2016 New - Here I will present the my latest findings, videos, books, articles, and personal new ideas, for those of you that may be following my work. If you have already reviewed all of the information on this site, this should facilitate following additions. Although I have not completed the site yet, the first three pages - Summary, Why "It Is The End," and The 16 Forces and Factors, are near completion. As this video will be presented after The 16 Forces and Factors, I have decided to get this "2016 New" page started, with this recent addition on "Reaching a Critical Desalination Point in the Atlantic." For those that ultimately follow my site, if you reviewed everything prior to 10/13/16, and you come back 12/1/16, you will simply need to review this page to see what new information has been added. I will start over at the beginning of the year, so if you are interested in seeing updates, and you reviewed this site on 10/13/16, you will want to return by the end of the year to see additions. I hope this helps people seeking to follow this site.
12/15/16 NEW ARTICLES: "What Happens During a Nuclear Meltdown?" and "Disaters: Nuclear Acidents." These two articles are helpful in understanding the possible risks of the meltdown of the hundreds of ocean and land based nuclear reactors, due to anticipated significant sea level rises, super storms and the collapse of global societies, due to the ravages of Abrupt Anthropogenic Climate Change.
12/2/16 CRITICAL NEW VIDEO: "Game Over for Climate Change." Dr. Guy McPherson discusses the massive drop in November Arctic sea ice due to the record shattering heat in 2016 and the shifting of the Polar Vortex. This should "warm your hearts" for the holidays! Enjoy life, as the world may be experiencing the ravages of Abrupt Anthropogenic Climate Change soon!
12/2/16 CRITICAL NEW VIDEO: "Game Over for Climate Change." Dr. Guy McPherson discusses the massive drop in November Arctic sea ice due to the record shattering heat in 2016 and the shifting of the Polar Vortex. This should "warm your hearts" for the holidays! Enjoy life, as the world may be experiencing the ravages of Abrupt Anthropogenic Climate Change soon!
12/1/16 CRITICAL NEW IDEA: The Logical God of Love has inspired me to write this on His behalf, if you can believe that! "The only ones that would survive the ravages of over population, like portrayed in the movie Elysium, with the modern day version of the "walled city," versus the ring around the planet, are the ruthless Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts and a small legion of their lunatics, with a small group of survivalists from outside this main group. Therefore, I did design a failsafe into the planet. If the male homogreedious beast could not control his insatiable greed for money, power and sex, then he would destroy the capability of the planet to provide for his livelihood. I laso made it to where the most Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts would sufffer the longest, surviving the collapse that their greed caused, only to experience the most horrific future, due to the missuse of fossil fuels and nuclear power to drive their insatiable greed for money, power and sex.
After causing the death of all of my children for their insatiable greed, they will suffer eternity experiencing the hell on earth that their greed damned the billions, trillions of my children and species to suffer. The most evil, experience the most horrific of the evil that they damed so many of my children to suffer. THEY CREATE THEIR OWN HELL!
So be forewarned, the future is going to be something that few will be able to be strong in "My Love." Hell on Earth is just around the corner, and only strong souls will be able to be true to their Spirits in The Logical God of Love. It becomes very challenging to stay "in My Love," as the most ruthless and evil, typically destroy the good spirits. So know that to be true to My Love, you will need to resist the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts offers to be one of their lieutenants.
Be strong in close self sustainable groups, primarily, and by yoursellf, what ever way you find strength in My Love. Be prepared, put together a long-term plan for how to survive the coming global economic and environment hell on earth. Know that this is coming soon, so plan on it NOW! Build reserves, learn survival skills, become a hunter/gather or modern day farmer. Learn the skills of adaptatioin, preservation and survival. Become closer to understsanding "what you need," because most people that have only lived in a world of "what I want," are not likely to survive long.
But most importantly, be as strong in "Your True Spirit in The Logical God of Love" that you can. FOCUS on this ONENESS, this intense strenght in God's Love. This Srong Spirit is what will help you do what is critical at all times, in a time when life will be critical. Know that "I" will be with you and guide you to "My will, not yours." Become so strong in My Love, that you FEAR NO EVIL! Satin has nothing over My Love, and he knows it! As you get closer and closer, Satin trys harder to move you to be one of his Evil Money Monsters or Money Sluts, or legions of blind supporters. Resist, and BE ONE WITH ME IN MY LOVE!
11/14/17 CRITICAL NEWS - It Is THE END! King BS (billions) for the Billionaires Reigns. With the Reign of King BS (The Trumpet!) it is now cast in "ice, rock and mud," in my opinion, that we have not only assured the death of all species with the Reign of King Dickie and his puppet, GW, by stealing the election from Al Gore, and so much more. We have now insured the acceleration of the demise of all species, ironically in the year (2016) where it is obvious that the world has entered Abrupt Anthropogenic Climate Change, with the massive skyrocketing of global mean temperatures to 1.57C above 19 Century average. During the year where we scientifically discovered that Antarctica (Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice) melted during the Pliocene period, when global carbon levels were 380-450, similar to the 409 recently reached; when global mean temperatures were only 2-4C above 19 Century average, not much different than the 1.57C the world just reached; and sea levels rose by up to 60 feet. The year that science taught us that only a 2C rise (Hansen, et. al.) caused sea level increases of 6 plus feet, and super storms that moved thousand ton boulders around. I have dropped the TransitioNOW part of the title of my personal web page, as TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the other TransitioNOW objectives, are obviously not going to happen! No BS for the Billionaires, just my opinions - "It Is THE END!"
I just watched the Bruce Willis movie "Armageddon." In this "made for Hollywood" version, the ruff neck oil drillers save the planet from a massive meteorite encounter, drilling a hole on the meteorite for a nuclear bomb to be placed into, which it is hoped will blow the meteorite apart, and miss the earth. Bruce Willis, at the last second pushes the button, sacrificing his life, for all mankind, while his daughter and soon to be son-in-law are overcome by his bravery!
In the more real world version, in my opinion. The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, steal the election from the one Presidential candidate that could possibly have saved the planet, Al Gore. The people of our country watch three buildings free fall, one not even struck, ae911truth.org; we support Iraq and Afghanistan wars, way over paying the war and oil lords (Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers), allowing the war/oil lords to stuff their billings even more than paying five times enlistees pay to their mercenaries, aggressively fleecing our country. These Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, give themselves massive tax cuts, and blow up the financial markets, paying the top Money Monsters and Money Sluts massive bonuses and salaries. Then they are bailed out at the bottom of the collapse that they caused, burying the country in hundreds of trillions dollars of debt, based on the US fiscal gap, while paying themselves billions more in bonuses and salaries for saving the country from the economic mayhem, they caused. They bankrupt the masses, while allowing the top 0.1% to reap trillions more, filling up their lifeboats, while the masses suffer horrifically.
The fossil fuel ruff necks then elect another President, that denies climate change even exists, and insures that the Paris climate agreement will be ignored. He promises his support for coal, oil and natural gas, and insures the scaling up of hard fossil fuel production, as the world runs off "Hubbert's Cliff." They insure the world that all of the scientists are wrong, and the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists Racists and legions of lunatics are correct, climate change is a hoax.
The new President insures the same economic policies of his right wing predecessor, in fact, all of his right wing predecessors: enormous tax cuts for the centimillionaires and billionaires (roughly 12,000 tax payers, or 3,000 distinct families), with likely tax increases for the millions and millions of other tax payers; massive increases in defense spending to stuff their pockets even more, while stealing the fossil fuels and other resources of other countries; significant cuts in spending on all other populous based government spending (the environment, education, basic research, health care, infrastructure and retirement funding); and enormous support for fossil fuel production and extraction, that all most all scientists argue will insure the extinction of homogreedious, and most other species as well.
As the world enters into economic and environment hell on earth, due to repeating these economic policies that have been the primary causes of the demise of all most all prior empires (Rome, Myan, Greece, etc.), it will be interesting to see how "Hollywood spins" the role of the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, and their legions of lunatics. Maybe Bruce Willis will come up with the scientific cure for climate change, chugging beers with his buds, while flying off the west end of Grand Canyon in a Hummer. He rescues the beautiful damsel in distress, who has fallen off the cliff, pulling her into their Hummer on the way down to the canyon floor. Landing on a raft going through the Grand Canyon, while handing King BS the solution to climate change that he thought of just as he pulled the damsel into the Hummer! Somehow I doubt that this will be the real world solution to climate change, but the masses certainly would buy tickets to the movie!
I wonder how all of the supporters of these Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts will feel if all the scientific community is correct, that near term risk of homogreedious' extinction is highly likely, due to their insane support for fossil fuels, the oil and war lords, and their insatiable greed! How do you think they will feel if global sea levels rise by 10-60 plus feet, and the world suffers ongoing super storms? The combination of this sea level rise, super storms, wild fires, flooding and expanding deserts flood low lying areas and islands, ruin up to 80% of farming land, flood all most all ocean based cities, and ultimately implode and explode most ocean based nuclear reactors, unleashing "the radioactive methane monster feedback loop" on the world! The combination of these events cause the death of billions and billions globally, and ultimately, all species on Planet Titanic. Will they finally own up to their insanity, and support of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts? Or will they say - "it is all cyclical," still?!
Climate change is something that King BS doesn't even believe in, and something he will no doubt, accelerate aggressively. Because the beast, homogreedious, in my opinion, simply can't control his insatiable testosterone driven greed for money, power and sex. Further, because the physical dimension is terminally flawed, the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts get all the goods, while the good people trying to stop the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, get fleeced, raped and pillaged. It is a good thing that the end is accelerated as much as possible. Because, homogreedious is simply incapable of sustainable, let alone, humane, living, with the limited exception of primarily the Nordic Countries, notable Denmark.
I am optimistic, but on a different note. The death of the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, their legions of lunatic supporters, is now firmly cast in "ice, rock and mud," and sadly, all of the good people, much quicker than would have been the case under Queen BS, under King BS.
Over population alone, in my opinion, was going to result in a world as portrayed in the movie Elysium, the top 1% living lavishly, and the bottom 99% living in hell on earth, like the bottom 50% do now. Climate change has, if my own arguments about global sea level rise, coupled with super storms, will implode and explode most of the ocean based nuclear reactors, unleashing what I term "the radioactive methane monster feedback loop," are correct, will insure the death of these Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, along with the rest of us. Yeah! The evil beasts will not get to survive the hell on earth that their insane greed for money, power and sex, unleashed on the world!
The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts will not get to successfully implement their "depopulation strategy" that one of the Rockefeller family members stated in a communication to Jesse Ventura on his Bilderberg segment of his "Conspiracy Theory" show, that their family, the Rockefellers, has been spearheading.
So in my opinion we should celebrate that it is the end of the raping, pillaging and fleecing of 7 billion and growing people, for the insatiable and insane greed of roughly 3,000 families, the top 50 of which make more and have more than the bottom 99%. Rejoice and be glad, God did design the planet to insure that if the "good people" could not take control of the planet, the insane greed of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, along with the support of their legions of lunatics, would insure the death of the species!
Given these ongoing insane economic policies of greed and environmental destruction, I argue on the "Why It Is THE END" page that the number of people living on less than $2 per day, will rise from roughly 50% of the world's population currently, to 95-99% of the population by the second half of the century. So Cook Us King Trupet! Turn up the heat and insure the death of all species! We know you can do it!
I now expect massive climate related mayhem in the 2030-2050 time period, versus the 2050-2070 period, as I did before King Trumpet took the reign! Economic mayhem may happen by the 2nd to 3rd year of his Administration, if not much sooner. I had expected ongoing declining economic conditions under Queen BS, but with King BS, I fully expect global economic conditions to deteriorate much sooner. Prepare for the worst economic and environmental conditions imaginable, and hope that you are not here to experience them! For those thinking about moving to New Zeland, I would plan on it sooner than latter. As the world cascades into economic and environmental mayhem, New Zeland will likely stop immigration, my guesstimate is by the thirties, so better to get there before this happens.
10/27/16 CRITICAL DATA - 2016 On Track for Warmest on Record, average global temperature for January to September is hottest yet, out of 137 years, ratcheting up to 1.58C (2.84F) above baseline, according to NOAA.
10/31/16 - CRITICAL ARTICAL - One Month Above 1.5 C — NASA Data Shows February Crossed Critical Threshold, February crushed other records for the rate of increase in global mean temperatures above baseline, skyrocketing up to 1.57 above baseline. Note that the 1880s, preindustrial baseline, is the most accurate measure to assess what the impact of anthropogenic abrupt climate change, or in lay terms human induced rapid climate change, has been. Look at the graph on the following article of the historical rise of the global mean temperatures above the 19th Century average. I assume this is since modern record keeping began in 1880. This is the "preindustrial" baseline average that reflects the temperature before the widespreadd use of fossil fuels, which started around 1850.
Also note how the very hot regions on the global map are highly concentrated on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, from the Chuckchi Sea across from Alaska, over to the Laptev and Kara Seas, further west. This is where the massive deposits of methane hydrates are stored in a sedimentary drape up to 20 kilometers (12 miles) deep, and a total area of around 2 million square kilometers (1.2 million square miles). Now the only questions, in my opinion, are how long will it take to start really melting Greenland and Antaractica, and how long will it be until these massive stores of methane hydrates are warmed enough to cause a massive general release of 50 gigatons or more, as Dr. Natalia Sarkova believes is not too far off. This would be an increase of 10 times the current atmospheric burden of methane, estimated at just under 5 gigatons of methane. How much would this type of massive general release of methane hydrates skyrocket global mean temperatures? I feel confident in my belief that we shall see in the not too distant future! Welcome to a world of abrupt anthropogenic climate change!
10/31/16 CRITICAL ARTICAL - Analyses reveal record-shattering global warm temperatures in 2015. Notice on this "temperature anomaly chart" how the rise above the 19th Century average was hovering at around .8 to .85 above baseline for many years until 2015. Then it skyrocketed at the end of 2015, and according to the article above, it skyrocketed up to 1.57 above baseline in February. OMG! This is a jump from roughly .85 to 1.57, for roughly a .72 C, or 85% rise in global mean temperatures in just a half of year, from what they had risen from 1880 to 2014. OMG I had no idea that this type of skyrocket in "the rate of growth of the rate of growth" (second derivative) of global mean temperatures was possible! If this isn't "abrupt anthropogenic climate change," I don't know what is!
10/27/16 Positive News - "Rapid ice growth follows the seasonal minimum, rapid drop in Antarctic extent." Arctic Sea Ice Extent is only 5th lowest on satellite recorded history, not hitting the definition of an ice free Arctic, which is 1 million square miles or less. The bad news is that the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, the Laptev and Kara Seas, are completely free of ice. As this is the area that Dr. Natalia Sarkova discusses at length at the bottom of the page on Why "It Is THE END," in my opinion, having this area free of ice is the only real critical factor. The remaining areas are not expected to have a great deal of methane hydrates, while there are upwards of 10,000 gigatons of methane hydrates estimated to be in the 2 million square kilometers (1.2 million square miles) on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. As she notes, the sedimentary drape is up to 20 kilometers thick (12 miles thick), where it is only around 1-2 kilometers thick in the rest of the ocean. More importantly, it is very shallow water, so when the methane hydrates are released, instead of being absorbed into the water, most of the methane is released into the atmosphere. So the issue of an "ice free Arctic," in my opinion is misplaced. The East Siberian Arctic Shelf has been ice free for many summers now, and according to the International Arctic Research Center (IARC), and Dr. Sarkova's group, the US Russia Methane Research Group, it is very close to a large general release of up to 50 gigatons (see Guy McPherson's presentation below). This would be 10 times the current atmospheric burden of methane, of just under 5 gigatons. So the "ice free Arctic" debate is misguided. The East Siberian Arctic Shelf is ice free all summer, and is close to releasing massive amounts of methane hydrates. It is only a matter of time! Having the rest of the Arctic ice free is a relatively meaningless issue, as below this ice is insignificant amounts of methane hydrates, at depths that make it of little consequence.
10/22/16 CRITICAL NEW VIDEO - Prof J Kroth: The Coming Disaster - Nov 2015 (Uploaded to Youtube , Sept 16, 16)
A Psychologists look into the world of Climate Change, and the possible Extinction of Our Species. His characterization of the right suffering from "denial," while the left suffers from "displacement" is correct. The displacement idea is similar to what I refer to as the Near Dark Money Syndrome. BS (billions) to the Billionaires Rules, all others Eat Shit and Die! Or as Adam Smith put it, the Masters of The Universe were at their worst, when they followed the dictum, "All for Us,, None for The Others." I will have much more to share on this topic, either on the bottom of this column, in the Political Economics section, or "2016 NEW."
The Coming Disaster - Nov 15, Prof J Kroth, A Psychologists Look Into Climate Chage, and The Possible Extinction of Our Species, click here for full screen, then little box
After causing the death of all of my children for their insatiable greed, they will suffer eternity experiencing the hell on earth that their greed damned the billions, trillions of my children and species to suffer. The most evil, experience the most horrific of the evil that they damed so many of my children to suffer. THEY CREATE THEIR OWN HELL!
So be forewarned, the future is going to be something that few will be able to be strong in "My Love." Hell on Earth is just around the corner, and only strong souls will be able to be true to their Spirits in The Logical God of Love. It becomes very challenging to stay "in My Love," as the most ruthless and evil, typically destroy the good spirits. So know that to be true to My Love, you will need to resist the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts offers to be one of their lieutenants.
Be strong in close self sustainable groups, primarily, and by yoursellf, what ever way you find strength in My Love. Be prepared, put together a long-term plan for how to survive the coming global economic and environment hell on earth. Know that this is coming soon, so plan on it NOW! Build reserves, learn survival skills, become a hunter/gather or modern day farmer. Learn the skills of adaptatioin, preservation and survival. Become closer to understsanding "what you need," because most people that have only lived in a world of "what I want," are not likely to survive long.
But most importantly, be as strong in "Your True Spirit in The Logical God of Love" that you can. FOCUS on this ONENESS, this intense strenght in God's Love. This Srong Spirit is what will help you do what is critical at all times, in a time when life will be critical. Know that "I" will be with you and guide you to "My will, not yours." Become so strong in My Love, that you FEAR NO EVIL! Satin has nothing over My Love, and he knows it! As you get closer and closer, Satin trys harder to move you to be one of his Evil Money Monsters or Money Sluts, or legions of blind supporters. Resist, and BE ONE WITH ME IN MY LOVE!
11/14/17 CRITICAL NEWS - It Is THE END! King BS (billions) for the Billionaires Reigns. With the Reign of King BS (The Trumpet!) it is now cast in "ice, rock and mud," in my opinion, that we have not only assured the death of all species with the Reign of King Dickie and his puppet, GW, by stealing the election from Al Gore, and so much more. We have now insured the acceleration of the demise of all species, ironically in the year (2016) where it is obvious that the world has entered Abrupt Anthropogenic Climate Change, with the massive skyrocketing of global mean temperatures to 1.57C above 19 Century average. During the year where we scientifically discovered that Antarctica (Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice) melted during the Pliocene period, when global carbon levels were 380-450, similar to the 409 recently reached; when global mean temperatures were only 2-4C above 19 Century average, not much different than the 1.57C the world just reached; and sea levels rose by up to 60 feet. The year that science taught us that only a 2C rise (Hansen, et. al.) caused sea level increases of 6 plus feet, and super storms that moved thousand ton boulders around. I have dropped the TransitioNOW part of the title of my personal web page, as TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the other TransitioNOW objectives, are obviously not going to happen! No BS for the Billionaires, just my opinions - "It Is THE END!"
I just watched the Bruce Willis movie "Armageddon." In this "made for Hollywood" version, the ruff neck oil drillers save the planet from a massive meteorite encounter, drilling a hole on the meteorite for a nuclear bomb to be placed into, which it is hoped will blow the meteorite apart, and miss the earth. Bruce Willis, at the last second pushes the button, sacrificing his life, for all mankind, while his daughter and soon to be son-in-law are overcome by his bravery!
In the more real world version, in my opinion. The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, steal the election from the one Presidential candidate that could possibly have saved the planet, Al Gore. The people of our country watch three buildings free fall, one not even struck, ae911truth.org; we support Iraq and Afghanistan wars, way over paying the war and oil lords (Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers), allowing the war/oil lords to stuff their billings even more than paying five times enlistees pay to their mercenaries, aggressively fleecing our country. These Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, give themselves massive tax cuts, and blow up the financial markets, paying the top Money Monsters and Money Sluts massive bonuses and salaries. Then they are bailed out at the bottom of the collapse that they caused, burying the country in hundreds of trillions dollars of debt, based on the US fiscal gap, while paying themselves billions more in bonuses and salaries for saving the country from the economic mayhem, they caused. They bankrupt the masses, while allowing the top 0.1% to reap trillions more, filling up their lifeboats, while the masses suffer horrifically.
The fossil fuel ruff necks then elect another President, that denies climate change even exists, and insures that the Paris climate agreement will be ignored. He promises his support for coal, oil and natural gas, and insures the scaling up of hard fossil fuel production, as the world runs off "Hubbert's Cliff." They insure the world that all of the scientists are wrong, and the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists Racists and legions of lunatics are correct, climate change is a hoax.
The new President insures the same economic policies of his right wing predecessor, in fact, all of his right wing predecessors: enormous tax cuts for the centimillionaires and billionaires (roughly 12,000 tax payers, or 3,000 distinct families), with likely tax increases for the millions and millions of other tax payers; massive increases in defense spending to stuff their pockets even more, while stealing the fossil fuels and other resources of other countries; significant cuts in spending on all other populous based government spending (the environment, education, basic research, health care, infrastructure and retirement funding); and enormous support for fossil fuel production and extraction, that all most all scientists argue will insure the extinction of homogreedious, and most other species as well.
As the world enters into economic and environment hell on earth, due to repeating these economic policies that have been the primary causes of the demise of all most all prior empires (Rome, Myan, Greece, etc.), it will be interesting to see how "Hollywood spins" the role of the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, and their legions of lunatics. Maybe Bruce Willis will come up with the scientific cure for climate change, chugging beers with his buds, while flying off the west end of Grand Canyon in a Hummer. He rescues the beautiful damsel in distress, who has fallen off the cliff, pulling her into their Hummer on the way down to the canyon floor. Landing on a raft going through the Grand Canyon, while handing King BS the solution to climate change that he thought of just as he pulled the damsel into the Hummer! Somehow I doubt that this will be the real world solution to climate change, but the masses certainly would buy tickets to the movie!
I wonder how all of the supporters of these Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts will feel if all the scientific community is correct, that near term risk of homogreedious' extinction is highly likely, due to their insane support for fossil fuels, the oil and war lords, and their insatiable greed! How do you think they will feel if global sea levels rise by 10-60 plus feet, and the world suffers ongoing super storms? The combination of this sea level rise, super storms, wild fires, flooding and expanding deserts flood low lying areas and islands, ruin up to 80% of farming land, flood all most all ocean based cities, and ultimately implode and explode most ocean based nuclear reactors, unleashing "the radioactive methane monster feedback loop" on the world! The combination of these events cause the death of billions and billions globally, and ultimately, all species on Planet Titanic. Will they finally own up to their insanity, and support of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts? Or will they say - "it is all cyclical," still?!
Climate change is something that King BS doesn't even believe in, and something he will no doubt, accelerate aggressively. Because the beast, homogreedious, in my opinion, simply can't control his insatiable testosterone driven greed for money, power and sex. Further, because the physical dimension is terminally flawed, the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts get all the goods, while the good people trying to stop the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, get fleeced, raped and pillaged. It is a good thing that the end is accelerated as much as possible. Because, homogreedious is simply incapable of sustainable, let alone, humane, living, with the limited exception of primarily the Nordic Countries, notable Denmark.
I am optimistic, but on a different note. The death of the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, their legions of lunatic supporters, is now firmly cast in "ice, rock and mud," and sadly, all of the good people, much quicker than would have been the case under Queen BS, under King BS.
Over population alone, in my opinion, was going to result in a world as portrayed in the movie Elysium, the top 1% living lavishly, and the bottom 99% living in hell on earth, like the bottom 50% do now. Climate change has, if my own arguments about global sea level rise, coupled with super storms, will implode and explode most of the ocean based nuclear reactors, unleashing what I term "the radioactive methane monster feedback loop," are correct, will insure the death of these Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, along with the rest of us. Yeah! The evil beasts will not get to survive the hell on earth that their insane greed for money, power and sex, unleashed on the world!
The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts will not get to successfully implement their "depopulation strategy" that one of the Rockefeller family members stated in a communication to Jesse Ventura on his Bilderberg segment of his "Conspiracy Theory" show, that their family, the Rockefellers, has been spearheading.
So in my opinion we should celebrate that it is the end of the raping, pillaging and fleecing of 7 billion and growing people, for the insatiable and insane greed of roughly 3,000 families, the top 50 of which make more and have more than the bottom 99%. Rejoice and be glad, God did design the planet to insure that if the "good people" could not take control of the planet, the insane greed of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, along with the support of their legions of lunatics, would insure the death of the species!
Given these ongoing insane economic policies of greed and environmental destruction, I argue on the "Why It Is THE END" page that the number of people living on less than $2 per day, will rise from roughly 50% of the world's population currently, to 95-99% of the population by the second half of the century. So Cook Us King Trupet! Turn up the heat and insure the death of all species! We know you can do it!
I now expect massive climate related mayhem in the 2030-2050 time period, versus the 2050-2070 period, as I did before King Trumpet took the reign! Economic mayhem may happen by the 2nd to 3rd year of his Administration, if not much sooner. I had expected ongoing declining economic conditions under Queen BS, but with King BS, I fully expect global economic conditions to deteriorate much sooner. Prepare for the worst economic and environmental conditions imaginable, and hope that you are not here to experience them! For those thinking about moving to New Zeland, I would plan on it sooner than latter. As the world cascades into economic and environmental mayhem, New Zeland will likely stop immigration, my guesstimate is by the thirties, so better to get there before this happens.
10/27/16 CRITICAL DATA - 2016 On Track for Warmest on Record, average global temperature for January to September is hottest yet, out of 137 years, ratcheting up to 1.58C (2.84F) above baseline, according to NOAA.
10/31/16 - CRITICAL ARTICAL - One Month Above 1.5 C — NASA Data Shows February Crossed Critical Threshold, February crushed other records for the rate of increase in global mean temperatures above baseline, skyrocketing up to 1.57 above baseline. Note that the 1880s, preindustrial baseline, is the most accurate measure to assess what the impact of anthropogenic abrupt climate change, or in lay terms human induced rapid climate change, has been. Look at the graph on the following article of the historical rise of the global mean temperatures above the 19th Century average. I assume this is since modern record keeping began in 1880. This is the "preindustrial" baseline average that reflects the temperature before the widespreadd use of fossil fuels, which started around 1850.
Also note how the very hot regions on the global map are highly concentrated on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, from the Chuckchi Sea across from Alaska, over to the Laptev and Kara Seas, further west. This is where the massive deposits of methane hydrates are stored in a sedimentary drape up to 20 kilometers (12 miles) deep, and a total area of around 2 million square kilometers (1.2 million square miles). Now the only questions, in my opinion, are how long will it take to start really melting Greenland and Antaractica, and how long will it be until these massive stores of methane hydrates are warmed enough to cause a massive general release of 50 gigatons or more, as Dr. Natalia Sarkova believes is not too far off. This would be an increase of 10 times the current atmospheric burden of methane, estimated at just under 5 gigatons of methane. How much would this type of massive general release of methane hydrates skyrocket global mean temperatures? I feel confident in my belief that we shall see in the not too distant future! Welcome to a world of abrupt anthropogenic climate change!
10/31/16 CRITICAL ARTICAL - Analyses reveal record-shattering global warm temperatures in 2015. Notice on this "temperature anomaly chart" how the rise above the 19th Century average was hovering at around .8 to .85 above baseline for many years until 2015. Then it skyrocketed at the end of 2015, and according to the article above, it skyrocketed up to 1.57 above baseline in February. OMG! This is a jump from roughly .85 to 1.57, for roughly a .72 C, or 85% rise in global mean temperatures in just a half of year, from what they had risen from 1880 to 2014. OMG I had no idea that this type of skyrocket in "the rate of growth of the rate of growth" (second derivative) of global mean temperatures was possible! If this isn't "abrupt anthropogenic climate change," I don't know what is!
10/27/16 Positive News - "Rapid ice growth follows the seasonal minimum, rapid drop in Antarctic extent." Arctic Sea Ice Extent is only 5th lowest on satellite recorded history, not hitting the definition of an ice free Arctic, which is 1 million square miles or less. The bad news is that the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, the Laptev and Kara Seas, are completely free of ice. As this is the area that Dr. Natalia Sarkova discusses at length at the bottom of the page on Why "It Is THE END," in my opinion, having this area free of ice is the only real critical factor. The remaining areas are not expected to have a great deal of methane hydrates, while there are upwards of 10,000 gigatons of methane hydrates estimated to be in the 2 million square kilometers (1.2 million square miles) on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. As she notes, the sedimentary drape is up to 20 kilometers thick (12 miles thick), where it is only around 1-2 kilometers thick in the rest of the ocean. More importantly, it is very shallow water, so when the methane hydrates are released, instead of being absorbed into the water, most of the methane is released into the atmosphere. So the issue of an "ice free Arctic," in my opinion is misplaced. The East Siberian Arctic Shelf has been ice free for many summers now, and according to the International Arctic Research Center (IARC), and Dr. Sarkova's group, the US Russia Methane Research Group, it is very close to a large general release of up to 50 gigatons (see Guy McPherson's presentation below). This would be 10 times the current atmospheric burden of methane, of just under 5 gigatons. So the "ice free Arctic" debate is misguided. The East Siberian Arctic Shelf is ice free all summer, and is close to releasing massive amounts of methane hydrates. It is only a matter of time! Having the rest of the Arctic ice free is a relatively meaningless issue, as below this ice is insignificant amounts of methane hydrates, at depths that make it of little consequence.
10/22/16 CRITICAL NEW VIDEO - Prof J Kroth: The Coming Disaster - Nov 2015 (Uploaded to Youtube , Sept 16, 16)
A Psychologists look into the world of Climate Change, and the possible Extinction of Our Species. His characterization of the right suffering from "denial," while the left suffers from "displacement" is correct. The displacement idea is similar to what I refer to as the Near Dark Money Syndrome. BS (billions) to the Billionaires Rules, all others Eat Shit and Die! Or as Adam Smith put it, the Masters of The Universe were at their worst, when they followed the dictum, "All for Us,, None for The Others." I will have much more to share on this topic, either on the bottom of this column, in the Political Economics section, or "2016 NEW."
The Coming Disaster - Nov 15, Prof J Kroth, A Psychologists Look Into Climate Chage, and The Possible Extinction of Our Species, click here for full screen, then little box
10/18/16 - CRITICAL NEW VIDEO - Why "It Is THE END" - Abrupt Climate Change - The Hard Truth
(Uploaded 10/9/16)This is a great summary of many of the lead scientist that see near-term extinction as likely, Guy McPherson, Paul Beckwith, David Wasdell, etc.. Scientists Guy McPherson provides his summary of why "It Is THE END" at the end of this video, along with his list of people forecasting near-term human extinction, a list I obviously belong to. He remains more optimistic than I do, with his belief that we should all be dead within a short period of time. I am less optimistic, and believe it may take 50-150 years of "hell on earth" before all of our species is extinct. He also provides his list on the 58 feedback loops, as of Nov 2015, reinforcing climate change, and notes that NASA's CARVE project detected 150 kilometer methane plumes in the Arctic back in July 2013, which recent articles have documented are greater than estimated.
OMG, when I first put this video on my site last week, I was cleaning the kitchen, and missed the most important point of the video. Just now I was watching it closely from the beginning to take notes, especially related to what Guy was saying about the Troposphere. Then the next item, which I must have missed the first time, came across, and it was OMG are you serious!
"NASA recently released data confirming the February was the warmest month ever measured globally, at 1.57 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial baseline average. The new record easily smashed the old global temperature average, which was set one month before, in January."
"This means that while it took from the advent of the industrial age until October 2015 to warm the planet 1 degree Celsius, humans have managed to warm the planet another .57 degree Celsius in just the next four months since then."
This is the link to the article which documents this massive rise in the global mean temperature in February 2016, on the truth-out.org site.
10/23/16 CRITICAL ARTICLE - Climate Disruption in Overdrive: Submerged Cities and Melting That "Feeds on Itself," click here for full article
Not to be out done, as the following article title states:
10/26/16 CRITICAL ARTICLE - July 2016 Was The Hottest Month Ever Recorded: The hottest month since at least 1880 continues a streak of record-smashing
"If July felt horrendously hot, that’s because it was.
NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ― two leading global authorities on climate ― both say July 2016 was not only the hottest July on record, but the most sizzling month in the history of record-keeping.
NOAA on Wednesday said July’s global average temperature was 62.01 degrees, 1.57 degrees above the 20th-century average. NASA, which uses a slightly different methodology, said Monday the average global temperature in July was 1.51 degrees above average. Both agencies pegged July as the hottest month since monitoring began in 1880."
Be sure to check out the map titled "Selected Significant Climate Anomolies and Events: July 2016." This is a must see article.
Along with the above quotes on the horrifying rate of change, in the rate of change, of global mean temperatures, the prior article notes:
"As if that isn't enough, a study recently published in the journal Nature Geoscience revealed that carbon emissions are now the highest they have been since the age of dinosaurs, 66 million years ago. According to the study, the current pace of emissions is even beyond the highest-known natural surge of carbon that exists in fossil records, an event that occurred 56 million years ago that was believed by many to be caused by the release of frozen stores of greenhouse gases from the seabed."
"That ancient release, which drove temperatures up 5 degrees Celsius, is now surpassed by our current surge of carbon release. "Given currently available records, the present anthropogenic carbon release rate is unprecedented during the past 66 million years," the scientists of the new study wrote."
10/26/16 CRITICAL ARTICAL: Carbon emissions highest in 66 million years, since dinosaur age, (10/21/16 Reuters.com), click here for full article
Here is the NASA table showing the degree in Celsius above the 1951-1980 baseline period. Note how much lower the degree above baseline is using the 1951-1980 date, than the 1.57 degrees above the preindustrial period. It shows a 1.34 degrees Celsius above baseline for February 2016, versus the 1.57 noted in the article, which is due to changing the baseline dates. The baseline dates change from the one showing 1951-1980 in the NASA table of temperature changes, which shows the least change, as it already is during the latter stages of the industrial era. The second is the article on the change of global mean temperatures from the twenteith century average, a greater change, but still mostly since the rise in the use of fossil fuels. The degree above 20th century average baseline is 1.57 again for July 2016, not the preindustrial average, as is scientifically accurate. Notice how they are changing the "baseline" dates to reduce the extreme jump in the global mean temperatures. I had no idea we could see such a big jump. The question is when will the big jump stay there? Don't be fooled by the changing of the "baseline dates," such as the following table from NASA does, and even the NASA average for July 2016, using the 20th century average. The correct baseline date is the pre-industrial age average, which establishes the global mean temperature, before the use of fossil fuels.
CRITICAL TABLE: GLOBAL Land-Ocean Temperature Index in 0.01 degrees Celsius base period: 1951-1980
OMG this is the rise in the "rate of change, of the rate of change," or second derivative in the rise of mean global temperatures, that I have been screaming that would happen at some time in the not too distant future, and that would result in the consequential rapid melting of Greenland and most of Antarctica. But I must admit, I did not even think it could be this rapid and extreme. Worse yet, carbon emissions are now the highest since the dinosaur age, 66 million years ago. THe kicker, the surge of carbon exceeds the highest known in the fossil records, 56 million years ago, which resulted in 5 degrees Celsius rise. Need I say more, maybe Guy may be correct, it may be THE END sooner than I am expecting! More on the troposphere after I finish the review of this very important video.
At this rate, I may have to ask for the "Max Dog Brewery Easy Ride Home Kit" for a holiday gift soon. I was thinking I would not even need it during my lifetime, or it might be decades from now, when the world falls off "Hubbert's Cliff." Now, "It Is THE END" might be much sooner than I had expected. Stay tuned for my analysis of Guy's presentation on the troposphere and why it is his number one risk factor. Just in case things worsen at anywhere close to the second derivative rise that occurred in temperatures from October 2015 to February 2016, I may need that Max Dog Brewery Easy Ride Home Kit sooner than I had ever imagined! God have mercy on our souls!
Why "It Is THE END" - Abrupt Climate Change - The Hard Truth, click here for full screen, then click box
10/18/16 CRITICAL ARTICAL - "Arctic Methane Emissions Greater Than Previous Estimates" (June 1, 2016), documents that half of the methane emmissions from the Arctic tundra occur during the zero curtin, from September to December. Current climate models assume that all of the methane emissions occur during the summer months. Also, they documented that most of the methane emmissions were higher in the drier, upland area, which was not thought to contribute to methane emissions.
As the article notes: Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is about 25 times more powerful per molecule than carbon dioxide over a century, but more than 84 times over 20 years. When temperatures are around 0°C (called “the zero curtain”) the top and bottom of the active layer begin to freeze, but the middle remains insulated. Micro-organisms in this unfrozen layer continue to break down organic matter and emit methane many months into the Arctic winter. “This is extremely relevant for the Arctic ecosystem, as the zero curtain period continues from September until the end of December, lasting as long as or longer than the entire summer season,” said Donatella Zona, the study’s lead author. “These results are the opposite of what modellers have been assuming, which is that the majority of the methane emissions occur during the warm summer months while the cold-season methane contribution is nearly zero.”
2016 -10 - 17 Updated: Deflation of Global Asset Bubbles - A Global Soft Deflationary Recession from Now until 2025
My guesstimate is that the world is entering a global soft deflationary recession from now until around 2025, as the impacts of "global aging" start slowing global growth; global stock, housing and commercial real estate bubbles potentially implode; and due to the fact that the average pre-retirement savings in the US of 55-64 year olds' is only $12,000, primarily.
The math of the markets, in my opinion, proves that the stock market indices are significantly over valued. The simple math is:
ER(s) = Y + E(EPSG)
The Expected Return on Stocks ER(s), is equal to the dividend yield (Y) plus the Expected Earnings per Share Growth E(EPSG) on stocks.
The current dividend yield on the Standard and Poors 500 Index (S&P500, multpl.com, 10/14/16) is 2.08%, click on the following link to see the declining yield on the S&P500, as prices have risen much faster than dividend growth for the majority of the past three decades now.
Earnings per Share Growth (EPSG) has been negative from September 2014 every month, through the last month on this table as of 10/14/16, March 2016 for the S&P500 index. Click on the following link to see the EPS of the S&P500.
Note how EPS for the S&P500 peaked on this monthly table, September 30, 2014 at 107.22. EPS declined every month since this time, to the last date on this table, March 31, 2016, at 87.43. This is a decline of (107.22 - 87.43 = 19.79 / 107.22 = -18.45%) of 18.45% from September 2014 to March 2016. On a simple average basis, for the eighteen months ending March, 2016, the S&P 500 earnings declined by more than -12% per year.
Although I do not expect that the decline in earnings will continue at this rate going forward, for illustration purposes, if you were in my investment class, and I were to ask you to calculate the expected return on the S&P 500 going forward, assuming this dividend yield, and given this trend in earnings per share decline for the past 18 months, rounded to whole numbers, the correct answer would be:
ER(-10) = Y (2) + E(EPSG) [– 12]
The expected return on the S&P 500 would be a negative, -10%, per year, assuming a 2% dividend yield, and declining earnings per share growth of -12% per year going forward.
Although I do expect that earnings per share will continue to decline by -12% per year, I do assume that it will continue to decline annually, most years, going forward into what I believe will be a Global Soft Recession, followed by a Global Soft Deflationary Depression.
In 1980, when the dividend yield was 5-6%, I hypothesized that stock prices would rally significantly, due to the spending and investing of the baby boom generation, and speculation by investors and Wall Street, until income from stocks dropped to very low levels. Stocks would drop, I theorized, when the baby boom generation entered their fifties, due to siblings typically getting out of school, and the need to invest substantially more for retirement. The peak birth year of the baby boom generation was my birth year, 1957, add fifty years, and I thought in 1980, that stocks would drop around 2007, due to earnings growth starting to decline, which they do when people enter their fifties.
Stocks would rally back, due to the greed of Wall Street, the top 1%, and political interests. They would ultimately drop back to where they were when I made this forecast in a doctoral symposium in economic demography when I was an undergraduate student, I guesstimated, to around a 5-6% dividend yield, when the baby boom retired in full, around 2025-2030. To get to a 5%-6% dividend yield, from a 2.08% dividend yield on the S&P500 index, the stock market would have to drop by 58% - 65%. This is assuming that the dividend payout ratio increases at least by the amount that dividends drop by 2025-2030, due to what I believe will be ongoing declining earnings per share growth. Which in my view, is an optimistic assumption.
I fully expect, right or wrong, that the stock market, the S&P500 index, will decline by 50% or more, by 2030. Think about the math above, if earnings growth continues to decline into the future, forcing an ongoing decline in dividends, a 5-6% dividend yield, less expected earnings per share decline, is not even an exciting return. Hence, why I believe 30-year Treasury bond yields will decline to less than 1%, and relatively more secure dividend yields to drop from around 5% to around half this amount by this time. Trillions and trillions of dollars invested in growth assets, I argue, will flood into secure income assets, from growth assets, driving income from these secure income assets to very low levels, like it has in Germany, Japan and Switzerland already!
“Global Soft Deflationary Recession” - Slowing Growth continues into the future
The economies of the world, I believe, will continue to show ongoing slowing in economic and earnings growth into the future, for decades to come, in my view, due to: global aging; a massive US fiscal gap; slowing growth in China, Western Europe, emerging markets, and most countries; rising climate change costs, and other over population related costs.
Global Aging
The primary driving force slowing economic growth, I believe, is what I have been studying for roughly 36 years now, "global aging" (see Kotlikof and Burns, "The Clash of Generations," (2014) and "The Coming Generational Storm," (2005)).
The aging of the Post WWII baby boom generation (boomers), born from 1946-1964, with the peak birth year in the US being 1957 ("Age and Sex Composition: 2010," 2010 Census Briefs, May 2011, Census.gov). These boomers are now 53-70 years old. The largest group of boomers are now heading into their retirement years 65 plus, or what I also call the "layoff years." During the Great Recession, 2008-2009, many boomers were laid off, and either did not get new jobs, or needed to take a job, or many jobs, with significantly lower pay.
I anticipate that many boomers that get laid off this time, will not as easily be able to get new lower paying jobs, due to their older age, and due to ongoing slowing economic growth, pressuring ongoing "downsizing" by companies globally. The ongoing retirement, or laying off, of many of the highest paid workers in the aging economies of the world, is likely to result in dropping "aggregate demand" for most goods and services, resulting in downward pressure on prices and economic growth, and hence, possible deflation.
How much will Boomers Incomes Drop?
Your likely highest income potential is at the end of your earnings cycle, just before retirement (“Mean Household Income and Expenditures: from 2003-2009, Across Ages,” figure 4, in “How Does Household Expenditure Change with Age for Older Americans?” Employee Benefit Research Institute, ebri.org, Sept 14, 2014, Vol. 35, No. 9). What do you think that the average retirement savings is per household? Take a look at these findings of a recent study by The National Institute on Retirement Security, in their study "The Retirement Savings Crisis: Is it worse than we think?"
This new study documents that retirement savings are dangerously low. In fact, the average working household has close to no retirement savings!
Even those nearing retirement age, 55-64, only have an average balance of $12,000. Can you believe that? Of the top income earners, boomers that have 401k retirement accounts, the average balance for those 55-64 years old is only $100,000, (figure 9, "Typical Working Age Household only has $3,000 in Retirement Account Assets, Typical Near-Retirement Household has only $12,000).
Now, most of you are all too familiar with how difficult it is to get a net portfolio yield of 4-6% in this market, imaging living off a yield of 5%, on a $12,000 retirement account! That is only $600 per year! Even if you have a $100,000 retirement account balance, assuming a relatively high 5% retirement portfolio net income, the expected retirement income is only $5,000 per year.
I believe, many boomers are likely to see their incomes "fall of a cliff," when they have to live off their Social Security payments, and their incomes on their potentially limited retirement portfolios.
Declining Earnings Growth May Facilitate Declining Dividend Payments
More importantly, in my opinion, potentially declining growth in earnings per share, may facilitate an ongoing drop in the average dividend payment on the S&P500. So I expect that the dividend received for investors in this index will decline, due to potentially ongoing declining earnings growth over the coming decade.
Therefore, in my opinion, stocks in general, as represented by the S&P500 index, are significantly overpriced relative to what the current and future, earnings per share and dividend per share, are likely to be. Housing and commercial real estate, in general, due to these market driving forces, in my opinion, are over priced as well, and are likely to decline meaningfully by 2030.
2016 -10 - 16 NEW: The Second Derivative of The Rate In Growth of Global Mean Temperatures will be Positive and Increasing Through The Second Half of This Century
11. The possible escalating rise in global mean temperatures, due to already high carbon levels similar to the Pliocene period. Specifically, I argue that global mean temperatures have lagged the rapid rise of carbon levels, as carbon levels rose rapidly over the past 150 years, versus slowly, over thousands of years, during the Pliocene period. My argument is that global mean temperatures will "catch up" to carbon levels, which I guesstimate will reach 500 ppm by 2050, beyond the Pliocene period levels of 380-450, and hence, global mean temperatures will rise to 3-4C by 2050-2070.
The Second Derivative of The Rate In Growth of Global Mean Temperatures will be Positive and Increasing, in my opinion, from Now, Through Most of The Second Half of This Century, and quite possibly, until the likely Two Massive General Releases of Methane Hydrates from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Insures The Death of Our Species: In modeling terms, just to help the people at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL) and other groups, modeling the risks of climate change for the IPCC, the second derivative for the rate of growth in global mean temperatures, in my opinion, will be positive and increasing from now, until the second half of this century.
The primary driving force of this increasing rate of change, in the rate of change (the second derivative) is primarily the rapid growth in carbon levels, versus the Pliocene and other periods, relative to the rate of growth in global mean temperatures. Also, the consequential more rapid rate of ice melt on Greenland and Antarctica; the likely much more rapid future release of methane hydrates from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and the Siberian and Arctic tundra; the more more rapid desalination and warming of the Atlantic, slowing the Gulf Stream System more rapidly than other time periods, etc., etc.! If you need some help understanding what this means, send me an email, and I can help you incorporate The Critical Forces and Factors insuring "It Is THE END," which are constantly increasing, so you don't look like you are just forecasting BS (billions) for the Billionaires, after people read my work!
Using Bayesian statistics, your "priors" are that the second derivative on these rates of change of the Critical Factors and Forces affecting global temperatures, and especially, the second derivative of global mean temperatures will be positive and increasing from now, through the second half of the century, due to the rapid growth of carbon levels, versus prior periods. In simple terms, the rate of acceleration of global mean temperatures will likely, in my opinion, be increasing until what I believe, will be two massive general releases of methane hydrates from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the Siberian and Arctic tundra, when global mean temperatures hit the critical thresholds to cause these two massive general releases of these massive stores of methane hydrates, causing the final extinction of our species, and most, if not all, species.
12. The more rapid slowing of the Gulf Stream than forecast, due to a more rapid increase in the desalination of the Atlantic, as a result of the more rapid melting of Greenland, and hence, larger inflow of water into the Atlantic than anticipated.
2016 - 10 - 13 CRITICAL NEW: Potential Critical Desalination Point Being Reached Affecting the Gulf Stream System in the Atlantic
"Is The Gulf Stream System Slowing? By Stefan Rahmstorf, Postdam Institute - Uploaded 10/10/16 - click here for full screen, then click little box in right corner of video (click little box) - These findings are so critical, as they note on the video, that they are portrayed in the movie - "The Day After Tomorrow." This video is quite technical, so you will want to watch it a number of times, and review any segments that are unclear. The findings are that the Atlantic may be reaching a "critical desalination point," which could radically change the Gulf Stream System in the Atlantic Ocean, with potentially cataclysmic climate change impacts. As Stefan notes, the flow of fresh water into the Atlantic from Greenland is not even modeled by the IPCC, let alone, the possible impacts of hitting this critical desalination point, which may affect the Gulf Stream System in the Atlantic, causing potentially cataclysmic climate impacts. He is more subdued about the possible impacts than the movie, and notes that they could be cataclysmic, but we really don't know how hitting this critical desalination point will affect the global climate, so they are certainly critical to monitor, but uncertain, as to their global impacts. As he notes, we certainly are close to hitting this point, so it is a very important variable to monitor.
The link above is to a discussion by Jeffrey Masters, PhD, from The Weather Underground, titled "The Day After Tomorrow: Could It Really Happen," cataclysmic climate change. As I lay out here, in my opinion, the massive risk is not cataclysmic climate change, it is global mean temperatures catching up to the already high carbon level just reached in 2016 of 409 ppm, the mid point of where the global atmospheric carbon level was during the Pliocene period, 380-450 ppm. Which during the Pliocene period, resulted in 3-4C rise in global mean temperatures (carbon and temperatures rose together, due to the fact that it took thousands of years, not 150 years for carbon levels to rise), and resulted in a sea level rise of up to 60 feet. Only a 2C rise resulted in super storms (Hansen), and a 6 foot sea level rise. It is not a cataclysmic change, but simply global mean temperatures catching up with already high global atmospheric carbon levels that existed during the Pliocene period, resulting in significant sea level rise, combined with super storms, and ocean based nuclear reactors, that are the cataclysmic risks, in my opinion - not one factor, such as reaching a threshold desalination point in the Atlantic!
Although the cataclysmic risk of reaching a threshold temperature that results in significant general releases of methane hydrates from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and/or the Siberian Arctic tundra, that spikes global mean temperatures up by 2-3C level quickly, 3-4C above baseline, is a threshold cataclysmic risk, that I believe, is an extinction level risk to be seriously worried about. It is this risk of a massive general release of methane hydrates, that in the opinion of Dr. Sahakovia, from the International Arctic Recearch Center (IARC), which she discusses in the video "Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak," is possible, as they conclude that these massive stores of methane hydrates are close to being released, that is the true "doomsday risk," in my opinion, portrayed in "The Day After Tomorrow" film.
When the East Siberian Arctic Shelf looks like a pot of boiling water during a month or more in the summer, or worse yet, like a 1.2 million square mile fountain, bubbling up, due to massive releases of methane hydrates, this, I argue, will be when the rapid melting of most of Greenland and Antarctica is not far off. Probably not the doomsday scenario depicted in "The Day After Tomorrow," but not too far off. This type of event will signify a massive release of methane, and the very likely spike in global temperatures, that will likely melt most of Greenland and Antarctica. Will global mean temperatures catching up to already high carbon levels, which I argue, will be greatly increased (carbon levels) due to scaling up hard fossil fuels and methane hydrates production when the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff and due to the growth of China and India, cause this massive melt, seal level rise, and super storms first, or will the melting of the Arctic summer ice, which is close to already occurring, and a decade(s) of an ice free Arctic, cause the release of these massive stores of methane hydrates first? Both of these two primary scenarios will be enhanced by the slowing of the Gulf Stream, due to increasing desalination and warming of the Atlantic, caused by Greenland's ice melting, however in my opinion, I see this as a secondary driving force. In my opinion, this is the only question determining how soon most, if not all, species will go extinct on Planet Titanic!
I hope this latter threshold, the rapid melting of Greenland and most of Antarctica, will wait until I am off Planet Titanic, before it happens, but this type of event would certainly be one that, in my opinion, may result in the rapid demise of all species. This type of cataclysmic climate change is what, I believe, Guy McPherson is expecting. Although I hope he is wrong, as I personally don't want to experience this type of global disaster, it may wipe off the species on the planet, due to the potential for "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," quicker than I am forecasting! My forecast is that these massive general releases of methane hydrates, in typically two sequential massive releases, the top layer of methane hydrates reaching that critical temperature to release large amounts of methane into the atmosphere, followed by a second massive general release of methane hydrates being warmed deeper in the sedimentary drape of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, due to the rapid warming caused by the first release, will not happen, in my opinion, until around the turn of the century. By this time, I believe, most species will already have gone extinct, due to The 16 Forces and Factors.
"Is The Gulf Stream System Slowing? By Stefan Rahmstorf, Postdam Institute - Uploaded 10/10/16 - click here for full screen, click little box
"The Day After Tomorrow," Movie Trailer, click here for full screen, click little box
"The Day After Tomorrow," Full video in segments on Youtube, click here
"The Day After Tomorrow," Movie on Amazon to rent or buy
Because it is so critical, in my opinion, I have duplicated the next section, THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCUSSION ON MY SITE - Why "It Is THE END." It is the possibility of a massive general release of methane hydrates from the enormous East Siberian Arctic Shelf, that is "The Day After Tomorrow" type of doomsday scenario, that the world may face. I detailed this on the bottom of the page titled "Why It Is THE END!" The documentary where Dr. Sahakovia discusses this risk, and there findings is at the bottom of that page, here is the link again.
Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak, click here for full screen, then click box
This is the most critical point, made by Dr. Natalia Sahakovia, Director, U.S. - Russia Methane Study, International Arctic Research Center. Please, please, watch her comments a number of times, as in my opinion, they are THE most critical, along with the documentary "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath The Ice," plus her English is good, but the technical nature of the discussion, combined with a slight language difference, makes it important that you watch her discussion on this topic three times. As she states, the sedimentary drape in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is up to 20 kilometers thick (12.4274 miles), versus around 1 kilometer thick in the rest of the ocean. The sedimentary drape area on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is huge, it is 2 million square kilometers (1,242,740 square miles), it is the largest shelf in the world oceans. This sedimentary drape is where the massive amounts of methane hydrates are stored, and due to the fact that this drape is roughly 20 times as thick as it is in most of the ocean floor and because it is the largest ocean shelf in the world, it is estimated to hold these massive amounts of methane hydrates. In the ocean, when the methane hydrates are released, the methane is absorbed and used on its way to the surface. On the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, because it is so shallow, the methane reaches the atmosphere. Warming these methane hydrates may release these massive stores of methane, and they will make their way to the atmosphere, potentially causing a massive increase in the atmospheric burden of methane, which may then spike global temperatures. As a result of their drilling of this sedimentary drape, they have concluded that the methane hydrates are close to being released NOW! The result of this potential massive general release of methane, I argue, may result in melting not only the Arctic and Greenland, but as we know now, potentially much of Antarctica' ice. Further, this potential warming may cause super storms and when combined with global sea level increases, may then result in the implosion and explosion of many of the world's ocean based nuclear reactors, resulting in, I argue, "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop."