Rejoice and Be Glad for 'It Is THE END!"
- THE END of the fleecing, raping and pillaging of 7 plus billion people and still growing, for the insane riches of the top 2,000 families, primarily the top 50 families, and their 200,000 or so "corporatetocracy mercenaries!"
- THE END of giving all of the income and wealth gains since the rise of the Evil Wrong (Religious Right - Reagan) to these 2,000 Money Monster families, mostly the top 50, most of whom have never worked a day in their lives for many generations, and their roughly 200,000 corporate mercenaries that all of the hard working lunatics of the world created, so that they can amase more and more wealth and income, first to buy more and more Money Monster Mansions, cars, boats and planes, now to try to insure their survival, after the demise of Planet Titanic!
- THE END of the rapid destruction of the global planetary biosphere
- THE END of the horrors of this world, or as the Money Monsters call them, "their most profitable business ventures:" Iraq and Afghanistan, 9/11, the majority of global terror attacks, The Great Recession, the $200 plus trillion and under Trump likely to be rapidly growing fiscal gap, the Kennedy assinations, WWII, The Great Depression, WWI and even the Napoleanic Wars, just to name some their most profitable "business ventures."
- THE END of "The Emperor's New Clothes" - free and efficient markets, deomcracy, the Republic, gains from international trade, trickle down economics, enlightened management, enlightened leaders of the communist state, enlightened and utopian capitalism, socialism and communism, etc., etc., will be visable no longer - soon!
- THE END of the Modern Dark Ages, where more and more BS (billions) for the Billionaires is the only criteria determining "truth!" The end of the bastardization of education, science, humanities, arts and even entertainment, to brainwash the legions of lunatics of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts!
- THE END of Fascism, Racism, Masogny, Bigotry, Bullying, Homophobia, Transphobia, and the skills of Raping, Fleecing, Pillaging, Churning and Burning being the personal attributes and professional skills of the leaders of our business and political Empires!
- THE END of having to be brainwashed lunatics of the Evil Empires of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, watching the strongest buildings in the world free-fall, one not even struck (Building 7), with the takedown order given "live on TV," that has the backup computers of the CIA on how the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts did the job (; the Pentagon flight not capable of being flown by the top professional pilots in the world, but yes, 19 unskilled terrorists, (oops, I mean 12, 7 are still alive), none of whom could even fly a basic Cesna plane, did the job! Logically it would seem that these unskilled terrorists either had Ala on their side, or it was an inside job! Given I have not converted to Islam, you know my opinion!
- THE END of having elections stolen in the Evil Empire of the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists Racists by the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, the last one insuring the death of all species, while this one insures the more rapid demise of the evil beasts.
- THE END of blowing up and collapsing the asset markets globally, you call them business cycles, but the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts know them as "fleecing cycles."
- THE END of Planet Rothschilds, where these SUPER EVIL MONEY MONSTERS have gotten all most all countries to pay to establish Central Banks, using the peoples money, where they own the banks and have become more wealthy than all of the other Evil Money Monsters combined, and use them to create the "fleecing cyces," to fleece, rape and pillage the legions of lunatics.
- THE END of wondering what new insanely evil acts the Fuhrer of the Evil Empire has instore for the legions of lunatics and the sane and humane people of the Evil Empire, to save their lives on Planet Titanic, knowing full well when the horrors of abrupt climate change and over population start happening, they will do anything to the rest of us to save their Evil souls from going any sooner than they have to, to the Hell they will experience for eternity! Vegas has the best odds on pandemics and viruses, but WWIII has the next best odds, as to what we get to look forward to next! It is just assummed that the world is now, under King Trumpet, damned to multiple fossil fuel and resource (water, etc.) wars, and a world filled with riots and cahos, driven by racism, bigotry, fasism, masogony, homophobia, transphobia, etc., etc.!
- THE END of all of this insanity that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts have damned the world to, instead of using TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives on this web site, or any one of the other plans by Lester Brown (The Great Transition, Plan B, World On The Edge,, Jorgen Randers (2052 and "The Limits to Growth"), and so many others, to transition the world to not only a "truly sustainable" world, let alone, a "humane" world, which I argue are the best of the best of the Nordic Countries, known as The Nordic Model.
- THE END of the slow and horrific deaths of God's sea life: due to ocean acidification; Fukushima and the coming "Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop;" makig the oceans pollution driven wastelands; over fishing; fishing endangered species, dolphins and whales, for these same 200 thousand or so Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts!
- THE END of the destruction of rain forests and their aundent wildlife; the amazing African wildlife; the Arctic and Antarctica wildlife and sealife; the terrestrial animals around the globe, for these Evil Wrong Money Mosters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunatics!
- THE END of the destruction of the inner cities, scrafice zones, leaving the industrial and manufacturing heartland of the Evil Empire, wastelands!
- THE END of the massive climate and over population related impacts on low lying islands, like the massive hurricanes: Matthew that hit Haiti, Sandy that killed New York, Katrina that devistated New Orleans, and now South Louisiani flooding! Don't worry, these were trivial compared to what is coming!
- THE END of the coming "hell on eaarth" that the combination of superstorms and sea level rises will mean to these island nations; low lying river deltas in Asia and around the globe; costal cities and the billions of souls dieing in "hell on earth!"
- THE END of the insane pain and suffering of the billions of poor children suffering globally due to the insane, Insatiable, EVIL GREED and AVARICE of the Evil Monsters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunitics!
- THE END of the fleecing, raping and pillaging of the good souls that have stood against the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunatics. The Beattitudes speak of your reward for being persecuted for the sake of righteousness, versus spending your life seeking MORE MONEY!
- THE END of the massive growth in pandemics, viruses, sicknesses, and related deseases, that are already occuring, but in my opinion, will accelerate rapidly as the world enters "hell on earth" in the thirties, for the insatiable and insane greed of 200,000 or so Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunatics! Who knows how many of these pandemics and viruses the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts will unleash on the poor souls of Planet Titanic to try to save the planet for themselves?!
- THE END of the BS (billions) for the Billionaires Evil Empires and failed economies of the world that reward people for fleecing, raping, pillaging, churning and burning the 7 plus billion and growing people of the Planet Titanic, for the insane and insatible greed of Satin's Warriors!
- THE END of a planet where putting a ball into a hoop or cup better than other lunatics can make you billions, but solving the survival of the planet of Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their legion of lunatics, along with the good people of the planet, gets you raped, fleeced and pillaged.
- THE END of SATIN'S WARRIORS, The Evil Wrong (they will come in My Name and insure hell on earth for the insatible greed of the few, leaving "the least of my brothers," the other 99%, to suffer "hell on earth," due to their insane, insatiable, evil greed), Dark and Near-Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts, who have fleeced, rapped, pillaged, churned and burned my trillions of children for their INSANE, INSATIABLE, EVIL GREED AND AVARICE!
- EVIL MONEY MONSTERS AND MONEY SLUTS - YOU SHOULD FEAR HELL!!!!!!! Sell everything that you own NOW!!! Use these proceeds to help the billions of MY CHILDREN that your greed has damned to "hell on earth," or pay the price for ETERNITY!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!