more than 100 fountains, some more than a kilometre across....These are methane fields on a scale not seen before. The emissions went directly into the atmosphere... Earlier we found torch or fountain-like structures like this...
Note: The round area in front of the boat that has broken up ice in chunks IS being produced by rising methane, not by the boat!
CRITICAL NOTE: The 2 million square kilometers [1.2 million square miles] that Dr. Natalia Shakhova is talking about on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) is primarily from the East Siberian Sea to the Laptev Sea, where the red marker is on the map above. As she notes, it is only on average 50 meters deep [150 feet deep], and has up to 20 kilometers of sediment (12 miles deep), which is what has generated the massive methane hydrate stores of up to 9,000 gigatons on the ESAS. Also note, that many of these conditions may exist all the way across the top of Russia, from the East Siberian Sea, through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas! Plus, this does not include the up to 1,400 gigatons of methane hydrates and the up to 1,580 gigatons of carbon in the Siberian Arctic tundra!
Worse yet, the world's expert on methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), Dr. Natalia Shakhova, believes that a massive 50 plus gigaton general release is in the process of happening NOW! This would increase the 5 gigaton global atmospheric burden of methane by roughly 10 times. This one event, a 50 gigaton general release of methane hydrates, may increase the atmospheric burden of carbon from around 400 ppm, to 800-1,000 ppm according to the video below! This one event could increase sea levels by up to 60 feet, combined with super storms, it may unleash "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" Which I define in this work. OMG!!!!!!! It Is THE END!!!!!!
This article is a MUST READ, on Dr. Igor Semiltov's research on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) in September 2016.
Arctic methane gas emission 'significantly increased since 2014' - major new research: (By The Siberian Times Reporter, 04 October 2016). "New expedition in Laptev Sea suggests increase in the rate of underwater permafrost degradation. The findings come from an expedition now underway led by Professor Igor Semiletov, of Tomsk Polytechnic University, on the research vessel 'Academic M.A. Lavrentyev' which left Tiksi on 24 September on a 40 day mission. The seeping of methane from the sea floor is greater than in previous research in the same area, notably carried out between 2011 and 2014. 'The area of spread of methane mega-emissions has significantly increased in comparison with the data obtained in the period from 2011 to 2014,' he said. 'These observations may indicate that the rate of degradation of underwater permafrost has increased.'
Dr Semiletov and his team are paying special attention to clarify the role of the submarine permafrost degradation as a factor in emissions of the main greenhouse gases - carbon dioxide and methane - in the atmosphere. The team are examining how the ice plug that has hitherto prevented the exit of huge reserves of gas hydrates has today 'sprung a leak'. This shows in taliks - unfrozen surface surrounded by permafrost - through which powerful emissions of methane reach the atmosphere. Scientists are eager to determine the quantity of methane buried in those vast areas of the Siberian Arctic shelf and the impact it can have on the sensitive polar climate system. Five years ago the professor has claimed: 'We found more than 100 fountains, some more than a kilometre across....These are methane fields on a scale not seen before. The emissions went directly into the atmosphere... Earlier we found torch or fountain-like structures like this...
Note: The round area in front of the boat that has broken up ice in chunks IS being produced by rising methane, not by the boat!